Mechlink - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

This article relates to content added by Biotech (DLC). Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled.


A bionic implant that allows direct control of mechanoids. Mechlinks are used by soldiers to control war mechs, and by workers to control labor mechs. A person with a mechlink is known as a mechanitor.
Mechlinks are self-installable. Pressed into the back of the throat, the unit injects itself through the flesh to clamp inside the base of the skull where it meets the spinal cord. There, it threads a web of ultrafine wires throughout nearby neuronal tissue to make the direct mental link between the user and the mechanoid control band.
Mechlinks are not simply devices for sending radio signals to mechanoids, because mechanoids are not merely robots. In addition to traditional computers, mechanoids have a dim psychic presence, so fluently controlling them requires a psychic connection. By linking mechanitor and mechanoid both psychically and electromagnetically, the mechlink permits deeper control than screen-and-button interfaces.
Since the mechlink interlaces deep within the brain tissue, it can only be removed after death.
Note: A mechanitor must be capable of smithing work to gestate mechanoids.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts
Tech Level
Market Value
Stack Limit
1 kg
Deterioration Rate
Path Cost



A mechlink is an item that can turn a pawn into a mechanitor.


  • 1 Acquisition
  • 2 Summary
    • 2.1 Installation
  • 3 Analysis
  • 4 Version history


Mechlinks are acquired by extracting them from the corpses of mechanitors. These corpses can be NPCs or your own fallen pawns. Mechlinks are extracted by selecting a colonist, right clicking on the mechanitor corpse, and selecting the option to extract the mechlink.

There are multiple ways to acquire a mechanitor corpse:

  • Destroying the midsection of the remains of an Ancient exostrider to obtain a mechanoid transponder, which can be used to call in a mechanoid ship containing a dead mechanitor and some hostile mechanoids. The mechlink can then be extracted from the mechanitor corpse.
  • Travelling to an ancient mechanitor complex guarded by hostile mechanoids. Among the desiccated corpses is a mechanitor corpse which the mechlink can be extracted from.

The starting colonist in the mechanitor scenario spawns with a mechlink already installed.


Mechlinks can be installed onto any pawn with >0% Psychic Sensitivity. It does not require any medical operation, and thus is self-installed when interacting with it. However, it cannot be removed except after death. Extracting the mechlink from a dead pawn does not cost any resources.

Upon installing a new mechlink for the first time, an event will trigger that causes a friendly Lifter or Constructoid to drop onto the colony, which will automatically link with the new mechanitor.

Mechlinks provide a passive stat boost of +6 mech bandwidth and +2 mech control groups, which can be further increased.


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A mechlink can be installed without surgery, you can select a pawn and right click the mechlink, and there will be an option to install the mechlink.


As it's quite rare and cannot be easily removed once installed, one should be careful which pawn to install the mechlink into. Most essential is a good crafter who is capable of smithing, as it influences their ability to repair/gestate mechanoids, and encode subcores. If your mechanitor is killed, the mechlink can be extracted and implanted again so long as their head is not destroyed. Prioritize extracting the mechlink and keep the corpse safe and away from hungry animals in the meantime.

Curiously, non-violent mechanitors can still control and fight using combat mechanoids, as they are separate entities. With gene modding, a specialized non-violent pawn could have Violence disabled, Awful Melee and Awful Shooting aptitude genes for a "free" +7 Metabolic Efficiency, which could be used for genes like Great Crafting, improving mechanitor abilities. Mechanitors who plan to hide behind walls could use genes like Slow Wound Healing and Delicate, though drop pod raids and/or infestations are always a risk.

Since the mechlink counts as an artificial body part, it will make body modders very happy, and body purists very upset to have one installed. The body modification precept also affects this.

Version history[edit]

  • Biotech DLC Release - Added.
  • 1.4.3555 - Fix: Mechlinks give the starting mechs more than once.

Artificial body parts

Archotech armBionic armPower clawProsthetic armWooden handDrill arm Elbow blade Field hand Hand talon Venom talon Flesh tentacleFlesh whip
Archotech eyeBionic eyeBionic earBionic jawBionic tongueCochlear implantDentureAesthetic nose
Head implants
JoywirePainstopperCircadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Gastro-analyzer Learning assistant Mindscrew Neurocalculator Psychic harmonizer Psychic reader Psychic sensitizer Venom fangs Control sublink (Standard, High) Mechlink Mech gestation processor Remote repairer Remote shielder Repair probe
Bionic spineRevenant vertebrae
Bionic stomachNuclear stomach Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Fleshmass stomach
Bionic heartProsthetic heartHeartAdrenal heartCorrosive heartMetalblood heart
LungDetoxifier lung Fleshmass lung
KidneyDetoxifier kidney
Visceral implants
Death acidifierAesthetic shaper Coagulator Healing enhancer Armorskin gland Stoneskin gland Toughskin gland Immunoenhancer Love enhancer Ghoul platingGhoul barbs
Archotech legBionic legProsthetic legPeg legWooden footKnee spike
Psylink neuroformer Xenogerm
Scyther bladePsychic silencer

Mechlink - RimWorld Wiki (2024)


What does Mechlink do in RimWorld? ›

A bionic implant that allows direct control of mechanoids. Mechlinks are used by soldiers to control war mechs, and by workers to control labor mechs. A person with a mechlink is known as a mechanitor.

Can you get more Mechlinks in RimWorld? ›


Other than starting out with one, they can be obtained in the following ways: Destroying an ancient exostrider midsection, which generates on most new maps.

Are mechanoids toxic Rimworld? ›

By spewing these into the atmosphere, it can poison a whole region of the planet. Toxic spewers are mechanoid cluster and quest condition causers that create toxic fallout in a 3 world-tile radius.

How to revive mechanoid rimworld? ›

Friendly mechanoids can be repaired with power and no other cost. As long as they leave a corpse, friendly mechanoids can be resurrected for a steel cost. Allied Mechanoids do not consume any power while in a caravan and will return to their previous work mode when they arrive at the destination.

What makes a good mechanator in Rimworld? ›

One with high crafting skill, preferably with a passion. Crafting is the only skill required to create and maintain your robot minions. I mean, personally I also prefer some intellect, medical, and melee* too, but they're gravy on top. *Your mechanitor is a high value target, you want to keep them safe.

Which pawn should be a mechanitor? ›

Mining You want a pawn with good mining above all, since you will need the resources for all game stages. Crafting is next, since you will want to be able to craft the new gear, and components later on. Also it is the base skill for mechanitor work like repairing.

What is the most profitable thing in RimWorld? ›

Corn is the best crop for both human food/work and cash/work. It is actually more profitable per unit work than any crop in the game, including every drug. However, it cannot be processed any further, meaning it is reliant entirely on the grow cycle.

How many RimWorld mods is too many? ›

Uninstalling and reinstalling mods during a playthrough can also corrupt your save file and cause crashing issues. Given the number of logs I've seen over the years I would say a "normal" amount of mods for RimWorld is between 100 and 300, with a surprisingly large number of players in the 500-600 mods range.

How many colonists is good in RimWorld? ›

Personally, I find that six to eight colonists is the ideal number. It's manageable while still increasing the colony's power, allowing you to take on most raids or random events in the game. I know many people prefer 10-12, however. It's up to you!

Is cannibalism bad RimWorld? ›

Nope, no downside. Its one of those things you can chuck on if you wanna make life easier, for example not needing a big food economy beyond butchering raiders.

What is the best weapon against mechanoids RimWorld? ›

EMP launchers stun mechanoids with EMP damage.

Who are the worst enemies in RimWorld? ›

Raiders are essentially the main antagonists of RimWorld. They are predatory enemies who appear in events called "Raids" and are sent by the storyteller or by player accepted quests.

Can you do anything with mechanoid corpses Rimworld? ›

Mechanoid corpses can instead be smashed at a crafting spot or shredded at a machining table to produces steel and plasteel.

Are mechanoids immune to heat Rimworld? ›

If mechanoids are exposed to extreme cold (below -100°C) or extreme heat (above 250°C), they will eventually break down and die. Keep in mind that death from exposure takes time, though.

Can you disable mechanoids Rimworld? ›

EMP grenades can disable both mechanoids and mech cluster buildings.

What do mech nodes do in Rimworld? ›

A mech node provides 50% light to tiles directly adjacent, and no further. It also provides a small amount of cover.

What is the Megaspider used for in Rimworld? ›

Not actually a spider, the megaspider is a genetically-engineered giant insectoid the size of a bear. Designed for heavy work and combat, its thick chitinous armor makes it hard to kill, while its long ripper-blades make it deadly at close quarters. It is, however, quite slow in open terrain.

What is the point of slaves Rimworld? ›

Slaves do not have the default expectations of colonists. Instead they have unique expectations with a generally higher mood boost. Slave expectations replace colonist expectations based on what the pawn's expectations would be if they were a colonist based on colony wealth and noble status.

Should I tame Thrumbo Rimworld? ›

Successfully tamed thrumbos are of little use to a colony when compared to ordinary dogs, sporting a voracious appetite and a high resistance to training. Their high wildness means keeping them trained and tamed will require an inordinate amount of handler time.


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.