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BAPTISTCONyiNT10NOF THE SOUTH RN BAPTISTCONyiNT10N r JoURNAFormedby tlse consolidation ofUvR Hoi E FIELD and tit*FOREIQN1ITSSiot JoURNAL veDepartmenesL1heSec 1heSec ieiottts ofthe twoBoatdsw111 edit their respect veDepartmenes

totreference to ubsrriptions for illeJourtialwill be received by either oard All coirespon ei ce ree tree bttsiaess of the Journal should beaddressed to THE MISSIONJOURNAL Richmond Va will tom Prlee 5o cents per year In advance Toany onesending aclub of tea subscribers a copy will-

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GaPRESlriENTJJVTHORNkt1fa FRfislrrrrJ B HAWTHKORN Atlanta Ga tT1c PR2CSIDENTSW N Chandoin Flenda G W H ae Missouri A BCampbell Georgia rtctIPRltSJDKNTWcaudinFloridaGW1YdMls3ourlBcanipbeJiceoiak McConnell

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SOJ1theBaptistGnvelltiQ rareever keptbeforc thechildrenof tbe areever tb-




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begins Octoberast All studies elective separate graduation iu eachsa ect Manq Session ession 5sSfobegiDsbtbrIstistudieslectiveepaiteduationltieachsubiC a4YaUeftd attend one session choosingthcirstudies I Degrees ofEnglishGraduates Th G or ectic ticGraduate Cradiatt am Boften obtained intwo sessions thatofFu graduate Ch M often in of three Manyspec is I studies if desired Students 268with t Instructors Tuition androoms fr ee aoees f cfair yss anyldd1f Rxv E forboard C DARCAN forcatalguesoilie address isneeded Av L IIIAM H WHIMITSITTLouisvil

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hifJJJJisionIfournalVOLX0 firfir hifJJJJisionIfournal


ir4AY 1896 lIAY1896

No No-i NoI i-

foreignDparttUntEDITORFroreign IforeignDparttUnt foreignDparttUnt


EDITORIAL NOTES EDITORIALNOTES NOTEtous begin our new conventional year by praying to God to LetusbeginournevconventionalyearbyprayingtoGodto

SLet Let

Spiritand bless our missionaries and fill them with His Spirit keep keepandblessourmissionariesandfinthemvithHisSpirit theus give something right nowNay 1st the beginning of the Letusgivesomethingrightnov1Vlay1stthebeginningofthe Let expenses Covention year We need this month to pay regular expensesCoventionyearWeneedthismonthtopayregularexpenses must between nine and ten thousand dollars If not given we mustbetveennineandtenthousanddoJ1arsIfnotgivenvemust in suffer to allowed be the it must missionaries not borrow The borrovitThemissionariesmustnotbeallowedtosufferinthe theborrowto have foreign for is to preachers borrow enough bad lands It foreignlandsItisbadenoughforpreacherstohavetoborrov forand be in debt here in the home land We can easily pay for andbeindebthereinthehomelandWecaneasilypayfor sendand us send one give or get thousand of May during May Let lVlayduringlIayLetonethousandofusgiveorgetandsend the forward ten dollars each More than a thousand will go to theforvardtendollarseachMorethanathousandvigotothe who Convention Let our enthusiasm take a tangible turn Many whoConventionLetourenthuiasmtakeatangibleturnlVlanyyho begin do not go to the Convention can give Right now let us begindonotgototheConventioncangiveHightnovletusbegin nowaright Let all who do not believe in going in debt show it now arightLetaUhodonotblieveingoingidebtshovitnov foreign we ought to praise God for His blessings on our foreignSurely SurelyvecughttopraiseGodforHisblessingsononrforeign yearmission work during the past year missionyorkduringthepastyear toTheu1issionarieshavebeenlookingonwithdeepconcernto The missionaries have been looking on with deep concern to in do pressurein pressure home would the land the people see what the seevhatthepeopleinthehomelandyoulddointhepressure touponthevorkSomeofthemhavebeensendingcontributionstohupon the work Some of them have been sending contributions to uponthevorkSomeofthemhavebeensendingcontributionsto help elp helour On going to press we do not know how we will stand in ourget finances at the close of the year but we do know this if we getpfinancesatthecloseoftheyearbutvedoknovthisifveget financesatthecloseoftheyearbutvedoknovthisifveget more out of debt we expect to try hard to get the brethren to pay moreoutofdebtveexpecttotryhardtogetthebrethrentopaymore all promptly in the future If we do not get out wellwe must allwork take a fresh hold and try harder an ever in the Masters worktakeafreshholdandtryharderaneverithelIastersvork earnest Board at its last meeting declined to grant the earnestThe TheBoardatit*lastmeetingdeclinedtogranttheearnest declining of a missionary to come home andsee her aged decliningrequestofatnissionarytocomehomeandseeherageddec1ining request mother It was a solemn occasion with us and we considered it motherItvasasolemnoccasionvithusandvecnsidereditmotherItvasasolemnoccasionvithusandvecnsideredit

The Mission Journal journallJournalThelIfissiollJOllrllaThelIfissiollJOllrllat


ong but the answer was ItIt means more debt and long and the the brethrenbrethren brethrenwill not give Some day you will see that Gods kingdom and andGods children are more than hoarded bold tGodschildrenaretnorethanhoardedgold Godschildrenaretnorethanhoardedgold boldThe number of MISSION JOURNAL subscribers has decreasedhas decreased decreasedThenumberoflIISSIOXJOURNALsubscribershasdecreased very much since the consolidation We have only about half as asmany regular subscribers now as TILE FoIZEIG INlissioti JouRNAL manyregularsubscribersnowasTIlEFOREIGXlISSIONJOURNAL JouRNALformerly had aloneformerlyhadalone alone How How to get our people toto thinking and and talking and and praying andandHovtogetourpeopletothinkingandtalkingandprayingand and and giving for missions is a serious question If Christ has given usus this work to do surely that man will be honoring Him who cancan awaken His people on this subject We urge upon the pastors theavakenIfispeopleonthissubjectWeurgeuponthepastorsthe the importance of presenting the foreigh mission work at frequent inin tervals throughout the year Begin at once and keep it zcl Dont tervalsthroughouttheyearBeginatonceandkeepituDont Dontwait until just before the next conventionvaituntiljustbeforethenextconrention convention from A Mississippi brother II feel writes conAbIotherfroInNlississippivrtesIfeelsurethatourconDAbIotherfroInNlississippivrtesIfeelsurethatourcon feel sure sure that conthat our con our con tributions for 1896 to missions will be at least eight times as muchmuch as in the past few years Beloved hard times have nothing to do dowith mission contributions Preaching missions praying missionsmissions talking missions and collecting missions will always bring thethe money DIoneyDIoney Ioney DIone11


SWe We SWe

are glad that Dr Graves that Dr Graves book book isis being being read so largely read so


largely It yIf is practical and gives good ideas of China and the work there ispracticalandgivesgoodideasofChinaandthevorkthere oneLet each family have one Letachfamilyhaveone


Our missionaries Brethren Brethren LL W LawtonW Pierce Pierce and WW and W W Lawton LawtonOurnlissionariesBrethrenLWPierceandVVLavton Lawton of Chinkiang China have both been quite sick but last reports reportspronounced them convalescentpronouncedthemconvalescent convalescent Dr Dr J H Eager and and family were sail from were toto sail from Genoa Genoa April i4th April i4th14th They go direct to Bedford CityVa on arrival to see the old folks at TheygodirecttoBedfordCityVaonarrivaltoseetheoldfolksat home of our sister Eager They expect to be at the Convention homeofoursisterEagerTheyexpecttobeattheConentiotl in ChattanoogainChattanooga Miss Miss Sarah Hale our Sarah Hale willour missionary missionary atat Guadalajara Guadalajara Mexico Mexico will will be at the Convention and then visit her old home at SweetwaterbeattheConventionandthenvisitheroldhomeatSvectvater Sweetwater She is the author of that excellent book on Mexican life Tenn TennSheistheauthorofthatexcelIentbookonlIexicanlife Mercedes She has not been home for yearsMercedesShehasnotbeenhomeforyears years We have a number of interesting letters We a have missionaries number of interesting letters from Wehaveanumberofinterestinglettersfromourmissionaries from our our missionariesmissionariesmissionaries which are crowded out for want of spacevhicharecrovdedoutforvantofspace space Brother C E Brother C E Smith Smith and and family family with BrotherCEStnithandfamilyvithBrotherWPVinnand with Brother Brother W W PP Winn andWinn and and will wife probably be on out the ocean on their way to Africa whenvifevillprobablybeoutontheoceanontheirvaytoAfricavhen when this reaches our readers Let a prayer go up to God to watch overthisreachesourreadersLetaprayergouptoGodtovatchover over them and use them abundantly in His service in that dark and dis themandusethemabundantlyinHisserviceinthatdarkanddistthemandusethemabundantlyinHisserviceinthatdarkanddis disland tant tantland antland

DepartmenDepartment DepartmenForeign Foreigneart1Jlellt Foreigneart1Jlel-

tITALY EDITIONITALY EDITION c D ITIO NNltITALYEIJITION ITALYEIJITION Our edition this month is especially on Italy and the work workworkOureditionthisInonthisespeciallyonItalyandthevork We are there indebted Bro to Mullins also and the Mary thereVeareindebtedtoBroEYMullinsandalsotheMary EY land Baptist Mission Rooms The latter have an excellent tract landBaptistlvIissionRoomsThelatterhaveanexcellenttract tractwhich they will soon issue This tract has been prepared by ourour beloved missionary Dr J H Eager of Florence Italy Brother BrotherbelovedmissionaryDrJIIEagerofFlorenceItalyBrother Mullins was kindly loaned the use of the manuscript from whichlIl1IIinsvaskindlyloanedtheuseofthemanuscriptfromvhich which he secured much of the information which he has so excellentlyexcellently and added to thus giving our readers a feast again in hisarranged arrangedandaddedtothusgiv1ngourreadersafeastagaininhis his own inimitable clear forceful style We all return thanks to him 011initnitableclearforcefulstyleVeallreturnthankstohim himRooms and to the M B AT RoomsITALYGOVERNMENT OF ITALY THE ITALYTHE THEGOVERNlIEiTOFITALY

Italy is a constitutional monarclvy like England The Senate Italy SenateSenateItalyisaconstitutionalmonarchylikeEnglandTheSenate Deputies Chamber of and govern the the country andChatnberofDeputiesgovernthecountrytheIingbeingabout King being aboutabout in to our authority equal President certainly not more so There ThereequalinantholitytoourPresidentcertainlynotII10resoThere is a growing tendency toward the republican form of governmentisagrowingtendencytovardtherepublicanformofgovernnlentrisagrowingtendencytovardtherepublicanformofgovernnlent government The Salic law is in vogue which provides that only males cancan reign reIgn eIgn SENATE AND CHAMBER OF THE DEPUTIEOF DEPUTIES DEPUTIETIlESENATEAXDCHAIEROFDEPUTIES

SThev correspond somewhat to Thev SThey to our our Senate and Congress thoughVthough They TheycorrespondsomewhattoourSenateandCongressthough thoughto House the nearly more of House and Lords InorenearlytotheIIouseofLordsandIIouseofommonsin of Commons inin Senators are created for life by the King on the nomiEngland nomi EnglandSenatorsarecreatedforifebytheIingonthenomi nation of a council of ministers Members of the Chamber ofof nationofacouncilofministersIVrembersoftheChamberof Deputies are elected by the people The King chooses his PrimeDeputiesareelectedbythepeopleTheIingchooseshisPrime Prime Minister who in turn selects the members of his Cabinet When WhenlIinisterhointurnselectsthemembersofhisCabinetVhen aalavh2sbeenapprovedbytheChamberofDeputiesandthe law has been approved by the Chamber of Deputies and thethe Senate it is then presented to the King by the Prime Minister forSenateitisthenpresentedtotheIingbythePrime1finisterfor for letterVhis signature without which it remains a dead letter hissignaturevithoutvhichitremainsadeadletterVOhissignaturevithoutvhichitremainsadeadletter VOTERS ITALYOTERS VOTERS IN ITALYITALY VOTERSIXITALY OTERS I ITALY TERSIXITALY

A recent law has greatly extended the Italythe right of of suffrage inin Italy ItalyArecentlavhasgreatlyextendetherightofsufIrageinItaly so that now all men of age who can read and write and who pay payaacertainamountoftaxmayvoteThenumberofvotershov certain amount of tax may vote The number of voters howhow is comparatively small as millions are unable to read and ever andeveriscomparatrelysmallasmillionsareunabletoreadand few who can read do not pay the required amount of taxes a not taxesnotafevvhocanreaddonotpaytherequiredamountoftaxes Rome in 1889 out In only of aa population of out of of nearly 400000 InRomein1889outofapopulationofnearly400000only only 400000 onlyvoted45000vereentitledtovoteandoftheseonly16000actuallyvoted 45000 were entitled to vote and of these only i6ooo actually voted many do not appreciate the responsibilities and duties of citiVery Verymanydonotappreciatetheresponsibilitiesanddutiesofciti citi zenship


YThere are three principal political parties in There thedie Right the thein Italy the 1herearethreeprincipalpoliticalpartiesinItalytheRightthe Italythe Left and the Centrenames which signify the positions they occupy LeftandtheCentrenamesvhichsignifythepositionstheyoccupy

It doIt


The 111isslon 7onrnalTheilfisszollJournal 7onrnal

in Parliament with reference to the President LeftThe Right and Left represent the two extremes of Radicalism and Conservatism while representthetVOextremesofRadicalismandConservatislnvhile whilethe Centre is the organ of the moderate party which claims to be bea kind of balancewheel between the other two Since 1870 when whenthe Pope lost his temporal power and Rome became the capital of Italy there have been two strong tendencies in politicsclericalism politicsclericalism-

and anticlericalism The contest has been sharp and bitter and andobstinate but in almost every important question the liberal party anticlerical has come off victorious The latest victory of this thisparty was the grand festival in Rome and throughout Italy on Sep tember 20 189 to celebrate the twentyfifth anniversary of the cap ture of the city The discourse of the Prime Minister on this oc occasion fell like a great bomb in the clerical camp There are other disturbing tendencies in Italian political life including the republican and socialistic element There are reasons to fear that the clerical party will seek to unite socialists and anan archists with themselves so as to use them for their own purposes Under existing conditions conscientious Italian statesmen have all that hands and head and heart can do dothathandsandheadandheartcando thathandsandheadandheartcanTHE CITIES OF ITALY AND THEIR GOVERNMENT THECITIESOFITALYAXDTIIEIIGOYERXIEXT GOVERNMENTThere There are about one hundred cities in very large num ber when it is remembered that Italy is no larger than Georgia and Florida combined The principal cities are Rome Naples Milan Turin Florence Venice Genoa Bologna Pisa Leghorn Bari Pa lermo Besides these cities there are thousands of towns VeryVery J few people reside in the country even many farmers and day laborers preferriig to live in town though this necessitates a long walk both morning and evening Crowds of men and women womenmarching out of town early in the morning armed with spades and hoes is a strange sight to an AmericanhoesisastrangesighttoanAmericanTHEShoesisastrangesighttoanAmerican American The cities are governed very much as in our own country Each Eachcity has a mayor and municipal council elected by the people In the smaller cities having a population of less than 5ooo the mayor is appointed bythe prefect of the province provinceTHE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN ITALY THESYSTEMOFEDUCATIOXIXITALYTHESYSTEMOFEDUCATIOXIXITALY YSTEMOFEDUCATIOXIXITALY ITALYItaly leas thirteen universities a great many colleges acadeand acade mies and not less than ten thousand public schools Besides these there are a great many private schools Most of the present ration between the ages of ten and twenty car read though gene great ignorance prevails among those who grew up before the present government came into power and while education was ex clusively in the hands of the priests Of these there arealmost probably fifteen millions who cannot read A great impetus however has

Foreign Department ForeignDearttJlellt sForeignDearttJlellt



effectsbeen given to education in these late years and the good effects beengiventoeducationintheselateyearsandthegoodefficts hasare already plainly seen It should not be forgotten that Italy has arealreadyplainlyseenItshouldnotbeforgottenthatItalyhas many of produced the men of in the everyworld great every and that producedmanyofthegreatInenofthevorldandthatinevery profession there are today men of cultivation refinement and highhigh professiontherearetodayInenofcultivationrefinementandhigh attainments MORALITY IN ITALY 110RALITYINITAIY ITALYThe Therestate of morality in Italy is sad and discouraging The There ThestateofmoralityinItalyissadanddiscouragingThere are to many beautiful exceptions the general rule but the of tone aremanybeautifulexceptionstothegeneralrulebutthetoneofof-

theis low the chief thought of many being not to avoid the morals Inorasisovthechiefthoughtofmanybeingnottoavoidthe evil a to but escape scandal of In this respect the Church ofevilbuttoescapeascandalInthisrespecttheChurchof Rome has set the example and is largely responsible for Italys sadsad RomehassettheexatnpIeandislargelyresponsibleforItalyssad conditionmoral and spiritual condition thatRecently a prominent daily of Rome La Tribuna stated that crime is becoming more frequent in Italy than in any other countrycountry critneisbecomingmorefrequentinItalythaninanyothercountryI Europe Brigandage has been largely suppressed but murdersof murders ofEuropeBrigandagehasbeenlargelysuppressedbutmurders are still very common As a rule the cause may be expressed inin arestillverycommontsarulethecausemaybeexpressedin fretwo 10vordsvineandvomenSuicidesalsoaredistressinglyfre wordswine and women Suicides also are distressingly fre Two quent most trivial reasons often being given for the deed TwoquentmosttrivialreasonsoftenbeinggivenforthedeedTvo committeda beautiful committed man women young twenty young and of beautifulyoungvotnenandayoungmanofhventycommitted the suicide together in Rome and the following letter was found on thesuicidetogetherinRomeandthefollovinglettervasfoundonthetsuicidetogetherinRomeandthefollovinglettervasfoundonthe table able ParadiseBefore you receive this I shall be in Paradise Dear DearBeforeyoureceivethisIshallheinParadise me I am sure of a hearty welcome because I shall bring with meand andIamsureofaheartyvelcon1ebecauseIshallbringvithme two beautiful angelsNangels hvohehutifulangels ITALYNEWSPAPERS NEVSPAPERSANDOTHERCURRENTPUBLICATIONSINITALY EWSPAPERS AND OTHER CURRENT PUBLICATIONS IN ITALY

beingbeing Daily and weekly newspapers are abundant some of them beingUDailyandeeklynevspapersareabundantsomeofthembeing theseably conducted and having an immense circulation Most of these ablyconductedandhavinganimmensecirculationltfostofthese above papers are not at all religious in tone but they are perhaps abovepapersarenotatallreligiousintonebuttheyareperhapsabove ten many of our large dailies at home and less injurious in their tenmanyofourlargedailiesathomeandlessinjuriousintheirten wanting dency Able reviews and scientific periodicals are not wantingdencyAblereviewsandscientificperiodicalsarenotranting valuable thoughjuvenile1iteratureisgreatlyneglectedSOineveryvaluabl though juvenile literature is greatly neglected Some very valuableSmilesSmiles for works example from of the translations translationsfromEnglishasforexamplethevorksofSmiles Englishas De AmicisAmicis have appeared and are having a large circulation haveappearedandarehavingalargecirculationDeAmicis for youngyoung a book the of wrote the most popular writer Italy recently themostpopularvriterofItalyrecentlyvroteabookfortheyoung of vhichhasalreadypassedthroughnearlytVOhundrededitionsof which has already passed through nearly two hundred editions ofbeen one thousand each This is partly due to the fact that it has beenonethousandeachThisispartlyduetothefactthatithasbeen in the public schoolsschools adoptedinthepublicschoolsUadopted adoptedinthepublicschools ITALYITALY UNITED UNITEDITALY NITED NITEDITALY kingdomskingdomdivided into several petty kingdoms was Until recently Italy UntilrecentlyItalyvasdividedintoseveralpettykingdoms greatdukedomsrepublicsandthePapalStatesAsaconsequencegreat dukedoms republics and the Papal States As a consequence great desperate After a long and desperateenmity discord and confusion reigned enmitydiscordandconfusionreignedAfteralonganddesperate ItalianstrugglewhichculminatedonSeptember201870vhentheItalian struggle which culminated on September 20 1870 when the Italian army entered Rome all Italy gathered about Victor Emmanuel and armyenteredROIneallItalygatheredaboutVictorEmmanueland



ouruaalMission yournaL yournaLouruaal 7The 7he heJlfissiollJournal

a popular vote by ofof the entire nation declared him the first king of ofvoteof byapopularvoteoftheentirenationdeclaredhimthefirstkingof of United Italy This unification of Italy is one of the most important importantUnitedItaly1hisunificationofItalyisoneofthemostimportant events of modern times and seems to have been Gods way of openopen Rome and the whole of Italy to the preaching of the gospeing gospel ingRomeandtheholeofItalytothepreachingofthegospe1 famous motto lCavors Cavors A free Church in a Free State is still thethe Cavorsfamousmotto1freeChurchinaFreeStateisstillthe motto of United Italy much to the sorrow and disgust of the PopePope mottoofUnitedItalymuchtothesorroanddisgustofthePope and his followers Victor Emmanuel Cavour dAzeglio MazziniMazzini Garabaldi Caivoli and many others who took so prominent a part partin the unification of Italy have passed away brit we are enjoyingenjoying laborsV fruit of their laborsthe thefruitoftheirlaborsTillabors thefruitoftheirlabors RELIGION OF THE TILE OF ITALY THE ITALTilERELIGIOXOFITA1Y ITALERELIGIOXOFITA1Y YCatholicism Catholicism is the religion of of the State but all all sects are nownow are now O tolerated The Pope who loveth to isto have the preeminence isis preemninence is by no means satisfied with this arrangement and hence lie is in inconstant warfare with the government doing is utmost to preventprevent the priests entertaining sentiments of patr iotisin and brotherly love loveOcOc evil has been the resultIncalculable IncalculablecvilhasbeentheresuhTHIncalculablecvilhasbeentheresuhIncalculablecvilhasbeentheresuh result THE DISESTABLISHMENOF DISESTABLISHMENT IIIE HOIE OF IIESTAILLISIDIENTMTHEHOPEOFIISESTABI4ISIDIET EHOPEOFIISESTABI4ISIDIET TIt far It may away but faith says says itit will inmar be will surely come come even even in inin Italy and that all sects will stand on an equal footing Until thatthat day arrives Cavours motto cannot be fully realized Italian statesstates men will require great wisdom and courage for the accomplishmentaccomplishment of this purpose which will always find bitter and powerfiiloppopowerfiiloppo Milo ilo nents in the priests and other hierarchies of the Church The nentsinthepriestsandotherhierarchiesoftheChrchThc TheChurch of Rome is satisfied with nothing less than the liberty ofof disestablishment with all the advantages prestige protection gov government money etc of the State Church But the time is pastpast when this game can be successftilly iplayed in ItalyItaly henthisgamecanbesuccessfullyplayedinItaly J In his great speech in in Rome on year on September 20 of this 20 of this yearyearyear the Prime Minister said IS95 Crispi Religion is not and oughtought not to be a function of the State The success of this greatgreat festival the twentyfifth anniversary of the fall of the temporaltemporal power of the Pope and consequent obstinacy and bitterness of thepoerofthePopeandconsequentobstinacyandbitternessofthe the disestablisiunent papal party will probably hasten disestablisiunentMpapalpartyinprobablyhastendisestablishInentIIpapalpartyinprobablyhastendisestablishInent IN MISSIONS ITALMISSIONS IN ITALY ITALY ISSIONS ITALIISSIOXSIITAJY SSIOXSIITAJY YModern in mission Modern work began Italy in Italy about about the the middle 7fodernInissionyorkbeganinItalyaboutthemiddleofthe the middle of theof themthe present century There were several attempts at reform before thispresentcenturyTherewereseveralattemptsatreformbcforethis this notably in the sixteenth centuryj and even before Luthers clay notabhinthesixteenthcenturandevenbeforeLuthersdav The Church of Rome was was too too powerful and and too too wicked wicked toto allow allow the thethe simple gospel to have free course among the people hence successsimplegospeltohavefreecoursearnongthepeoplehencesuccess success was very partial and results were meagre So long as the PopePope had the power Protestants were forbidden to propagate their faithhadthepowerProtestantsereforbiddentopropagatetheirfaith faith on pain of banishment or death and millions were thus sacrificed onpainofbanishmentordeathandmil1ionserethussacrificed V




Foreign Department ForeignDcartnzent

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A great army of martyrs will stand up on the testifyOlast day to to testify testifythelast RomeOagainsttheChurchofRomeOagainsttheChurchofRome against the Church of Rome OF ROME TO THE GOSPEL OPENING GOSPELGOSPELPENING OPEIGOFROIETOTHEGOSPEL PEIGOFROIETOTHEGOSPEL On September 20 1870 when Victor Emmanuel entered the thetheOnSeptetnber201870henVictorEmmanuelenteredthe his city of at the head victorious theRome was army opened to the cityatthehcadofhisvictoriousarmyRomevasopenedtothe of the gospel preaching It is said that when a popular vote waspreachingofthegospe1Itissaidthatvhenapopularvotevas was to decide who would be the future ruler of Rome Pius IX wascast was casttodecidehowouldbethefutureruleroRomePiusIXvas honored with less than one hundred votes The people had longlong chafed under the heavy and hateful burden of priestly rule andchafedundertheheavyandhatefulburdenofpriestlyruleand and were only too happy to throw it off at the first favorable opportunityvereonlytoohappytothroitofratthefirstfavorableopportunity opportunity THE POPE POPTIlt POPTilEPOPE TilEPOPEThe in Pope up shut himself The Vatican his magnificent palacethe palace EThePopeshuthimselfupintheTaticanhismagnificentpalace ThePopeshuthimselfupintheTaticanhismagnificentpalace palaceleclaiilly come never that le would out until Rome was given backdeclaringthatheouldnevercomeoutuntilRomewasgivenback back to him After this lie chose to call himself a prisoner and en entohimAfterthishechosetocanhimse1faprisonernden deavored to convince the nations that lie actually was such BlindedBlinded deavorecltoconvincethenationsthatheactualhvassuchBlinded by pride prejudice and ambition he failed to discern the signs ofof byprideprejudiceandambitionhefailcdtodiscernthesignsof times and after eight years of selfimposed confinement Piusthe thetilnesandaftereightycarsofselfimposedconfinementPius Pius IX lee ill the atlcan IXdiedintheatican PITT PRESENT THE POPPIZIaEN I POPE POPTIlEPJESETPOPE EThe family mime of the present Pope isis Pecci but on The on ascendingascending fhefatnilyntuneofthepresentPopeisPeccibutonascending ascendingthe papal throne he assumed the name of Leo VIII He has thethepapalthroneheassuroedthenamcofLeoXIIIIIehasthe the reputation of being a man of learning and ability and an astutereputationofbeingamanoflearningandabilityandanastute astute politician Like others before him he is ever trimming his sails to topo1iticianLikeothersbeforehimheisevertrtnminghissailsto is isIt n suit the believed generally that breeze Pope Italy is the suitthebreezeItisgeneral1ybelievedinItalythatthePopeis a more less or for than spokesman nothing his sincenothingmore01lessthanaspokesmanforhispartyaIidthatsince party and that since the restoration of the Jesuits he has come greatly under their intherestorationoftheJesuitshehascomegreatlyundertheirin in 01 0-

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Jesuits are a sect founded by Loyola in ofof in the the early part ofof heJesuitsareasectfoundedbyLoyolaintheearlypartof power century sixteenth soon They inthe acquired thesixteenthcenturyrrheysoonacquiredgreatpowerandin great and in fluence and even the Popes began to fear them one of whom whomflucnceandeenthePopesbegantofearthemoneofvhom l3enedict XLV sought to repress or even to suppress the orderorder are unscrupulous in their methods boldly claiming that theThey Theyareunscrupulousinthcirmethodsholdlyclaimingthatthe the end justifies the means It is strictly a secret society whose funfun damental principle is absolute obedience to the head of the orderdanlcntalpJucipleisabsoluteobediencetotheheadoftheorder order Jesuitsarefoundina11landsespeciallyintheUnitedStates Jesuits are found in all lands especially in the United StatesStates theyJ are makingO unceasing efforts to Ogain influence in highwhere vheretheyarel11akingunceasingeffortstogaininfluenceinhigh high O to shape and guide the places es the political life life of esof the placestoshapeandguidethepoliticallifeofthenationandes the nation nation and es and especially to control the education and the press Their name haspeciallytocontroltheeducationandthepressheirnamehas has become the very synonym of all that is hypocritical and satanicbeconlctheerysynonymofa1lthatishypocriticalandsatanic satanic woe to tale youth who ire trained in their chools and to the nationVoetotheyouthhoaretrainedintheirchoosandtothenation nation hichfallsilndertheirinfluencehichfallsilndertheirinfluence falls undertheir influencewhich influence In Italy the Jesuits have not perhaps as leave not in as much mucih influence as as inin O-

i I


iJfission 7ourzial The oui 7ourzialTheiJfissio1lYOllrllal

dreadedsome other countries where they are less known and dreaded someothercountriesvheretheyarelessknovnanddreaded in Since the restoration of their rights by the present Pope their inSincetherestorationoftheirrightsbythepresentPopetheirin fluence fluencehasbeenincreasingPRincreasingPhas been increasing fluencehasbeenincreasing ITALYPREACHING THE GOSPEL IN ITALY REACHING PREACHINGTHEGOSPELINITALY EACHINGTHEGOSPELINITALY gospelSince Since1870allItalyhasjbeenopentothepreachingofthegospel 1870 all Italy has been open to the preaching of the gospel invaluaand the present liberal government is constantly rendering invalua andthepresentliberalgovrnmentisconstantlyrenderinginvalua ble missionariesservice in maintaining the rights and privileges of missionaries bleserviceintnaintainingherightsandprivilegesofmissionarie

and their fellowworkers andtheirfellovYorkerJ

OPPOSITIOOPPOSITIO NVery Very much opposition is encountered which in some places VerytnuchoppositionisencounteredwhichinSOIneplacesis


both bitter and dangerous dangerousbothbitteranddangerous In almost every instance it is the result of priestly influence influenceInalmosteveryinstanceitistheresultofpriestlyinfluence Many of the people especially in the Country and smaller townstowns are ready and willing to hear the truth but the priests do everthing arereadyandvillingtohearthetruthbutthepriestsdoeverthing in their power to prevent this In the confessionals they warn theirtheir intheirpovertopreventthisIntheconfessionalstheyvarntheir penitents especially the more ignorant and superstitious amongpenitentsespeciallythemoreignorantandsuperstitiousamong among them against Protestants and Protestantism assuring them thatthat themagainstProtestantsandProtestantistnassuringthemthat their doctrines are wicked and ruinous In many cases absolutiontheirdoctrinesarevickedandruinousIntnanycasesabsolution absolution and communion are refused to those who attended Protestant meetandcommunionarerefusedtothosevhoattendedProtestantmeet meet ings except on condition of confession penance and a solemnsolemn promise never to repeat the offence The pulpit is also used espepromisenevertorepeattheoffenceThepulpitisalsousedespe espe cially in the towns to accomplish the same purposeoutrageous andciallyinthetownstoaccomplishthesamepurposeoutrageousand and wilful misrepresentations being given out as truth In this way thethe minds of many are prejudiced and poisoned Very often BiblesmindsofmanyareprejudicedandpoisonedVeryoftenBibles Bibles tracts are taken away from those who have received them andand andtractsaretakenavayfromthosevhohavereceivedthemand and ruthlessly willdestroyed by the priest Sometime a village priest will ruthlesslydestroyedbythpriestSometimeavillagepriestvill stir up a crowd of his fanatical followers to assail the preacher oror colporteur and drive him from their town meanwhile threatening death should he returndeathshouldhereturnOTdeathshouldhereturn return OTHER OTHERDIFFICULTIESENCOUNTERED DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED ENCOUNTEREHERDIFFICULTIESENCOUNTERED

DPerhaps Perhaps the greatest impediment to successful evangelization isPerhapsthegreatestimpedimenttosuccessfulevangelizationis is indifference to spiritual things The present absorbs the attention indifferencetospiritualthingsThepresentabsorbstheattention attentionof the people and in the main religion has been reduced to a meremere form Ignorance superstition and prejudice abound and infidelityinfidelity and materialism are very common Very often when good impresimpres sions have been made the fear of public opinion or the criticism ofof ones immediate circle has a most chilling and withering effecteffect Ah how the missionary sometimes longs for that blessed timetime when the devil shall be bound and shall no longer go forth to dede ceive the nations ceivethenations ENCOURAGEMENTENCOURAGElEZTS SPublic Public opinion with regard to Protestants and Protestantism isPublicopinionwithregardtoProtestantsandProtestantismis is a gradual change for the better undergoing undergoingagradualchangeforthebetterIIndredsofthundergoingagradualchangeforthebetterIIndredsofthou Hundreds of thou

Foreign Department FretgllDearbnellt


homes sands of Bibles and tracts are silently at work in those homessandsofBiblesandtractsaresilnt1yatvorkinthosehomes Thousandswhere the priest has not been able to destroy them Thousands vherethepriesthasnotbeenabletodestroythemThousands gradually the gospel every year Prejudice and ignorance are graduallyhear hearthegospeleveryyearPrejudiceandignorancearegradually truth and many hearts are being prepared for the truthdisappearing disappearingandmanyheartsarebeingpreparedforthetruth evan There are evidences that we are entering a new era in the evanbe gelization of Italy The Holy Spirit seems to be dealing with begelizationofItaly1heIIolySpiritseemstobedealingvithbe more lievers and unbelievers as never before Conversions are morelieversandunbelieversasneverbeforeConversionsaremore manifesting frequent and a new spirit of consecration and zeal is manifestingfrequentandanevspiritofconsecrationandzealismanifesting appro itself among Christian workers More faith is needed to approitselfamongChristianyorkersIorefaithisneededtoappro priate the exceeding great and precious promisespromises priatetheexceedinggreatandpreciousproInises MISSIONARIES IN ITALY THE THEIISSIOXARIESIXITALY ITAL-

EnglishY1Valdensians 1Valdensians ValdensiansEnglishvVesleyanAmericanlVfethodistEnglish English Wesleyan American Methodist English Brethrenand American Baptists Free Italian Church Plymouth Brethren andAn1ericanBaptistsFreeItalianChurchPlymouthBrethren Italyand Reformed Catholic are all at work in Italy Unitarian UnitarianandRefonnedCatholicareallatvorkinItaly in engaged inare About and About250I11issionariespastorsandeyangelistsareengagedin evangelists 250 missionaries pastors fiftyfifty and hundred the work or in the proportion of one to one thevorkorintheproportionofonetoonehundredandfifty asMultitudes of Italians have not yet heard the Gospel as thousand thousandIVlultitudesofItalianshave110tyetheardtheGospelas itpreached by evangelicals though all might hear it preachedbyevangelicalsthoughallmighthearit IEMBEROF CHURCH IEMBERS NUMBER NUIBEROFCHURCHMElBERS

con SAccording According to the latest statistics about six thousand are conAccordingtothelateststatisticsaboutsixthousandarecon

nected with the various churches These however represent aanectedviththevariouschurchesThesehoveverrepresenta evangelicalssmall part of the results of Christian work Many evangelicals smallpartoftheresultsofChristianvorkfanyevangelicals scattered have died many have removed to other lands many are scatteredhavediedmanyhaveremoyedtootherlandsmanyarescattered onhere and there throughout Italy whose names no longer appear on hereandtherethroughoutItalyvhosenamesnolongerappearon have Many have probably accepted the truth who havethe church roll thechurchrolllianyhaveprobablyacceptedthetruthvhohave influence not made a public profession of their faith The indirect influencenotnladeapublicprofessionoftheirfaithTheindirectinfluence presentpresent is at work of of the the part perhaps evangelicals largest ofevangelicalsisperhapsthelargestpart0fthevorkatpresent aloneOne alone estimated be by though and this fully can thoughthiscanbefullyknovnandestimatedbyOnealone knovn MEANS PEOPLIEAXSIDIPLOYEDTOREACHTHEPEOPLE EMIILOI ED TO REACH THE PEOPLE

work EThese ThesearestatedpreachingoftheGospelevangelisticyork These are stated preaching of the Gospel evangelistic workSundayhouseto11ouse housetolousevisitationcolportagevorkdayschoolsandSunday visitation colportage work dayschools and Sunday etcIschools medical dispensaries religious newspapers etc schoolsmedicaldispensariesreligiousnevspapersetc


Ameri SThe TheItalianpreacherscompareveryfavorablyviththeAmeri The Italian preachers compare very favorably with the Amerifinecans in some things Some Italian preachers are men of fine diffdiffi of midst in the on work their ability and deep piety and carry abilityanddeeppietyandcarryontheirvorkinthemidstofdiffi iculties abrave culties and discouragements that would stagger any but abravecultiesanddiscouragementsthatvouldstaggeranybutabrave isheart heartCongregationsareusuallysnlallandthegeneralpublicis Congregations are usually small and the general public is indifference This indifferenceutterlyindifferenttopreachersandpreachingThisindifference indifferent to preachers and preaching utterly long is due in part to the fact that forms and ceremonies have so longisdueinparttothefactthatformsandceremonieshavesolong been substituted for religious instruction beensubstitutedforreligiousinstructionbeensubstitutedforreligiousinstruction



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SWhile While SWhile some are are carnal and and worldly and andand others andothers are areweak weakand and stumbling not a few are pious and spiritual and well versed in the Bible The average Italian Christian will not compare unfavorunfavor ably in many things with the average Christian at home In most mostcases the circ*mstances of Italian Christians are very tryilg andand they greatly need the prayers of Gods people The wordly curcur rent is swift and strong and almost irresistible the opposition of family and friends is often bitter and constant old errors and stiperstiper stitions and prejudices and habits inherited from past generationsgenerations sometimes drag hard and heavy and refuse to let go Besides all allthis and more in times of perplexity and want the priest is eerreer ready to hold out tempting inducements to all who will renounceeady renounce their faith and return to his flock and fold ERStbeilfaithandreturntohisflockandfold tbeilfaithandreturntohisflockandfoldCOtbeilfaithandreturntohisflockandfold foldOccasionally he lie isis successful successful and rejoicing and then then there thereisisgreat greatrejoicingCrejoicing in the Catholic camp Surely our Italian brethren need the earnest earnestand unceasing prayers of Gods people in other landsClands COLPORTAGE OLPORTAGE WORCOLIORTAGE WOKE OLIORTAGE WORK COLPORTAGEOIK WOKCOLPORTAGEOILPORTAGEOIK KThis is This one of the most difficult EThis is and This one of the most difficult andyet impor oneofofthe yetone themost most imporSimpor tant branches of the work in this country It is the business of thethe colporteur to travel from town to town and from neighborhood to toneighborhood carrying Bibles Testaments all tracts speaking to the people in their homes in their shops in their fields by thethe roadside or wherever they can be induced to listen About fifty men are thus employed but a thousand well qualified men couldcould easily be utilized in this work and were they full of faith and the Holy Spirit they would soon create such a stir as has not been witwit nessed in this land for centuries Will not missionary societies societiesand individual Christians pray that the needed men fully equippedand qualified may be raised up on the field and thrustequipped byJ thethe SpiritintothevorkSUXSpirit KSpiritintothevork workSSpiritintothevork into the work SUNDAY UNDAY AND

ITALYSUNDAY UNDAY AND DAY DAY SCHOOLS SCHOOLS IXINITALY SUXDAYAXDDAYSCHOOLSIXITALYSUXDAYAXDDAYSCHOOLSIXITALY DAYAXDDAYSCHOOLSIXITALY ITALYITALY A good has been in made Sundayschool A good beginning Abeginning as been made in Sundayschoolwork work A A few churches have large and prosperous Still dayschools but most of them are small and this chiefly for two reasons first the churches are usually small and hence there are few because connected with the congregation and second because itchildren is most difficult to gain ail influence over children of Catholic families so as to brim then into the Sundayschool and keep there Through the parents the priests control the children them But there is gradual and encouraging progress along this line The The Free Free Church Church the the Wesleyans Wesleyans the the Waldenses Waldenses and and lately lately the American Methodists are paying special attention to day

Foreign Department Forezg1lDearbutllt oreign


andandschool school work and together they have hundreds of children and schoolrorkandtogethertheyhavehundredsofchildrenand smallIn most of these schools a small youths under their instruction wheretuition fee is required There are also several orphanages where tUItIonfeeisrequiredTherearealsoseveralorphanagesvhere tradestrades various received and taught boysandgirlsarereceivedandtaughtvarioustrades boys and girls are ITALYITALY ITALY MISSIONSS IN ITALYMEDICAL EDICALIISSIONSINITLY ononon several of the large cities medical mission work isis carried on In Inseveraloftlelargecitiesmedicalmissionyorkiscarriedon whofew who The year every treated are patients of and thousands andthousandsofpatientsaretreatedeveryyearThefevho object The objecthaveundertakenthisbranchfeelmuchencouragedTheobject have undertaken this branch feel much encouraged nursingmedicine attention and nursing is istofurnishthepoorvithInedicalattentionnledicineandnursing to furnish the poor with medical reason Hospitals are very expensive and for this reasonfree of charge freeofchargeIIospitalsareveryexpensiveandforthisreason present For the presentevangelicals have only three or four in all Italy evangelicalshaveonlythreeorfourinallItalyForthepresent and Inedicalmissionaryorksapartialsubstituteforthehospitaland medical missionary work is a partial substitute for the hospital andearnest deserves the sympathy and aid of the christian public An earnestdeservesthesympathyandaidofthechristianpublicAnearnestJ1J and is also made to evangelize the sick and suffering ones andeffortisalsomadetoevangelizethesickandsufferingonesand effort foundnotafervhocomeseekinghealingforthebodyonlyhavefound not a few who come seeking healing for the body only have found wellspiritualhealingasellEXGspiritual healing as well spiritualhealingasell CHURCHES IN ITALENGLISH I ITALY ITALEXGLISHCHURCHESINITALY LISHCHURCHESINITALY YThe Free FreeEpiscopal Church Church of of England Enrland and the FreeBThe TheEpiscopalChurchChurchofEnglandandtheFree in ChurchofScotlandtogetherhavenotlessthanhventychurchesin Church of Scotland together have not less than twenty churches inthe and preachingtwo or three times a week except during theItalyandpreachingtvoorthreetimesaveekexceptduringthe Italy especially In Naples Leghorne Spezia and especiallysumlnerseasonInNaplesLeghorneSpeziaandespecially summer season onon carried work encouraging and a important is very Genoathereisaveryimportantandencouragingyorkcarriedon Genoa there GerGer and several also French are amongEnglishsailorsTherearealsoseveralFrenchandGer among English sailors There workmanchurchesinItalyvithvariousbranchesofChristianvork man churches in Italy with various branches of Christian work connected with them connectedviththem IN BAPTISTS ITALAPTISTS I ITALY ITALBAPTISTSINITALY

whomYThere whomin Italy three of of whom There YThere are seventeen Baptist missionaries ThereareseventeenBaptistDissionariesinItalythreeofvhom missionaries in

Englisharefnlericanandtherelnainc1erEnglish American and the remainder English are Miss MissW K Landels and wife in Rev in Turin Rev EE Clarke MissIRevVIandeIsandwifeinTurinRevEClarke111s8 and Clarke and Miss Smith in Spezia Rev N II Shaw and wife andClarkeandIIissStnithinSpeziaRevNIIShavandifeand TaylorRev John H Eager and wife in Florence Rev George B Taylor RevJohn1EageranddfeinFlorenceevGeorgeB1aylor and Rev RevJanlesVallandifeandRevCanlpbellVallandvifeand James Wall and wife and Rev Campbell Nall and wife andNaplesIwife in Naples and Walker Rev lIissYatesinlomeevRobertValkerandifeinNaplesITALIin Rome Robert Yates lIissYatesinlomeevRobertValkerandifeinNaples Miss



ThereItaly There SThere Thereare thirtytwo Italian Baptist preachers in There TherearethirtytwoItalianBaptistpreachersinItalyThere in Italy womenarealsoseveralcolporteursHndBibleVOnlen also several colporteurs Ind Bible women are

churchmembers are about seven hundred Baptist churchmemberschurchmembersThere ThereareaboutsevenhundredBaptistchurchmembers ConvenConvenForeign Mission Board of The of the the Southern Baptist Conven TheForeign1IissionBoardoftheSouthernBaptistConven eighteenThere are about eighteen tion began work in Italy in iS7o j work workItalian Italianpreachersconnectedyiththeirork Italian preachers connected with their workjust are stationed in justThey in Torre Pellice San Remo Cannes justTheyaretationedinTorrePel1iceSanRemoCannesjust Genoa Carpi Venice Milan Florence Italian border the beyondtheItalianborderiIilanTeniceGenoaCarpiFlorenceFbeyond beyondtheItalianborderiIilanTeniceGenoaCarpiFlorence D





The Mission Journal Journal7onrnalThel1fissio1lJour1lal

BariBari Rome Naples Boscoreale at the foot of Vesuvius Portici BariCRomeNaplesBoscorealeatthefootofVesuviusoriciBari IglesiasIglesias Miglionico Gravina and in the island of Sardinia Cagliari 1YliglionicoGravinaandintheislandofSardiniaCaghanIglesIas the and Cuglieri A station has lately been opened in Palermo theandCuglieriAstationhaslatelybeenopenedinPalermothe are chief city of Sicily Besides these centres many other places arechiefcityofSicilyBesidesthesecentresmanyotherplacesare visited CONCLUSIOONCLUSION CONCLUSIOCONCLUSION

diflicutiesINItaly diflicutiesItaly must be evangelized The field isis hard and the the diflicuties ItalymustbecyangelizedThefieldishardandthediflcuties all very needs The needsveryOTeatbutfaithcanandillriseabovethernalLIheneeds great but faith can and will rise above them

are manifold but the greatest of all is a band of native evangelists evangelistsaremll1foldbutthegreatestofallisabandofnativeevangelists and colporteurs frill of faith and the 1loly Spirit For this let GodsGods andcolporteursfulloffaithandtheIIolySpiritForthisletGods people pray without ceasing ceasingIpeopleprayvithoutceasing peopleprayvithoutceasi-

CONVERTSITALIAN TALIAN CONVERTSITALIANCONVERTS TALIAN CONVERTS populationThe number in of is Italy yet comparatively small converts iii populationlation is ThenumberofconvertsinItalyisyetcomparativelysmallOutofapop Out of small Out ofaa population of nearly thirty millions less than ten thousand are members of our churches HunHun otnearlythirtymillionslessthantenthousandaremembersofourch rchesHun dreds influenceof thousands however have been brought more or less under the influence uenc dresofthousandshoweverhavebeenbroughtmoreorlessundertheinf of the gospel not a few of whom have doubtless become true believers though seofthegospelnotafewofwhomhavedoubtlessbecometruebelieversth se ughse cretly through fear Striking proofs of this have come to the knowledge ofmore moreofmorecretlythroughfearStrikingproofsofthishavecometotheknowledg of more

than one Christian worker in ItalythanoneChristianworkerinItaly Italy the value and glory of If encounteredof success Ifthevalueandgloryofsuccessareinproportiontothedifficultie success are the difficulties encountered are inin proportion toto the encounteredand overcome then the winning of a soul for Christ in this papal land deserves specialspecial andovercomethenthevinningofasoulforChristinthispapallanddc enesspecial mention and must give peculiar joy to the angels in heaven thementionandmustghepeculiarjoytotheangelsinheavenItislikebea It is like bearding the dinthe in his den or attacking the strong man in his favorite castle or snatching lion lioninhisdenorattackingthestrongmaninhisf1voritecastleorsn branda brand tchingabrandtchingabrand from some great burningfromsomegreatburning burning process of The thoughthough in Italy isis generally aa long of winning aa soul TheprocessofwinningasoulinItalyisgenerallyalongandtediouso soul in long and thoughand tedious tedious one though oneethough there are some remarkable exceptions to this rule A case in point is thattofawoman therearesomeremarkableexceptionstothisruleAcaseinpointisth woman of a womanwho was not satisfied till she had gone patiently through the New Testament whowasnotsatisfiedtillshehadgonepatientlythroughtheNewTest comcom mentcom paring the Protestant and Catholic translations Many who hear the gospel paringtheProtestantandCatholictranslationsManywhohearthego atbegin at pelbeginat once to compare it with their own system of belief It is not so much a matter oncetocompareitwiththeirownsystemofbeliefItisnotsomuchamat of thethe erofthe conscience as of the head This intellectual process seems necessary innordertoreach conscienceasoftheheadThisintellectualprocessseemsnecessary order to reachreach and awaken the conscience which in so many cases seems dead or at least sadly andawakentheconsciencewhichin50manycasesseemsdeadoratleast andadlyand and profoundly Many seem to pass into the light without any great moral dormant profoundlydormantManyseemtopassintothelightwithoutanygreat strugstrug oralstrgloralstrg gle or even any deep sense or conviction of sin though both generally come laterater later just in proportion as the spiritual life is developedand andjustinproportionasthespirituallifeisdeveloped developed rapid progress of The some converts ofsome in Bible Bible knowledge and TherapidprogressofsomeCOT1ertsinBibleknowledgeandspiritual converts in and spiritual spiritual understand understandnderstand ing is most encouraging In this they will put to shame many of our churchitiexnbers ingismostencouragingInthistheywillputtoshamemanyofourchurc churchitiexnbersmembers home who have had far higher spiritual privileges It must be confessed at athomewhohavehadf1rhigherspiritualprivilegesItmustbeconfes very edthatvery that verymany of our hearers and apparently sincere seekers after the truth makeeonlyabe manyofourhearersandapparentlysincereseekersafterthetruthma only a bebe ginning and then turn back to the great majority who prefer to live in religious ginningandthenturnbacktothegreatmajoritywhoprefertoliveinr indifindif 1igiousindif ference without moral earnestness and stamina Now and then one finds peculiar ferencewithoutmoralearnestnessandstaminaNowandthenonefinds peculiareculiar zeal and earnestness in a convert A mountain peasant converted throughhthesimple zealandearnestnessinaCOl1ertAmountainpeasantconvertedthrou the simplesimple reading of the Bible afterwards became one of the most zealous and successful readingoftheBibleafterwardsbecameoneofthemostzealousandsuc colcol essfulcol porteurs in Italy A young man a shoemaker by trade soon after his conversionporteursinItalyAyoungmanashoemakerbytradesoonafterhisconve conversion sion manifested remarkable zeal for the salvation of others practicing great manifestedremarkablezealforthesalvationofotherspracticingg in selfdenial ineatselfdenialin to live at his own charges and give as much time as possible to Christian order ordertoliveathisownchargesandgiveasmuchtimeaspossibletoChr workstianwork work Nothing seemed to dampen his ardor He died young a real martyr to the cause NothingseemedtodampenhisardorHediedyoungarealmartyrtotheca of seof

eForeign cnl Foreign De1 ar cnlForeoonDearf1Jlellt


persecutionhis Master Many Italian Christians are accustomed to opposition and persecution hisMasterManyItalianChristiansareaccustomedtooppositionand ersecuion and even the prison and the stake would not cause them to turn aside or andeventheprisonandthestakewuldnotcausethemtoturnasideorre Christfaith in Christ their etheirfithinChrist theirfithinChrist

renouncerenounce ounce ounc-

marFew countries have furnished as many martyrs as Italy and the blood of theemar mar FecountrieshavefurnishedasmanymartyrsasItalyandthebloodoft willingtyrs is often the seed of the Church What some Italian converts have beennwilling tyrsisoftentheseedoftheChurchVhatsomeItalianconvertshavebe heartsto endure rather than return to the Church of Rome has often stirred our hearts toendureratherthanreturntotheChurchofRomehasoftenstJrredou knew quickened our zeal and strengthened our faith One good woman whom I knewluickenedourzealandstrengthenedourfaithOnegoodwomanwhomIkn neigh only Protestant in her villagewas quite ostracized by her friends and neigndsandneigh welltheonlyProtestantinhervillagewasquiteostracizedbyherfi wellthe it allall borsnoonecrossingthethresholdofherhomeforyearsbutinthemids hborsno one crossing the threshold of her home for years but in the midst of ofitall borsno sevenseven shestoodfirmandherfaithonlygrewthebrighterEverySundayshewa she stood fircn and her faith only grew the brighter Every Sunday she walked kedseven and deathdeath miles to hear the gospel in the nearest Protestant church Her last sickness milestohearthegospelinthenearestProtestantchurchHerlastsic nessanddeathnessanddeath forgotten were something never to be forgottenweresomethingneertobeforgotten woman whose husband was for several years a political exile came to aaAnotherwomanwhosehusbandwasforseveralyearsapoliticalexilec Another metoa knowledge of the truth through the influence of one of our evangelists soon She soonknowledgeofthetruththroughtheinfluenceofoneofourevangelist Shesoon You and all that will live godly in ChristChrist hrist began to prove the truth of Pauls words begantoprovethetruthofPauPswordsYouandanthatwilllivegodlyi in her townThough a widow and the only Protestant inhertown town JesusshallsufferpersecutionThoughawidowandtheonlyProtestan Jesus shall suffer persecution relatives andand andthougheverypossibleinfluencewasbroughttobearuponherhyhe and though every possible influence was brought to bear upon her by her relatiesand convictionsfriendsandbythepriestsincludingthebishopsheremainedtruetoh friends and by the priests including the bishop she remained true to herrconvictions hope the hopeandreadyandablealwaystogiveananswertothosewhoaskedareasono and ready and able always to give an answer to those who asked a reason of thehope andandfaithsheentertainedotheenlightenmentofsomebuttotheannoy and faith she entertained to the enlightenment of some but to the annoyance and nceand bishop shop confusion of others She told me with great animation of the visit of the bishopconfusionofothersShetoldmewithTeatanimationothevisitoftheb afterwardsIt is said thattafterwards whor*mainedwithherthebetterpartofanentiremorningItissaidth who remained with her the better part of an entire morning ProtesWell I shall not have another interview with thattProtes he remarked to a friend heremarkedtoafriendVellIshallnothaveanotherinterviewwithth ManyMany woman for instead of converting her I am afraid she might convert meeHMany tantwomanforinstcadofconvertingherIamafraidshemightconvert tant course but of coursethe priests strictly charge their people not to argue with Protestants ofthepriestsstrictlychargetheirpeoplenottoarguewithProtest of ntsbutofcourse bishop is supposed to be impervious Men who fear the consequences of hearingabishopissupposedtobeimperviousMenwhofeartheconsequencesof earing earinrather to be found of it-it gthetruthneedneverexpecttofinditorrathertobefoundofit thetruthneedneverexpecttofinditorrathertobefoundofit the truth need never expect to find thefor the Pray that every convert in Italy may be a faithful and successful witness PraythateveryconvertinItalymaybeafaithfulandsuccessfulwitn ssforthessforthe EAGEMaster JOHN H EAGER RFlorence Florence April i iS96 iS96FlorenceAprilI1896FlorenceAprilI1896


MISSIONTARYAND DOWNS OF A MISSIONTARY UPS UPSANDDOVKSOFAMISSIONARY areall have our ups and downsnionients when we are well and when we are We Veallhaveourupsanddownsmomentswhenwearewellandwhenweare issick when family affairs and business matters go ill or well and when the heartis heart is sickwhenfamilyafilirsandbusinessmattersgoillorwellndwhenth subis as sub elate and joyful or depressed and sad To these variations the missionaryyisassub elateandjoyfulordepressedandsadTotheseariationsthemissiona higher heavheav as others and sings now with the English skylark rising higher and higherheav ject jectasothersandsingsnowwiththeEnglishskylarkrisinghigheran enward and anon in a minor plaintive key But besides such ups and downs offfaenwardandanoninaminorplaintivckeyButbesidessuchupsanddowns aaadeepestis in is chief wos which his deepest subject them and indeed he to nddeepest private sort privatesortheissubjecttotheminhisworkwhichisindeedthechief the k mm seem of his life This is true of every minister but morefar more it would seempart partofhisHieThisistrueofeeryministerbutmorefrmoreitwouldse areofonewholaborsinaforeignandnotyeteangelizedlandwherethedif are icultiesare of one who labors in a foreign and not yet evangelized land where the difficulties and failurefailure greatertheprogressslowerandthealternationeasybetweensucces greater the progress slower and the alternation easy between success andfilure andfilurewith joy or briefwithjoyorgrief brief theBaxter tells how the apotacy of one whom he had believed to be a son in the BaxtertI1showtheapostacyofonewhomhehadbelievedtobeasoninth But if this be so with a homegospel hurt hint worse than the death of his firstborn home gospelhurthimworsethanthedeathofhisfirstbornButifthisbesow thahome who gathers Lis converts by the score and is held up by the sympathy of aahyofa pastor pastorwhogathershisconvertsbythescoreandisheldupbythesympa yoneherehereow much more for the lonely missionary who sees onlyy ChristiancOmmtmiiowmuchmoreforthelonelymissionarywhoseeson one here onehere Christian coenmunh message andthereoutofa*grtdtmultit1tdeaccepthismessage and there out of a gre t multitude accept his messageiallyinthiallyinthe Perhaps of all countries Italy is the most apt to raise high hopes especially PerhapsofallcountriesItalyisthemostapttoraisehighhopesespe inthe




The lllzssion journal journalnTheillzssiOllJour1lal TheillzssiOllJour1l-

new missionary as well as to dash them suddenly to the ground ew appanewmissionaryasweIlastodashthemsuddenlytothegroundSomeofou Some of our appa rently brightest converts after years of trial before and after baptism therentlybrightestconvertsafteryearsoftrialbeforeandafterbapt have denied the smhmcdeniedthe faith But then others who seemed to take slight hold of the truth and gaveelittle littlefaithButthenotherswhoseemedtotakeslightholdofthetruthandga little promise of good have pleasantly surprised us by holding on with evertightening promiseofgoodhavepleasantlysurprisedusbyholdingonwitheerti graspgrasp hteninggrasp even though isolated and pursued ever with the persecutions of bigoted Romanistsin ineventhoughisolatedandpursuedeerwiththepersecutionsofbigote Romanistsin-in lifesociety and in family life societyandinfamilylife Some fields and some evangelists encourage and console while others distressSomefieldsandsomeeange1istsencourageandconsolewhileothersd distress stress dishearten the missionary and It has been said that half of the world is alwaysin anddisheartenthemissionaryIthasbeensaidthathalfoftheworldi always inin and certainly there is light and shade for a man who in however lowly shadow shadowandcertainlythereislightandshadeforamanwhoinhoweverl sensewlysense sense has the care of all the churches anxThe letters comethis one filling him with hasthecareofallthechurchesTheletterscomethisonefillinghimw anx thanx iety that one bringing sore perplexity another unmitigated sorrow still ietythatonebringingsoreperplexityanotherunmitigatedsorrows anotheranother illanother causing wounded feeling yetthank God others cheering with news of progressprogress causingwoundedfeelingyetthankGodotherscheeringwithnewsofpr gress of rare faith and love and zeal in nascent churches and bearing wordsof accounts ofwords of accountsofrarefaithandloeandzealinnascentchurchesandbearin personal affection which are a cordial so that altogether the heart of amanofmy personalaffectionwhichareacordialsothataltogetherthehearto a man of mymy and in my place goes again and again through the whole gamut of emotionsmake iol1s makeandinmyplacegoesagainandagainthroughthewholegamutofemo iol1emotions apostolic at least as sorrowful yet always rejoicingrejoicing apostolicatleastassorrowfulyetalwaysrejoicing sapostolicatleastassorrowfulyetalwaysrejoicing same field can bring hope today and disappointment tomorrow or the reThe Thesamefieldcanbringhopetodayanddisappointmenttomorroworth re A year and a half ago one of our evangelists became interested in a anufac verse verseAyearandahalfa*gooneofoureangcIistsbecameinterestedina manufactown near his stationmade repeated visits there holding conversations turing withturingtownnearhisstationmaderepeatedisitsthereholdingconer with ationswith workmen distributing large numbers of tracts which were well received the theworkmendistributinglargenumbersoftractswhichwerewellrec sell anl sellhedanlsell ing many copies of the New Testament and of the Gospels The soil thus examinedingmanycopiesoftheNewTestamentandoftheGospelsThesoilthusex examined mined and prepared a suitable locale after long search was secured and preaching andpreparedasuitabelocaleafterlongsearchwassecuredandpreac beganbegan ingbegan interest vas manifested and there was every human prospect of a harvest Much Muchinterestwasmanifestedandtherewasecryhumanprospectofaha ofof vstof Then began the machinations of the priests souls Windows were repeatedly soulsThenbeganthemachinationsofthepriestsVindowswererepeat repeatedlydly broken and the premises fouled but so secretly that the culprits were not brokenandthepremisesfouledbutsosecretlythattheculpritswere detectedotdetected not sufficing influence was brought to bear upon the proprietor toorefusethe This Thisnotsufficinginfluencewasbroughttobearupontheproprietor refuse thethe locale and worst of all the wives were incited to go to the meetings and urge localeandworstofallthewiveswereincitedtogotothemeetingsand theirrgetheir their husbands to come away and these thus publicly shamed at length left one afterhusbandstocomeawayandthesethuspubliclyshamedatItngthlefton after her their heads hanging down till only the evangelist remained with hisheart ano anohertheirheadshangingdowntillonlytheeangelistremainedwit his heart hearthisheartlower bowed yet lowerbowedyetlower Only last Sunday and here in Rome I was feeling discouraged True the ChurchOnlylastSundayandhereinRomeIwasfeelingdiscouragedTruetheCh Church rch is perfectly united there have been several baptisms chiefly from the undayschool isperfectlyunitedtherehavebeenseeralbaptismschieflyfromthe Sundayschoolthere has been a goodly increase in giving but we did not seem to be getting and andtherehasbeenagoodlyincreaseingivingbutwedidnotseemtobeg ttinghold holdhold and adding to the congregation outsiders of Le and behold That very nighttthere ofoutsidersandaddingtothecongregationLoandbeholdThatcrynig therewas an unusual number of strangers present who listened with serious attention wasanunusualnumberofstrangerspresentwholistenedwithserious theto the ttentiontothe excellent gospel sermon of the evangelist and at the close of the service excellentgospelsermonoftheevangelistandatthecloseoftheserv one of our ourceoneofour most assiduous members came up and told of two persons long interested whode mostassiduousmemberscameupandtoldoftwopersonslongintereste dewho whodede baptized siredtobebaptized to be baptizedsired many more cases might be cited but these are enough to give some hint Many lanymanymorecasesmightbecitcdbuttheseareenoughtogivesomehi hint-t of the ups and downs of at least one missionary Doubtless all workers perience oftheupsanddownsofatleastonemissionaryDoubtlessallworkerse experienceperiencsuch alternations and it is pleasant to remember that mans extremity iss op esGodsop Gods opGodsop portunity and that when one is nearest to fainting the drop of cordial will portunityandthatwhenoneisnearesttofaintingthedropofcordial be sure toiIIbesuretociIIbesureto to comecome ome would not be human to remain unaffected by the success or failure of our It Itwouldnotbehumantoremainunaffectedbythesuccessorfailureof workwork urwork doubtless God wisely mixes them in every lot and if love and duty be the but butdoubtlessGodwiselymixesthemineverylotandifloveanddutybe motiveshemotives motives labor our hands will never long hang down from discouragement while if of oflaborourhandswiIIneverlonghangdownfromdiscouragementwhil successifsuccesssuccess ifsuccess crown our poor efforts we shall cry Not unto us but unto Thy name 0 Lord bebe gloryglory theglory the Brethren at home must not be too much influenced by the tips and downs of mis Brethrenathomemustnotbetoomuchinfluencedbytheupsanddownsof is t-

ForeigllDeart1Jlellt Foreign Department


sion work but must pray and give the same whether the chariot wheels move fast sionworkbutmustprayandgivethesamwhetherthechariotwheelsmov orfastoror fastor slowslow We are all alike under orders to win the world for Christ and woe to the soldier whoVeareallalikeunderorderstowintheworldforChristandwoetothes who ldierwhldierwho relaxes in duty because the battle is sharp and not shortorelaxesindutybecausetlebattleissharpandnotshort relaxesindutybecausetlebattleissharpandnotshort short Rome Italy March 24 1896 GEORGE B TAYLOR TAYL-


We give below extracts from cheering interesting letters rere Vegivebeloextractsfromcheeringinterestinglettersre We wish our people could read more of these communica ceived ceivedVevjshourpeoplecouldreadmoreofthesecommunica communicaandtions coming warm from the hearts of our faithful brethren and tionscomingvarmfrolntheheartsofourfaithfulbrethrenand fields sisters who represent us in the foreign fieldssistersvhorepresentusintheforeignfields Watkins of Parras Mexico writes a short pithy letterBrother BrotherVatkinsofParrasMexicovritesashortpithyletter letter Here is one sentencesentence IIereisonesentence IIbaptizedteninTorreanMarch4thOthersareawaitingbaptismintwo baptized ten in Torreon March 4th Others are awaiting baptism in two orrthreethreerthree different towntowns differenttons differenttosMiss Miss Sale our new missionary writes from Canton China ChinansllissSaleoupnevmissionaryTltesfromCantonChina


Coptic reached Hong Kong on February 26th having been delayed by aaThe TheCopticreachedHongKongonFebruary26thhavingbeendelayedbya fog atthe day previous Mr Chambers met me there and we came on to Canton that fogthedaypreviousMrChambersmetmoethereandwecameontoCantont thatat fromnight after a pleasant day in Hong Kong I received a very warm welcome from omnightafterapleasantdayinHongKongIreceivedaverywarmwelcomef om Mrs White Mrs Chambers and Mrs Simmons the other members of the Mission MissionMrsVhiteMrsChambersandMrsSimmonstheothermembersoftheMissio We expect them tomorrow or the next day I have off at the Association being vebeingoffattheAssociationVeexpectthemtomorroworthenextdayIh haveve thehad several quiet days to unpack and take my bearings I began in the language agethehadsceralquietdaystounpackandtakemybearingsIbeganinthelang agethe the yetafter I arrived but have made no impression as yet day dayafterIarrivedbuthavemadenoimpressionasyet IItnlstthatthesefirstmonthsinChinaaregoingtobehappyandhelpf trust that these first months in China are going to be happy and helpful I am amto keep in a receptive or at least a tentative attitude and trust thatIshallnot trying nottryingtokeepinareceptiveoratleastatentativeattitudeandtrus that I shall not I think perhaps one needs to beecautiousrash in forming or expressing opinions be berashinformingorexpressingopinionsIthinkperhapsoneneedsto cautiousecautious especiallyespecially atfirstespecially first at IIamfeelingunusuallywellandamthankfulthatthejounleywasnoton am feeling unusually well and am thankful that the journey was not onlyysafesafesafe ysafe beneficiapleasant but beneficial andpleasantbutbeneficial and


lDr Dr R H Graves our honored Nestor writes from the same sameDrRHGravesourhonoredNestorritesroInthesamefiDrRHGravesourhonoredNestorritesroInthesame fieldfield eld IIhavebeenmuchencouragedbytheattentionpaidbyourheathenaudie have been much encouraged by the attention paid by our heathen audiences audiencesces Thereisamarked1nproemcntoverthepastnotsomuchinthesizeofthe There is a marked improvement over the past not so much in the size of the congreongre

I cannot help hopinggations as in the interest they seem to manifest in the truth hoping lphoping gationsasintheinteresttheyseemtomanifestinthetruthIcannoth the providences of God are making some impression on this people While wethattheproidencesofGodaremakingsomeimpressiononthispeopleV we that ilewe havestilltogrieveoverthefactthatthemassseemhardenedyetmany themhave still to grieve over the fact that the mass seen hardened yet many among mongthemthem mongthem gospel seemtobeawakingtoasenseoftheimportanceofthegospel seem to be awaking to a sense of the importance of the gospel1lrsGravesandIhavesettleddowntoworkagainandbothofusfeelmuc Mrs Graves and I have settled down to work again and both of us feel much joyjoy andsatistlctionintakingupourformerlinesofwork work satisfaction in taking up our former lines of workand Now that the class is over and the students have gone to the country I am givingvingNowthattheclassisoverandthestudentshaveonetothecountryIamg ving giving vork muchofmytimetomytranslationwork much of my time to my translation vor-

kFrom an interesting letter of Brother G W Green Canton From CantonFromaninterestingletterofBrotherGWGreenCanton China we give a few lines ChinavegiveafewHne


70117nalThe llfission 70117nal TheilfissiollJournal


ary JanuaryMrsGreenandmyselfhadapleasantvisittoSiuIIingthemiddleofJan Mrs Green and myself had a pleasant visit to Shiu Hing the middle of January

thein the spelsinthespelsinthe AboutthirtyofthebrethrenandsistersspentaweekinstudyingtheG About thirty of the brethren and sisters spent a week in studying the Gospels HarmonyHarmony orderofDrBroadussHarmony of Broaduss Dr order thanethanthan ThemembersoftheChurchwillpaythcirpastorfourdollarsamonthmo members of the Church will pay their pastor four dollars a month moreethan The selfsupportlastyearthusmakingsomeprogresstowardsselfsupport year thus making some progress towards selfsupport last medicineDrChungVanManwhoisamemberofthatChurchanddispensesmedicine Dr Chung Wan Alan who is a member of that Church and dispenses medicine salaryhis salary relinquishes of ofhissalary part accord his own of in week inthechapelthreedaysintheweekofhisownaccordrelinquishespar clays the chapel three in the

wilybutwillcbut will forthisyearOneBiblewomaninCantonalsorelinquishesallhersala for this year One Bible woman in Canton also relinquishes all her salaryybutwill heretoforcontinuetoworkasherctofore continue to work as heretofore lcontinue ontinuetoworkasherctofore

in spending his vacation inisspendinghisvacationinisspendinghisvacationin Thomas NcCloy who is eBrother Brother BrotherTholnaslIcCloyhoBrotherTholnaslIcCloyho also in and at Seminary the theSen1inaryandalsoata- a theSen1inaryandalsoata Ky taking lectures LouisvilleIytakinglecturesinmLouisville LouisvilleIytakinglecturesin writescollege writes medicalcollegevrites medical edicalcollegevrites a-

bebe tobe VehavejustgottenthejoyfulnewsthatNgChaninKwongSaiprovincei have just gotten the joyful news that NgChan in Kwong Sai province is to We

hundredndred openeduptoforeigntradeNgChanisacityontheVestriverabouttwoh opened up to foreign trade NgChan is a city on the West river about two hundred

havewe have milesfromCantonItisthegreatcentreoftradeintheprovinceandwh rewehave miles from Canton It is the great centre of trade in the province and where youwhen you triedtogainafootingforsolongatimeThisi5speciallyacauseforj to gain a footing for so long a time This is specially a cause for joyywhenyou tried weand we rememberthestruggleswchaehadtoplantthefirstchurchinthispro inceandwe the struggles we have had to plant the first church in this province remember litit* eiglit ithitseigld BaptistsaretheonlypeopleGodhasgivenaiootholdinthisprovince are the only people God has given a foothold in this province with Baptists landin go possess I and to now us means God the believe and that people millionsofeoIeIbelievethatGodmeansusnowtogoinandpossessthe millions of longWe haveelong long andeveryplaceweputdownourfootHewillgiveusasaposscssionVeha every place we put down our foot He will give us as a possession and herprayedforthistimewhenweshouldbeabletoopenupanewcentreofwor prayed for this time when we should be able to open up a new centre of work here

MISSIONSFRECEIPTSFORFOREIGN1VIISSIONSFFOR FOREIGN MISSIONS eRECEIPTS RECEIPTSFORFOREIGN1VIISSIONS RECEIPTS 1896FromZfareh15thtoApril15th1896Front romZfareh15thtoApril15th1896 FromZfareh15thtoApril15th1896 ront March 15th to April 15th 1896 AlabamoOaklawncl1bLAV1VCBAlabamoOaklawncl1bLAV1V 19 CBledsoeSecChina1605MissKelly19 C Bledsoe SecChina 2605 Miss Kelly 19ledsoeSecChina1605MissKelly19 Hope12 Good Hope AlabamaOaklawn


by L





Missy Birmingham BirminghamMissy125045755GoodHope BirminghamMissy125045755Good50145755 f255by J F F 40c Leighton ch by J R N f255 Hopeby1FFtOeLeghtonehbJRit255 R Conger 250 Bayou ch by A A H EastaBayouchbyAAH250IRCongeEastaBayouchbyAAH250IRConger Easta ch8 3 90 by A Roanoke ch 66SaffordchbyA3S90Roanokechch Safford r6SaffordchbyA3S90Roanokech by2A S S 972 Roanoke ch S S by A S SSby2ASS4972RoanokechSSbAS5Trussville121 Trussville Oakman ch by J S W 1G 88 Providence ch by ch S S by D N T b4 I R S SSHowell Dr Charlton yLJ J LJ by V IV F 5 Rev W A Agee and wife 22bWVF5ReWAAgeeandwiie6lOsLawton Oswichee Sunbeams by J T N W WV LawtonOswicheSunbeamsbyJTNVLawtOswicheSunbeamsbyJTNVLawton HissG Hiss 3116 W C Bledsoe SecChina 6VCBledsoeSecChina3116lssKeltKelly 2318 Birmingham Missy325835333 Missy325835333AKelty2318BirminghamMissy35S35333 y2318BirminghamMissy35S35333 by S C T 1214 Decatur DecaturAlexanderCitychbyTSCHUtDecatur Alexander lexander City ch10 Logan ch by W 11 G 2 ch by E S A 25 J C Bean Clerk Opelika ch by IV M H OpelikachbyVMH4JCBeanClerk3526317 LinevilleLineville 350RoanokechbyASS2G17Linevll1e 0RoanokechbyASS2G17Linevll1e 350RoanokechbyASS2G17Linevl350 Roanoke ch by A S S by 1925 Liberty Corsa ch bych by W J D NI l1echbyVJDMU95LibertCorsachh 7 10 Notasulza ch by G E B W L C WLC110NotasurachbyGEB7HurB G G15 E Rev S Smither Smitherch by HurtsborochbyGEBG15RevSSmitheHurtsborochbyGEBG15RevSSmither Hurtsboro 100595100595 170 Total man man170Total100595Prman170Total100595 man170Total100595 Previously reported 422392 Total this year Previouslyreported422392TotalthisyearfPreviouslyreported422392Totalthisyear reviouslyreported422392Totalthisyear 5239852398 f523387 523387 f5233-

by1FFtOeLeghtonehbJRit255Eaby1FFtOeLeghtonehbJRit255 staBayouchbyAAH250IRConger 1

6SaffordchbyA3S90Roanokech by2ASS4972RoanokechSSbAS5 5OakmanchhyJSV121Trussville5OakmanchhyJSV121Trussville chSSbyDNT1688ProvidencechbchSSbyDNT1688Providencechby

yLJ4DrJRHowellHCharltonS5 LJ4DrJRHowellHCharltonS5LJ4DrJRHowellHCharltonS5 bWVF5ReWAAgeeandwiie6l wicheSunbeamsbyJTNVLawton on6VCBledsoeSecChina3116lss 6VCBledsoeSecChina3116lss AlexanderCitychbyTSCHUtDecaturchbyESA10LoganchbyWHGt chbyESA10LoganchbyWHGtOchbyESA10LoganchbyWHGt OpelikachbyVMH4JCBeanClerk pelikachbyVMH4JCBeanClerk chbyVJDMU95LibertCorsachh chbyVJDMU95LibertCorsachhWLC110NotasurachbyGEB7 WLC110NotasurachbyGEB7 2-



570ch by C W S 570 87ArkalZsasKashvillechbyCVS570 ArkalZsasKashvillechbyCVS570ArkalZsasKashvillechbyCVS570 ArkansasNashville 115 E B Miller V P CamdenchbyJEL115EIIMillerVPt9Camden ch by J E L CamdenchbyJEL115EIIMillerVP County by N D R 280280 Assn t97GOHowardCountyAsnbyRDN2S0 Howard 9760 7GOHowardCountyAsnbyRDN2S0 t97GOHowardCountyAsnbyRDN2VV H Paslev 4 Monticello ch by W V G S0VHPaslev4lonticellochbyWVG 605by NV W G 20 Hamburg Meeting 605 2 95 First chch by L H K Philadelphia ch PhiladelphiachbyLHKt295Firstch ch jonesborohyPCBU115Plllladephiach Jonesboro by1 P C B T4115 Philadephia ch1 C V Strickland 1150 J 11 by P C B

VHPaslev4lonticellochbyWVG VHPaslev4lonticellochbyWVG20HamhurgMeetingbWvG695P20HamhurgMeetingbWvG695 hiladelphiachbyLHKt295Firstch

Kelly10LASFirstchFortSmithbyKelly10LASFirstchFortSmithbyP PAJTaylorJ5OTotal258O AJTaylorJ5OTotal258O yearPreviously reported 80166 Total this year PreviouslyreportedSOUjGTotalthisyearlOPreviouslyreportedSOUjGTotalthisyear iouslyreportedSOUjGTotalthisyear Kelly 10 L A S First ch Fort Smith B J J Taylor 50 Total 2578025780 A AJTaylorJ5OTotal258OPrev-

Pby P

10624G lOG24G 10624lOG2G24G

FroridaOchivillachbyJII1670Irs TYATucker5FortGaineschSSbyJ EI5VXChandoinTreas25Enap sSladdenehyJJiL118VNChandosSladdenehyJJiL118VNChan inTreasHOVNChanoiuTreas wnSSbS175VNChaudoinTreas30 SbS175VNChaudoinTreas30

ch by J If 1G70 MrsGHToidaOchiviIla Mrs 4GFroridaOchivillachbyJII1670Irs FroridaOchivillachbyJII1670IrsVHToidaOchiviIla Mary A Tucker 5 Fort Gaines ch S S by J VTYATucker5FortGaineschSSbyJ 25 E Bap E P 5 IV N Chandoin Treas S S Magdelene by J J H 118 IV N ChanChan 40 WV N Chandoin 25doin Treas 25 Treas doinTreasHOVNChanoiuTreasBdoinTreasHOVNChanoiuTreas Braidentown ch by B S 535 Braidentown SSBraidentownchhyS8515BraidentownS raidentownchhyS8515BraidentownS BraidentownchhyS8515Braidento30S by B S 175 XV N Chandoin Treas 30 SbS175VNChaudoinTreas30Pleas01 32G Total 158 01Grove ch Pleasant PleasantGroveeh432GTotal15S01 antGroveeh432GTotal15S01 Previously reported 328 77 Total this year Previouslyreported3S7iTotalthisyear4Previouslyreported3S7iTotalthisyear 4Sj81 Sj81 4Sj48681GeorgiaPine GeorgiaPine Forest ch by B A 11 China 81GoriaPineForestchbyBAHChina GoriaPineForestchbyBAHChinGoriaPineForestchbyBAHChina C285 Warrenton ch by C C F 6 Rev A C 85VarrentonchbvCCF6RevACSSmith I Sunbeams of Athens ch by 11 R 33Slith1SunbeallsofAthensehbr1RSj WMiss Alice C Hewitt 50c Lebanon ch by WV MIssAlIceCHewitt50cLebanonchby1 VW 10 Red hill ch by W M V W A 188188 Peyton Harris Sunbeams Jewels by 1T B PeytonHarrisSunbeamsJewelsby1BPeyto fG 06 M L Carswell Stephens African MisStephensSG0611LCarswellAfricanMis Mis 1 3 Rev J J sion Bethel ch by E A J R Greer 43 Miss M E Wright Treas Sears 85 County Line ch by A J C 1 Beulah chch 85CountyLinechbAJC1Beulahch by A J C 155 Long Creek S S by H B C 41477 Long Creek W M S by H B C 365365 700 First ch Macon by J G D First ch SSDS Augusta 755 J C Gibson D 50 Powell Miss McCullom 905 China Powell101ssMcCulIom905China331 by A Ephesus C ch S690S690 85S1161 31851811G1EphesuschbyAJCf931851811G1EphesuschbyAJCf90 J Hephzibah ch IV M S Japan Mrs 165 MrsHephzibahClVMSJapan1f05hlrsYH Wiggs 20 Mary E Wright Sears Walton YaltonHWiggS20IaryEWrightSears altonHWiggS20IaryEWrightSears

a85VarrentonchbvCCF6RevAC 85VarrentonchbvCCF6RevAC lith1SunbeallsofAthensehbr1RSj MIssAlIceCHewitt50cLebanonchby1VA10RedBillchbyV1V188 VA10RedBillchbyV1V188HarVA10RedBillchbyV1V188

risSunbeamsJewelsby1BPeyto Greer3ltissMEVrihtTreasSears8Greer3ltissMEVrihtTreasSears 5CountyLinechbAJC1Beulahch 85CountyLinechbAJC1BeulahchbyAjCo1f5LonCreekSShyHBc byAjCo1f5LonCreekSShyHBc8byAjCo1f5LonCreekSShyHBc 14i7LonCreekVMSbyHBC3G5 814i7LonCreekVMSbyHBC3G5814i7LonCreekVMSbyHBC3G5

FirstchMaconbyJGD700FirstebS FirstchMaconbyJGD700FirstebSStrW Powell101ssMcCulIom905China 1851811G1EphesuschbyAJCf90 0HephzibahClVMSJapan1f05hlrs HephzibahClVMSJapan1f05hlrs

VForeign ForeignDeart1Jzellti5Foreign Department ForeignDeart1Jzellt eForeignDeart1Jzellt

IsabellaSJordanRudd5aSislerby i5IsabellaSJordanRudd5aSislerby i5IsabellaSJordanRudd5aSislerbyHRB4DuffystreetchbyNP2880 HRB4DuffystreetchbyNP2880

by75 aa Sister byby 375 IsabellasS Jordan Rudd 28804 Duffystreet ch by N P 2880 K B H HRB4DuffystreetchbyNP2880ThiIVDistrict Union Hightowu Assr C IV Third ThirdDistrictUnionHihtowl1AssrC rdDistrictUnionHihtowl1AssrC 2110 510 J C Gibson TreasChina 2110Pruitt Pruitt510JCGibsonTreasChina1IO Alexico 1S 73 Africa 462111354 L A SSLong First ch Columbus byJ B G 42 Al H Longun Cone ch by J B G 6250 W l S ch un2 LongLong known Cherokee Assn by J B G knownCherokeeAssubyJG2LongHMission 165 Chinese MissionBranch ch by G W S rallchehbyGWS165Chinese1ission HrallchehbyGWS165Chinese1issHrallchehbyGWS165Chinese1ission 25 W F M S Augusta by M E Eby M E WV XV 624by 10 Union ch 624 W Sears ionWSears10UnionchbyJWW621 Missy So by 1 E S 415 Total ReHoldshssySobyEES135Total3IRenolds

Pruitt510JCGibsonTreasChina1IOMexico1873AfricatjI1I354LAS Mexico1873AfricatjI1I354LASMexico1873AfricatjI1I354LAS FirstchColumbusbyJHGMHLongFirstchColumbusbyJHGMHLong knownCherokeeAssubyJG2Long WSears10UnionchbyJWW621WSears10UnionchbyJWW621 JW ReHoldshssySobyEES135Total

106853IOGb5 10685 833IOGOGb5

yearyearPreviously reported 925603 Total this year b5PrviouslyreportZG3Totalthisyear PrviouslyreportZG3TotalthisyearPrviouslyreportZG3Totalthisyear 123W7123W78 1GJi8K1GJi8 SchoolSchoolBroadway idway Baptist Foreigner School Kentucky KelltllcyBroleIwayllaptislForeignerSchoo elltllcyBroleIwayllaptislForeignerSchoo 8GentucfiyBro GentucfiyBro 5 Lltss Sallie K Graham by B FFby T D U byTD05L1155SallieKGrahambyF G I IV It Glenn Creek ch by M E H her350 F H her Lancaster S S by T 11 C 1 10 Stilling Mrs F foot 6 E C Dargan 5 10 Madison Ave S SSSonora ch by J 1 10SonorachbJPJ51adisonAveSSby B F S 45 50 Earnest ilission So by M FF218 10 05 Lexington IV Fifthstreet ch S S 218VillO05LexingtonFIllhstrtelchSfIS by aBrothH5EarnestYorkerslissvSoby a Brother 25 Earnest Workers Missv So by44E 11 C 130 Yellville S S by 11 D B 1V R W Ul1IonstreetSS1301101GreonbyRUl1IonstreetSS1301101GreonbyRl Union street S S Bowling Green by S L J Ball5 Russellville S S by J K L 2323 S by K M B 50c McFerran Memorial 1 Recorder Subscrips by H Ii H VesternRecorderSubscripsbyHIiBiil VesternRecorderSubscripsbyHIiBWestern IV 3 WardenWarden H C by W S J iilDavidForkShyHYC3JWWarden David Fork Treas Dr Powell 11etiico 14 35 for W M W by Midway ch by7 South Africa 33857796 0553 26 Total 4813 05 S l1 H HSHi5GTOlalS135Prvyearreported 673114 Total this year Previously Prviouslyreported63111Totalthisyear7Prviously Prviouslyreported63111Totalthisyear iouslyreported63111Totalthisyear

byTD05L1155SallieKGrahambyFH1Y1SGlellnCrekehhyMEG H1Y1SGlellnCrekehhyMEGH1Y1SGlellnCrekehhyMEG LallasterSSbyTHC350FHKerfLallasterSSbyTHC350FHKer foot6ECDaran10Mrs1FStIlling1oot6ECDaran10Mrs1FStIlling foot6ECDaran10Mrs1FStIlling 0SonorachbJPJ51adisonAveSS 10SonorachbJPJ51adisonAveSS


50cllcFerrantemortalSbyRMHt5 l50cllcFerrantemortalSbyRMHt5 DavidForkShyHYC3JWWardenDavidForkShyHYC3JWWarden 7rcasDrPowdlhico113forVMW7rcasDrPowdlhico113forVMW 7outhAfricai357i6lhl1wayellby7outhAfricai357i6lhl1wayellby 1-


7515O 515O 7515751509LouisianaG G A Turner Treas Coliseum00 Coliseum ColiseumLouisiana OlouiSallaGATurnerTreasOColiseum louiSallaGATurnerTreasOColiseum LouisianaG louiSallaGATurnerTreasOColiseu2770 Alexandria S Sby F I by D G W chhhyDGVi7OAlexandriaSSbyFPhmhhyDGVi7OAlexandriaSSbyFP hyDGVi7OAlexandriaSSbyFP 5 A G Tur Scott L E r Treas Prof n BtProfELScottGATUtlhrTreaBtProfELScottGATUtlhrTreac 100 G31rc M G G A Turner Treas 555 55GATurnerTreastOOlrsMGPuc55GATurnerTreastOOlrsMG 55GATurnerTreastOOlrsMG 20 Recorderdaughters Recorder Western Turks and Purksanddauhters2WesternRecordPurksanddauhters2WesternRecorder rksanddauhters2WesternRecorder 427070by E M 5 Total 427070 otTrbyEMTotali7670Preoffer erotTrbyEMTotali7670 otTrbyEMTotali7670 year reported 76005 Total this yearPreviously Previouslyreported70005Totalthisyear viouslyreported70005Totalthisyear




151515 Mississippi Jones Bayou ch by RR AA CC 15 fllississijrijonesBayouehbyRAC15 5AfississbbiJones AfississbbiJones C1issSusieGaines3WLittleBahalochbyC Susie Gaines 4390 Little Bahalo ch by C Miss 1226W by 1226 ch B T T 1020 lVilliamston TB1020VIlIiamstonehbyVTT122TB1020VIlIiamstonehbyVTT122G T 55I R D A Covington 93c Osyka ch D DACovinton95cOsykachD1R5ShMoun 150 Blue MounShady Grove ch by WV E B ShadyGrovechbyVEBil150Bluelhmn adyGrovechbyVEBil150Bluelhmn 7511 75 275 Silver Spring ch unbeams taint5unbeams27SihrSpringellHI75taint5unbeams27SihrSpringellHI75 tain Concord chch Creek ch by R G ClearCreekchbyRGHi20ConordeClearCreekchbyRGHi20Conordeh Clear 3 053 Crystal E H Keating J8 Crystalby C G E byCGE305EHKeatingiSCrystalprWVch by T N R 9735 Columbus ch WV Spring pringchbyTNRt735ColumbuschVpringchbyTNRt735ColumbuschV D10 C D 5 S L Hearn M S by 1V L J 55Rhymes 23 Blue Mountain ch by IV E B 55 Rhmes23BluelountainchbyWEB55 by12 B 23 Ripley ch by Academy cli by W E WV 350 E B 250 Gay ton ch by I E B 3501 Miss ClaudeClaude Fellowship ch by W E B HollyEager 8123 Edwards ch by N J C 16 Holly EagerI125EdwardschbyNJCoo26HoEagerI125EdwardschbyNJCoo26Holly 1515 2 West Point ch by J T S S S Springs llySpringsSS2VestPointchbyJTS15 SpringsSS2VestPointchbyJTS15R55Rev Joel D Rice 20 Hiss E J Manning RevJoelDRice20IissEJManninge5RevJoelDRice20IissEJManninge5 ch 550 Ellisvile chMtGiladchbyELSE550ElIlsvi1echMtGiladchbyELSE550ElIlsvi1ech Mt Gilead ch by E L S B O by D B ch D S5545 Eastabuchie O by byODB3545EastabuchiechbyODB1byODB3545EastabuchiechbyODB Clin 810 Clin1190SandersvilIechbyODBiS10Cli1190SandersvilIechbyODBiS10Clin 190SandersvilIechbyODBiS10Clin 1190 Sandersville ch by O D B 140 Junior Circle by 00S S by n D B nTonSShyODB110JuniorCirclebyO TonSShyODB110JuniorCirclebyOTonSShyODB110JuniorCirclebyO ton ch1 Whitfield Pisgah B ch Mt B DB125BFWhitfield1MtPisgahchH125 F D 3501345 Union cll by H S A 350 by G W HSArcherandwIfe1650TJBaileyTreas H S Archer and wife 1650 T J Bailey Treas SArcherandwIfe1650TJBaileyTreas HSArcherandwIfe1650TJBaileyTr5 BeulahBeulah 100 County Line ch by J D C eas100CountyLinechbyJDCBeulah RS 910 First ch Meridian by R ch by 6534365343 25 Total H G HG25Total3PrevIyearyear 202282 Total this Previously year reporteu i2922S2 PrevIOuslyreportell1928Totalthisyear 355625 355623556ch byS Mound 255Green D 255 by S CC D 255 Missouri 25flJissouriGreenMoundchbySCD55 flJissouriGreenMoundchbySCD55 5AXssouriGreen AXssouriGreen Christ23081 Christ A E Rogers TreasW M S mas Offering 13429 Brazil 15 Miss McMinn masOffering13129Brazil15MIssIcMmn 12701270 815pupilinEmmaYoungsSchool1270 815 pupil in Emma Youngs School Eiblewoman164170FirstchStJosephS Bible woman 164170 First ch St Joseph SS11 by E 825 Total 12 Pin Oak ch S

GDACovinton95cOsykachD1R5 DACovinton95cOsykachD1R5

H720 hbyCGE305EHKeatingiSCrystal byCGE305EHKeatingiSCrystal

ingchbyTNRt735ColumbuschV Rhmes23BluelountainchbyWEBAcdemyehbWEB3IRipleychby55AcdemyehbWEB3IRipleychby AcdemyehbWEB3IRipleychby WEB250GaytonchbyWEoB350WEB250GaytonchbyWEoB350 FellowshipchbyVEB1llissClaude SpringsSS2VestPointchbyJTS15 evJoelDRice20IissEJManninge5 DB125BFWhitfield1MtPisgahch

100CountyLinechbyJDCBeula100CountyLinechbyJDCBeulah chbTTS910FIrstchlendlanbyR hchbTTS910FIrstchlendlanbyR chbTTS910FIrstchlendlanbyJT

RHG25Total3 HG25Total3 Ouslyreportell1928Totalthisyear

Eiblewoman164170FirstchStJosephSS12PinOakehbE11825Total S12PinOakehbE11825Total 66150


year Previously repotted 304136 Total this yearPreviouslrepolted3OH36Totallhisyear 370586 37058bybyMaryland 6larylardFouTthBaptistchBaltimoreby larylardFouTthBaptistchBaltimoreby Fourth Baptist ch Baltimore by 1llfarylardFourth llfarylardFourth MarylandChristF K H 1660 W 14 S of MarylandChrist F1H1660V11SoflIatylandChrisimF1H1660V11SoflIatylandChrisi offering Hiss mas 2610 Missy Day 1225 Hissmasoffermgt2l0MissyDay122511hs asoffermgt2l0MissyDay122511hs Hiram ClaudiaWhitctsalaryt35i3ol49iDrHiram Claudia Whites salary 35430149 Dr Hiram-

Woods10SeventhchbyLHE19687 irstehBaltimorbyC11P162Towson

87196 87 10 Seventh ch by L H B Woods Woods10SeventhchbyLHE19687FTowsonch Baltimore by C AL P 7162 Towson First FirstehBaltimorbyC11P162TowsonFirstehBaltimorbyC11P162Towson Miss11 4 Miss J Harry Tyler S S by S H 7439650 Hayes Tota4 74396 Hayes50Total71396PHayes50Total71396 yearPreviously Previously reported 354309 Total this year reiouslyeported351309Totalthisyear Preiouslyeported351309TotalthisyearPreiouslyeported351309Totalthisyear


NN N-by JJ N Gabriels Creek ch ch by 11orth ffcrth jorlllCarolinaGabrielsCreekchbyJN 5jorlllCarolinaGabrielsCreekchbyJN ffcrth Carolina CarolinaGabriels

B116aSisteriI05HopeMillsSunbeamsbyJFB30511issySoofJBCby11J byJFB30511issySoofJBCby11JbyJFB30511issySoofJBCby11J C242HCRridger25RLBridger51C242HCRridger25RLBridger51 llrsWYFLiddell5MissySSSalembllrsWYFLiddell5MissySSSalem bJPBE15OFairBluffchbyJMB235FJPBE15OFairBluffchbyJMB235 bJPBE15OFairBluffchbyJMB235 airBluffSS1G5GaleedeSSbyHCHo FairBluffSS1G5GaleedeSSbyHCFairBluffSS1G5GaleedeSSbyHCHo

B Sunbeams116 a Sister 105 Hope Mills Sunbeams B116aSisteriI05HopeMillsSunbeams by J F L 305 Missy So of J B C by M JJ5025 50 R H L C Bridger Rridger 242 C 5 Missy S S SalemSalem Mrs W V F Liddell 235by J P B 235 150 Fair Bluffch by J 11 B Fair Bluff S S 165 Galeede S S by H C B Miss20 Miss 750 Gastonia S S by W F M 12568 Jennie Edwards by 1V S B 5 Total 12568yearPreviously year yearTPreviously reported 323532 Total this year Prcviousreported323532TotalthisyearPrcviousreported323532Totalthisyear T10210261 i321i321

Hoi5OGastoniaSSbyVFM20ltiss i5OGastoniaSSbyVFM20ltissJei5OGastoniaSSbyVFM20ltiss JennieEdwatdsbySB5Totalfl256S nnieEdwatdsbySB5Totalfl256S

NorthWestern North North61liesern North Carolina Uesern CarolinaWestern Uesern 11serTLNorthCarolinaVesternNorth 2846Carolina CarolinaConventnbyJMMissPrice2S46 CarolinaConventnbyJMMissPrice2Cnnventn by J 14 SMiss Price 2846 1850 18 M 2172 Treas Total Stoner JJIStonerTrtas217Total50ISPrS46JIStonerTrtas217Total50IS yearPreviously reported 52640 Total this year Previously Previouslreported2610TotalthisearPreviouslreported2610Totalthisear

JIStonerTrtas217Total50IS eviouslreported2610Totalthisear 57658-

55S55S Rev JJ RR Edwards 22 He South Carolina HeSouth HHe CarolinaRev SoutzCarolillaRtvJREdwards2HeSoutzCarolillaRtvJREdwards2He byCh by C C V 180 Island Home cli by bron broilchbyCoCV180IslandHomeenbroilchbyCoCV180IslandHomeenb 412 M by Hickory2 G H A Hickory Providence ch AG2ProvidenceehhyHI2HickoryGbAG2ProvidenceehhyHI2Hickory AG2ProvidenceehhyHI2Hickory Z S S by 160 J PendletonstreetPendletonstreet Grove GroveSSbrJVZLGOPendletonstreeGroveSSbrJVZLGOPendletonstreet roveSSbrJVZLGOPendletonstreet 10 S Padgetts Creek ch Greenville S SSGreenvilleiOPadgettsCreekch4tSSGreenvilleiOPadgettsCreekch SSGreenvilleiOPadgettsCreekch YHolly Spring ch 448 Lebanon cb B Y 32680 42680Holly8pringeh8LebanoncbBY2680Holly8pringeh8LebanoncbBY 42680Holly8pringeh8LebanoncbBY Wf 5 W U Lawton Ebenezer ch China P PUWVLawton65EbenezerchChiraPUWVLawton65EbenezerchChira Vass22CentralehbyCCF177MrsEBVass Central ch by C C F 177 Mrs E B Vass 2CentralehbyCCF177MrsEBVaby J L V45 Dlrs P S Quattlebaum by J LLssbyJLVlrsPSQuattlebaumbyJL byJLVlrsPSQuattlebaumbyJLVbyJLVlrsPSQuattlebaumbyJL by 1 1190 G D D GoucherGoucher ch Berear V V1HfearehbyDDG1190GoucberCV1HfearehbyDDG1190Goucber 1HfearehbyDDG1190Goucber ch1035 Lynchburg ch ch by M W G CreekchbyMWG1035LynchburgchreekchbyMWG1035Lynchburgch CreekchbyMWG1035Lynchburgch Creek 2 Swansea ch by C H C 2 by J A tf Pisby 302 Pis New P Springs ch Sulphur SulphurSprillschbyVPO302NewPiSulphurSprillschbyVPO302NewPis 0 by138 Dean Swamp ch by ch by R B M gah sgahchbyRH1138DeanSwampchby gahchbyRH1138DeanSwampchby gahchbyRH1138DeanSwampchbRidgeby D S Ridge C D WV



yDHCt311EnonchbyD5220Ridge DHCt311EnonchbyD5220RidgeDHCt311EnonchbyD5220Ridge SpringchbCDV12FriendshipNoI

220 If 311 Enon ch 12 Friendship No 1 Spring ch by C D IV SpringchbCDV12FriendshipNoIbyZby Z G P t150 Little Sunbeams Piedmont ch byZGPt15OLittleSunbeamsPiedmontch byZGPt15OLittleSunbeamsPiedmonGPt15OLittleSunbeamsPiedmontch 30 Hormay ch by R H F 560 Cross Rodstch30HormayebyRHFtGOCrosjRods 30HormayebyRHFtGOCrosjRod30HormayebyRHFtGOCrosjRods by J F S 540 Bethany cll by W Rods H ffch ehbyJFSNAOBelhanychbyVHIDDarien ch by WV IV H Blackstock550 Blackstock DarienebbyVVH550Blackrtock 730 Mrs C e Shurley by JJch by T B 14 Mrs 110 MrsH Y 5 Zion Hill ch by J H WV N1 5 Woodward chch L Douglas by W A H L1DouglasbyWAH5VoodwardchL1DouglasbyWAH5Voodwardch A S B 17 Pleasant Hill ch by by W A 11 byVIAH17PleasantHilIchbyASB2B Creek61c A by Abners S Creek ch 251 Enoree 251EnoreechbyASB61cAbnersCree251EnoreechbyASB61cAbnersCreek 51EnoreechbyASB61cAbnersCreek by 1430 Southern Union ch bych by L C E kehbyLCE1430SouthernUnionehby ehbyLCE1430SouthernUnionehby 11L C E 3040 J S Ezell by L C E chB ch Grove C C by 81375 Cedar ch umterchbyCCB1375CedarGrovecb umterchbyCCB1375CedarGrovSumter L1SL1S 2 Harpers ch by IV D M by IV D M bVDlI2HarperschbyVDM118Bet175Bioomingvale175Bioomingvale Bethany ch by WV D M BethanychbyVDM175BioomingvaBethanychbyVDM175Bioomingvale D by 3 1V M Mingo IV Dch by D Blade ch leehbWDM3BlackMingochbyVD ehbWDM3BlackMingochbyVDilM 250 Union No 2 Fairfield Assn by J H ilS5OU1ionNo2FairfieldAssnbyH ilS5OU1ionNo2FairfieldAssnbyHNorth2675 Healing Springs ch by J J R 3 North 2675HealingSpringsehbyJJR3North 7682 Union of Spartanburg Assn by Z G P 7682UnionofSpartanburgAssnbyZGP768UnionofSpartanburgAssnbyZGP7682 by12 Antioch ch by Yorkville ch by S 11 G 2YorkvdlechbySMG12Antiochchby YorkvdlechbySMG12AntiochchbYorkvdlechbySMG12Antiochchby 584 H J C 6 50 Piedmont ch by W N T 584CongareeCongaree 4016 by S E W S F Townville TownvilIeSSbyVEF1016CongareeTownvilIeSSbyVEF1016Congaree 270 Congaree S S 9253 J E Herring ch Edisto750 Union Meeting Second Division Edisto f750UnionMeetinSecondDivisionEdisto S 85 Union No 2 Orange Orangeby R A4 D AssnbyRMD8S5UnionNo2OrangAssnbyRMD8S5UnionNo2Orange Assn by burg Assn by W H G 10 Mt Moriah ch byeburgAssnbVHG1011tMoriahchby burgAssnbVHG1011tMoriahchby7 Upper Marian Union by J G W R M JJRM7UpperMarianUnionbyJGV5128M D S by P M 128 5950 Pleasant Grove F 950PleasantGroveFISbyDPM128 5950PleasantGroveFISbyDPM1285950PleasantGroveFISbyDPM128 Eddinsch by J D W 355 Albert Eddins Clearmont CIEarmontehbJDV355AlbertEddins by TreasChesterAssn5BenneltsvilleSSby Treas Chester Assn 5 Bennettsville S S byEdgefield AssnP C 121 Second Division Assn PC121SecondDivisionEdgefieldJ PC121SecondDivisionEdgefieldAsn by S E T 953 Union ch by J ii M167BAsnbySE1953UnionehbyJH11167 bySE1953UnionehbyJH11167BeM167 1643 Fairview FairviewBeaverdam Assn by J WV S BeaverdamAssnbyJVS1643FairviBeaverdamAssnbyJVS1643Fairview eaverdam S S by G S 125 Welcome ch by S L E ewSSbvGS125Ve1ccmcchbySLE SSbvGS125Ve1ccmcchbySLE15B6 15 Committee ch Spring Bold Central 15BoldSpringch6CentralCommittee15BoldSpringch6CentralCommitteeV oldSpringch6CentralCommitteeV W 1-

ehbyJFSNAOBelhanychbyVHI sehbyJFSNAOBelhanychbyVHI arienebbyVVH550Blackrtock DarienebbyVVH550BlackrtockHY5ZionHillchbyHVlIOMrs HY5ZionHillchbyHVlIOMrsL1HY5ZionHillchbyHVlIOMrs DouglasbyWAH5Voodwardch byVIAH17PleasantHilIchbyASB

ehbyLCE1430SouthernUnioneLCE3040JSEzellbyLCE1umtehbyLCE3040JSEzellbyLCE1 LCE3040JSEzellbyLCE1 rchbyCCB1375CedarGrovecb ecbbVDlI2HarperschbyVDM118 bVDlI2HarperschbyVDM118 hanychbyVDM175Bioomingvale ehbWDM3BlackMingochbyVD S5OU1ionNo2FairfieldAssnbyH

yHJC650PiedmontchbyWNT51 HJC650PiedmontchbyWNT51THJC650PiedmontchbyWNT51 ownvilIeSSbyVEF1016Congaree eh11270ConareeS5255JEHerring

burgAssnbVHG1011tMoriahchby JRM7UpperMarianUnionbyJGV

bySE1953UnionehbyJH11167 averdamAssnbyJVS1643Fairview SSbvGS125Ve1ccmcchbySLE

tIs i8

1l issiozz Journal Mission The ThejIissiOll7011rllalSThejIissiOll7011rllal Journal-

SunbeamSunbeamby MrsJS Mary Harley301 Harley 301 Sunbeam Mrs J SDiary SbyMrsJSlfaTHarle01SunbeambyMrsJSlfaTHarle01Sunbeam S byMrsJSlfaTHarle01Sunbeam Building152 Missy 536 H P McCormiclr 15 Building Missy536HPtleCormie15BuildinMissy536HPtleCormie15Building 1 fund for W W L 5 Bibles in Mexico gfundforVVL5Biblesintlexico1 fundforVVL5Biblesintlexico1CfundforVVL5Biblesintlexico1 3050 5 China Japan Canton 175636 China5Canton350Japan1753651China5Canton350Japan1753651 hina5Canton350Japan1753651 V Bookhart 5 Fort Lawn ch by D H J S SVookhart5FortLawnehbyDHJSVookhart5FortLawnehbyDHJ 890 J H Jenkins Treas W V Lawton 890JHJenkinsTreasVVLawton1890JHJenkinsTreasVVLawton Divisionby J 11 P 4G First Division 1531 ch Wards 1531WardsehbyJHP6FirstDIisiotl1531WardsehbyJHP6FirstDIisiotl 531WardsehbyJHP6FirstDIisiotl Spring193 Chicks Spring Barnwell A BarnwellAssobIIPA13ChicksSprin Assn by 11 BarnwellAssobIIPA13ChicksSp5 Springfield ch S by A B by J B S S rinSSbyAB5SpringfieldehhJBS SSbyAB5SpringfieldehhJBS75M L Hartville750 by Hartville ch 676 Hartville 750HtrtvilleehbyJ1LfG7Hartville750HtrtvilleehbyJ1LfG7Hartville J 0HtrtvilleehbyJ1LfG7Hartville S by J M L 532 New Allendale eh by JJS SSbvJML53NewAllendaleehbyJSSbvJML53NewAllendaleehbyJ MarlF M G25 Smyrna ch by J F M 3 Marl byboro Union by T 11 B 47375 Beaver Dam by boroUnionbyTII3SBeaerDamOTboroUnionbyTII3SBeaerDamO T H B 722 Hunters Chanel ch by V D R THB722HuntersChaoelehbyWDTHB722HuntersChaoelehbyWDR HB722HuntersChaoelehbyWDR 2 45 Republican Republican151 Mt Eoal ch by L M J R151MtEJalehbyLLJ4Rpublkan 151MtEJalehbyLLJ4Rpublkan151MtEJalehbyLLJ4Rpublkan by








byJJ PP f 150 W -W Surgoinville ch cll hv W W TennesseeSurgoinville Ttntifssee TnlllusuSurgoimilleehhJP10VVXmas ofTg China 5342 WV Woodco*ck Treas VVoodeockTrasXmaoWgChma5342VVoodeockTrasXmaoWgChma5342 VoodeockTrasXmaoWgChma5342 TreasXmas 77 141 D Young byUpshaw Smith D S7 by 14187 Will by Hl87WillDUpshaw7YoungSmithbHl87WillDUpshaw7YoungSmithby 418159 Jonesboro chL D E Mrs Maynard ch yLDEtrsllaynan1HSLfJOllesboroeh LDEtrsllaynan1HSLfJOllesboroeh Cby P 4371 Missy So fa*glerille by J C G V 13 from Recorder by V L B ch Union ch by S E IF 12 North Edgefield chVlllonellhySEHfNurthEdtcfie1deVlllonellhySEHfNurthEdtcfie1deh 1 VV D DD D by by RR RR JJ iOJo by W ch by 095 Union Grove ch hbyRRJO15UniontrOeehbyWDD 68707 215 Elder J K ltinson 130 Total 6870715ElderJKtifJsol110Total6S707 Previously reported 513911 Total this year Previouslyreponed5131lTotalthisyearPreviouslyreponed5131lTotalthisyear

TJ byRRJO15UniontrOeehbyWDDbyRRJO15UniontrOeehbyWDD


61261GlGlGlGlS K Anby CC IIII Kl75 cit by Fairmont ch 175 An An Tfvas STcxtlsFairmontehbyCIIK17An TcxtlsFairmontehbyCIIK17AntTcxtlsFairmontehbyCIIK17An 5TerasFairniont TerasFairniont

tiochenbyCHKlKeyRobertMoore iochenbyCHKlKeyRobertMoore frol11ll1twolhurcheAbilel1ehMfrol11ll1twolhurcheAbilel1ehMS SbY50Mrsllomtal1l1rslJNel5on bY50Mrsllomtal1l1rslJNel5obY50Mrsllomtal1l1rslJNel5on

Mooretioch ch by C H K Rev Robert Moore tiochenbyCHKlKeyRobertMoorefrom his two churches 2 Abilene ch V M SSby V Y 3 50 firs Bond and Mrs MJ Nelson Rev250 White Mound ch by W B L 410 Rev 1 byG aimpson by J C Bounds by J C 11 1 B W C M S Second ch Houston J Austin by II11 HH KK 11 7575 AustinAustinch by 345 Little Hone ch ch by A If M 550 Archer City S S by IIII ehbyAHM350ArcherCitySSbIIN1 05 S A G L Macdoitia ch by 11 Navasota Totalby AA T FF 815 Total Navasota Rjver Assn by 1

ehbyRHM345CherawehbAJE ehbyRHM345CherawehbAJEMt Zion ch 13 13ItZionchby1HD13jBrushbF13ItZionchby1HD13jBrushb ch by J V V 11 1loreh ch by Fork ForkehbyJWV11HorehchbyDHCForkehbyJWV11HorehchbyDH orkehbyJWV11HorehchbyDH JcBnuudsbJcHHTGimponb31nJcBnuudsbJcHHTGimponb JcBnuudsbJcHHTGimponb byC 211 Mary Halley Missy So Horeb ch by C1lMaryHatleyt1issySoBortobchbC1lMaryHatleyt1issySoBortobchby 1lMaryHatleyt1issySoBortobchby by 865cll D C T H R E Boles 865 yDHCG3FourIIoleschbvTERSG5 263 Four 315LinlI1ueehbyIIIIK175Austi315LinlI1ueehbyIIIIK175Austin 5LinlI1ueehbyIIIIK175Austin DHCG3FourIIoleschbvTERSG5DHCG3FourIIoleschbvTERSG5 Holes S S by T E R 250 Salem ch Four FourHolesSSbyTER250Salemeh nehbyAHM350ArcherCitySSbII FourHolesSSbyTER250SaleehbyAHM350ArcherCitySSbII cl N R G A by by 2 Conway E W J byRGJ2ConwaydbyEWNI230mehbyRGJ2ConwaydbyEWN byRGJ2ConwaydbyEWN 1230 First ch Spartanbum by W T D 75 I230FirstchSpartanburbyWTD7I230FirstchSpartanburbyWTD75 FirstchSpartanburbyWTD75 avasotaRicrAssnbyArtS15Total NavasotaRicrAssnbyArtS15Total ch Gaffney by L C B First 552 First ch FirstehGaffnevbyLCBHiFirstchGFirstehGaffnevbyLCBHiFirstch 5FirstehGaffnevbyLCBHiFirstch 51Cch




345 Cheraw ch by A J E Brushbyby J H D 4325 Brushby I






Spring S S by L C Ii Gaffney 750 Standing SpringGaffneySSbyLCB750StandingSprill affneySSbyLCB750StandingSprill GaffneySSbyLCB750StandingSpr11S by B C 5150 Rabunn Creek ch by C 11 S illSSbBC150RabunnCreekchbyCII SSbBC150RabunnCreekchbyCIIR310 Poplar Spring ch by C H R R R3AOPoplrSpringchbyCHR213Hby H C Highland R S07 Laurens Home ch LaurensHighlandHorneehbyCHRr07Laurells ighlandHorneehbyCHRr07Laurells HighlandHorneehbyCHRr07Laurech by C H R 650 Laurens S S by C 11 R llsebbyCHR650LaurensSSbyCHR ebbyCHR650LaurensSSbyCHRjGReedy Branch ch by 1 P L t7c Well2966 Well jGReedyBranchehbyTPLli7cVeljGReedyBranchehbyTPLli7cVell ford ch by J W J 1633 Rutherford street chch lfordchbyJVJlG3Rutherfonlstreeteh fordchbyJVJlG3Rutherfonlstreeteh 1437 Blackville ch by Greenville by R C G GreenvillebyRCG14nllIaekvilleehby GW A S 2543 Blackville S S by W A G 5S7 Swift Creek ch by R L B 30 ilt HerHer Mmon ch by L H B 173 Bethel ch by J M monehbyLHB173BethelehbyJLCC 425 a Brother 55 Marion Union lower lowersectiri Piedmont Assu 1205 Newberry ch seetinnPiedmontAsu1205NewberryseetinnPiedmontAsu1205Newberryeh sectiri 3107 Newberry ch S S 4321 Campbell by eh3107NwberryehSS31CampbeiJby 3107NwberryehSS31CampbeiJby VC W A 967 Lawtonville ch by 1M P L V ACW067LawtonvilleehbylIPLWTLVTLawton3118LowerUnionLexington Lawton Lexington3118 Lower Union Lexington TLawton3118LowerUnionLexingtoawton3118LowerUnionLexington by C H C 4608 Wassamasaw ch by AssnbyCHCGOSWassamasawehhSAssn nAssnbyCHCGOSWassamasawehh AssnbyCHCGOSWassamasawehh V M S 2 Tahernacie ch S by J C C Stephen A3 Edgefield ch by A Crosby Treas tephenCrosbyTreas3EdgefieldchbyA StephenCrosbyTreas3EdgefieldchbyA StephenCrosbyTreas3EdgefieldchbMS 50 Woodfin ch by M J V 112 T M yAS50Woodfinehby1JWoL12TM S50Woodfinehby1JWoL12TMBaCBailey Cor Sec 553 Lake Swamp en by C BaileyCorSecfJ53LakeSwampenbyC ileyCorSecfJ53LakeSwampenbyC BaileyCorSecfJ53LakeSwampenbyA ch J 140 Charles A Smith 5 Enenezer chCAJ140CharlesASmith5Etenezereh AJ140CharlesASmith5EtenezerehAJ140CharlesASmith5Etenezereh by B J H 1850 White Pond ch J W B 272 Bennettsville ch 2750 XV joitec by 272Benncttsvil1eeh750VLJoneby R W S E492 Beaverdam ch by D L V 190190 RWSe4BeaverdamehbyDLVH90Covonaco ch by A C 210 Union ThirdThird Division EIgefield Assn by J V A 15161516 Switzer ch b J P G 10 Corinth ch by J SS10 E R Roberts H 5 Beulah ch by J EEMc S3 Beulah S S by J E Mt 220 Cherokee Cherokeeby Springs ch V P S 450 Union ch 7 SpringschbvVPS150Unioneh7El10Elloree A P A ch Mc 10 Japan New EloreeehAMeAPapanNewIissios10EloreeehAMeAPapanNewIissios10 Slissios Clover cll by F G M 631 Union Meeting Second Division Aiken Assn by V H K 710710 SecondDivisionAikenssnbvVHK710 SecondDivisionAikenssnbvVHK7Montmorenci ch by V H K 10MontmorenciellbyVHK220China MontmorenciellbyVHK220China220 ChinaChina Springs by V 11 K 133 Shilo ch by V HHSprnJsbyWHK13ShiIoehbyWHKK 233 Talatha ch by V H K 85c BlackK1233TalathaehbyWHK85eBlaekK1233TalathaehbyWHK85eBlaek Black ville ch by A B 250 VV M S Blackville chiUechbyAB250WtSBlackviUeciUechbyAB250WtSBlackviUech ch by A B 2 LongBranch ch by T 1 L Law hbyAB2LonglSranehehbTPLLaw byAB2LonglSranehehbTPLLawtLawton 125 Seven Pines ch by T P D Lawton on12SevenPinesehbyTPDL3wton ton12SevenPinesehbyTPDL3wtonton12SevenPinesehbyTPDL3wton Beaver Creek ch by WV SS D 55 MidwayL 185 Midway D 185BaverCreekehbyVSD5Midw185BaverCreekehbyVSD5Midwa 5 Mt Carmel ch by G H B ch by G Ii B t 4175 Thos Lyles 5 Citadel Sq ch by TT10 Minton cll by R L P S Salem S S by R G A J 155 Trough Shoal ch by A aSbyRGAJ155TrouJhShoalchbyA B S 3051 Total 100527100527 BS3084TotalH90527PrBS3084TotalH90527 Previously reported 027070 Total this PreviouslyreportedG2O70TotalthisyearSPreviouslyreportedG2O70Totalthisyear this year eviouslyreportedG2O70Totalthisyear year S17597 17597

SSbBC150RabunnCreekchbyCII R3AOPoplrSpringchbyCHR213 ebbyCHR650LaurensSSbyCHR ReedyBranchehbyTPLli7cVell

VAS254SBlaekvilleSShvTAG VAS254SBlaekvilleSShvTAG587SwiftCreekchbRLB0ItHer587SwiftCreekchbRLB0ItHer monehbyLHB173BethelehbyJL 425aBrother51arionUnionlower C425aBrother51arionUnionlower ACW067LawtonvilleehbylIPLW S-


RWSe4BeaverdamehbyDLVH90 CovonaeoehhyACC10VmonThin CovonaeoehhyACC10VmonThinDiviionEdgefidd55nbyJVA5lG DiviionEdgefidd55nbyJVA5lGDiviionEdgefidd55nbyJVA5lG SwitzerehbJPG10CorinthehbyJsSwitzerehbJPG10CorinthehbyJs MojBeulahSShyJEI20CherokeeMojBeulahSShyJEI20Cherokee SpringschbvVPS150Unioneh7 oreeehAMeAPapanNewIissios10 CC


yearPreviously k5Previously reported 322063 Total this this year rciouslyreportedGG3Totalthisyear

527928 527921579 1579 Middle M S fS9 MiddleReadville ch MiddlMiddle ch W rtrffinia W MS 8NirciniaReadville NirciniaReadville 9Vi1illiaRcadvilleeh1Stiddle Vi1illiaRcadvilleeh1Stiddle

eDistrict RylandDistrict Norvell Ryland Assn Rudd chapel DistrictAssJIKuddchapelNorvcllRyland 1 1000 G J Price Treas childrensix little children TreasUOOOGJPrice1SIXliuhchlldnn TreasUOOOGJPrice1SIXliuhchlldIV in A Petersburg by E China 41 Mrs IVnninPttcrsburgbyELAChinali1IrsW inPttcrsburgbyELAChinali1IrsinPttcrsburgbyELAChinali1IrsW V

HPeyton5MrsHCBflgenSjJIIRaWHPeyton5MrsHCBflgenSjJII HPeyton5MrsHCBflgenSjJII Rangeley11ClarksNeckS5hyRSn ngeley11ClarksNeckS5hyRSn

Mrs 11 C Bogert 5 H Peyton 15 J 11 1Rangeley Rangeley nl Clarks Neck S S by R S B Rangeley11ClarksNeckS5hyRSn1 000 141 a friendfriend 1410rvclIRyanclTreas100tafriend tiorvell Ryland Treas Salem 2 Rev J T Betts 750 Total 201191201191 Previously 102GrfS5 year2G8S5 Total this Ireviously reported 410 year PreviouslyreIJorted10GSTotalthisyear thisyear 12310761231076 1231-


nd5alemRevJTBrtts7JTotalOlUn 5alemRevJTBrtts7JTotalOlUn

076IVestVire1ziatit*IIIIlamblrsA IVestVire1ziatit*IIIIlamblrsAIVestVire1ziatit*IIIIlamblrsA OPAlmerfotal7lrtOPAlmerfotal7 viouslyreported1Totalthisyear8

AA -West Miss IIH II11 Lamb 55 Mrs A Mrs A West Virginia cO Delmer 42 Total c7 1 8 1 Previously 8 7Previously reported Total this year 88 this year lrtviouslyreported1Totalthisyear8

byDistrict by District of Ave ch DistnctofCuillmbiaMarylandAechby ch by of Columbia Maryland Ave E S 5 two brethren of iStreet cit Washing Washington by F A R 410 Miss Emma VeatmansVeatmans S S class of First ch 4310 Mrs O H Hol Hol1310lan 5 Total 1310 lan5rOlalIUOPrPreviously 1287 yearM year Previously Total repotted this year 1287s1 PreviouslyreportedlS7lSLTotalthisyear1PreviouslyreportedlS7lSLTotalthisyear eviouslyreportedlS7lSLTotalthisyear Total this 133091330H 330H 1330-

tOilbFARHO1issEmmanYeatmns tOilbFARHO1issEmmanYeatmnsSSclassofFirtehUOMrsOHHol SSclassofFirtehUOMrsOHHollSSclassofFirtehUOMrsOHHol lan5rOlalIUO an5rOlalIUO

20Oklahoma Oklahoma Assn 20by GG TT JJ 20 20 1OklahomaOklahoma OklahomaOklahoma Assn by HOklalzomaOklal1omaAssnbyGTJO OklalzomaOklal1omaAssnbyGTJO OklalzomaOklal1omaAssnbyGTJPreviously reported 1 otal this year 575 OInjoulrreported575Tltalthisyear


275 27275Indian

W Territory Indian LL Wright Treas Wright TreasTerritoryW Treas IndianTerrilo7JLVrightTreas15IndianTerrilo7JLVrightTreas IndianTerrilo7JLVrightTreas


MontmorenciellbyVHK220China SprnJsbyWHK13ShiIoehbyWH 1233TalathaehbyWHK85eBlaek byAB2LonglSranehehbTPLLaw B16 SbyRGAJ155TrouJhShoalchbyA

1J50 J50 yearPreviously reported 45710 8710 Total Previously year previouslyreportedS710TotalthisyearIpreviouslyreportedS710Totalthisyear this year Total this 129501J50-

2166IGiO GiO IGiMiss BB PP ICinsey 22-22Indiana 0IndianaMiss OIlldiaaMissBPKinsey2 IndianaMiss IlldiaaMissBPKinsey2 IlldiaaMissBPKinse-

CC Mexico Rev JJ GG Chastain 61850 C- MexicoRev 1850 AA C y2lIfexicoReJGChtain81850AC lIfexicoReJGChtain81850ACWat1 Ida 10 Total McCormick IdaHayrs10H1leCormiek10Total 1018310181 101Previously 27346 year reported 427346 Previously Total year 81tiouslyreported3AljTotalthisyear Total this this yeartiouslyreported3AljTotalthisyeartiouslyreported3AljTotalthisyear

lIfexicoReJGChtain81850AC Watkins MissTreas Brazilian Mission 3333 Miss WatkinsTreasBrazilianMission333Miss kinsTreasBrazilianMission333Miss Mayes 410 11 O


5 22-

American 300 30American Baptist Publishing Society 4300 4300AmedeanBaptistPubtishingSociety300 0Aggregate Aggregate reported1312737 A Previously reported 131277 fireiate Aggreate1l37PnwiousIreportedG50Aggreate1l37PnwiousIreported

65 01151 7813801G501151Totalthisyear7813891 Total this year 7813801 1151Totalthisyear7813891

SPECIAL NOTICE Please notify if receipts are NOTICEPlease SPECIALNOTICEPleasenotifyifreceiptsarenotromtlyreceivedfJr are not nol promptly received

butions as they are always promplly sent butiOl1SastheyarealwaysromtlysenbutiOl1Sastheyarealwaysromtlysent

conlriolIrifor olIri for contri

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The 7ourzalDMission Journal Thel1fisszoll7ourizalDThel1fisszoll7ourizal Journ-

tsiontpattttttttt iontpattttttttt

al9famg 9famg HfeimrtmgtttDIiontpatttttttttThel1fisHfeimrtmgttt DIAZ IN JAIL JAILDIAZINJAIL IAZ IAZINJAIL DIAZINJAAZ

On the afternoon of April i6th a telegram from Havana was wasILOntheafternoonofApril16thatelegramfromHavanavs OntheafternoonofApril16thatelegramfromHavanavs Mission Home to the wordsRooms brought broughttotheHOtTIelfissionRoomscontainingthesevords containing words these o ooc c


Porta-aaDIAZ DIAZIXJAILPorta ix JAIL Porta

theThis startling intelligence brings the Board face to face with the rhisstartlingintelligencebringstheBoardfacetofaceviththe butgravest difficulty of its history Diaz has been in jail before but gravestdifiicultyofitshistoryDiazhasbeeninjailbeforebut foundthen the charges against him were trivial If he had been found thenthechargesagainsthitnveretrivialIfhehadbeenfound guilty the penalty would not have involved life or liberty Then Thenguiltythepenaltyvold110thaveinvolvedlifeorlibertyThen there was profound peace upon the island and partizanism did nottherevasprofoundpeaceupontheislandandpartizanismdidnot not into crimes the careless familiar torture of words conversation or tortureintocrirnesthecarelessvordsoffamiliarconversationor orbase a charge of treason upon the loose expressions found in a letbaseachargeoftreasonuponthelooseexpressionsfoundinalet let friend ter to a friendtertoafriend different are the conditions prevailing now The SpanWidely Span VidelyditlrentaretheconditionsprevailingnoTheSpan authority ishauthorityinCubaisshakentoitsfoundationCubanmenand in Cuba is shaken to its foundation ish Cuban men andand women are fighting against a tyranny more dreadful to them thanthan life death and for liberty dearer to them than lifedeathandforlibertydearertothemthanlife Spaniards have repudiated their ablest commander becauseThe because TheSpaniardshaverepudiatedtheirablestcommanderbecause his justice and his moderation and have supplied his place byof by ofhisjusticeandhistnoderationandhavesuppliedhisplaceby the most bloodthirsty and cruel of all the Spanish leaders SusSus themostbloodthirsyandcruelofalltheSpanishleadersSus picion is tantamont to conviction of crime The horrors of SpanishSpanish picionistantamonttoconvictionofcrimeThehorrorsofSpanish theirprisons are augmented a hundred fold by the multitudes of their prisonsareaugmentedahundredfoldbythemultitudesoftheir diseased vermininfested halfstarved inmates always justice alwaysdiseasedvermininfestedhalfstarvedinmatesJusticeahvays delayed in Spanish courts has fled the land and nothing but thethe delayedinSpanishcOlrtshasfledthelandandnothingbutthe other strong arm of foreign power car preserve even citizens of otherstrongarmofforeignpowercanpreserveevencitizensofother countries from the passionprompted sentences of its partizan tributribu countriesfromthepassionpronlptedsentencesofitspartizantrib life to fact our of our nals We cannot the the eyes shut that nalsVecannotshutoureyestothefactthatthelifeofourouroffrom in is Not Diaz simply the danger great jeopardy Brother BrotherDiazisingxeatjeoparyNotsimplyfromthedangerof of thefor from of conviction the danger but the the great allegedoffence conyictionfortheallegedoffencebutfromtbegreatdangerofthe endure protracted and torturing imprisonment lie may be called to endureprotractedandtorturingimprisonmenthemaybecalledtoendure itsin its to will actions not stop vindicate Board regard to its The TheBoardvillnotstoptovindicateitsactionsinregardtoits isay pospos missionaries in Cuba further than to missionariesinCubafurtherthantosaythatithastakeneverypos that it has taken every more sible precaution for their safety Assured that Diaz was in moresibleprecautionfortheirsafetyAssuredthatDiazvasinmore solicthan any of the others the Board has been especially solic dangerthananyoftheotherstheBoardhasbeenespeciallysolic danger made itous for him and could he have acted upon the suggestions madeitousforhimandcouldhehaveacteduponthesuggestionsmade auhim lie would not have remained within the limits of Spanish au himheyouldnothaveremainedvithinthelimitsofSpanishau see thority But he could not He no doubt felt it to be his duty to seethorityButhecouldnotHenodoubtfeltittobehisdutytosee depart the others safely off the island before he should go Their departtheotherssafelyofftheislandbeforeheshouldgoTheirdepart ure was delayed by some unknown cause OHalloran the last urevasdelayedbysomeunknovncauseOHalloranthelastTurevasdelayedbysomeunknovncauseOHalloranthelast


Mission 2 Journal The JournalThe1JlissioJlJournal

nightnightto leave sailed from Havana Wednesday the i5th That night toleavesailedfromHavanaVednesdaythe15thThatnight saidIn the last letter received from him he said Diaz was arrested DiazvasarrestedInthelastletterreceivedfromhilllhesaid hishevasPerfectinoarranrrementsforthecareofourpropertyinhis he was perfecting arrangements for the care of our property in his thathis absence The evidence before us points to the conclusion that hisabsenceTheevidencebeforeuspOIntstotncconeUSIontlat itvashisdesireforthesafetyofothersandhisfidelitytothe the it was his desire for the safety of others and his fidelity to theinduced him that the delay that rere by the Board trust committed to sulted in his arrestarrest suItedinhisarrest diflidiffmonths communication with our missionaries has been diffi For Formonthscommunicationvithourmissionarieshasbeendifl cult and hazardous They were objects of suspicion because ofof cultandhazardousheyvereobjectsofsuspicionbecauseof theirr religious faith and practice It is understood that all lettersletters theirreligiousfaithandpracticeItisundertoodthatal1letters were Under thesubject to inspection at the Havana postoffice the veresubjecttoinspectionattheHavanapostoflceUnderthe prevailing conditions the most innocent expression relating to ourprevailingconditionstheIllOstinnocentexpressionrtlatingtoo ourrrmission work in the excited minds of the Spanish authorities mightmissionworkintheexcitedmindsoftheSpanishauthoritiesmight might Everybe transformed into words indicating rebellion and treason Every betransformedintovordsindicatingrebc11ionandtreasonEvery reletter we sent to Havana might engender suspicions that would re JettervesenttoIlavtnamightengendersuspicionsthatvouldre our in of imprisonment missionaries the and sult every theyletter they sultntheimprisonmentofourmissionariesandeveryletterthey to us might be fraught with similar consequences sent Hence we wesenttousmightbefraughtvithsimilarconsequencesIIencewe do not know why Diaz delayed so long in Havana We only knowknow donotknovvhyDiazdelayedsolonginIIavanaVeonlykno him our brother is in prison and we must help himourbrotherisinprisonandvemusthelphim Arrangements iArrangements must be made to care for him while in prisoprison prisonArrangementsmustbemadetocareforhiIllvhileinprison He will not dare to eat or drink anything furnished by the prisonHevillnotdaretoeatordrinkanythingfurnishedbytheprison prison authorities He must have such comforts as the common jails of ofHavana do not contain His health suffered greatly from his lastHavanadonotcontaIlishealthsufleredgreatlyfromhislast last imprisonment though it was brief Protracted imprisonment now imprisonnlentthoughitvasbriefProtractedimprisonrnentno nowlifehis life will endanger villendangerhisife j nj was the horror of a Burman prison that broke down the healthIt ItvasthehorrorofaBurmanprisonthtbrokedovntheheaIth healthhealth of Judson and brought him so near the grave I t was the dungeondungeon in which Herod confined John the Baptist that staggered the faith faithinvhichHerodconfinedJohntheBaptistthatstaggeredthefaith of the forerunner and led him who in triumphant tones cried BeoftheforerunnerandledhimvhointriumphanttonescriedBe Be hold the Lamb of God to inquire in timid and doubting accentaccent thou he that should come or look we for another Art and DiazDiaz ArtthouhethatshouldcomeorlookveforanotherandDiaz is flesh and blood as were they He will need expressions of sym sympathy from all his brethren who have assigned him to that post of ofpathyfromanhisbrethrenvhohaveassignedhimtothatpostof duty and of danger He has honored them by a life of devotion to todutyandofdangerlIehashonoredthembyalifeofdevotionto their cause surpassed by none among the living or the deadtheircausesurpassedbynoneamongthelivingorthedead dead every Baptist of the South man woman or child be amongLet among LetevervBaotistoftheSouthmanwomanorchildbeamonu those of whom Diaz can say I was sick and in prison and yeye ministered unto me Let there not be one who shall fail to honorministeredunton1eLettherenotbeonevhoshallfailtohonor honor himself by some token of sympathy and love to him with whomhimselfbysometokenofsympathyanlovetohiIllwithvhom whom God has honored our denominationGodhashonoredourdenomination denomination We are tempted to ask if any will not respond to ofto the needs of such a man what suffering what distress can move his heart orsuchaInanvhatsufferingvhatdistresscanmovehisheartor or what calamity smiting the soul of a child of God would draw forthvhatcalamitysmitingthesoulofachildofGodvolllddravforth forth one so callous evidence that the love of God dwells in him from froInonesocallousevidencethattheloveofGodhvel1sinhim

Home Department FIol1cDearbncllt Deartnzeat

2I2I 2121 2-

imprisonment of Brother Diaz will impose unlooked for exThe 1TheimprisonmentofBrotherDiazvillimposeunlookedforex TheimprisonmentofBrotherDiazvillimposeunlookedforex ex penses on the Board Not only must he be cared for but so must mustpensesontheBoardNotonlymusthebecaredforbutsomust his family The expenses of a trial which Spanish courts well wellhisfamilyTheexpensesofatrialvhichSpanishcourtsveIl know how to make exceeding burdensome Attorneys servicesknovlhovtomakeexceedingburdensomeAttorneysservices services and he must have the bestwill not be small Nothing must bebe andheInusthavethebestwillnotbesmal1Nothingmustbe spared that will mitigate the suffering or spare the life of ourour sparedthatvillmitigatethesufferingorsparetheJifeofour Money is valueless when counted against the life of suchbrother brotherlVloneyisvaluelessvhencountedagainstthelifeofsuch such aamanvVeaskthateverychurcconnectedviththeSouthern man We ask that every church connected with the SouthernSouthern Convention take immediately a special collection for thisBaptist BaptistConventiontakeimmediatelyaspecialcollectionforthis this purpose In this general movement of our people there is a strongstrong purposeInthisgeneralmovementofourpeoplethereisastrong element of safety to our brother It will strengthen him It willwill elementofsafetytoourbrotherItvillstrengthenhimItvill cheer his prison days It will enable him to resist disease andand cheerhisprisondaysItvillenablehimtoresistdiseaseand power maintain his vital powermaintainhisvitalpover Havana could know that ten thousand Baptist churches byIf by IfIIavanacouldknovthattenthousandBaptistchurchesby concerted movement swelled a fund for Diazs protection andone oneconcertedmovementsvel1ttdafundforDiazsprotectionand and freedom how that would hold back the threatened blow and changechange freedomhovthatvouldholdbackthethreatenedblovandchange How it would affect our authorities atthe purpose to destroy at thepurposetodestroyHovitvouldaffectourauthoritiesat home to know that a million and a half of Baptists were in earnesthometoknovthatamillionandahalfofBaptistsvereinearnest earnest firstin their efforts to save a man so honored of Goda star of the first intheireffortstosaveaInansohonoredofGodastarofthefirst worldof missionary heroes among the the world magnitude magnitudeamongthemissionaryheroesoftheworld influence and power it would give them for all comingWhat coming Vhatinfluenceandpoveritwouldgivethemforallcoming time to protect and promote the missionaries of their faith in everyevery timetoprotectandpromotethemissionariesoftheirfaithinevery land and on every shore Diazs imprisonment is Gods call to thethe landandoneveryshoreDiazsimprisonnlentisGodscalltothe and churches of the South to arise ahd shake off the dust of sloth andchurchesotheSouthtoariseahdshakeoffthedustofslothand in act for his deliverance for Gods cause and for their own honor inactforhisdeliveranceforGodscauseandfortheirownhonorin aamannervorthyofthemselvesvorthyoftheKingtheyadoreand and manner worthy of themselves worthy of the King they adore andnations of the Gospel which they must give to all the nationsoftheGospelwhichtheymustgivetoallthenations purposes What though ten times that which is needed for these purposesvVhatthoughtentimesthatvhichisneededforthesepurposes It would be but a gar garshould be contributed by our churches shouldbecontributedbyourchurchesItvouldbebutagar whonered supply from which to equip other soldiers of the Cross who neredsupplyfromvhichtoequipohersoldiersoftheCrossho island will reinforce Gods conquering host on that islandvillreinforceGodsconqueringhostonthatisland We are committed to this work Our hands are upon the plow vVearecommittedtothisvorkOurhandsareupontheplov ploweecannotlookbackDiazmayperishinprisonordiebythe cannot look back Diaz may perish in prison or die by thethe wI The handsoftheexecutionerbutCubamustbespirituallyfreeThe hands of the executioner but Cuba must be spiritually free ThemouthoftheLordhathspokenit mouth of the Lord bath spoken it TICHENORTICHENOR 1TTICHENOR I1TTICHENORT TICuENORGA April 23 1896ATLANTA ATLANTAGAApril231896 1896 189-

morningInformation of Bro Diazs liberation received this morning InformationofBroDiazsliberationreceivedthismorning

And 6Prayer can do more for gold than gold can do for prayer AndPrayer PrayercandomoreforgoldthangoldcandoforprayerPnd cancertainly if men prayed more they would give more Prayer can certainlyifmenprayedmoretheyvouldgivemorePrayercan withsoar to the heavens for Gods blessing on the heathen with hardly hardlysoartotheheavensforGodsblessingontheheathenvith Mis out searching the pockets of the pititioners by the wayThe MissoutsearchingthepocketsofthepititionersbythevaTTheJJlis sionerv Si011alIlltelligc11ccr ionerv y Inlelligenccr



serserRev Malcombe MacGregor preached an exceptionally fine ser RevJlalcombeJ1acGregorpreachedanexceptionallyfineser asfrom Baptist the mon Hill church as text the at yesterday monyesterdayattheJacksonIlillBaptistchurchfromthetextas Jackson 8 in dwell wasin our land Psalms was found It may glory That foundinPsaltns859ThatglorymaydvellinourlanelItvas 9 aapleaforahigherorderofpatriotismandincreasedeffortsin111is plea for a higher order of patriotism and increased efforts in mismis worksion work sionvork sionvorinIn in opening his sermon Mr MacGregor spoke of the Jews inkInopeninghissermonIVlrlIacGregorspokeoftheJewsin InopeninghissermonIVlrlIacGregorspokeoftheJewsin olden times among whom piety and patriotism were very thoroughly thoroughlyoldentilnesamongvhompietyandpatriotismwereverythoroughly their religion being patriotic and their patriotism rclicommingled rclililcommingledtheirreligionbeingpatrioticandtheirpatriotislllr beengious American patriotism he said from the very start has been giouslmericanpatriotismhesaidfromtheverystarthasbeen igiouslmericanpatriotismhesaidfromtheverystarthasbeen a very decided and practical type as witnessed by the revolu of revoluofayerydecidedandpracticaltypeasitnessedbytherevolu tionary and civil wars and as indicated by American prose and p0tionaryandcivilvarsandasindicatedbyAmericanproseandpo p0 What is especially needed however is that in this countryetry etryVhatisespecial1yneededhoweveristhatinthiscountry country patriotism shall become more imbued with Christian principles andpatriotismshallbecomemoreimbuedvithChristianprinciplesand and shall become in the highest sense more patri our Christianity that patrithatourChristianityshallbecomeinthehighestsensemorepatri otic By all means we should cultivate home missions for the imim oticByallmeansweshouldcl1tiOatehomemissionsfortheim provement landrovementofourovnlandTIof our own land rovementofourovnland GLORY OF OUR LAND THE LANLANTIlEGLORYOFOURLAXD lEGLORYOFOURLAXD


DMr andMacGregor spoke of the vastness and extent of our land and Mr and111lvlacGregorspokeofthevastnessandextentofourlandand its resources and dwelt on the importance of missionary workwork people among its peopleamongitspeople Our land said he is eighteen times as large as Spain thirty thirtythirtyOurlandsaidheiseighteentimesaslargeasSpainthirty one times as large as Italy sixty times as large as England andand onetimesaslargeasItalysixtytimesaslargeasEnglandand Wales together Weld into one Great Britain and Ireland France FranceWalestogetherTeldintooneGreatBritainandIrelandFrance Germany Austria Italy Spain Portugal Switzerland DenmarkDenmark GermanyAustriaItalySpainPortugalSvitzerlandDenmark and Greece and they would cover scarcely onethird of the territerri andGreeceandtheyvouldcoverscarcelyonethirdoftbeterri tory of the United States The United States soil is capable ofof toryoftheUnitedStatesTheUnitedStatessoiliscapableof supporting more than 1ooooooooo people Onehalf of the boldsupportingmorethan1000000000peopleOnehalfofthegold bold and silver supply of the world is now obtained here iron is minedandsilversupplyofthevoddisnovobtainedhereironismined mined in twentythree of our States and our coal supply is simply today todayintventythreeofourStatesandourcoalsupplyissimply inexhaustible What a population our land is destined to bear bearinexhaustibleWhatapopulationourlandisdestinedtobear How important that this country should speedily become thor thorHovimportantthatthiscountryshouldspeedilybecomethor evangelizedoughly evangelized In M Tr MacGregorspeaking of the population of this country Mr MacGregor MacGregoInspeakingofthepopulationofthiscountry11rlfacGreOor MacGregorsaid The rapidly increasing population of our land renders homesaidTherapidlyIncreasingpopulationofourlandrendershone home missionary enterprise imperative During the ninety years previmissionaryenterpriseimperativeDuringtheninetyyearsprevi previ to i88o io000ooo foreigners came to settle in the Unitedous ousto188010000000foreignerscametosettleintheUnited United States Since iS8o this country has been peacefully invaded byStatesSince1880thiscauntryhasbeenpeacefullyinvadedbv by an army of foreigners four times as great as that of the Goths andanarmyofforelgnersfourtimesasgreatasthatoftheGothsand and Vandals that devastated Southern Europe and broke the power ofVandalsthatdevastatedSouthernEuropeandbrokethepoverof of Rome Most of the multitudes thus coming to us are destitute ofof acquaintance and sympathy with our institutions and governmentacquaintanceandsympathywithOUfinstitutionsandgovernment government and are destitute of any knowledge or experience of the gospel of andaredestituteofanyknovvledgeorexperienceofthegospelofandaredestituteofanyknovvledgeorexperienceofthegospelof 11

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Christ and its saving benefits There are innumerable heathens at ChristanditssavingbenefitsThereareinnumerableheathenat atour very doors We must give them the gospel The unrest of ofourverydoorsWemustgivethemthegospelTheunrestof the Old World and its overpopulation will increase immigration intheOldorldanditsoverpopulationvillincreaseimmigrationin in the future There is much spiritual destitution and fatal ignorancethefutureThereismchspiritualdestitutionandfatalignorne ignorance iinallpartsofourlandandhomemissionaryenterpriseahundred n all parts of our land and home missionary enterprise a hundredhundred fold greater than we have exercised hitherto is neededfoldgreaterthanvehaveexercisedhithertoisneeded needed THREATEN11DANGERS THAT THREATEN THE THEDAGERSTHATTIIREATEN

J J-

MacGregor spoke of the peculiar perils which are threaten 11111acGregorspokeofthepecu1irperilsvhicharethreatp threaten1r 111r

mateing this land among them being a too exclusive devotion to mate iugthislandamongt1embeingatooexclusivedevotiontomate rial gain too great haste to become rich at all hazards intemper intemperwhich has become a mighty evil to health morals the family anceyhichhasbecorneamightyeviltohealthmoralsthefamily ance onbusiness and political life monopoly on the one hand spoliation on businessandpoliticallifemonopolyontheonehandspoliationon the other the greed of the rich and the envy of the poor and noththeotherthegreedoftherichandtheenvyofthepoorandnoth noth ing but the gospel of Christ can meet and overcome these mightymighty ingbutthegospelofChristcanmeetandovercomethesemighty agents for evil He spoke of the wonderful possibilities of this landagentsforeilHespokeoftheyonderfulpossibiIitiesofthisland land a field for missionary effort and dwelt on the one great thing toas to asateldformissionaryeffortanddveltontheonegreatthingto desired That glory may dwell in our land be the glory of thethe bedesiredThatglorymaydvelIinourlandthegloryofthe truth the glory of divine salvation and the glory of worldwide worldwidetruththegloryofdivinesalvationandthegloryofvorldvide usefulnessusefulness Christian Christianusefulness In closing Mr MacGregor made a strong presentation of the Inclosing11r1IacGregormadeastrongpresentationofthe work being done by the Baptists and urged upon his members theworkbeingdonebytheBaptistsandurgeduponhismembersthe the necessity of increased activity in the cause of missions and espeespe necessityofincreasedactivityinthecauseofmissionsandespe cially home missionsThe Atlanta 7ozzrnal 7ozzrnalcialyhomemissionsTheAtlaJltaJournal 1131


We have been furnished with a copy of a letter recently writtenNAVehavebeenfurnishedvithacopyofaletterrecentlyvritten written Vehavebeenfurnishedvithacopyofaletterrecentlyvritten forHon John C Scarborough Superintendent of Education for by byIIonJohnCScarboroughSuperintendentofEducationfr H D D to Carolinia Rev L Morehouse North Corresponding NorthCaroliniatoRevIiL11orehouseDDCorresponding of the American Baptist Home Mission Society NewSecretary New SecretaryoftheAmericanBaptistIlomelIissionSocietyNevSecretaryoftheAmericanBaptistIlomelIissionSocietyNev YorkIYorkYork INIr NIr Scarborough is a distinguished citizen and prominent BapBap 11rScarboroughisad*stnguishedcitizenandprominentBap tist He has been identified with Baptist interests as well as withtistIIehasbeenidentifiedwithBaptistinterestsasyellasvith with the educational interests of North Carolina for many years WeWe theeducationalinterestsofNorthCaroJinaformanyyearsiTe are gratified to be able to furnish the readers of THE JoURNALsome aregratifiedtobeabletofurnishthereadersofTHEOURNALsome JoURNALsomeextracts extracts from his excellent letter It may be proper to explain that thatextractsfromhisexcellentletterItmaybepropertoexplainthat Brown to vhoin lie refers is the recently employed genBrother gen Brotherrovntoholnherefersistherecentlyelnployedgen missionary under the cooperative plan in North CarolinaCarolina eral ralmissionaryunderthecooperativeplaninNorthCarolina one He is one of finest workers and oneknow Brother Brown IknovBrothc1BrOZllllHeisoneoffinestvorkersandone of the best men among the colored Baptists of the State He is aaofthebestrnenamongthecoloredBaptistsoftheStateHeisa fine citizen a good man a good preacher and pastor a firstclass firstclassfinecitizenagoodInanagoodpreacherandpastorafirstclass peo and one of the best managers of a crowd of colored peoteacher teacherandoneofthebestmanagersofacrovdofcoloredpo I seen among them He has to tact ple have character pIeIhaveseenamongthemehastactcharactertocommandHpIeIhaveseenamongthemehastactcharactertocommand command t


The ilfission journal journalrThellfissiollJournal


respect has practical and sensible views Tells then the truth and andespect respecthaspracticalandsensibleviewsTel1stherrthetruthand

does not make them mad whoKnows how to get hold of men who have had very limited opportunities and how to encourage them themhavehadverylInitedopportunitiesandhovtoencouragethem anand lift them up to better views and to do better work He is an andliftthelnuptobetterviewsandtodobetterworkIIeisan is butfor man a allround good himself He narrow schemer not allroundgoodmanfIeisnotanarrowschcmerforhimselfbut but aaviseandbroadplannerforhispeoplesgoodandforthclIas wise and broad planner for his peoples good and for the Tas Tasters glorykingdom and glory ters terskingdomandglory Out of this Institute work are to come results long prayed forfor OutofthisInstitutevorkaretocomeresultslongprayedfor by our white pastors and people Baptists The lifting of colored Baptistsbyourvhitepastorsandpeople1heJiftingofcoloredBaptists to a higher and better home life church life intellectual life bettertoahigherandbetterhoulelifechurchlifeintellectuallifebette better living and to self development as men and women To quicken desire for better home surroundings and better homes for higherhigher desireforbetterhomeslrroundingsandbetterhOlnesforhigher Christian education and consequent better citizenship re ChristianeducationandconsequentbettercitizenshipItwiIIie It will result in practical and more effective missionary work to be done byby them among themselves at home and enlarge their notions as to tothelnalnongthemselvesathOlneandenlargetheirnotioilsasto their mission to the world It will better equip them for the aidaid they are to give the Baptists North and South in the problem to betheyaretogivetheBaptistsNorthandSouthintheproblerntobe be worked out What are they to be and What can we help themthem I cannot you cannot enumerate all the possible and prob to be probit will bring to them as a people if patiently wisely andable good ablegooditvillbringtothemasapeopleifpatientlyviseland and well we shall do this work they helping us in it or the rather we wehelping Beene in it helpingtllc11init Then too the benef-its will be large and many in numbernumber will come to our while Baj5lists in the South from this workwhich work vhichvillCOInetoourwhiteBltrsiutheSouthfromthisork You brethren at the North have helped to open the door for ourYoubrethrenattheNorthhavehelpedtoopenthedoorforour our usefulness to the Negro at our very doors Our white BaptistBaptist brethren are rejoiced at the prospects as they open Many of us usfor for have prayed years open anddoor we that ail might haveprayedforyearsforanopendoorthatvemightgoinand bo in and them It will enlarge our views of the capacity of the Negrohelp helpthemItvillenlargeourvievsofthecapacityoftheNegro Negro will enlarge and broaden our sympathies for him and enable us It ItviIienlargeandbroadenoursympathiesforhimandenableus usdo unselfishly Christian work for him with stronger and betterto todounselfishlyChristianyorkforhin1vithstrongerandbetter better hope for him as a man and a brother in Christ It will bring us to tosee that we can aid in the work of lifting him up to privileges andseethatvecanaidinthevorkofliftinghimuptoprivilegesand and opportunities which heretofore perhaps he has not dreamed of andopportunitiesvhichheretoforeperhapshehasnotdreamedofand and we have not thought possible It will help us to see clearly thethe necessity of lifting him up for if he is not lifted up he will pull its itsdown It will show us more clearly the necessity of Christian citi citizenship in order to realize somewhat the ideal of the Americanzenshipinordertorealizesomewhattheidealofthetmerican American system of government It will revivify and renew afresh our kindly feelings for the race which in our time of sorest trial and greatest greatesthardship and bitter anxiety stood in its place stormy though it waswas and waited patiently for delivery to come as the result of the con andvaitedpatientlyfordeiiverytocomeastheresultofthecon conflict then being waged It will place them and us in a better positionposition to find the good in each other and to cultivate that rather than to tofindthegoodineachotherandtocultivatethatratherthanto tothe faults of each other It will do all this and much magnify magnifythefaultsofeachotherItviIIdoallthisandmuchmagnifythefaultsofeachotherItviIIdoallthisandmuch 11


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willfor the white and black men of the South Then too it will more SmoreforthevhiteandblackmenoftheSouthThentooitvill moreforthevhiteandblackmenoftheSouthThentooitvill ofhelp you men of the North to know more about the white men of helpyoumenoftheNorthtoknovmoreaboutthewhitemenof white the South in our better qualitiesspecially more about the whitetheSouthinourbetterquaIitiesspeciaIIymoreaboutthewhite the Baptist churchmembers and our willingness and desire to help theBaptistchurchmembersandourvillingnessanddesiretohelpthe church colored people to better living and to a higher plane of churchcoloredpeopletobetterlivingandtoahigherplaneofchurch life people and work But I need not multiply words Our white peoplelifeandyorkButIneednotmultiplyvordsOurwhitepeple which have not put their hands to a work of the churches in years whichhapenotputtheirhandstoavorkofthechurchesinyearsvhich ispromises more for the outlay The universal sentiment with us is promisesmorefortheoutlayTheuiversalsentimentvithusis huis for in is hu Lord it His and work the the glory that that for thattheLordisinthevorkthatitisforHisgloryandforhu it manity We are thankful for the privilege of helping in itmanityWearethankfulfortheprivilegeofhelpinginit OFOF MOTHERS MEETINGS AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS OF REPORT REPORTOFMOTHERSMEETINGSANDINDUSTRIALSCHOOLSOF WOMEN AND CHILDRENCOLORED CHILDREN COLOREDVOMENANDCHILDRENHCOLOREDVOMENANDCHILDREN MAY 1896 HELD IN BALTIMORE MAY 1895 189IS95MAV ELDINBATIMOREMAVIS9S11AV1896 HELDINBATIMOREMAVIS9S11AV1896 6This gone forward during steadily the year with onlywork has only This Thisvorkhasgonesteadilyforvardduringtheyearwithonly

toone change The school at Faith Chapel was given up owing to onechangeTheschoolatFaithChapelvasgivenupovingto in Methodist neighborhoodchurch the neighborhood the fact of a strong colored thefactofastrongcoloredlIethodistchurchintheneighborhood permanent largely the results of our labors There was no permanentreaping reapinglargelytheresultsofourlaborsTherevasnopermanent did pastor at Faith Chapel and as the membership was weak they didpastoratFaithChapelandasthemembershipvasveaktheydid enlarge notseemabletotakeadvantageofthisopportunityfortheenlarge not seem able to take advantage of this opportunity for the enlargetomentoftheiryorksoaftermaturedeliberationitvasdecidedto ment of their work so after mature deliberation it was decided to toclose that school and to accede to a request of Rev J C Allen to dosethatschoolandtoaccedetoarequestofReyJCAllento organize a school at his church Mr Allen for two years had beenbeen organizeaschoolathischurch11rAl1enfortvoyearshadbeen Invery anxious for the establishment of a Mothers Meeting and In veryanxiousfortheestablishmentofalIotherslleetingandIn of dustrial School there but a lack of workers prevented Pastors ofdustrialSchooltherebutalackofvorkerspreventedPastorsof the several colored churches throughout Maryland have during theseveralcoloredchurchesthroughoutMarylandhaveduringthe Society earnestly requested the president of the Home Mission Societyyear yearearnestlyrequestedthepresidentoftheHomeMissionSociety theirof Maryland to try and organize schools in connection with their of1farylandtotryandorganizeschoolsinconnectionviththeir for it posabove reason given but the has not been churches pos yet churchesbutforthereasongivenaboveithasnotyetbeenposschurchesbutforthereasongivenaboveithasnotyetbeenpos sible ible sibleThe entire expense for carrying on four schools has been 4357 The Theentireexpenseforcarryingonfourschoolshasbeen4357 4357children As will be seen from the reports of the various schools the childrenAsvillbeseenfromthereportsofthevariousschoolsthechildren to have been trained to give and their offerings have largely aided tohavebeentrainedtogiveandtheirotleringshavelargelyaidedto Orphanage the little ones in the Colored Orphanagesupport supportthelittleonesintheColoredOrphanage

coloredsubmitting the report of the work done among the colored In Insubmittingthereportoftheyorkdoneamngthecolored thatpeople in Baltimore we repeat what has previously been said that peopleinBaltimoreverepeatyhathaspreviouslybeensaidthat differentno missionaries are employed to do this work ladies from different no1nissicnariesareemployedtodothisyorkladiesfromdifferent somechurches giving their time and labor gratuitously In some white vhitechurchesgivingtheirtimeandlaborgratuitouslyInsonH toslight measure we realize that God is giving us an opportunity to slightIneasureweredizethatGodisgivingusa1opportunityto do Gospel Foreign itIission work at home and in this way give the GospeldoForeignIissionyorkathoyneandinthisvaygivetheGospel midst to totheAfricansinourmidstSuthe Africans in our midsttotheAfricansinourmidst ARMSTRONG ARIISTRONSubmitted SublnittedbyANNIEVARMSTRONG by ANNIE W ARMSTRONblnittedbyANNIEVARMSTRONG SublnittedbyANNIEVARMSTROWT GPresident B H M President of Marylandj Society NGPresidentWBH11SocietoflVlaryland PresidentWBH11SocietoflVlarylandHPresidentWBH11SocietoflVlaryland

26 i6

Mission JournalThe 7vtcrnalThel11zssJ1lYotlrllal Journal

orphanage and one orphanageone orphanageseparate reports of The of the four schools and Theseparatereportsofthefourschoolsandoneorphange andeach showing care and the eachcontaininformationindetailofinterestshovingthecareand contain information in detail of interest diversifiedthoroughness with which this work is conducted in its diversified t1orouThnessvithvhichthisvorkisconductedinitsdiversified forms im The Kindergarten feature in these schools is a work of imforn1sTheIindergartenfeatureintheseschoolsisavork0Im isis porttcnce four for schools the porUlnceheaggregateaverageattendanceforthefourschoolsis The aggregate average attendance shown to be 354 and the aggregate number of garments made 312shovntobe354andtheaggregatenumberofgarmentsmade312 312 In the orphanage there are at present 31 children ranging in ageage Intheorphanagethereareatpresent3Ichildrenranginginage forfrom to The largest number cared for fromto14yearsboysandgirlsThelargestnun1bercaredfor 14 yearsboys and girls at any one time was 42 Suitable religious instruction and worshipworship atanyonetimevas42Suitablereligiousinstructionandvorship is conducted in connection with the schools and with the orphaisconductedinconnectionviththeschoolsandwiththeorphaisconductedinconnectionviththeschoolsandwiththeorphan orphan

nageED nageEn ageED

MISS BUHLMAIERS WORK BALTIMORIN BALTIMORE WORK IN MISSBUHLlIAIERSVORKINHALTIMORE BALTIMOREThe The work of imof Miss Buhlmaier among the imThevorkofMissBuhlmaieramongtheGermansandotherim the Germans and im and other other im in migrants Baltimore is a chapter of consecrated devotion which migrantsinBaltimoreisachapterofconsecrateddevotionvhich whichappeals to the interest of every American Christian ChristianappealstotheinterestofeveryAmericanChristian Her Her annual report for for the the year and year just just closed closed isis soso thrilling andandand fruitful that we would be glad if we had space to publish it in full fullfruitfulthatveouldbegladifvehadspacetopublish*tinfull We are sure no reader of TILE JOURNAL will fail to read the fol folWearesurenoreaderofTIlEJOURXALvillfailtoreadthefol lowing rather extensive extracts from this admirable reportlowingratherextensiveextractsfromthisadmirablereport report MY DBAR Miss In looking back Miss ARMSTRONG ARIISTROI yearsIVryDEARMISSARlIsTRoNGInlookingbackovertheyears back over overthe yearstheyears years work I find great cause to praise the Lord who has enabled me to vorkfindgreatcausetopraisetheLordvhohasenabledmeto do what would have been utterly impossible had it not been for HisdfvhatvouldhavebeenutterlyimpossiblehaditnotbeenforIlis His ever present help in my every time of needeverpresenthelpinmyeverytimeofneed need Since rny my sickness sickness last last summer greatsummer II had had labored labored under under great greatgreat physical weakness but the Lord was my strength enabling me day by day to perform the manifold dutiesdaybydaytoperformthemanifoldduties duties Please accept in in the the following my yearmy report for the report for the past past year year Weeks of labor 46 weeks sick 6 visits and calls made 904 literature distributed 7318 pages Bibles distributed 8 addressesliteraturedistributed7518pagesBiblesdistributedSaddressesliteraturedistributed7518pagesBiblesdistributedSaddresses addresses made 14 visited sewing school 89 times scholars in attendanceattendance about 275 average attendance 175 collections received so far 3033 paid in the treasury of the Southern Baptist Convention 1696 to immigrant pier 00 times literature distributed there 26336 pages New Testaments distributed there 196 aid given 32 times thereby benefiting So persons amount expended 866 It isis impossible toto give soin figures give in figures all all the the work sowork that so done so that isis done while the figures may not show it yet I can truthfully say I have been kept very busy We have endeavored to sow the good seedseed at all times on the street to the passersbv in the streetcars and in the homes of the people and surely the Lord of the harvest harvestwill see to it that it will spring up and bear fruit in His own good b



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homeshomes My heart was often gladdened when on visiting the homes7lIyheartvasoftengladdenedwhenonvisitingthehomes lIyheartvasoftengladdenedwhenonvisitingthehomes earweeverereceivedasadearlonglookedforfriendandmanyear were received as a dear longlookedfor friend and many ear occasions nestvordsandferventprayersvereoffereduponsuchoccasions nest words and fervent prayers were offered up on such occasionsititit sewing schools continue to be as aa door through which itThe Thesevingschoolscontinuetobeasadoorthroughvhichit given is iseasytoreachthemothersandchildrenandconfidenceisgiven easy to reach the mothers and children and confidence is givenadversities In time of sickness or adversitiesus in almost every instance the they quickly turn to us and our advice is much valued In thetheyquicklyturntousandouradviceismuchvaluedInthe youngyoung into the the truth impress to tried have schools we sewing sevingschoolsvehavetriedtoimpressthetruthintotheyoung Hymns heartsteachingthemtheScripturesandthebeautifulGospelHymns hearts teaching them the Scriptures and the beautiful Gospel Hymnsearlyin earlyearly was which in the opened West Baltimore school The TheschoolinWestBaltimorevhichvasopenedintheearly however Much better work could be done howeveris progressing fall fallisprogressinglIuchbettervorkcouldhedonehovever howtheIt is surprising to see howthe we had more steady teachers if ifvehadmorsteadyteachersItissurprisingtoseehovthe locality classeshavingafaithfulteacherhavegrownVVorkinthislocality classes having a faithful teacher have grown Work in this localityare seems especially hard Being near the city limits the children areseemsespeciallyhardBeingnearthecityEmitsthechildrenare in much left to themselves and their own sweet will and this is felt inmuchlefttothen1selvesandtheirovnsveetvinandthisisfeltin inattention theschoolvheretheyshowmarkedirreverenceandinattention the school where they show marked irreverence and inattentionmust Our patience was often taxed and at times we thought we mustOurpatiencevasoftentaxedandattimesvethoughtvemust havewho have by assured those we were repeatedly when us but give giveusbutvhenevererepeatedlyassuredbythosevhohave visiseenandheardthatamarkedimprovementineveryvayisvisi seen and heard that a marked improvement in every way is visi andand I hope taken Lord courage and the thanked we have blevehavethankedtheLordandtakencourageIhopeand ble mismis a German we shall is when have distant far pray the time not sion in this section sioninthissection greatreapers are few and the work isis great greatThe Thereapersarefewandtheworkisgreat waitAnd much will be lost should the harvest wait AndmuchwillbelostshouldtheharvestwaiAndmuchwillbelostshouldtheharvestwait IMMIGRANT WORK THE WORWORtTIlEIDIIGRANTYORK TIlEIDIIGRANTYORK KThis DuringDuring KThis work endears itself more and more to my heart DuringThis ThisyorkendearsitselfmoreandmoretomyheartDuring past year we have met at the landing 10212 immigrants almost the thepastyearvehaveInetatthelanding10212immigrantsalmost in2000morethantheyerrbeforeIndicationspointtolargein 2000 more than the yerr before Indications point to large in moremore and more work the this making in immigration year crease creaseininlmigrationthisyearmakingthevorkmoreandmore would important But even as it is now inuch good is clone which wouldimportantButeTenasitisnov111uchgoodisdonevhichvould workwork this beleftundonehadtheBoardnottakenupthisvork be left undone had the Board not taken up number numberreport illustrates this feature of work by reciting aa numberThe 1hereportil1ustratesthisfeatreofyorkbyrecitinganumber immi of touching incidents where the poor lonely and helpless immioftouchingincidentsherethepoorlonelyandhelplessilllmi helped have been advised comforted and helpedgrantshavebeenadvisedcomfortedandhelped grants an anan One instance A joung German was found at at the pier with anOneinstanceAyoungGermanasfoundatthepierwithan of infant ten days of ace The young mother had died at the time ofinfanttendaysofa*geTheyoungmotherhaddiedatthetimeof ThethebirthofthechildonboardtheshipandvasburicdatseaThe the birth of the child on board the ship and was buried at sea The charge fatheraloneinexperiencedanddestitutevithhispreciouscharge father alone inexperienced and destitute with his precious chargerelatives had Ind he where AfterBend for South After destined was vasestinedforSothBendIndvherehehadrelativesAfter had seventytwoonly seventytwo he in exchange assisted being beingassistedinprocuringexchangehehadonlyseventyhvo procuring telegram centsOfthisSUTllthirtycentshadtobeexpendedinatelegram cents Of this sum thirty cents had to be expended in a telegramin regard regardinstructions milk given He was supplied with condensed IIeassuppliedvithcondensedmilkgveninstructionsinregard other tothecareofthechildfurnishedvithaaditionalchangeandother to the care of the child furnished with additional change and otherinstructions and literature not being omittedddnecessariesreligiousinstructionsandliteraturenotbeingomitt necessariesreligious


The Mission journal journal7he11Iissio1lJournal forrrtal-

destinationdestinationcase A mother with six children Their destination PV AnothercaseAmotherithsixchildreDTheirdestination tel Another is Minnesota They havehave The father is there awaiting them islVIinnesotaThefatheristheretaitingthemTheyhave nothing to eat and when asked if they do not know it is a long journey to undertake without anything to eat the mother repliesreplies journeytoundertakeithoutanythingoeattheInothelrepIS Oh yes but we have no money we cant buy anything MissMiss Buhlmaier food it beforeto them on the train just before and takes buys Buhlmaierbuysfoodandtakesittothemonthetrainjustbefore their departure The mother weeps the children laugh for joyjoy theirdepartureThemotherveepsthehildrnlalghforjoy while they grasp the hands of a stranger friend in a far stranger strangervhiletheygraspthehandsofastrangerfnendInafarstranger land to kiss them again Still another instance theand again the landtokissthemaoainandaainStillanotherinstancethe bbrecital of which we give in Miss Buhlmaiers own languagelanguage recitalofvhichvegiveinlIissBuhlmaiersornlanguage After the passengers have already taken toto the jump the train train II jumpjumpAfterthepassengershavealreadytakentothetrainIjump upon it to pass through to take a final look to make sure no oneone uponittopassthroughtotakeafinallooktomakesurenoone was I a neglected see family who untilescaped had my notice until vasneglectedIseeafamilyvhohadescapedInynoticeuntil now I go up to them asking several questions Seeing a smallsmall child I asked Have you any milk for him No dear ladylady we have looked all around but could get none to buy get Ill getsome you and quickly I turn running to the nearest store forfor yousomeandquicklyIturnrUlluingtotheneareststorefor fear the train will pull out before my return Coming back just in intime the milk is delivered the parents rejoice and before they find findtimethemilkisdeliveredtheparentsrejoiceandbeforetheyfind words to express their gratitude I bid them Godspeed get oil theyordstoexpressthei1gratitudeIbidthen1Godspeedgetoffthe the train and off they go Will they be likely to forget the God Godsend in the last remaining momentsmoments Several letters were ininwere received from from persons persons receiving help in help in which they again thanked for it and the words spoken to themvhichtheygainthankedforitandtheyordsspokentothem them The literature and The and especially the gladly New Testaments are the New TheliteratureandespeciallytheNevTestamentsaregladly aregladlygladlygladly received Often can we see those having received a copy amid allall the noise and turmoil fix their eyes and mind on the precious bookbook and its contents Whenever possible in cases where we are es especially moved and impressed we get the address and notify thethe pastor or some one of that place to try and lock after them ButpastororsomeoneofthatplacetotryandlookaftertheIneBut But often my heart is heavy when I find that there is no German churchoftenmyheartisheavyvhenIfindthatthereisnoGennanchurch church of our faith in the parts some of these people go to toThe report delineates the important work among those who rere main in Baltimore How they are helped advised and kept up with and drawn into the Sundayschools the industrial schoolsschools and brought under the influence of the Gospel andbroughtundertheinfluenceoftheGospeandbroughtundertheinfluenceoftheGospe1 GospelThe report closes with the following paragraph paragraphThus we see see while while progress outlook progress isis naturally slow yet naturally slow the outlookoutlook yet the is hopeful Hoping to be enabled to labor in the Lords vineyardvineyard and asking to be remembered at the mercy seat I remainremain Yours In nameHis name Yours In His name 1YoursInIlisname YoursInIlisname1nameIYoursInIlisname BUHLMAIER BUHLMAIEM INT NT BUIILIIAIEKBUIILIIAIEK 11BUIILIAIER11BUIILIAIER 1BUIILIAIER RMissions Missions Missions have have progressed progressed slowly andslowly abroad abroad because and because piety piety and prayer have been shallow at home

DepartmentHHome ffome HonleDcartnlClltHDepartment HonleDcartnlCllt



us have a universal rally to our Home Mission Board LetLetLetushaveauniyersalralIytoourIfolnewlissionBoardJJet Let this Board come to the Convention in May not only as usual with withthisBoardCOlnetotheConventioninlfaynotonlyasusualvith aareportofgreatachievemtntsmadealloverthevastfieldsin inreport of great achievements made all over the vast fields in its laborers toil but with all obligations met and dischargedwhich yhichitslaborerstoilbutwitha11obligationsmetanddischarged discharged leaving a handsome balance to its credit All churches societiesleavingahandsomebalancetoitscreditAllchurchessocieties societies and individuals cooperating in the great work of home evangeliandindividualscooperatinginthegreatyorkofhomeevangeli evangeli zation should promptly forward to the treasurer increased contribuzationshouldproInptyforwardtothetreasurerincreasedcontribu contribu tions before the last day of April The time is short and we shouldtionsbeforethelastdayofAptiIThetilneisshortandveshould should attend to this important matter at onceattendtothisimportailttnatteratonce once IIhaveahvaysbeenanearnestthoughafeebleadvocateof have always been an earnest though aa feeble advocate ofofof State and home mission work Communities States nations that thatStateandhomen1isionvorkCommunitiesStatesnationsthat are thoroughly permeated with the principles of the gospel are thearcthoroughlypenneatedviththeprinciplesofthegospelarethe the strongest the most elevated and most progressive They are thethe strongesttheInostelevatedandmostprogressiveTheyarethe best as well as the 11 best off in every sense and from every pointpoint of view People impressed with the great truths that God has rere ofyiewPeopleimpressediththegreattruthsthatGodhasre vealed to men do most for their own home and community mostvealedtotnendomostfortheironhomeandcommunitymost most for other lands and nations and most to lift humanity everywhereeverywhere to higher planes of living and nobler and holier aims and effortsefforts tohigherplanesofJivingandnoblerandholieraimsandefforts this great nation is to become the leading power and centralIf Ifthisgratnationistobecometheleadingpoyerandcentral central of this great world and permanently hold such exalted emi light emilightofthisgreatvorldandpermanentlyholdsuchexaltedemi nence the grand and glorious distinction will be attained only byby nencethegrandandgloriousdistinctionviIIbeattainedonlyby the general prevalence of revealed truth and the general recognithegeneralprevalenceofrevealedtruthandthegeneralrecogni recogni tion of divine precept and principle Vast military armaments by tionofdivinepreceptandprincipleTastmilitaryarmamentsby land and by sea may give us temporary prowess but in the futurelandandbyseamaygiveustemporaryprovessbutinthefuture future our race will never tolerate and respect and honor a people whowho ourracevil1neertolerateandrespectandhonorapeoplevho byvirtueofthechoicestlocationintheyorIdblessedvhhinex by virtue of the choicest location in the world blessed with inexinex haustible internal resources and unequailed natural surroundingshustibleinternalreourcesanduntquai1ednaturalsurroundings surroundings toenjoys unprecedented advantages shall use these advantages to enjoysunprecedentedadvantagesshallustheseadntagesto hasgratify spirit the of greed and Such selfa*ggrandizement has gratifythepritofgreedandselfa*ggJandizementSuchhas been nowtrue of all great nations in the past but the world has now beentrueofallgreatnationsinthepastbutthevorIdhasnov a reached which moral status demands other standards of truetrue reachedaInoralstatushichdemandsotherstandardsoftrue and To successful greatness leadership hold the foremost placeplace greatnessandsuccessfulleadershipToholdtheforemostplace we must make ourselves worthy of such distinction NumbersvemustmakeourselvesvorthyofsuchdistinctionNumbers Numbers wealth and martial prowess will never secure to us or to anyany people the undivided respect and love of mankind These havehave peopletheundividedrespectandloeofmankindThesehave always in the worlds history been made the means of dominationdomination ahvaysinthevorldshistorybeenmadethemeansofdomination and oppression of other and feebler tribes and nations To bring bringandoppressionofotherandfeeblertribesandnationsTobring into requisition physical brute force or military prowess to accomaccom intorequisitionphysicalbruteforceortnilitaryprovesstoaccom plish the ends of unhallowed greed and ambition in this day wouldwould plishtheendsofunhallovedgreedandambitioninthisdayvould call down the execration and condemnation of all civilized governgovern calldovntheexecrationandcondemnationofallciviji*zedgovern ments Moral and philanthropic principles aims and ends mustmust mentslIoralandphilanthropicprinciplesaimsandendsmust distinguish both individuals and nations to make them truly great distinguishbothindividualsandnationstomakethemtrulygreatdistinguishbothindividualsandnationstomakethemtrulygreat DLet SLet Let


Mission Journal Tie journalJournalTheiJIissioJtJournal

and give to to them the virthe highest places The andcrivetothemthehicrhestplacesThemoralandChristianvir Themoral moraland virandChristian vir vir tues exhibited in the personal characters of our citizens in all rela tuesexhibitedinthepersonalcharacters0ourcitizens111area relations and on every field at home and abroad will command the tionsandoneveryfieldathomeandabroadviIIcommandthe therespect and admiration of all men of every clime and country We cannot claim a superior religion and get the freethinking freethinkingworld to admit the validity of such a claim while the lives of thosevorIdtoadmitthevalidityofsuchaclaimvhilethelivesofthose those who make such pretensions are inconsistent with its fundamentalvhomakesuchpretensionsareinconsistentvithitsfundamental fundamental principles and precepts and deny in toto its purity and its powerpower And what is true of the citizen will find expression in the legislalegisla tion of the country Its dealings with other nationalities on great greatquestions of commerce and territorial limitations as well as our local statutes reflect the moral type of the constituency for legislegis lation is but the general consensus of private opinion and demand High moral tone in both individual and governmental life andand action lifts a people to the highest prominence and dr ivs all heartsactionliftsapeopletothehighestprolninenceanddra5allhearts hearts to them the world over All home mission work looks to thesethese ends The principles and precepts of the Bible universally obob served produce such results and it is the glory of our country that thatunder the great principle of religious freedom the Bible has beenunderthegreatprincipleofreligiousfieedoIntheBiblehasbeen been more generally distributed and the gospel more widely preached preachedthan in any other land or nation Our people are really better in formed in scriptural doctrines and revelations than others Perfect Perfectreligious freedom and the general study of the Bible has been thethe most potent factor in making this country the marvel of the world in progress and development I am glad to know that many statesstates men in high positions are beginning to recognize the fact that not by legal statutes however wise and efficient but by the gospel the living ministry the church the school we are to make a true in telligent and noble citizenship It was but a few days ago that our first citizen the President of this great republic laid aside thethe arduous labors of his high office and travelled to a distant toto city make a speech on home missions This was a significant act and carries with it a great lesson The Western senator who attacked him for doing so in a speech for buncombe on Senate clearly demonstrated his incapacity for the the floor of the ofcornerstone of our government and its greatest glory is the principle which gives to every man however high however low to Bold teach prac and tice his religion true or falseticehisreIigiontrueorfitIseticehisreIigiontrueorfitIse false Home Home mission mission work work preaching preaching teaching teaching circulating the theBible Bible saturating the whole land with Bible doctrinescirculating precepts prom and ises will Christianize sanctify and save our people and give us the leadership of the world and the love of all mankind Let us all go for home missions and go with an earnestness and power to make our work felt in all other departments of Christian effort and in

Hovze Department Home fI01JZCDcartl1ZCllt

3133331 31

every nook and corner of our great country Do this and we wehelp every interest religious or secular at home and to all the ends 1helpeveryinterestreJigiousorseclIarathon1eandtoallheends helpeveryinterestreJigiousorseclIarathon1eandtoallheends endsof the earthearth oftheearth Hollins Ilollrzzs Va CHARLES L co*ckE Coc1EL co*ckE11


B H Dement missionary of the Home Board at Brother Brother BrotherBHDementmissionaryoftheHomeBoardatLexBrotherBHDementmissionaryoftheHomeBoardatLex LexLexat Lex ington Va presents an excellent report of work done for the year yearstending April i st endingtpril1st In submitting the report Brother Dement says ocII preach oc ococ in neighboring schoolhouses casionally casionlllyinneighboringschoolhousesWehavebrickonchurch We have brick on churchchurch lot for rebuilding and enlarging our Sundayschool room and hopelotforrebuildingandenlargingourSundayschoolroomandhope hope to begin work on improving the building at once oncetobeginorkonimprovingthebuildingatonce The following is a synopsis of Brother Dements wrork for ThefollovingisasynopsisofBrotherDementsyorkfortheThefollovingisasynopsisofBrotherDementsyorkforthe thethe for thethe


Weeks of labor laborVeeksoflaborVeeksoflabor Sermons and addresses SermonsandaddressesSermonsandaddresses addresse1Pra3ermeetings sPrayermeetings PrayermeetingsPrayermeetings Baptisms BaptismsBaptismReceived by letter lettersReceivedbyletter ReceivedbyletterReceivedbyletter Total additions additionsTotaladditionsTotaladditions Religious visits visitsReligiousTisitReligiousTisits distributed Tracts pp sTractsdistributedpp Tractsdistributedpp

5252 52

241 24241 188188 188188 55 55 3o 1212 12 7171 71





EDuring During the century ending with 1890 the During the thethe population of 5Duringthecenturyeningvith1890thepopulationofthe Duringthecenturyeningvith1890thepopulationofthe of thethe United States increased from 39392 14 to about 63000000 or orUnitedStatesincreasedfrom3939214toabout63000000or about sixteenfold During the same period the Baptists increasedaboutsixteenfoldDuringthesameperiodtheBaptistsincreased increased from from65345to3717969OInorethanfiftysixfoldIfotheranti 65345 to 3717969 or more than fiftysixfold anti If other antipedobaptist and immersionist parties were considered the rate of ofpedobaptistandimmersionistpartiesvereconsideredtherateof Baptist increase would be considerably larger Thus it appearsBaptistincreasevouldbeconsiderablylargerThusitappears appears from 1790 to 1890 Baptists have increased nearly four times as that asthatfrom1790to1890Baptistshaveincreasednearlyfourtimesas fast as the population It must also be borne in mind that BaptistsBaptists fastasthepopulationItmustalsobeborneinmindthatBaptists have gained far less from immigration than almost any other of thehavegainedfarlessfromimmigrationthanalmostanyotherofthe the Lutherans Roman larger denominations Catholics PresbyteriansPresbyterians largerdenominationslu*theransRomanCatholisPresbyterians and Episcopalians have profited largely by the great influx of popuandEpiscopa1ianshaveprofitedlargelybythegreatinfluxofpopu popu from Ireland Germany England Scotland Italy and thelation the lationfromIrelandGermanyEnglandScotlandItalyandthe Scandinavian and Slavonic countries of Europe Baptist immigraimmigra ScandinavianandSlavoniccountriesofEuropeBaptistimmigra tion has been insignificant in comparisoncomparison tionhasbeeninsignificantincomparison so large a part of the With the theof the the population of the country under under thethe vVithsolargeapartofthepopulationofthecountryunderthe influence of Baptists with prejudices against their principles inin influenceofBaptistsvithprejudicesagainsttheirprinciplesin with great measure overcome with principles in thorough accord withgreatmeasureovercomewithprinciplesinthoroughaccordvith the cherished civil institutions of the nation with a constituency thecherishedcivilinstitutionsofthenationvithaconstituency


32 32

The TheMission Journal7ottrnalTileJJfissiollJournal Journal

alive alive to to the the responsibilities

and and opportunities that comefrom thatcome frompastpast pastpast success with home and foreign mission societies well organized in receipt of large incomes and face to face with their wort with witheducational institutions of the highest grade widely distributed throughout the country with publication facilities and a religious religiouspress that leave nothing to be desired with a fair measure of wealth pressthatleavenothingtobedesiredvithafairtneasureofveaIth wealthand social position and a firm hold of the middle classes of the popu lation the achievements during the coming century should surpass those of the past thoseofthepast AAU1IVERSALLANGUAGE LANGUAGEA UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE AU1IVERSALLANGUAGELANGUAGELANGUAGE

The The English English Promises Promises totobebea a Universal It would wouldUniversal Language wouldLangzuicIt would appear that God has always chosen some one language to be a ve hicle of his thoughts When mankind was in its cradle and He desired that the law should be the schoolmaster that would pre prepare men for the coming Christ He spoke in the pictorial Hebrew When it was necessary that the Gospel should have the widest pub licity the Roman power extended around the world and the Greek

language was universal Paul the great missionary under the theprotection of his Roman citizenship could travel over the knownknown world in comparative safety and in the Greek language could couldmake every man understand the wonderful work of God Thus Thus will will God God make make the peoplethe power powerofofthe theEnglishspeaking Englishspeaking people people praise Him He has tied the world together by the swift steam steamships that plough the ocean blue and the steel rail of the horse The swift message of the telegraph gives the nationsiron a common sympathy by a common knowledge And the ubiquitous American gives a common language to the world This This isis not toomuch not too Englishmuch totohope hope ororexpect expect Already Alreadythe English English language saturated with Christian ideas gathering up the into itself the best thoughts of all ages is the great agent of Christian civilization throughout the world at this moment affecting the destinies and moulding the character of half of the human race Grimm Jacob the German philologist said of this language It seems chosen to rule in future times in a still greater degree in all of the corners of the earth The language of Shakespeare is to be the language of mankind and this language shall extend its influenceinfluence Till the war drum throbs no longer and 11

battle flags furldTill the war drum throbs no longer andthe furld the battle flagsareare furld In the Parliament of man the Federation of worlthe world From all

dFrom From all of that the future ofthese these considerations considerations ititwould wouldappear of the Englishspeaking people was assuredappear that the future said One great result is I think tolerably clearHerbert Spencer From biologi cal truths it is to be inferred that the eventual mixture of the allied

home lIo111eDearbnellt De7artment


varieties of the Aryan race forming the population will produce aavarietiesoftheAryanraceformingthepopulationvillproducea more powerful type of man than has hitherto existed and a type ofmorepoverfultypeofJuanthanhash*thertoexistedandatypeof of man more plastic more adaptable more capable of undergoing themanmoreplasticmoreadaptablemorecapableofundergoingthe the modifications needful to complete social life I think whatevermodificationsneedfultocompletesociallifeIthinkvhatever whatever difficulties they may have to surmount and t hatever tribulationsdifficultiestheymayhavetosurmountandhatevertribulations tribulations they may have to pass through the Americans may reasonably theymayhavetopassthroughtheAmericansmayreasonably look forward to a time when they will have produced a civilizationcivilization grander than any the world has knowngranderthananythevorIdhasknovn known With all of these facts before us my conclusion is not far toVithallofthesefactsbeforeusmyconclusionisnotfarto to reach We must see to it that the Englishspeaking people areare reachVemustseetoitthattheEnglishspeakingpeopleare rooted and grounded in the faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ androotedandgroundedinthefaithoftheGospelofJesusChristand and then kindle an enthusiasm in their hearts for the conversion of thethenkindleanenthusiasmintheirheartsfortheconversionofthe the world that will only be satisfied with preaching the gospel roundvorldthatvillonlybesatisfiedvithpreachingthegospelround round roue and this old world I do not think it will be undue for me meandrOUL1thisoldvorldIdonotthinkitviIIbeundueforme to say I know none more that thecapable of doing this than are the tosaythatIknoynonemorecapableofdoingthisthanarethe Baptists I believe the highest type of Christian manhood is a BapBaptistsIbelievethehighesttypeofChristianmanhoodisaBap Bap tist And holding the truth as I believe he does it is his dutyduty a flaming torch to light up every dark place of the earthwith vithaflamingtorchtolightupeverydarkplaceoftheearth earth Christian T ChristianJohn John1Christian 1

Whether considered as a seat of agriculture mining or manuVVhetherconsideredasaseatofa*griculturemnl1ngormanu manu facture the south is still virgin soil Its possibilities are even more morefacturethesouthisstillvirginsoilItspossibHitiesareevenmore remarkable than its recent progress and as the one is developeddeveloped and the other expands it is destined to add in the near future moreandtheotherexpandsitisdestinedtoaddinthenearfuturemore more than any other part of the country to the aggregate wealth of ththe thananyotherpartofthecountrytotheaggregatevealthofthe HeraldnationTheBosto1lHerald enationThe nationThe Boston Herald It rests largely with the Baptists to determine if it shall also alsoItrestslargelyyiththeBaptiststodetermineifitshallalso to add the wealthmoral and religious wealth addtothemoralandreligiousyeaIth Who can complain of a narrow sphere for action when God VhocancomplainofanarrovsphereforactionvhenGod Godgives him a Worldwide sphere for prayer giveshimavorIdwidesphereforprayer prayerfirst recorded apostolic act after the ascension was thee The theThefirstrecordedapostolicactaftertheascensionasthe

egathering gathering in the upper chamber at JerusalemgatheringintheupperchamberatJerusalem Jerusalem

first two things it the early church were prayer and misThe mis ThefirsttyOthingsintheearlychurchvereprayerandnl1S sions and the deepest alliance in the earlv church was between betweenmissions cnrcerand prayerThe 17Iissiona y Intclii cnrcer missionsandprayc1Thcl1IissiollaJIJllclcl1ccr

In the history of the early church whose development for years Inthchistoryoftheearlychurchwhosedevelopmentforyears yearswas almost the start of missionary progress every step was chris chrisyasalmostthestartofmission3ryprogresseverystepvaschris tened and crowned by prayerThe lllissionai y Intellig cnccr tenedandcrovnedbyprayerThcJ1IissiOUl111ltcllgcllcertenedandcrovnedbyprayerThcJ1IissiOUl111ltcllgcllcer

The 13lission journal journalTheJ1fissio1lJournal TheJ1fissio1lJournaMis- constituted 1 and houses of worship William McCombs Yndiatl Mis worshipi1l1anMcCombsJrndlatllIsconstitutcd1andhousesofworship li1l1anMcCombsJrndlatllIs i1l1anMcCombsJrndlatllIs constitutcd1andhousesofworshisionarysionarysionary sionary 3 at a cast of 51050 pbuilt3atacastoflmJO built 51050built3atacastoflmJOTbuilt3atacastoflmJO Bro TichenorIn connection Dear connectionDearBroTichellorInconnectionDearBroTichellorInconnection my annual report I want to saysay with withIllYannualreportIwauttosawithIllYannualreportIwauttosa following letter is from an es esThe ThefollowingletterisfromaneThefollowingletterisfromanes hefollowingletterisfromanes that never in the history of the CreeitCreeit thatllcerinthehistoryoftheCreej inteemed brother in the ministry in teemedbrotherintheministryinGsteemedbrotherintheministryin teemedbrotherintheministryin beenandSeminoleBaptistshavetheybeeu and Seminole Baptists have they been GeorgiaGeorgia Georgeorgia more determined and firm to discharge dischargemoredeterminedandtrmtodisclmre youDear want to thank you Brother iaDearrotherIwanttothankou DearrotherIwanttothankousDearrotherIwanttothankou aretheir Christian duties than they are theirChristiandutiesthantIleyare sincerely sending for tracts the sincerelyforsendingthetractsI incerelyforsendingthetractsII 34


misat the present Our associational mis atthepresentOurassociationalmis

are doing noble work supply supplysionaries ionariesarcdoingnobleworkBupionariesarcdoingnobleworkBuppl ing pllngdestituteplacesandtheLordis lngdestituteplacesandtheLordisbldestitute places and the Lord islngdestituteplacesandtheLordis is blessingtheirlaborsblessing blessingtheirlabors essingtheirlabors their laborslabors My duty connected with our Associa lydutyconnectedwithourAssocilydutyconnectedwithourAssocia Association is that of corresponding secreationisthatofcorresponc1ingseClC tionisthatofcorresponc1ingseClC secre tary and superintending the WichitataryandsuperintendingtheWlchitataryandsuperintendingtheWlchita Wichita Church out at Anadarko The chief of ofChurchoutatAnadarlw1hcchiefof ChurchoutatAnadarlw1hcchiefthe Richitas is one of the most noble nobleofthechitasisoneofthemostnoble thechitasisoneofthemostnoblthechitasisoneofthemostnoble men I ever met Christian HavingHaving ChristianmenIeermetHavingsereChristianmenIeermetHaving ChristianmenIeermetHaving served as Moderator of our AssociationservedasiodcratorofourAssociation Association vedasiodcratorofourAssociation servedasiodcratorofourAssociafor so many years they call me fatherfather tionforoIllanearthecallmefather foroIllanearthecallmefatherforoIllanearthecallmefather and will not follow the advice of ofandwillnotfollowtheadviceofstandwillnotfollowtheadviceof strangers On several occasions theyrangersOnseeraloccasionsthey strangersOnseeraloccasionsthestrangersOnseeraloccasionsthey they have been persuaded to sever theirhavebeenpersuadedtoseertheircoyhavebeenpersuadedtoseertheir havebeenpersuadedtoseertheir their connection with us and join one of theconnectionwithusandjoinoneofthe nnectionwithusandjoinoneofthe the Associations not in sympathy with theAssociationsnotinsmpathwiththiAssociationsnotinsmpathwiththi the Home Mission Board but they haveHornel1issionBoardbutthey1mverHornel1issionBoardbutthey1mve have remained with us unmovablecmain2dwithusunmovable rcmain2dwithusunmovabrcmain2dwithusunmovable unmovable In some locations where familiesleInsomelocationswherefamilies Insomelocationswherefamiliesfamilies Insomelocationswherefamilies are thickly settled and the majorityarethicklysettledandthemajoritoarethicklysettledandthemajorit majority of them are English speaking we havefthemareEnglishspeakingwehave ofthemareEnglishspeakingwehave have Sunday schools in operation and while SundaySCl100lsinoperationandwhih SundaySCl100lsinoperationandwwhileI give them all the encouragement I hihIgicthemalltheencouragementI IgicthemalltheencouragementIcIgicthemalltheencouragementI can but not being directly connectedcanbutnotheingdirectlrconn8ctedcanbutnotheingdirectlrconn8cted anbutnotheingdirectlrconn8cted connected with the work I have never included includedwiththeworkIhaveneverincludedwiththeworkIhaveneverincluded them in my report as my work isis mostly with the full bloods They bemostlywithtlwfullloollsTheybeimostlywithtlwfullloollsTheybe be ing sparsely settled it would be ditll ingsparselysettlellitwouldbedim ngsparselysettlellitwouldbedim ingsparselysettlellitwouldbediditllcult to conduct a Sunday school schoolmculttoconductaSundaschooL culttoconductaSundaschooLAnculttoconductaSundaschooL Another ditliculty is they have no SunAnotherditlcuItyistheyhavenoSun otherditlcuItyistheyhavenoSun Sun dayschool dayschoolliteratureintheirlanguagedayschoolliteratureintheirlanguage literature in their languagelanguage Your brother in ChristYourbrotherinChristChrist YourbrotherinChrist McCOMBSWILLIAM McCOMBS WILLIAlfIcCOlIBSWILLIAlfIcCOlIBS April 11 1896 1896April11189April111896 Bro McCombs report shows 47 BrolIcCombsreportshows47we476BrolIcCombsreportshows47 BrolIcCombsreportshows47 weeks of service stations supplied 40 40weeksofservicestaUonssupplied40 weeksofservicestaUonssupplied4eksofservicestaUonssupplied40 sermons and addresses 130 prayerprayer 0sermonsandaddresses130prayer sermonsandaddresses130prayersermonsandaddresses130prayer meetings attended 56 Indians bapmeetingsattendedfiGIndiansbap bap 38 religious visits 47 churches tized tized38rcliiousvisitsL17churches I-

preach to strong country churches but preachtostrongcOtntrychurcheshut preachtostrongcOtntrychurcheshbutto a people who have not been edu uttoapCOIIewhohnenotbeenedu edutoapCOIIewhohnenotbeenedu toapCOIIewhohnenotbeened-

whatcated to give I did not know what catedtogiveIdidnotlnowwbatwcatedtogiveIdidnotlnowwbat ucatedtogiveIdidnotlnowwbat was best I could not advise with the thewasbestIcouldnotadvisewiththewasbestIcouldnotadvisewiththe asbestIcouldnotadvisewiththe

Church for I had learned that some someChurchforIhadlearnedthatsomewChurchforIhadlearnedthatsome

opposed to missions some were were wereopposedtomissionssomewereereopposedtomissionssomewere wereopposedtomissionssomewere wereopposed to the Boards and some were opposedtotheBoardsandsomeweropposedtotheBoardsandsomewere were-

aealittleafraidoftouchingtheBrer little afraid of touching the Brer BreralittleafraidoftouchingtheBrer alittleafraidoftouchingtheBrWithout consulting any one I an anUhoutonsultinganyoneIannoerUhoutonsultinganyoneIan UhoutonsultinganyoneIan nounced nouncedthatthelastthingoeforeounouncedthatthelastthingoeforeour that the last thin before ouruncedthatthelastthingoeforeour our Sunday morning sermon would be aarSundamorningsermonwouldbea SundamorningsermonwouldbeaSundamorningsermonwouldbea collection for missions They werecollectionformissionsTheywere were surprised But we take the collections surprisedButwetakethecollections collectionswithout song and every collection haswithoutsongandeerycollectionhaswithoutsongandeerycollectionhas has been in advance of the preceding one onebeeninadanceoftheprecedingonbeeninadanceoftheprecedingone Some complaint I heard at first buteSomecomplaintIheflrdatfirstbut SomecomplaintIheflrdatfirstbuSomecomplaintIheflrdatfirstbut but they have thehavelearnedthatitdoesusallglearned that It does us allall tthehavelearnedthatitdoesusall thehavelearnedthatitdoesusall good giveto give goodtogivgoodtogive oodtogive I read Bro Molts Experience to toeIreadBroHolesExperienceto IreadBroHolesExperiencetomIreadBroHolesExperienceto my congregations before our last col colmycongregationsbeforeourlastcol ycongregationsbeforeourlastcol lections and I am sure that those who wholectionsandIamsurethatthosewholectionsandIamsurethatthosewho opposed the Boards and missions beopposedtheBoardsandmissionsbe be fore gill keept the matter strictly to toforewilllieeptthemntterstrictlyto themselves in the future Oh the tearsthemselvesInthefufureOhthetears tears themselvesInthefufureOhtheteere shed that weIt seemed that we arsthatereshellItseemedthatwe thatereshellItseemedthatweerthatereshellItseemedthatwe going to have a regular suninierwere ereOhIgtohanangularsummertereOhIgtohanangularsummer eOhIgtohanangularsummer suninier time country revival timecountQleivatimecountQleival imecountQleival reviva-

lCooperative Cooperative lCooperativeVorlliuAlaball1a CooperativeVorlliuAlaball1aSCooperativeVorlliuAlaball1a AlabamaSWork In Alabama Selina Ala March 31 1S96elina 1S96 SelmaAlalIarch31lSUG elmaAlalIarch31lSUG SelmaAlalIarch31lSUMy Dear BrotherPlease find en enGlIyDearBrotherPleasefinden lIyDearBrotherPleasefindenlIyDearBrotherPleasefinden

my quarterly report closed closedmyquarterlyreportIhave I have have-

just closed a very interesting institute justdosedaveryinterestinginstitute instituteat Rockford Coosa county the most atRockfordCoosacountythemostimostatRockfordCoosacountythemost interesting one yet held by myself For nterestingoneyetheldbymyselfFor interestingoneyetheldbymyselfFointerestingoneyetheldbymyselfFor Forthree days we had a crowded house rthreedayswehadacrowdedhouse threedayswehadacrowdedhousethreedayswehadacrowdedhouse housepeople came from ten to fifteen the fifteenthel1eol1lecamefromtentofifteen miles Indeed the success of the insti instimilesIndeedthesuccessoftheinstimilesIndeedthesuccessoftheinsti tute was far beyond my expectation tutewasfarbeyon1myexpectation expectationwere earnest pleas from all sides There Therewereearnestpleasfromallsides

1I01JICDeart1JICll1I01JICDeart1JICllt s1I01JICDeart1JICllt Home IIonic DepartmentDepartment I should return as soon as possi that possitthntIshouldreturnfiSsoonaspossi thntIshouldreturnfiSsoonaspossi thntIshouldreturnfiSsoonasposble I feel that much good is being beingsibleIfeelthatmuehgoodisbeing bleIfeelthatmuehgoodisbeingdbleIfeelthatmuehgoodisbeing by this plan of cooperation done cooperationdonebthisplanofcooperationdonebthisplanofcooperation onebthisplanofcooperation Yours for the success of the plan planYoursforthesuccessoftheplaYoursforthesuccessoftheplan R T POLLARD POLLARDR1POLluRDGnR1POLluRD R1POLluRD Missionary for Alabama General AlabamaGenerall1issionarJforAlabama enerall1issionarJforAlabama Generall1issionarJforAlaba-

Bro acPollard gives interesting ac acmaBroPollardgivesinterstingac BroPollardgivesinterstingac

counts of other institutes held in differ differcountsofotherinstitutesheldludiffer ent great Parts of the State and the greatcutpartsoftbeStateultl1cgreatgocutpartsoftbeStateultl1cgreat good being accolnplislied accolnplisliegoodleiulaccomplished goodleiulaccomplishodleiulaccomplished GoHpeldTeniiessec GospeledTenJlesNeedHtheGOHpel TenJlesNeedHtheGOHpelCTennessee TenJlesNeedHtheGOHpel leeiH tlie GoHpel Columbia 1S9G 1896ColumbiaTennApril1lS9GDColumbiaTennApril1lS9G Teun April 11 1S9olumbiaTennApril1lS9G GDear your Dear As missionary of yourBrother ourDear131ot11er1smissionaryofYOUl ear131ot11er1smissionaryofYOUl BrotlierAs 3 our

Board connected with our State Board BoardBoardcOI1nectedwithonrStateBoar1

IIwrIteyouafewfactsconcerningthe write you a few facts conceriiiiig the thein Ls immediate section of our ourwork worlilld8inullediatesectionofourbworlilld8inullediatesectionofour Statebeautiful State beautifulStatebeautifulState eautifulState Having yearstravelled the State four years HavingtravelledtheStatefouryears

in the interest of our Orphans Home HomeIntheinterestofourOrphansHomIntheinterestofourOrphansHome IeIthinkIampreparedtospeakofthe think I am prepared to speak of the theIthinkIampreparedtospeakofthe relative destitution in the various secsec relativedestitutioninthevarioussec tions help of the State that are asking helptionsoftheStatethatareaskinghelp tionsoftheStatethatareaskinghelour Mission Boards I am on thepofourlission13oard811monthe of the ofourlission13oard811montheboofourlission13oard811monthe border borderofa*greatfieldabout200miles of a great field about 200 milesrderofa*greatfieldabout200miles miles long and an average of about 40 mileslongandanaerageofabout40milelongandanaerageofabout40miles miles Much of this country is Duck wide DuckwideluehofthiscountryisDuckanswideluehofthiscountryisDuck wideluehofthiscountryisDuck and Tennessee river bottom lands WeWe andrrennesseeriverbottomlandsVe drrennesseeriverbottomlandsVe tohave three missionaries employed to havethreemissionariesemployedto waste reachwiththeGospelthisgreatwastereachwiththeGospelthisgreatwaste with the Gospel this great wastereach placeplacplace

The conditions of the field are such sucheTheconditionsofthefieldaresuch Theconditionsofthefieldaresuch

as to call imperatively for fifty men astocallimperativelrforfiftrmen


InIncome in and possess the land In to tocomeinandpossessthelandInfotocomeinandpossessthelandIn antiformer times say fifty years ago anti formertimessayfiftyyearsagoanti rmertimessayfiftyyearsagoanti missionary Baptists had possession ofmIssIonaryBaptistshadpossessionof of persisted the entire country but they persistedtheentirecountrybuttheypersisted theentirecountrybuttheypersistin saying We will not give NowNow edinsayingWewillnotgiveNow insayingWewillnotgiveNowoinsayingWewillnotgiveNow our God is saying to them in solemn solemnourGodissayingtotheminsolemnurGodissayingtotheminsolemn ourGodissayingtotheminsolemn providence You shall not live untilproYidenceYoushaHnotliveuntiproYidenceYoushaHnotliveuntil until they now have one church only andltheynowhaveonechurchonlyand theynowhaveonechurchonlyandand theynowhaveonechurchonlyand prides itself in having regularregular that thatpridesitselfinhaYingregulathatpridesitselfinhaYingregular services so far as I can learn andand servicessofaras1canlearnandthirservicessofaras1canlearnand servicessofaras1canlearnand this one has been excluded from theirtheir thisonehasbeenexcludedfromtheir sonehasbeenexcludedfromtheir Association for heresy the charge bebe AssociationforheresythechargeAssociationforheresythechargebe ing sympathy for the missionarymissionary beicgsympathJforthemissiona icgsympathJforthemissionaIicgsympathJforthemissiona enmovement PedoBaptists have en IllovmentPedoBaptistshaveenIllovmentPedoBaptistshaveen llovmentPedoBaptistshaveen can deavored to enter the field but candeaVoredtoenterthefield1utcan accomplish but little the people beingbeing accomplishbutlittlethepeoplebeing Baptist inclined our BaptistinelinedItseemsthatourHIt seems that ourBaptistinelinedItseemsthatour Heavenly Father has made this ourour HeaVenlyFatherhasmadethisourHeaVenlyFatherhasmadethisour eaVenlyFatherhasmadethisour special work for His gloryglory specialworkforHisgloryspecialworkforHisglory My My can sacrifices are sweet when II cancancan fysacriticesaresweetwhenIcan fysacriticesaresweetwhenIcaMasfeel nfeelthattheyaremadefortheIas feelthattheyaremadefortheIasfeelthattheyaremadefortheIas that they are made for the Mas ter and those for whom He died IIterandthoseforwhomHediedIoterandthoseforwhomHediedI only wish our people could know theonlwishourpeoplecouldknowthepnlwishourpeoplecouldknowthe onlwishourpeoplecouldknowthe the nowpressing need for selfdenial now ressingneeforselfdenialnow pressingneeforselfdenialnopressingneeforselfdenialnow Missionary T T TT THOMPSON MissionaryTTlHOPSONIissionaryAcwTTlHOPSONIissionary TTlHOPSONIissionary

avaA careful estimate based on on all availall avail Acarefulestimatebasedonallavail arefulestimatebasedonallavail outable sources of information brings out able80urcesofinformationbringsout exportedthe total weight of diamonds exported thetotalweightofdiamondsexported South Africa down to the end offrom of fromSouthAfricadowntotheendoffromSouthAfricadowntotheendof 1S92 at 50000 carats or something overover 1s2at50000caratsorsomethingov1s2at50000caratsorsomethingover ofertentonsTheynlueofthismassof tentonsTheynlueofthismassofgtentonsTheynlueofthismassof ten The value of this mass of toils Ifgemswoutrlbeabout350000000Igemswoutrlbeabout350000000If If geins woutd be about 350000000 emswoutrlbeabout350000000If heaped together they would form aafhcapeatogethertheywouldforma hcapeatogethertheywouldformahcapeatogethertheywouldforma six feet high on base of nine ninepyramid PYfullidixfeethihonabaeofninePYfullidixfeethihonabaeofnine feet squareJlissionary Review ReviefeetlUareilIissiollaNeview

OK TME HOME MISSION BOARD ilRECEIPTS BOARDRECEIPTS wRECEIPTS BOARDRECEIPTSOFTJtIEBOrtlEltIISSIONBOARD From to April 15 1S961896Front March larch loth to 1S96 FromJarch15thtoApril151896ALFromJarch15thtoApril151896 Sunday School Roanoke ALABAMA ALABAMASunday RoanokeALADAIASunaSchooRoanokeALADAIASunaSchooRoanoke ADAIASunaSchooRoanoke byS Smith 810 Sumterville ch by Arnold ArnoldSSmith10SumterYileehby ArnoldSSmith10SumterYileehbLibertyWylHBrmvnselfdenialtGGLibertJ H Brown self denial 366 Liberty lHBrmvnselfdenialtGGLibertJlHBrmvnselfdenialtGGLibertJ CulCoosa ch Hokes Bluff by Rev L Cul CocsachHokesBluff11Rc1CulCocsachHokesBluff11Rc1Cul 7 Providence ch counDallas coun bertson bertsonProidencechDallascoubertsonProidencechDallascoun Soby Lewis Johnson 4 Ladies So ty tbyLewisJohnson4LadiesSoGentbyLewisJohnson4LadiesSo tbyLewisJohnson4LadiesSo Georgiana box frontier missionary4251 Georgianaboxfrontiermissionar41 orgianaboxfrontiermissionar41

So Ladies mismiSo Oswichee box box frontier mis mis LadiesSoOswieheeboxfrontiermis LadiesSoOswieheeboxfrontiersionary and770 Ladies So York and sionaryOLadiesSoYorkandCubmissionaryOLadiesSoYorkand Cuba box frontier missionary lh75 Ro tCubrboxfrontiermissionaQ1t73Rot CubrboxfrontiermissionaQ1t73rboxfrontiermissionaQ1t73Rot none ch Arnold S Smith X25 FriendFriend RotnokechArnoldSSmith5Frieril nokechArnoldSSmith5FriernokechArnoldSSmith5Frieril 10 Totalship ch D W Ramsey Total ilshipehDWRamsey10Total shipehDWRamsey10Totalu105C u5Gu5G 5G

sionaryOLadiesSoYorkand t shipehDWRamsey10Total

I lI


Mission journal journalPrThe Thel1fissiollJournalPThel1fissiollJournaThel1fissiollJournal

Previously reported 265959 eviously AggrePreviouslyreportedGj9iVAggre Aggre reviouslyreportedGj9iVAggre PreviouslyreportedGj9iVAggate gatesincelfa21AHsince May 255521 gregatesincelfa21 25552Rockof Little Rock 1AUKANSASLadies AUKANSASLadies AHKASASLadiesofLittleRockchAHKASASLadiesofLittleRock KASASLadiesofLittleRock churches by Mrs E Longley self denial churchesbyMrsELongleyselfdenial urchesbyMrsELongleyselfdenial churchesbyMrsELongleyselfd5777 Camden ch by J E Lide 310enial577CmenchbyJELide310 310 577CmenchbyJELide310SSunbeams Missionary So ch SunlJeamsIissionarSoFirstehJonFirst chunlJeamsIissionarSoFirsteh SunlJeamsIissionarSoFirsteh Miss Jonesboro Sec Anniebelle Clark JonesboroMissAnniebelleClarkSJonesboroMissAnniebelleClarkSec esboroMissAnniebelleClarkSec 179 So Aid Ladies Rev Nashville ec1LadiesAidSoNashvilleRevC CC1LadiesAidSoNashvilleRevCW1LadiesAidSoNashvilleRevC W Strickland 4 Iloward county AssnWStrickland4HowardcountyASSIl Strickland4HowardcountyASSIl WStrickland4HowardcountyAAssn D Neal Treas R ch280 Ebenezer ch SSIlRDealTrcasSOEbcnezereh RDealTrcasSOEbcnezerehBaBartholomew Assn Rev W C Marley BartholomewAssnReyVCHarlclr rtholomewAssnReyVCHarlclr BartholomewAssnReyVCHa125 Monticello ell Rev U W Gard Gardrlclr1jMonticelloehHeVGarl 1jMonticelloehHeVGarlnerner 2250 Saline ch Bradley county countynero2SOSalineehBradleycount nero2SOSalineehBradleycouo2SOSalineehBradleycount W W Gardner Rev ch185 First ch ntRevWYoGardner18Firstch RevWYoGardner18FirstchJJonesboro PhihiP C Barton 2054 Phihi JonesboroPCBartonOfHPhilil onesboroPCBartonOfHPhilil JonesboroPCBartonOfHPhi1 delphia ch P C Barton lildelphiachPCBarton1rrotal delphiachPCBarton1rrotall1Total





RevWYoGardner18Firstch delphiachPCBarton1rrotal 11690l1GnO l1GnGnO

Previously reported OPreviouslyreported1188JAggre Aggre11CS95 Previouslyreported1188JAggrPreviouslyreported1188JAggre Aggre gate 130555since May 130555 gatesincelIay13085DegatesincelIay13085 gatesincelIay13085 OF COLUMBIAMetropol DISTRICT COLUMBIAMetropolDISTRICTOFCOLDlBIAletropol ISTRICTOFCOLDlBIAletropol DISTRICTOFCOLDlBIAletroitan ch Washington S M Yeatman polftanchashingtonS11Yeatman ftanchashingtonS11YeatmanftanchashingtonS11Yeatman 2 ynacostia MWashington S M ch AnacostiachTashingtonSLAnacostiachTashingtonSL Yeatman 5 E Street ch WashingtonWashington Yeatman5EStreetchVashingtonYeatman5EStreetchVashington 1M Yeatman 1 Calvary ch S WashingWashing SLYeatman1CalvarychYastiSLYeatman1CalvarychYastin ton 100 WoChas H Ruoff Treas Wo ntonChasHRuoffTreas100Va tonChasHRuoffTreas100VamtonChasHRuoffTreas100Va Somans Home and Foreign Mission So mansHomeandForeignIissionSo ansHomeandForeignIissionSo mansHomeandForeignIissionauxiliary B Y P U AGay cieties cietiesauxiliaryBYPDAGnStrSocietiesauxiliaryBYPDAGn AGaymisStreet ch Washington box frontier mis Streetchashingtonboxfrontiermi eetchashingtonboxfrontiermi Streetchashingtonboxfrontiesionary 0 Y P S C E Gay Streetrmisionar30YFSCEGayStreet sionar30YFSCEGayStreetehVStreet Washington contributed box fron ch fronehVashingtoncontributedlJoxfrolehVashingtoncontributedlJoxfroll ashingtoncontributedlJoxfroll tier missionary 10 Total 91S 91StiermissionafJ10Total1lSPltiermissionafJ10Total1lS tiermissionafJ10Total1lS Previously reported 52415 AggregateAggregate Previouslyreported541iAggregate reviouslyreported541iAggregate Previouslyreported541iAggregaMay 09215 0921since sinceIasG1FLtesinceIasG1 FLORIDABellvHl2chby1rsAnniFLORIDABellvHl2chby1rsAnnie 5FLORIDABellvills ch by Mrs AnnieORIDABellvHl2chby1rsAnnie FLORIDABellvills Annie Jessup 205 205JessupOPeJessupO JessupO Previously reported 96322 Aggregate AggregatePreviouslyreported9322AggregaPreviouslyreported9322Aggregae reviouslyreported9322Aggregae May 965296527 since esinceIayUw7 sinceIayUw7sinceIayUw7 7GEORGIAThomas and Maud It McMc GEORGIAThomas GEORGIAThomasandlIaud1IGEORGIAThomasandlIaud1Ic Chee Columbus self denial 20 HillHill cCheeColumbusselfdenialOHill CheeColumbusselfdenialOHCheeColumbusselfdenialOHill 1 Soby Wyke side ch Ivey M So W sidechbyVykeIveynv1SoFortillsidechbyVykeIveynv1So Valley ch Miss Lee Dunklin Treas Fort TreasFortValIechMissLeeDunklinTreas FortValIechMissLeeDunklinTreValIechMissLeeDunklinTreas 12 Miss Mollie Rhodesself denial Rhodes asselfdenialeIissMollieRhOlles selfdenialeIissMollieRhOllesHselfdenialeIissMollieRhOlles Hephzibah Hephzibahselfdenial1FirstchAuHephzibahselfdenial1FirstchAu self denial 1 First ch Auephzibahselfdenial1FirstchAu Au gusta Lansing InRev t1792 gustaRevLansinBurrowil17nTnfBurrows gustaRevLansinBurrowil17nTn In Duffy byclass ch Street fant antcJassDuffyStreetchSaannahhy fantcJassDuffyStreetchSaannahhy Savannah by 20 Morton Miss Frierson Millie ttuther ttutherMortonFrierson201issIil1ieHuther MortonFrierson201issIil1ieHuthford Athens self denial 10 J G GibGib erfordAthensselfdenial10JGGiJ fordAthensselfdenial10JGGiJfordAthensselfdenial10JGGiJ son 1334Cor Sec Indian missions 1334 soCorSecIndianmissions1334TsoCorSecIndianmissions1334

cietiesauxiliaryBYPDAGn sionar30YFSCEGayStreet sinceIasG1


1 G Gibson Cor Sec Cuba missions JTGGibsonCorSecCulJamissioGGibsonCorSecCulJamissions1 T GGibsonCorSecCulJamissions1 J G Gibson Cor Sec 101951 W ll llns1JGGibsonCorSeclOWGlV1 JGGibsonCorSeclOWGlV1JGGibsonCorSeclOWGlV1 1-


So Cooper First ch Rome Mrs H CooperSoFirstellRomelrsHCooperTr10 Mrs Walton H Wiggs Treas CochTreas10MrsWaltonHYiggsCocTreas10MrsWaltonHYiggsCoch Coch eas10MrsWaltonHYiggsCoch MillenMillen 20 Ladies So ran self denial hranselfdenIal20LadiesSoMilIen ranselfdenIal20LadiesSoMilIenranselfdenIal20LadiesSoMilIen ch 15 box missionary frontier MchboxfrontiermissIonary1GV1chboxfrontiermissIonary1GV1 W M Mrs N B Frost TreasSo Hephzibah SoHephzIbahMrsNBFrostTreas Treas Mfrsself denial 525 M M So Perry Mfrs RoW M Edge Treas 5 L A So Ro W1EdgeTreas5LASoRochellMiss Ella Nance Sec self denial chelle chellellissEllaNanceSecselfdenia1 ellissEllaNanceSecselfdenia1 chellellissEllaNanceSecselfde225 W AM So Hephzibah ch Mrs Mrsnia1225WMSoHephzibahchIr 225WMSoHephzibahchIrIs-


easW1EdgeTreas5LASoRo W1EdgeTreas5LASoRo

225WMSoHephzibahchIr SoAugustach11rsIsabellaSJordan37lJGGibsonCorSec dan37lJGGibsonCorSec

AiS Jordan self denial 5 W Ai Isabella abellaSJordanselfdenial5W11 IsabellaSJordanselfdenial5W1IsabellaSJordanselfdenial5W11 Augustam ch So Mrs Isabella S Jor1SoAugustach11rsIsabellaSJor SoAugustach11rsIsabellaSJor Jor 3719 dan J G Gibson Cor Sec dan37lJGGibsonCorSec7070070 J G Gibson Cor Sec CubanCuban 70070JGGibsonCorSecCubanm70070JGGibsonCorSecCuban 070JGGibsonCorSecCuban 1452 Earnest Workers Tenmissions Ten issions1452EarnestWorkersTen missions1452EarnestWorkersTemissions1452EarnestWorkersTen by Airs B nf1IebyMrsTBGambrellCorSec2nille nnf1IebyMrsTBGambrellCorSec nf1IebyMrsTBGambrellCorSec Gambrel Cor Sec J by 225 Missionary Helpers Long Cane by25MissionaryHelpersLongCaneby 225MissionaryHelpersLongCaneby 225MissionaryHelpersLongCanDirs J B Gambrell Cor Sec 1 L A eby1IrsJBGambrellCorSec1LA 1IrsJBGambrellCorSec1LA

First ch Columbus by Alrs J B SoFirstellColumbusbytlrsJBGSoFirstellColumbusbytlrsJB So


2 Southern FemmeCor Sec Gambrell Femme GambrellCorSecSouthernFemalGambrellCorSecSouthernFemal ambrellCorSecSouthernFemal

College College Park C C Cox PresCollegeCollegeParICCCoxPreCollegeCollegeParICCCoxPres Pres 1S Young5 Young Ileplizibah A Friend j1SAFriendHephzIlJah5YoungLasj1SAFriendHephzIlJah5Young j1SAFriendHephzIlJah5Young Milledgeville Missionary MissMiss So Ladies dieslissionarySoMi1Iedevil1eMiss LadieslissionarySoMi1Iedevil1eMiss LadieslissionarySoMi1Iedevil1eSoScott Treas 335 W M So Fannie MissFnnnieScottTreas5GT1SOt 135135 Reynolds Mrs E E Hodges Sec M U First ch Atlanta Mrs J rIW rI V11DFirstchAtlantaMrJdGl11 Goldsmith Treas Total 2063PGldsmithrrreas11TotalOSSG1 Gldsmithrrreas11TotalOSSG2063 Previously Aggrereviously reported 743931 Aggre 1PreyiouslyreportedlanAggre gate since May 95279952794 ch 4KENTUCKYW KENTUCKYW M So First chSalBowling Green Mrs B F Proctor Sal BowlinGrenllrsBFProctorsaltry teacher in Rev J V Covas school schooarteacherinReyJVCoasschoollHavana sent Jan 15th LucieHayanasentJan15th2tlissLucieoMiss Lucie Havana HayanasentJan15th2tlissLucie MisNorton Louisville self denial 300 Miss ortonLouislllcselfdenia1300iliss rtonLouislllcselfdenia1300iliss sTattle Norton Louisville self denial IattieNortonLouisyilleselfeniaIattieNortonLouisyilleselfenial Tattle Mrs 250 LouisvilleMartha Norton Louisville lMrslarthaNortonLouisme MrslarthaNortonLouisme 250 W M So Glen Creek Creekself denial Miss Mary Edwards Teas 820 W M MFSo SoFirstehBowlIngGreenIrsBFPSoFirstehBowlIngGreenIrsBF First ch Bowling Green Mrs B F Proctor teacher in J V Covas school ProctorteacherinJVCovasschooProctorteacherinJVCovasschool roctorteacherinJVCovasschool 25 Ewing 782 ch Rev J L Kendrick 782lEwinchReyJLKenllrickjt2 EwinchReyJLKenllrickjt2 Mrs M E Blakey Auburn 5 Sonora SonoraLouch Josiah Phillips 5 W M So Lou ilil don Mrs P F Stillings Treas donIrspFStillingslreasHVilmMW M Garnett Ilopkinsville moth mothGarnettIlopkinsvilleVMSFSo First ch Bowling Green Mrs B F SoFirstcitBowlingGreenMrsnFPoFirstcitBowlingGreenMrsnF SoFirstcitBowlingGreenMrsnF 919MProctor self denial 1450 Total 919M2 Proctorselfdenial1450TotalUProctorselfdenial1450TotalUm roctorselfdenial1450TotalUm 2Previously Previously Aggre reported 53569i AggremPreiouslyreporttdS5G1Atgre PreiouslyreporttdS5G1AtgreLPreiouslyreporttdS5G1Atgre gate since May 627590 627590LOL Orleans ISIANAfirst ch New OrleansLOeISLXAF1rstehKewOrleansLOeISLXAF1rstehKewOrleans OeISLXAF1rstehKewOrleans Downey Treas for debt of thatFrancis that FrancisDowneTreasfordebtofthFrancisDowneTreasfordebtofthat ch ch 8050 W 1i So Valence Street chatchWiOV1SoValenceStreetch chWiOV1SoValenceStreetchchWiOV1SoValenceStreetch Mrs deby New Love de Orleans F self J XewOrleansbyIrsJFLoyeseldXewOrleansbyIrsJFLoyeselde 12 nial ValenceIndustrial school Valence FStreet ch New Orleans by Mrs J F 75Love 75 530 G A Turner Treas LoveGATurneTreas75KingsKings Helpers Valence Street cll NewNew KingsHelpersValenceStreetellNew KingsHelpersValenceStreetellNeself denial 021 Mrs R i Orleans wOrleansselfdenial10211rrsRA Orleansselfdenial10211rrsRA 1 Beek Dentons Ferry self denial ABeckBntonsFerrysefdenial1 BeckBntonsFerrysefdenial1T1x101 1x10Total Total1101Total1101 1Previously reported 95SS0 Aggregate Previously AggregatePreviouslyreportedSSOAggregatPreviouslyreportedSSOAggregate May 1112S1112S1 since esinceMayll1S1 sinceMayll1S1 1MARYLANDW B II 1M So ofof MARYLANDW Maryland Mrs Ida 11 Tyler Treas MarylandIrsIaHTylerTreas1100 Fourth cll HarBaltimore F It Har 100FourthchHaltimoreFnU100FourthchHaltimoreFnUa Sobaugh Treas 1461 W 13 H M So baughTreas1fUjOVBHl1SoCeCentennial1isionSoRocItyi11econ Mission So Rockville concon Centennial ntennial1isionSoRocItyi11econ to box frontier missionary tribution tributiontoboxfrontiermissionary tributiontoboxfrontiermissionarSo Franklin Square Square1821 W B 11 y1821VRH1SoFranklinSquare 1821VRH1SoFranklinSquare1821VRH1SoFranklinSquare ch Baltimore German work 9 W BBchBaltimoreGermanworkHrBchBaltimoreGermanworkHrB H M So Seventh ch Baltimore GerGer H1SoSeventhchBaltimoreGerH1SoSeventhchBaltimoreGer man work 12 Total 15581 1558manwork12Total1581manwork12Total1581 1Previously Previously Aggrereported 5Sl75 Aggre PreviouslyreportedJ817AgrePreviouslyreportedJ817Agre gate 597336 since May 59733gatesincelayfl7WFPisgah ch J F 6MISSISSIPPIMt MISSISSIPPIMt nSSISSIPPIItPlsgahchJFWhWhitfield 960 Clear Creek chTreas ch WhitfieldTreasOGOClearCreelch WhitfieldTreasOGOClearCreelitfieldTreasOGOClearCreelch R G Hemlett 5 Concord ch by Rev RevchRGHemlettConcordchbyRev RGHemlettConcordchbyRevLChas ChasE1liott10WestPointchJLSpElliott 510 West Point ch J L 10 Ladies So Brooksville boxSproles Sproles10LadiesSoBrooksv11leboSproles10LadiesSoBrooksv11lebox box roles10LadiesSoBrooksv11lebox 100 missionary frontiermissionary100LadiesSoCxfrontiermissionary100LadiesSo frontiermissionary100LadiesSo frontier So Ladies SoClinton Jackson and Edwards box fron fronlintonJacksonandEdwardshoxfron ClintonJacksonandEdwardshoxfrClintonJacksonandEdwardshoxfron missionary 43 Mrs E J Manning Manningtier ontiermIssionary4llrsEJManning tiermIssionary4llrsEJMannintiermIssionary4llrsEJManning

FnnnieScottTreas5GT1SOtFnnnieScottTreas5GT1SOt nenoldslrsEEHodcsSec135nenoldslrsEEHodcsSec135 V11DFirstchAtlantaMrJd dsmithrrreas11TotalOSSG1 PreyiouslyreportedlanAggrPreyiouslyreportedlanAggre egatesincelaJf7H gatesincelaJf7HgatesincelaJf7H KEXTUCKYY1SoFirstchKEXTUCKYY1SoFirstch BowlinGrenllrsBFProctorsal arteacherinReyJVCoasschool


MrslarthaNortonLouismselfdenialSV180GlenCreek eselfdenialSV180GlenCreek selfdenialSV180GlenCreeIisslaryEdwardlreastjV1SokIisslaryEdwardlreastjV1 IisslaryEdwardlreastjV1


EwinchReyJLKenllrickjtIrsLEBlakeAuburn5Sonora 2IrsLEBlakeAuburn5Sonora IrsLEBlakeAuburn5SonoracllJosiahPhillips5VMSoLoucllJosiahPhillips5VMSoLou donIrspFStillingslreasHVil mothGarnettIlopkinsvilleVM othGarnettIlopkinsvilleVM S

enial1IndustrialschoolValcne nial1IndustrialschoolValcnenial1IndustrialschoolValcne StreetchXewOrleansbMrsJF StreetchXewOrleansbMrsJFLoveGATurneTreas75 LoveGATurneTreas75 HelpersValenceStreetellNew Orleansselfdenial10211rrsRBeckBntonsFerrysefdenial1 otal1101 i-


sinceMayll1S1IARYLADDHLSoof IARYLADDHLSoofMIARYLADDHLSoof MarylandIrsIaHTylerTreas arylandIrsIaHTylerTreas 00FourthchHaltimoreFnUa baughTreas1fUjOVBHl1So abaughTreas1fUjOVBHl1So M



RGHemlettConcordchbyRev ChasE1liott10WestPointchJL

Days self denial 5 T J Bailey Treas gDaysselfdenialTJBalleTreas DaysselfdenialTJBalleTreasDaysselfdenialTJBalleTreas 150 AirsW M So County Line ch Airs lWW1SoCountyLinechMrs S E Cook Pres 5 W M So West


rsSECookPres5V11SoWest SECookPres5V11SoWestSECookPres5V11SoWest

Sflame DepartmentPDepartment flame IfonzeDeart1JzclIfonzeDeart1Jzcllt

PointbyIrsSEChandlerjAV RHGliIIotal4G270

by Mrs S E Chandler 5 A V Point VPointbyIrsSEChandlerjAVRooint ltPointbyIrsSEChandlerjAV Rowe Cor Sec 100 First ch MeridianRoweCorSec100FirstchIeridian Meridian RoweCorSec100FirstchIeridiaweCorSec100FirstchIeridian R GM II 25 RHGliIIotal4G270g46270Total 46270 nRHGliIIotal4G270 Previously reported 136240 AggreAggre May gate since gatesinceMaylSjl0I152510gatesinceMaylSjl0 152510 atesinceMaylSjl0 MISSOURLLadies So Maryville box boxISSOURILadiesSoIaryvilIebox IISSOURILadiesSoIaryvilIeboIISSOURILadiesSoIaryvilIebox frontier missionary 25 Ladies So Mex xfrontlermissionnryJLdiesSolex frontlermissionnryJLdiesSolexlfrontlermissionnryJLdiesSolex Mexico box frontier missionary 24 Ladies eoboxfrontiermissionarylLadies leoboxfrontiermissionarylLadieleoboxfrontiermissionarylLadies LadiesSo Osceola box frontier missionary 212 Ladies So Fayette box frontiers1jLadiesSoFayetteIOXfrontier 1jLadiesSoFayetteIOXfrontier1jLadiesSoFayetteIOXfrontier frontier missionary QuackenmissionarytOMisIamieQuackenmissionarytOMisIamieQuacken 30 Miss Mamie Quacken S S class Cape Girardeau box bushs hushsSSclassCapeGirardeauboxfhushsSSclassCapeGirardeaubox boxfrontier missionary 15 Ladies So LarontiermissionaryIriLadiesSoLa frontiermissionaryIriLadiesSoLa La mar contribution box frontier mission missionmarcontrIbutionboxfrontiermission ary 10 Ladies So Slater box frontierfrontier an10LatllesSoSlaterboxfrontieran10LatllesSoSlaterboxfrontier V missionary 93 So by A EERogers IVTreas for Missouri HogersTnasforMissouri1001HogersTnasforMissouri10017r 10047 IV M So by A E Rogers Treas for llis 7rllSohyAERogersTreasforn llSohyAERogersTreasfornlsllisA souri E Rogers Treas forfor 29055 Total 7046 Missouri 7046lssouriOS5Total7oo4G souriOS5Total7oo4G lssouriOS5Total7oo4Previously reported AggreGPreiouslyreportedHHjAbre PreiouslyreportedHHjAbrPreiouslyreportedHHjAbre 1997 Aggre gate since lay 390108 390108gateSinceI21lOtXNORTH CAROLINAJ StoneStoner XORTHCAROLTXAJlIStonerXORTHCAROLTXAJlIStoner ORTHCAROLTXAJlIStoner rTreas Treas Western North Carolina Conven ConvenTreasesernXorthCarolinaComen TreasesernXorthCarolinaComtion 728 J M Stoner Treas Western Westernentlon7SJ1StonerTreasestern tlon7SJ1StonerTreasestern13 North MCarolina Convention J M 1orthCarolinaConention1J1LSorthCarolinaConention1J1L 1orthCarolinaConention1J1L Stoner CarolinaTreas Western North Carolina StonerTrcascsternorthCaroJinaStonerTrcascsternorthCaroJina tonerTrcascsternorthCaroJina 120 J Convention Stoner TreasTreas CnnentionHOJ11StonerTreaseCnnentionHOJ11StonerTreas Western North Carolina Convention esternXorthCarolinaComentionsternXorthCarolinaComention esternXorthCarolinaComention 3010 S495Total S4958 11t10TotalW 11t10Total8Previously Previously reported AggreAggre 2435CS WPreiouslyreported4jSSAgre Preiouslyreported4jSSAgrePreiouslyreported4jSSAgre gate since May gatesincela2tAGSO45464546 SOUTH SOUTHCAROLIXABol1Springch chUTHCAROLIXABol1Springch SOUTHCAROLIXABol1SpriCAROLINABold Spring ch Edgefield ngchEdgefieJdAsnhJSJordan2m 250EdgefieJdAsnhJSJordan2mUdAssn by J S Jordan 250 Midway ch Abbeville Assn J B HampHamp UdwaychAbheyilleAsnJnHamUdwaychAbheyilleAsnJnHamp waychAbheyilleAsnJnHamp ton 230 Holly Springs ch L C Ezell ptonWHollySpringsehLCEzell tonWHollySpringsehLCEzelltonWHollySpringsehLCEzell 450 Clear Spring ch W J McKinneyMcKinney 40ClearSpringchyJ1IcKlnn40ClearSpringchyJ1IcKlnne 45c Mrs E B Vass Greenwood self selfet5cllrEBVussGreenwoollselt t5cllrEBVussGreenwoollset5cllrEBVussGreenwoollselt Wingodenial 5 GowensviIle ch J O Wingo Treas 245 Fort Lawn ch D H JorJor ltTreast5FortLawnchDHJor Treast5FortLawnchDHJord5 Sunday School Darlingdan Treas Darling danTraSundaySchoolDarlingdanTraSundaySchoolDarling0 anTraSundaySchoolDarling0 chton C B Edwards 453 Florence ch 0tonCBEdwards1Florenceell tonCBEdwards1FlorenceelltonCBEdwards1Florenceell W J 2416 Pine PleasBrown Treas Pleas JBrownTnasJ1rPinePlea3aJBrownTnasJ1rPinePlea3 M


egateSinceI21lOt gateSinceI21lOt


tlon7SJ1StonerTreasestern M

gatesincela2tAG EdgefieJdAsnhJSJordan2m Treast5FortLawnchDHJor

ant ch Ridge Assn W H Simpson 3 antehRidgeAgnWHSimpson3NantehRidgeAgnWHSimpson3 ntehRidgeAgnWHSimpson3 3-

North Fork ch North Greenville Assn AssnorthForkenNorthGreenilJcAssn NorthForkenNorthGreenilJcAsNorthForkenNorthGreenilJcAssn Rev J S I Finch 1 Head of TigerTiger Mch snehXorthGrCnyitleAssnRcJL North Greenville Assn Rev J S M ehXorthGrCnyitleAssnRcJLehXorthGrCnyitleAssnRcJL FerFinch 12S Hoovers ch by R H Fer Finch1SHooyersehhyRHFeFinch1SHooyersehhyRHFer guson 1201 Ridge Spring ell Miss CC10 Rush River ch D chWatson Treas DatonTnas10BushRhcrc11hrDatonTnas10BushRhcrc11 13 by I M Smith chPendleton Street ch 1l1SmithPendletonStreetch h1l1SmithPendletonStreetch1l1SmithPendletonStreetch 715Greenville W L Kellett Treas 715 GreenilIeVLKellettTreas15lrhGreenilIeVLKellettTreas15 GreenilIeVLKellettTreas15 Mrs SOT A Townsend Ninety Six SOc lrsTATownsendXinetSixSocHlrsTATownsendXinetSixSoc sTATownsendXinetSixSoc cHealing Healing Springs ch Ilurnwell Assn byby Hea1ingSpringsehBurnwelIAssnhy ea1ingSpringsehBurnwelIAssnhy Hea1ingSpringsehBurnwelIAssnJ Ray 3 Yorkville ch Sam M GristhyJJRay3YorkiJlechSamlLGrist Grist JJJRay3YorkiJlechSamlLGrist JJRay3YorkiJlechSamlLGriS Miss Treas FannieSumter ch Fannie TrNlSSumterch1issFannieHanstTrNlSSumterch1issFannie Haynesworth Hanesworth11HiChester1pldAssn Hanesworth11HiChester1pldA1195 Chesterfield Assn esworth11HiChester1pldAssn Assnareas Albert Eddins GreenwoodGreenwood AnertEd1inrrreaiGreenwoodSussnAnertEd1inrrreaiGreenwood AnertEd1inrrreaiGreenwood Sunday School R J Cartledge Treas SundaySchooJRJCartledgeTreaSundaySchooJRJCartledgeTreas ndaySchooJRJCartledgeTreas 10 Union ch J H McKissick Treas 10UnionehJHMeKisiekTreatts10UnionehJHMeKisiekTrea 10UnionehJHMeKisiekTrea 167 MrsCentral Committee W M So Mrs tt17CentralCommitteeYo1SoMrs 17CentralCommitteeYo1SoMrs tt17CentralCommitteeYo1SoMrJohn Stout Cur Sec self denial 4S154S15 sJohnSteutCorSecselfdenial4SHi JohnSteutCorSecselfdenial4SHiJohnSteutCorSecselfdenial4SHi Mrs M Central Committee W So JohnJohn CentralCommlttecV1LSolrsJohn CentralCommlttecV1LSolrsJo5 CenStout Cen frontier missionary hnStoutfrontiermisfonaryCen Mrstral Committee W M So Mrs John 8177 Stout Mother PackPack TohnStoutL7MotherPack1IichMission Band Pendleton Street ch 1IisionBan1PendJetonStreetch1IisionBan1PendJetonStreetch sionBan1PendJetonStreetch Greenville 43 Mt Zion ch J H Dodd GrenyilIe431ItZionenJHDodd




ntralCommittee11SoMrs tralCommittee11SoMrsTtralCommittee11SoMrs TohnStoutL7MotherPack ohnStoutL7MotherPack

3737 Jl-

Treas 650 Easley ch J N Howard HowardTnasGOEasleyellJNHowardTnasGOEasleyellJNHoward Treas 190 Sunday School Gaffney GaffneyTreas1OSundaSchoolGaffneyITreas1OSundaSchoolGaffney Miss L C Budd 750 First ch Gaffney GaffneyissLCBuddriOFirstehGaffne IissLCBuddriOFirstehGaffIissLCBuddriOFirstehGaffne Miss L C Budd 272 Hartsville ch JJ1issLCnuddHartsvilleehJ21ne1issLCnuddHartsvilleehJ M Lawton Treas 676 Hartsville SunSun 21LawtonTreasGHartsvilIeSu21LawtonTreasGHartsvilIeSun LawtonTreasGHartsvilIeSun day School J M Lawton Treas 532532 ndnSchoolJ21LawtonTreasS3 dnSchoolJ21LawtonTreasS3dnSchoolJ21LawtonTreasS3 ch Spartanburg First FirstchSpartmburgVLDerieuxFirstchSpartmburgVLDerieux L Derieux 25 TLittle River ch Fairfield Assn T 2JLittleRiverehFairfieldAssnT2JLittleRiverehFairfieldAssnT I1HoachTreasj7HepubJicaneh chRoach Treas 257 Republican ch 1HoachTreasj7HepubJicanehEdgefield EJgeficIdAssnRHlIcIeeTreasEJgeficIdAssnRHlIcIeeTreas Assn R H McKee Treas M250 Mt Ebal ch Edisto Assn L M JOMtEbalchEdistoAssnL1IJOMtEbalchEdistoAssnL1I YJones 245 First ch Newberry R Y JonesA5FirstehXewherryRYJonesA5FirstehXewherryRY Leavell Treas Schoo957 Sunday School LeavellTreact7SundaySchooLeavellTreact7SundaySchool lFirst ch Newberry First R Y LeavelllFirstchXewherryRYLeaveU FirstchXewherryRYLeaveUFirstchXewherryRYLeaveU Leavell 431 Treas Rutherford Street chch Treas431RuthcrfordStreetehGTreas431RuthcrfordStreeteh Greenville 267P C Goodlett Treas 267 reenYilIcRCGoodlettTreas2G7 GreenYilIcRCGoodlettTreas2GGreenYilIcRCGoodlettTreas2G7 Graham ch Santee Assn J T Haynes GrahamchSanteeAssnJTIfaynes17GrahamchSanteeAssnJTIfaynes GrahamchSanteeAssnJTIfaynes Marion Union Loner Section Pee107 Pee 07IarionUnionLowerSectionPee 107IarionUnionLowerSectionP107IarionUnionLowerSectionPee Dee Assn R W Brown Village732 Village eeDeeAssnRBrown7ri2V1lIage DeeAssnRBrown7ri2V1lIageeDeeAssnRBrown7ri2V1lIage Edgefield O Sheppard Treas 25ch 25 ehEdgefieldOSheppardTreas25ehEdgefieldOSheppardTreas25 hEdgefieldOSheppardTreas25 T M Bailey Cor Sec 2057 FriendT21BaileyCorSecZOG7FrienT21BaileyCorSecZOG7Friend Friend ship ch B K OShields 376 Ebene EbenedshipellBKOShields3GEbene shipellBKOShields3GEbeneshipellBKOShields3GEbene zer ch Ridge Assn B J HarrisonHarrison zerchRidgeAssnBJHarrisonzerchRidgeAssnBJHarrison 10 Treas W L Jones Effingham Treas10YoLJonesEflinghamJTreas10YoLJonesEflingham J492 Cool Branch ch Chester Assn J J9CoolBrunchchChesterAssnT 9CoolBrunchchChesterAssnT J9CoolBrunchchChesterAssV Legge Treas 370 Clover ch TTF nTPVLegeTreasOCloverchT PVLegeTreasOCloverchTGchG 379 Cheraw ch Matthews Treas GMatthesTreac37CllerawchpbGMatthesTreac37Cllerawchp by Miss Annie J Evans 760 Due West WestbyIissAnnieJEans7GODueVe3tyIissAnnieJEans7GODueVe3t byIissAnnieJEans7GODueVe3t by Henry B McGee 10 Corinth ch chch chbyHenBMcGee10CorinthechbyHenBMcGee10Corintheh S Hart Treas CreeS50 Beaver Cree JJSHartTreasSroBeaverCree JSHartTreasSroBeaverCreehJSHartTreasSroBeaverCree eli Chester Assn by W S Durham chChesterA5snbyTSDurhamchChesterA5snbyTSDurham 525 E Bethel ch J E Jeffries TreasTreas 52EBethelcltJEJeffriesTreas152EBethelcltJEJeffriesTreas 5265Total 5265 1rTotal53GGS1rTotal53GGS rTotal53GGS AggrePreviously reported 300547 Aggre Preiouslyreported300547AggrePreiouslyreported300547Aggre gate since May 354215 hatesinceMay1121hatesinceMay11215 35421-


PVLegeTreasOCloverchT MatthesTreac37Cllerawchp


2roodeockTreas15HEar roodeockTreas15HEar

EarWoodco*ck Treas 12514 IroodeockTreas15HEarneEar 5 Willie nest McKenzie Miss IndiaIndia nestWillielIcKenzie5MissIndianestWillielIcKenzie5MissIndia stWillielIcKenzie5MissIndia 2 M M RutledgeRutledge Horn Springfield HrnSpringfieJd21111RutledgeHrnSpringfieJd21111Rutledge chDante 1 Ladies So Inman Street ch Dante1LadiesSoInmanStreetchClDante1LadiesSoInmanStreetch 3871CleyelandtIoxfrontiermissionary38 Cleveland box frontier missionary 3871 eyelandtIoxfrontiermissionary38 CleyelandtIoxfrontiermissionaryYoung 38YoungSouthJauraDEakinTreasp South Laura D Eakin Tr eas YoungSouthJauraDEakinTreasp YoungSouthJauraDEakinTre393 Rev J H Pierce Una 97c TotalTotal asp3RevTHPierceUnacTotal 3RevTHPierceUnacTotal17W

3RevTHPierceUnacTotal 17SS1 17SS17SSS1

1Previously Previously reported AggreAggre S1PreviouslyreportedH197Aggre PreviouslyreportedH197AggrePreviouslyreportedH197Aggre 16970 gate 4S1S5since May 4S1S51 gatesinceMay8185gatesinceMay81851 ch PickettJ H Pickett 1TELSAntioch TELSAntioch 1TEXASAntiochchJHPickett TEXASAntiochchJHPickett Mrs Young W YoungClerk 10 W M So ettClerk1011Solr8WYoung 700 Macedonia ch H Y LiveTreas Live Treas7MacedoniaehHYLivTreas7MacedoniaehHYLive ly 2413625 Total 2413 lyt15TotalJlriPrAggrePreviously reported 23314S6 Aggre Previouslyreportedn4St1AggrPreviouslyreportedn4St1Aggre eviouslyreportedn4St1Aggre gate since May 233901 23390gatosinceIay3tOIVegatosinceIay3tOI gatosinceIay3tOI Ryland Treas1VIPGINIANorvell VTnGIXIAXoneIlRylandTreaVTnGIXIAXoneIlRylandTreas Treas VIPGINIANorvell TnGIXIAXoneIlRylandTreas ct10 Mrs O A Palmer Rippon Jeffersro1lrsOAPalmerRipponJeffer Jeffer ro1lrsOAPalmerRipponJeffro1lrsOAPalmerRipponJeffer 2 county W Va son 50Total 502 ersoncounty0Va2TotalK soncounty0Va2TotalKPAggre2Preciously Preciously reported 718052 Aggre PrexioulyreprtedISOriAggrePrexioulyreprtedISOriAggre rexioulyreprtedISOriAggre gate since May MagateinceIa7GSrJligateinceIa7GSrJ yMISCELLANEOUS DisMISCELLANEOUS Oklahoma Dis lilSCELLAEOrSOklahomaDistlilSCELLAEOrSOklahomaDis lSCELLAEOrSOklahomaDis OklatrictAssnGeoryoJonesTreaspOkJa rictAssnGeoryoJonesTreaspOkJa trict Assn Geo T Jones Treas Okla Ahoma Territory 850 Collections by A llomaTerritory8fllCollectionsbA L Suelling Treas North Pacific CoastCoast LSuellinTreasNorthPacificCOlstBLSuellinTreasNorthPacificCOlst 200ashington 200 Baptist Convention BaptistConventionWashingtonOOBaptistConventionWashingtonOO aptistConventionWashingtonOO 2055020550 Total TotalOSGO TotalOSGAggreAggre Previously reported 715052 OPreviouslyreportedlSO52Aggr PreviouslyreportedlSO52AggrsPreviouslyreportedlSO52Aggr May 430135 43013inceMaym135 sinceMaym135 sinceMaym1since Previously re5Grand re total 646592 Grand GrandtotalGGS2Previouslreno35GrandtotalGGS2Previouslre GrandtotalGGS2Previouslre ported 14913476 Aggregate since May nortedD13GAggregatesinceForayG0nortedD13GAggregatesinceForay rtedD13GAggregatesinceForay

TEXASAntiochchJHPickClerk1011Solr8WYoungTClerk1011Solr8WYoung reas7MacedoniaehHYLive elyt15TotalJlri lyt15TotalJlri soncounty0Va2TotalK

G03GS G03G5560368 3GS

itnionAUWnioutMOTontansttissionaryAUXILoryontansttissionary oontansttissionary an s SUissionartj lEmonAUlEmon HI0natts S AUXILIARYTOSBC XILIARY yo



C C--




BBVICRPRRSIDExTsAlabamaMrsGBEagerArkansasIrsELongIerFlo1idaM Alabama Mrs G B Eager Arkansas Mrs E Longley Florida Mrs B B VICEPRKSIDHXTS VICEPRESIDE TsAlabama Mc MChipley Georgia Miss M E Wright Kentucky Miss E S Broadus Louisiana Mrs C C McV M ElliottB Mrs Elliott F Aven Missouri Cloud lifaryland Miss V J Blown AlississiOfi Mrs C S Jackson JacksoncNorthCarolinaMrsJllriggsSQulhCarolinalissMLco*kerTennnsu111 NorthCarolinaMrsJllriggsSQulhCarolinalissMLco*kerTennnsu111 ACSJackson North Carolina Mrs J Briggs South Carolina Miss M L co*ker Tennessee Mrs A TerritoryTerritory an1eritoran1eritor Virginia airs A M Gwathmey liestern Arkansas and Indian TeraslIrsFBDavIsVirginiaIrsAMGwathmerIVuternArkansasandInd Mrs F B Davis Texas


TuckerWestern North Carolina Mrs J H Tucker MissCompereVeste17tNorthCaolinaIrsJHTucker Miss J Compere ARMSTRONGCOR CORSECRETARYMISSANNIEVARISTROXG SECRETARYMISS CoR SECRETARY Miss ANNIE WV ARMSTRONG NT No 9 West Lexington StreetTStreetStreet RECSECRETARyMISSNELLIEMARTIENXo9VestLexingtonStreet RKC SECRETARY Miss NELLIE MARTIEN SECRETARYMISS LOWVNDESMRS W C LOVVNDESLOVVNDES TREASURER TREASURERMRS REASURER TREASURERMRSWCLOWNDES EE-Alabama Mrs I C Brown East Lake Arkansas Mrs E LITERATURE COMMITTEES STATE STATELITKRATUltKCOIMITTEEsAabamaMrs1CBrownEastLakeArkans3s Georgia Irs J BBLongley 1003 Vest 6th St Little Rock Florida Miss L Spalding Deland Longley1005Vest6thStLittleRockFloridatissLSpaldingDeLandGe PP Broadway Louisville Louisiana 600 Woody West firs GambrellMaconKentuckytit*5EVoodyGOOWestBroadwayLouisvilleL uisianaMrsP Gambrell Macon Kentucky Mrs S E BaltimoreSt Baltimore Maryland Miss Annie Armstrong 9 West Lexington Lyle130GMarengoNewOdeanMaryland1issAnnieArmstrong9VestLcxi Lyle 130G Marengo New Orleans KonStBaltimore CityCity ansasCit Mississippi Mrs R P Sproles Jackson Missouri Mrs J L Burnham 2925 Holmes St Kansas MississippiIrsRPSprolesJackson1issourilrsJLBurnhamHolmesSt TenBill Ten ocietyHillTen NorthCarolinaMissFaunieHeckRaleighSouthCarolinaMiss1Lco*ker Carolina bliss Fannie Heck Raleigh South Carolina Miss M L co*ker Society North DallasDallaDallas Texas Miis l Everett 1315 North Spruce St Nashville Miss Lucy Cunningham rettDallasnesseeMissLucyCunnngtam13151crthSpruceStNashiIeTexasIiszEv nessee rettDallas andand Vest Arkansas kansasand Virginia Miss Daisy Hutson 125 South Laurel St Station A Riclimnnd TuckerTucker HuckerPTerritory Mrs E L Compere Dallas Ark Western North Carolina Mrs J 11 IndianTerritoryMrsELCompereDallasArkVesternNorthCuoIinaIrs Indian C C O N Asheville Box P P OBox51AshevilleNC OBox51AshevilleNC

rsE rgiaMrsJB



misssjKayEditorial jKayEditorial Misiss communications to this department should be addressed to Miss Editorialcommunicationstothisdepartmentshouldbeaddressedto 1Editorial Orders for literature ure literatureARMSTRONG ALICE ALICEARISTRONGJ423McCullohstreetBaltimoreMdOrdersforlitera 1423 McCulloh street Baltimore Md bewhichmutbeaccompaniedwithmoneystampspostalnotesororderssho which be mutt be accompanied with money stamps postal notes or orders should ldbe Msentto1larylandBaptistMissionRooms9VLexingtonStBaltimoreMd to Maryland Baptist Mission Rooms 9 W Lexington St Baltimore Md sent


ITALYIamreatopreachth ITALYI

theITALY ITALYIamreatopreachthG6ITALYII am ready to preach the Gosepl alsoGospel to you that arc at Rome also GosepltoouthatareatHomealsoFGosepltoouthatareatHomealso osepltoouthatareatHomealso GospelForIam110tashamedoftheGospelForIam110tashamedoftheGospel I am not ashamed of the Gospel For orIam110tashamedoftheGospel

asof Christ Missionaries 3 native as ofChristJJMissionaries3nativeaofChristJJMissionaries3nativeas 1828 stations 40 churches 18 sistants ssistants28stations4churches18 sistants28stations4churches18sistants28stations4churches18 membership 353 baptisms Sunbapti ms 28 Sun membership353baptisms28Sundmembership353baptisms28Sun dayschool dayschoolscholars287contributions contributionsayschoolscholars287contributions scholars 287 contributions X35725X35725 3572352u

STUDY TOPICS Beginning of ilfisMis 5STUDYTOPJcsBej1mIgofi1Iis STUDYTOPJcsBej1mIgofi1IiSTUDYTOPJcsBej1mIgofi1Iis TorlcsBeginning Csion sSiOl1workillItalyHiJtoryofSBC SiOl1workillItalyHiJtoryofSBSiOl1workillItalyHiJtoryofSBC vork in Italy History of S B C missions eachWhat is the duty of each missiollsIfhatisthedulJofeachchCmissiollsIfhatisthedulJofeach missiollsIfhatisthedulJofeach thesociety and individual in the church churchsocietyand11dhndualillthe urchsocietyand11dhndualillthe bounds workbOUlldsofourCOilvellto1110thiswork9 of our Convention to this work to Gospel work in Hindrances ig ItalyihnHilldrallcestoGoselworkillIlayig i n Italy Italyih norance superstition and the determined determinedorance IOra11cesuerstitiollmidfhedetermineIOra11cesuerstitiollmidfhedetermined oppositionof JornanisfsJornanisfs doositiollofRomalisls oositiollofRomalislsoositiollofRomalisls

blefSTHthedCtCried fSTHthedCtCried


people are to be Measured rather Gods YGodspeolearelobemeasuredrather Godspeolearelobemeasuredrather ratherGods butcounted It is not numbers but than thallcOlmedItis110t1l1l1JzbersbutthallcOlmedItis110t1l1l1Jzbersbut quality that tells qualifyfhafells

11OpeningprayerforItllynndthemOpening prayer for Italy ami the1OpeningprayerforItllynndthe the foreign ami native missionaries nativemissionariesforeign missionariesforeignandIlaiin issionariesforeignandIlaiin missionariesforeignandIla02 nfofitem nf Rmmii Catholic vfow ie view ItemRoman of iin2HemRomanCatholiciewof 2HemRomanCatholiciewof2HemRomanCatholiciewof the tilesituation in Italy What has thethesituationinItalyVhathasthe the ItalyWhat counGovernment done for the coun Italian ItalianGovernmentrlonefortheCOUIl try in It has closed 4000 religious intryIthasclosed4000religiousinstittryIthasclosed4000religiousin AVO robbed 50000 men antl AVwostitutions stitutionsrobbedfJOOOOmenamlwo utionsrobbedfJOOOOmenamlwo stitutionsrobbedfJOOOOmenamlmen Omen ir1of their means of subsistence irimenoftheirmeansofsnhistl1eeJ1pwomenoftheirmeansofsnhistl1eeJ1 iri menoftheirmeansofsnhistl1eeJ1 povercished oyereished380eonyents1wImule poyereished380eonyents1wImupoyereished380eonyents1wImule Mademade lovereished 380 convents and madeM the clergy TIT liable to military letbeclergliabletomilitaryserice serviceservicetbeclergliabletomilitaryserice service ntl1 until tbelr fortieth year Religion hasuntiltheIrfortiethearReligionbusuntiltheIrfortiethearReligionbus has been been banished from the schools thethe beenbanbhedfromtheschoolsthebeenbanbhedfromtheschoolsthe property of churches and charitable propcrofchurchesandcharitableipropcrofchurchesandcharitable charitablecharitaofinstitutions of tmios as wen aas the income ofinstitutionsasweUastheincomeoinstitutionsasweUastheincomeof nstitutionsasweUastheincomeof the Papal See have been confiscated confiscatedfthePapaleehaehecnconfiscated thePapaleehaehecnconfiscatedthePapaleehaehecnconfiscated and tll Pope himself is forced to acac all andtlwloIehimselfisforcedtoaandtlwloIehimselfisforcedtoac cept Yet the chanty of the faithful YetceptthecllritrofthefaithfulYetthcceptthecllritrofthefaithfulYet ceptthecllritrofthefaithfulYet declaredeclare tliese these men miss no chance to declareSthesem*nmissnochancetodeclare esem*nmissnochancetodeclare thattheCatholicsenjorperfectfreethattheCatholicsenjorperfectfree free that tne Catiolics enj0y perfect freetliat M-


domom dom o-

HymnIn 3HymnInthecrossofChristI

33HymnInthecrossofChristIgHymn In the cross of Christ III-m3HymnInthecrossofChristI


glory glorlory

llrolu Woman lrolu JV01JU1USiJfisszollarUllion JV01JU1USiJfisszollarUlli91ZO11 inss Missionary Union


4Scrjpture2Pet1stchapter 4Scrjpture2Pet1stchapter5Chainofprayerforgrowthin the divine likeness thediinelikenesthediinelikeness hediinelikeness Paper PaperHindrances s6PaperHindrancestoWorkin 6PaperHindrancestoWorkinIHindrances to Work in 6PaperHindrancestoWorkin in-

4on4Scrjpture2Pet1stchapter Scripture Scripture22 Pot 1st chapter 55ChainofprayerforgrowthintChain of prayer for growth in inin-

four cents per week is purchasing the fourcentsperweekispurchasingthe thetheconsecrated brains burning hearts consecratedbrainsburninghearts heartsand skilled hands of many missionaryandskIllcdIiandsofmanymissionary andskIllcdIiandsofmanymissionmissionary G workers at a very small price LetaryworkersataverysmallpriceLet workersataverysmallpriceLetthworkersataverysmallpriceLet Let Italy taly Italthis investment be made for one yearthisinvestmentbemadeforoneyeathisinvestmentbemadeforoneyear isinvestmentbemadeforoneyear year ItalyItemWhat 7 Item What Italy specially specially- and ItemWhat honestly tried The money willrandhonestlytriedThemoneywill andhonestlytriedThemoneywilandhonestlytriedThemoneywill will is the practicing of a purer needs pureryneedsisthepructicingofapurer needsisthepructicingofapurerGneedsisthepructicingofapurer not be wasted and we think the inin notbewastedandwethinktheDYelnotbewastedandwethinktheD notbewastedandwethinktheD Gospel by those who see Its peril and Gospelbrthosewhoseeitsperiland ospelbrthosewhoseeitsperiland andvestment will be permanently madeYestmentwillbepermanentlymade stmentwillbepermanentlymade Yestmentwillbepermanentlymmade know nothing personally of the thral knownothingpersonallyofthethralknownothingpersonallyofthethral thralRev Rev toJ H Eager whose return toadeTIeyJHEagerwhosereturnto TIeyJHEagerwhosereturntoAto TIeyJHEagerwhosereturnto to dom domofitspeculiarconditionsdomofitspeculiarconditions of its peculiar conditions America we are gladly expecting thismericawearegladlyexpectingthis Americawearegladlyexpectingthis this 8S Special prayer for the meetings of ofSSpecIalprayerforthemeetingsofSSpecIalprayerforthemeetingsof SpecIalprayerforthemeetingsof month has written the monthly leafletmonthhaswrittenthemonthlyleaflet leaflet the Southern Baptist Cdnvention and theSouthernBuptistCuyentionantheSouthernBuptistCuyentionand and- forItalycallediInanItalianHospItaly called In an Italian Hosfor forItalycallediInanItalianHos Hos Womans WomansIissionaryUnionatChatmMissionary Union at Chat dWomansIissionaryUnionatChat WomansIissionaryUnionatChat Chatpital pitalWrittencharminglyasheever Written charmingly as he everever italWrittencharminglyasheever mnooga nooga tanooga mnoowrites the leaflet gives us a peep intowritestheleafletgivesusapeepinto into 9ga9lusicarrangedbythccommit Music arranged by the commit 9lusicarrangedbythccommittcommit9lusicarrangedbythccommit hospital life with its Romish surroundhospiLl1lifewithitsRomishsurround surround tee ee ings ingsthatwillgiveusnewideasofthat will give us new ideas ofingsthatwillgiveusnewideasof of 10 Leaflet In an Italian Hos HosLeafletIn power 10LeafletUInanItalianHosthe ubiquity of the priestly power10LeafletUInanItalianHos theubiquityofthepriestlypoweretheubiquityofthepriestlypower pital by Rev J H Eager pitalbyHeTTIIEagerpitalbyHeTTIIEager even in united Italy making evangelevangel ecninunitedILllymakingevangel cninunitedILllymakingevangel 11 Urge S B C publications publicationsMisMis 11UrgeSCpublicationsIissIopublicationsMis 11UrgeSCpublicationsIis difficultyistic work still one of grave difficulty isticworkstilloneofgravedifficulty isticworkstilloneofgravedifficsion Journal 50 cents Young Peoples Peoples- Price3centsIarylandBaptist sIonTournaI50centsYouugPeoplessIonTournaI50centsYouugPeoples nTournaI50centsYouugPeoples Baptist Price 3 cents Maryland BaptistultyPrice3centsIarylandBaptist Price3centsIarylandBaptistIiss75 cents Kind Words 50 cents Leader streetMission Lender7GcentsKindVordsGOcents Rooms 9 W Lexington street IissionRooms9TLexingtonstreetBLender7GcentsKindVordsGOcIissionRooms9TLexingtonstreet ionRooms9TLexingtonstreet 12 myHymn myJesus lover of my HymnJesus ents12HymnuJesusloverofmy 12HymnuJesusloverofmys12HymnuJesusloverofmy Baltimore Baltimoraltimore Baltimsousoul oul

9Ioiittil MlHsIouao LiteraturelMonthly Monthly MonthlMissionaryLiteratureFOlMonthlMissionaryLiterature MonthlMissionaryLiterature Literature FOR CHURCH CONCERTS AND ANDFORCHURCHco*kCERTSAND FORCHURCHco*kCERTSANRCHURCHco*kCERTSAND MISSIONARY ANDAND SOCIETIES DMISSIONARYSOCIETIESAD MISSIONARYSOCIETIESAMISSIONARYSOCIETIESAD asYOUNG YOUGPEOPLEyithHnlJastheDYOUGPEOPLEyithHnlJas PEOPLE1 Xith Italy as YOUGPEOPLEyithHnlJas subject for mission study all alongthe along thesubjectformissionstudallalong subjectformissionstudallalong youngthe line from the oldest to the young thelInefromtheoldesttotlle3oung preest suitable literature has been pre estsuitnbleliteratureImsbeenpreestsuitnbleliteratureImsbeenpre pared for each department through parcdforeachdcpartmentthroughparcdforeachdcpartmentthrough

program 11themonthlJIcalIetandprogram the monthly leaflet and program1themonthlJIcalIetandprograMissionof the Maryland Baptist Mission mofthcIarylandBaptistIission ofthcIarylandBaptistIissionRofthcIarylandBaptistIission 0 cents 2 the Mission JourRooms Jour Rooms30ccnts2thelissionTour ooms30ccnts2thelissionTour Rooms30ccnts2thelissionTo3 Young Peoples50 cents Peoples nal urnalfiOccnts3YoungPeoples nalfiOccnts3YoungPeoplesLnalfiOccnts3YoungPeoples 5075 cents 4 Kind Words 50 Leader Leader75cents4KindVordsGOLeader75cents4KindVordsGO eader75cents4KindVordsGO OneOne cents Missionary Department centsIissionarJDepartmentOnctcentsIissionarJDepartmentOnc two or all of these sources of knowknow woorallofthesesourcesof111Ow twoorallofthesesourcesof111Ow ofledge will be helpful for all classes of ledgewillbehelpfulforallclassesof themfurnishing thoroughly them leadersthoroughlfurnishingthcmleaders leadersthoroughlfurnishingthcm the with information not regarding thewithinformationnotregardingthwithinformationnotregardingthe the ends of the earth In general but theeendsoftheearthIngeneralhutthe endsoftheearthIngeneralhuttheendsoftheearthIngeneralhutthe missionswork and needs of S I C missions worlal1lneedsofSHCmissionsworlal1lneedsofSHCmissions to which it is our especial business towhichitisourespecialbusinesstowhichitisourespecialbusinessto know about pray for and contributeknowaboutprayforandcontrihute contribute knowaboutprayforandcontrihutto Two dollars and five cents for aaetoTwodollarsandfivccentsfora toTwodollarsandfivccentsfora efficientlyyear of helpfulness toward efficiently yearofhelpfulnesstowardefficielltl conducting missionary meetings or conductingmissionarymeetingsor


eThe WorkrThe Privilege of WorltThePrlvlJgeoforThaoreThePrlvlJgeofor Worlt youyouGod every morning when you Thank ThankGodeTermorningwhenyoThankGodeTermorningwhenyou nkGodeTermorningwhenyou doyou up get to something do ugetupthatouhavesomethingtodo getupthatouhavesomethingtodothave getupthatouhavesomethingtodo that day which must be done whetherhatdaywhichmustbedonewhether thatdaywhichmustbedonewhether thatdaywhichmustbedonewhetwhether that you to like it or not Being forced toherroulikcitornotBeingforcedto roulikcitornotBeingforcedtowroulikcitornotBeingforcedto workandforccdtodoyourbestwillhworkandforccdtodoyourbestwill will work and forced to do your best willorkandforccdtodoyourbestwill selfcontrolreedinyoutemperanceselfcontrol hreedinyoutemperanceselfcontrol breed in you temperance selfcontrol diligence strength o will content andand diligencestrength0willcontentand aahundredvirtueswhichtheidlewill will hundred virtues which the idle willahundredvirtueswhichtheidlewillnKingslenever knowCharles Kingsley eTerknowCharlesKingsley neTerknowCharlesKingsleneTerknowCharlesKingsley

ItalyyLetter ItalyyLetterfron1Ital front Italy Letter Letterfron1ItalLetterfron1Ital 23 Italy Jan 1S9G 1896Florence 23 1S9GFlorenceItalyJan231896 Florence FlorenceItalyJan23189My YourDear Miss Armstrong My Your ArmstrongYourArmstrongYour fyDearIissArmstrongYourfyDearIissArmstrongYour 6fyDearIissArmstrongYour not kind letter of last summer has notIdndletteroflastsummerlIanotbIdndletteroflastsummerlIanot lain been forgotten although it has lainbeenforgottcnalthoughithaslainsbeenforgottcnalthoughithaslain eenforgottcnalthoughithaslain so long unanswered My domestic dusolongunansweredIydomesticdusolongunansweredIydomesticdu du olongunansweredIydomesticdu have ties are heavy and by the time I havetiesareheavyandbythetimeIbaTe donealittlesomethingoutsfdeofthe donealittlesomethingoutsfdeoftdone a little something outside of thethe home hehomecirclethedaislwedupandI circle the day is ll ed up and IIhomecirclethedaislwedupandIahomecirclethedaislwedupandI advantage am feeling too tired to take advantagemfeelingtootiredtotakcadvantage amfeelingtootiredtotakcadvantage ofthosequieteveninghourswhichmwhich of those quiet evening hours whichofthosequieteveninghourswhich corre might otherwise be devoted to corremightotl1erwisebedevotedtocorresightotl1erwisebedevotedtocorre mightotl1erwisebedevotedtocorre spondence spondencepondence sponden-

upupSpeaking up for SpellillgformyselfIhavekeptupwceSpellillgformyselfIhavekeptup for myself II have kept up SpellillgformyselfIhavekeptup with the noble and earnest work of the withthenobleundearnestworkoftheliththenobleundearnestworkofthe withthenobleundearnestworkofthe


The Mission Journal JournalTheJfissiollJournalTheJfissiollJournal

M TJ Either through the W kindnessv1UEitherthroughthekindnesv1UEitherthroughthekindness kindnessthe kindness of the editors or in return for arti artioftheeditorsorinreturnforarticsoftheeditorsorinreturnforarti oftheeditorsorinreturnforarti we have sent them we receive cles receivecleswe1mesentthemwereceiYencleswe1mesentthemwereceiYe leswe1mesentthemwereceiYe nearly pa all of the Southern Baptist panearlyalloftheSouthernBaptistpa earlyalloftheSouthernBaptistpa nearlyalloftheSouthernBaptist-

pers ofand as I am a great reader of papersandasIamagreatreaderIf persandasIamagreatreaderIfnepersandasIamagreatreaderIf newspapers I manage to keep abreast newspapersImanngetolieepabreasnewspapersImanngetolieepabreast abreastwspapersImanngetolieepabreast of the various movements at home IItoftheariousmOYementsatliOmeI oftheariousmOYementsatliOmeoftheariousmOYementsatliOmeI am much obliged however for youryour IammuchobligedhoweYerforour ammuchobligedhoweYerforourammuchobligedhoweYerforour personal your personalletterandapprEciateyour letter and appreciate yourpersonalletterandapprEciateyointerest particular in us and in our particularurinterestinusaninourparticular interestinusaninourparticularwinterestinusaninourparticular worworkwork ork hopemission in The hopehope in Florence isis inin aa hope krhemissioninFlorenceisinahope rhemissioninFlorenceisinahoprhemissioninFlorenceisinahope enefulstageandweneYerfeltmoreen fulstageandweneYerfeltmoreenful stage and we never felt more en fulstageandweneYerfeltmoreen couraged concouragedthanatpresentOurcOecouragedthanatpresentOurcO than at present Our con verts of the past year belong to a mostertsofthepastrearbelongtoamost most rtsofthepastrearbelongtoamost satisfactory class being chiefly youngyoung satisfactoryclassbeingchiefiyounsatisfactoryclassbeingchiefiyoung men age under twentyfive years of agegmenundertwentrYeyearsofa*ge menundertwentrYeyearsofa*gemenundertwentrYeyearsofa*ge who already have good if humblewhoalreadyhaYeoodifhumblebuwhoalreadyhaYeoodifhumble humble business outlooks and who possess thebusinessoutlooksandwhopossessthe sinessoutlooksandwhopossessthe the independence which usually accom independencewhichusunIIyaccom accompanies such a state of material thingspaniessuchastateofmaterialthings things is also good to notice that they seekItisalsogoodtonoticethattheyseek It Itisalsogoodtonoticethattheyseseek each others society during theirekeachotherssocietyduringtheir eachotherssocietyduringtheirleeachotherssocietyduringtheir their leisure hours and thus become a mu muleisurehoursandthusbecomeamuleisurehoursandthusbecomeamu isurehoursandthusbecomeamu tual comfort and safeguard againsttualcomfortandsafeguardagninstetualcomfortandsafeguardagninst against

evil companionscompanions eiIcompanions iIcompanions eiIcompanioWith youngthe With New Year the New youngyoung VUhtheKewYearouryoungChrYear our our young nsVUhtheKewYearouryoung VUhtheKewYearouryoung Christians ChristiansformedthemselYesintothe formed themselves into the istiansformedthemselYesintothe theGruppo del Iledentore or Group of the GruppodelIiedentoreorGroupofthe theRedeemer So you see we in Italy Italyalso have some initials with which toto alsoha1esomeinitialswithwhichto puzle outsiders as the many sociepuzleoutsidersasthel1lauysocie socie in the United States are accused ties accusedtiesintheUnitedStatesareaccustiesintheUnitedStatesareaccused doing Our G D R follows the of ofdoingOurGDRfollowsthelesedofdoingOurGDRfollowsthe thelessons and general line marked out lessonsandgenerallinemarkedontlessonsandgenerallinemarkedont sonsandgenerallinemarkedont outby the Christian Endeavor SocietybytheChristianBndea1orSociet Society especially the requirement of personal especiallytherequirementofpersonnl especiallytherequirementofpersonpersonal-


testimony from each member At aanltestimonyfromenchmemberAta testimonyfromenchmemberAtartestimonyfromenchmemberAta recent meeting twenty were present presentecentmeetingtwentJwerepresent recentmeetingtwentJwerepresenrecentmeetingtwentJwerepresent and six took active part which is en tandsixtookactivepartwhichisen andsixtookactivepartwhichiseandsixtookactivepartwhichisen encouraging in view of the fact that ncouraginin1iewofthefacttlmt couraginin1iewofthefacttlmtfcouraginin1iewofthefacttlmt thatfew of there were Christians a yearewofthemwereChristiansayear fewofthemwereChristiansayearfewofthemwereChristiansayear year ago and are not even the children of agoandarenoteYenthechildrenofa*goandarenoteYenthechildrenof ofChristian parentsan inestimable adChristianparensaninestimableadChristianparensaninestimablead ad vantage possessed by our Southern1antngepossessedhyourSoutherny1antngepossessedhyourSouthern Southern young youngpeopeoplepeople youngpeople oungpeople Already they Already they arc doing practical are doing pleIreadthearedoingpractical Ireadthearedoingpracticalwopracticalpractical Ireadthearedoingpractical by work undertaking the sextonship workbyundertakingthesextonship rkbyundertakingthesextonship

ofofourchapelandbstandingatthe theour chapel and of our theandbybystanding atatthe ofourchapelandbstandingatthedthe to invite strangers to enter But Butdoor oortoinvitestrangerstoenterBut doortoinvitestrangerstoenterBut everpresent idea Is to advance their theireYerpresentie1istoadVanctheireYerpresentie1istoadVance advanceown spiritual life and at the their theetlleirownspIrituallifeandatthe tlleirownspIrituallifeandatthe

same Christime train themselves for Chris sametimetrainthemselYesforCllris totian work with special reference to tianworkwithspecialreferenceto vilvolunteer service in the outlying vil YolunteerserviceintheoutlyingYYolunteerserviceintheoutlyingYil lages of Florence going out by twoslagesofFlorencegoingoutbtwosoillagesofFlorencegoingoutbtwos lagesofFlorencegoingoutbtwos twos on Sundays when material interestsinterests onSundarswhenmaterialinterestonSundarswhenmaterialinterests nSundarswhenmaterialinterests soleave them free to do so leaethemfreetodosoOsleaethemfreetodoso leaethemfreetodoso Other are convertsare Other converts are soldiers aresoldiers who whoareare therconYertsaresoldierswlIoare OtherconYertsaresoldierswlIoare serving seITingtheirmilitarytermoffromtheir military term of fromseITingtheirmilitarytermoffrom from one to three years in the garrison ofonetothreeyearsinthegarrisonof of soonFlorence and who will therefore soon Florencealwllowillthereforesoon return home to their respective call callreturnhometotheirrespectiYecall ings in life But we cannot regret los losingsinlifeButwecannotregretlosiingsinlifeButwecannotregretlos ing them from our immediate circlengthemfromourimmedIatecircle ingthemfromourimmedIatecirclingthemfromourimmedIatecircle circle when we know that they go out fromewllenweknowthatthegooutfrom wllenweknowthatthegooutfromwllenweknowthatthegooutfrom from our midst to sow the seed broadcastbroadcast ourmidsttosowtheseedroacfistthourmidsttosowtheseedroacfist throughout ItalyItaly throughoutItalJ throughoutItaroughoutItalJ Mr s afternoon on-on 1tIrEagersafternoonmeetingonr Eager Eagers onafternoon meeting IlJIrEagersafternoonmeetingon rEagersafternoonmeetingon meeting on Sunday continues to be the best at SundaycontinuestobethebestattSundaycontinuestobethebestat attended service we have and is knowntendedseryeewehayennisknownaendedseryeewehayennisknown tendedseryeewehayennisknown known among the other churches here as one mongtheothelchurcheshereasone amongtheothelchurcheshereasone amongtheothelchurcheshereasooneof the best meetings in town It is neoftbebestmeetingsintownItis oftbebestmeetingsintownItisbisoftbebestmeetingsintownItis bright and full of movinent beingbrjghtandfulloflllonnentbeingrjghtandfulloflllonnentbeing brjghtandfulloflllonnentbeing being an effort to attract strangers in theanefforttoattractstrangersinthe the hope hopethattheymaafterwardsattend that they may afterwards attendhopethattheymaafterwardsattenattend the regular Bible study which is de dtheregularBiblestudwhichisde theregularBiblestudwhichisde designed more especially for the instrucsignedmoreespeciallyfortheinstruc instruc tion and encouragement of those who HonandencouragementofthosewhoHonandencouragementofthosewho whoaresJriousIyseekingaftertrutlaresJriousIyseekingaftertrutl1 are seriously seeking after truth truthvery We couldvery earnestly WeeyeQOarnestIrwishwecould earnestly wish 1eyeQOarnestIrwishwecould eyeQOarnestIrwishwecouldsewish we we could couldcould see sonic prospect of the chapel whichseesomeprospectofthechapelwl1icl1 esomeprospectofthechapelwl1icl1 seesomeprospectofthechapelwl1iwhich we so much need as a stable centrecl1wesomuchneedasastablecentre wesomuchneedasastablecentrewesomuchneedasastablecentre centre of the work in Florence and vicinityoftheworkinFlorenceanllicinity vicinity oftheworkinFlorenceanllicinitpresent hall is a good one butThe rlIepresenthallisagoodonebutnoyrlIepresenthallisagoodonebut rlIepresenthallisagoodonebut but not over central and beginning to Ise IsenotoYercentralantIbeginningtobe toYercentralantIbeginningtobe too small for our evergrowing needstoosmallforoureYelgrowingneeds needs presence of one hundred and moreThe rIlevreseneeofonehllutlredmltmore more persons on Sunday afternoon togetherpersonsonSunayafternoontogether together with the heat of the gas jets make thewiththeheatofthegasjetsmaketherwiththeheatofthegasjetsmakethe the room so close and uncomfortable that roomsocloseanuncomfortablethatIoomsocloseanuncomfortablethat roomsocloseanuncomfortablethat thatlate comers often decline to enterIntecomersoftendeclinetoentpIntecomersoftendeclinetoentpr ntecomersoftendeclinetoentpr enter We lVe also also sadly sadly need need a a more more private privateprivate room for those who accept the invitarroomforthosewhoaccepttheinvita roomforthosewhoaccepttheinvita invita tion to remain for serious conversationtiontoremainforseriouscongersatLHl conversation after service on any subject awakened aftersen9icconanysubjectawalene

Womarfs J4omans GV01l1allSJ1fissiollaryUnion V01l1allSJ1fissiollaryUniV01l1allSJ1fissiollaryUnion Missionary Union by bythepreachingVcncedsucharoothe preaching We need such aaonbythepreachingVcncedsucha bythepreachingVcncedsucha room too for the Reading Club which roomtooforthcUeadiIlhClubwhicl1 roomtooforthcUeadiIlhClubwhiclmtooforthcUeadiIlhClubwhicl1 just been organized for our young has 1basjusthecnoanizcdforouryoung basjusthecnoanizcdforouryoungbasjusthecnoanizcdforouryoung people to pcopletoIl1pltJtWCCIlandSP1 ztween 6 and S P I every c forced to use the day theSP1ecrc1a1ICfonedtouscthe ecrc1a1ICfonedtouscthehalose hall this for hallforthisiJ08Catprcsentsinccapat present sincehallforthisiJ08Catprcsentsincc since apart from tll additional expense inapartfromtwliWitionaIeXpCHCin in artfromtwliWitionaIeXpCHCin apartfromtwliWitionaIeXpCvolved it do HCinyoleditdeJtseemaisableto t seem advisable toto yoleditdeJtseemaisabletomein meet thebuilding where the mectinauothdlmildinwhcrethecmectinauothdlmildinwhcrethe might not seem so direct an ad adclub lubmightnotseemsodirectana clubmightnotseemsodirectanclubmightnotseemsodirectana itjunet of our mission as we wish it ajuuctofourmissionaswewish*t juuctofourmissionaswewish*tjuuctofourmissionaswewish*t regardedto be regarded toheltarde I r report both Mr We YerelorthathIrEaelaUllmysEager andand myself are well worn though myselfareweBthoughratherworn myselfareweBthoughratherworelfareweBthoughratherworn rather wornthenervously which is partly the down ndownnenousIJwhichispartIthc downnenousIJwhichispartIthc downnenousIJwhichispartIthpartlyresult of a trying work and partly cresultofatlJinworkandpartl resultofatlJinworkandpartlteffect of the climate The mildmild the theeifectoftheclinateIhemildcItheeifectoftheclinateIhemild of Italy makesfew demands demandsclimate cIimateofHaIJmakefewdemands imateofHaIJmakefewdemands cIimateofHaIJmakefewdemanupon neitherthe constitution yet neither dsuponthcconstitutionctneither uponthcconstitutionctneitheruponthcconstitutionctneither does and it afford any assistance andoesitaffordanyassistanceandoesitaffordanyassistanceand Anglo afterafewycarsrsil1enceAngloSafterafewycarsrsil1enceAnglo after a few years risidence Angloinfluence feel its errervitting influenceSaxons axonsfccl*tscncrvatingintluence Saxonsfccl*tscncrvatingintluence Saxonsfccl*tscncrvatingintluewe are hoping for aaa-However ncelIoweycrwearchovingfora lIoweycrwearchovingforacto change which will send us back tochangewhichwillsendusbaclto hangewhichwillsendusbaclto changewhichwillsendusbacltrenewedour chosen work with renewed ourcllOsenworlwithrencwedstroourcllOsenworlwithrencwed ourcllOsenworlwithrencwed physical strength strcngthbothspiritualandphysicastrcngthbothspiritualandphysical cngthbothspiritualandphysical both spiritual and physicalto hope towe us goes with all If lIfallgocs1cJlwithusWChOICto Ifallgocs1cJlwithusWChOICtoIfallgocs1cJlwithusWChOICto well manyyou face to face before many meetyoufacetofacebcforeIllanymeetyoufacetofacebcforeIllany meet gone moonshayecomeandonc moons have come and gonemoonshayecomeandoyou Until then may God be with younc*ntilthennmyGodbewithou UntilthennmyGodbewithoUntilthennmyGodbewithou do and with us ii all that we say or doIndwithusiHthatwesaordoillSoriin the name of His dear Sori illthenameofHisleaSOIlYillthenameofHisleaSOIl thenameofHisleaSOIl affectionatelyYoursaffcctionatcly oursaffcctionatcly Yours affectionately YoursaffcctionatclyOLIVElAYEAGEn EAGER MAY EAGEOLIVE OLIVElAYEAGEOLIVElAYEAGEn

pcopletoIl1pltJtWCCIlandnut ecrc1a1ICfonedtouscthe lforthisiJ08Catprcsentsincc

yoleditdeJtseemaisableto auotr ctinauothdlmildinwhcrethe toheltard-


Md workcontribution to German work lcontributiontoGermanworklcontributiontoGermanwork 12 100 MillenBrooksville Miss Millen 12BrooksvIlleMiss100Millen 12BrooksvIlleMiss100Mill15 The Mother Pack Church Ga PackenChurchGalGIhelotherPack ChurchGalGIhelotherPacklMission Band StreetStreet Pendleton lissionBandPendletonStreetClissionBandPendletonStreet Church Greenville S C 43 ClintonClinton ChurchGreenvilleSC43Clinton hurchGreenvilleSC43Clinton ChurchGreenvilleSC43ClintWoJackson 43 Edwards Wo Miss JacksonEdw3rds1iss43WomonJacksonEdw3rds1iss43Wo Somans Home and Foreign Mission So mansHomeanForeignIissionSo ansHomeanForeignIissionSo mansHomeanForeignIissionauxiliary to B 1 P U AAcieties SocietiesauxiliarJtoBYPU cietiesauxiliarJtoBYPUGaGay Street Church Washington D C GarStreetChurcl1Vasl1ingtonDGarStreetChurcl1Vasl1ingtonDe rStreetChurcl1Vasl1ingtonDe 30 Y P S C E Gay Street Church ChurcheHOYPSCEGayStrcetChurch HOYPSCEGayStrcetChurchHOYPSCEGayStrcetChurch

ChurchGalGIhelotherPack issionBandPendletonStreet JacksonEdw3rds1iss43Wo cietiesauxiliarJtoBYPU 10D C contribution Washington 10 rashingtonDCcontribution1rashingtonDCcontribution10


Maryville 24Mo 25 Mexico Mo 24 0laryilleIo25Mexico11021 laryilleIo25Mexico11021O-

Mo 2125 Fayette Mo 30 eYerelorthathIrEaelaUll Osceola YerelorthathIrEaelaUll Osceola1102125FaJctte1030Osceola1102125FaJctte1030 sceola1102125FaJctte1030 Miss Quackenbushs

resultofatlJinworkandpartl heeifectoftheclinateIhemild


uIndwithusiHthatwesaordo IndwithusiHthatwesaordo

BoxesRFrontier RosesFnFrontierBoxes Frontier Boxes FrontierBoxesFrontierBoxes SocieFrom FromthefonowingYUUSocieFromthefonowingYUUSocie the following WV MI U Socie rom be tIesboxesofsuppliesyalueasbetIesboxesofsuppliesyalueasbe boxes of supplies valued as beties

to lowbayebeenrcportedassenttoholow have been reported as sent tolowbayebeenrcportedassentto 9th9th home missionaries since March homemissionariessinccIarchDhomemissionariessinccIarchDth memissionariessinccIarchDth Cleveland ClevelandStreet Church Ininan Inman thInmanStreetChurchCleelan InmanStreetChurchCleelanInmanStreetChurchCleelan 42514251 Tenn3875GeorgianaAla4251O3875 Georgiana Ala Tenn Tenn3875GeorgianaAla4251 Cuba 7770 York and CubaOswichee Ala OswicheeAla7770York3n1CubOswicheeAla7770York3n1Cuba swicheeAla7770York3n1Cuba So Ala 1575 Centennial Mission SoAla1575CentennialMisiionSocaAla1575CentennialMisiionSo Ala1575CentennialMisiionSo Md contribution Rockville ciety cietyRockvilletIdecontributionietyRockvilletIdecontribution cietyRockvilletIdecontribution Bal1821FranklinSquareChurchBal 1821FranklinSquareChurchB1821 Franklin Square Church Bal GermanId contribution to German timore altimorelcontributiontoGerman timorelcontributiontoGermanwtimorelcontributiontoGerman 9 Seventh Church Baltimore work work9SeventbChurchBaltimore ork9SeventbChurchBaltimore


S S ramie lisslIamieQuackenbushsSS lisslIamieQuackenbushsSSCape Girardeau Mo LaClass 15 La ClassCapeGirardeau1015LClassCapeGirardeau1015La Mo mar 10 Slater Slatercontribution amar10contribution10Slater mar10contribution10Slatermar10contribution10Slater Mo 93 Graham Texas 69 Stock Stock103GrahamTexas69Stockd103GrahamTexas69Stock dale Mission Jewels Texas 42 JewelsdaleTexas42MissionJewelsHdaleTexas42MissionJewels aleTexas42MissionJewels S-

Hyde Park Church Austin Texas 66HydeParkCl1urchAustinTexas6HydeParkCl1urchAustinTexas6 ydeParkCl1urchAustinTexas6 St Francis Street Church Mobile Ala 81PrancisStreetChurchIobileA81PrancisStreetChurchIobileAla 20 Infant Class St Francis Streetla20InfantClassStFrancistreet Street 20InfantClassStFrancistreet20InfantClassStFrancistreet Church Mobile Ala 50 GalvestonGalveston ChurchIobileAla50GalvestonChurchIobileAla50Galveston 75 Ennis Texas Texas Second10 Second Texas75EnllisTexas10seconTexas75EnllisTexas10second Church 41 TotalDallas Texas Total dChurchDallasTexas41Total ChurchDallasTexas41TotalChurchDallasTexas41Total Previously reported 19 98617PreviouslJreported191S95617 98617PreviouslJreported19 44796 Total 20434132043413 11796rotal201341311796rotal2013413 1796rotal2013413 W ARMSTRONG ANNIE ARMSTRONAXIErARlISTR01GAXIErARlISTR01G

Cliljia GCiirl3tIuas GChristmas Offering to CliljiaChinaChristmas Cl1rlsuuasOfferftoChinCl1rlsuuasOfferftoChina very is difficult no It Itiserrdifficultnounderthepresunder thethe aItiserrdifficultnounderthe Itiserrdifficultnounderthe present presentcircunistancesimpossibleto impossibleto circ*mstances impossibletoentcircunistancesimpossibleto

get effortthe full reports of this effort getthefullreportsofthiseffortlgetthefullreportsofthiseffort inMoney designated by Societies in loneydesignatedbySocietiesinoneydesignatedbySocietiesin loneydesignatedbySocietiesin some by instances is not credited bysomeinstancesisnotcreditebysomeinstancesisnotcrediteby General State Treasurers and thusthus GeneralStateTrasurersandthustGeneralStateTrasurersandthus Bethe full amount is never known Be thefullamountisneverknownBelohefullamountisneverknownBe thefullamountisneverknownBe low is the most accurate accounts that thatlowisthemostaccurateaccountsthatwisthemostaccurateaccountsthat lowisthemostaccurateaccountsthat can be hadhad canbehadcanbehad G4S419778 Arkansas G4S4 6484Alabama Alabama19778Arkansas181Alabama19778Arkansas181 Florida Sx69 Georgia 30132 KenKen FIOlia8569Georgia30132IeFIOlia8569Georgia30132Iell 5197tucky 8351 Louisiana 5197 tucky8351Louisiana5197Ialltucky8351Louisiana5197 tucky8351Louisiana5197 Maryland 676425503 Mississippi 6764 Iarland25503lssissippi6764lIarland25503lssissippi6764 rland25503lssissippi6764 53459 Missouri North Carolina l1issouri53459NorthCarolina21issouri53459NorthCarolina l1issouri53459NorthCarolina 25513 Ten South Carolina 94444 Ten25513SouthCarolina94444Ten 5513SouthCarolina94444Ten 25513SouthCarolina94444Tenessee 25409 Texas 23999 VirVir nnessee28409Texas23999Vir nessee28409Texas23999Virnessee28409Texas23999Vir Caroginia 68754 Western North Caro ginia68751VestemNorthCaroginia68751VestemNorthCaro 408703 lina 347 Grand total 408703lina347Grandtotal4OS703Alina347Grandtotal4OS703 W ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONANNIE ANNIEWARMSTRONGANNIEWARMSTRONG NNIEWARMSTRONG


JournalftjfSMission Journal The JournalMThC11IiSSioJlJOllrnalIThC11IiSSioJlJOllrnaThC11IiSSioJlJOllrnal


A lr f

MOfS1 ftjfSMOfS1


MINNIES SEASIDE REST RESTRESTINNIESSEASIDEREST IINNIESSEASIDERESIINNIESSEASIDEREST INNIES rehouse built us This reas a summer re re TThishousebuiltasaSUIllmerre ThishousebuiltasaSUIllmerresThishousebuiltasaSUIllmerre isis sort on furlough ries for ortformissionariesonfl1r1011l1i sortformissionariesonfl1r1011lsortformissionariesonfl1r1011l1i missions Old at situated Beach Orchard situatedatOldOrchardBeachilliI1isituatedatOldOrchardBeachill situatedatOldOrchardBeachillnnBosMaine distant three hours from Bos iIainedistantthreeh011rsfromllo ainedistantthreeh011rsfromllo ton and thirty minutes from PortlandtonandthirtyminutesfromPortlawtonandthirtyminutesfromPortlawl Portland by lhytheBostonaniIail1erailroad hytheBostonaniIail1erailroadhytheBostonaniIail1erailroad the Boston and Maine railroadrailroad beach is six miles long and The andThebeachissixmileslongandSThebeachissixmileslongandS and ssofferingoffering smooth a as and floor hard hard3ndsmooth3SafloorotIelilhard3ndsmooth3SafloorotIelill the finest facilities for bathing andlthefinestfacilitiesforhathingan thefinestfacilitiesforhathingan and driving The summerellmate is cleardrivingThesummercIlmateisclear drivingThesummercIlmateiscleclear and bracing and the country in thearandbracingandthecounlTinthe andbracingandthecounlTinthandbracingandthecounlTinthe the rear of the beach with its fine carcar rearofthebeachwithitsfillcarrierearofthebeachwithitsfillcar rearofthebeachwithitsfillcar riage garden and electric roads is a gardenriageandelectricroadsisagarderiageandelectricroadsisagarden ageandelectricroadsisagarden of grass and flowers water ofgrassandflowersThewaterbrThe waternofgrassandflowersThewater ofgrassandflowersThewater excepbrought from pure springs is excep oughtfrompurespringsisexcep broughtfrompurespringsisexcbroughtfrompurespringsisexcep dotionally fine and is used for all do eptionallyfineanisscdfora11do tionallyfineanisscdfora11dometionallyfineanisscdfora11do purposes mesticpurposes inestic purposesmesticpurposticpurposes house The bedbed house with its fifteen bed sesThebousewithitsfifteenbed ThebousewithitsfifteenbedroThebousewithitsfifteenbed rooms has every comfort and luxuryroomshaseverycomfortandluxur luxury omshaseverycomfortandluxur roomshaseverycomfortandluxThe beds are single two in a room urThebedsaresingletwoinaroom Thebedsaresingletwoinaroom

as as best adapted to Theto weary workers The aslestadaptedtoweaQworkersrhe TheaslestadaptedtoweaQworkersrhThe table will be firstclass like that of aaetablewi1lbe1rstclasslikethatofa tablewi1lbe1rstclasslikethatoftablewi1lbe1rstclasslikethatofa private family The price of board is aprinltefamilyhepriceofboardis prinltefamilyhepriceofboardisprinltefamilyhepriceofboardis 41lweekThissumpasthesimple a week This sum pays the simplesimple 1lweekThissumpasthesimplof the food as it conies from thern5t the otoftIlfoodasitonltsfromthemeotoftIlfoodasitonltsfromthe otoftIlfoodasitonltsfromthe market The house will open on June marlwtThehousewillOlellonJunemarlwtThehousewillOlellonJune arlwtThehousewillOlellonJune 15 IS9G and close on September 15th 1ftlSandclose011September15th 15thcan secure reduced ratesMissionaries rates Iissionariescansecnrereducedrates by torailroad if they ask for tickets to hyrailroaiftheyaskforticketsto attend the Religious Convocations held nttendtl1CReligiousConocationshenttendtl1CReligiousConocationsheld heldon the camp groundground ldontheamground ontheamgroundontheamground Those who wish who Those orto spend wish to spend two or two or ThosewhowishtoSPCIlhoorThosewhowishtoSPCIlhoor three weeks at delightful seathis sea threeweelsatthisaclihtfulsea8threeweelsatthisaclihtfulsea side resort will apply giving endorse8idcresortwillavPgiingclldorscn8idcresortwillavPgiingclldorsc idcresortwillavPgiingclldorsc endorse ments from their Board or employernwntsfromtheirBoardoremploynwntsfromtheirBoardoremployer employer wntsfromtheirBoardoremployer to the Matronelect Miss Mulford 6161 ertotheIatronelectMissulford61 totheIatronelectMissulford61totheIatronelectMissulford61 Quincy tostreet Roxbury Mass or to QUillCJstrectUoxlmryIasortoI1QUillCJstrectUoxlmryIasorto Mrs Green 1701 Charles avenueavenue sCharlesGreen1701ParIavenue I1sCharlesGreen1701ParIavenue Iark I1sCharlesGreen1701ParIaveBaltimore Md U S A nueBaltimoreIUSA BaltimoreIUSA-


r Womans lVo1JzallslIfissiollaryUnion Missionary Union Uizio7lVo1JzallslIfissiollaryUni-

zEighth EiKlilb Annual MeetlurW MD1 UUUU- EIl1tbAnnualItleetllJJWItIUIntonEIl1tbAnnualItleetllJJWItIU EIl1tbAnnualItleetllJJWItIU In tlio April number of In JourJourof The Jour IntheAVli1IlUluherofTheToIntheAVli1IlUluherofTheTour heAVli1IlUluherofTheTour nal we tried to give an insight into nalwetrielltogiveauinsightintothintournalwetrielltogiveauinsightinto nalwetrielltogiveauinsightinto method of making up the program the programthemethodofmaking1theprogram emethodofmaking1theprogram themethodofmaking1theprograthe annual nmeeting so as to at for atmfortheannualmeetingsoIStoat fortheannualmeetingsoIStoattefortheannualmeetingsoIStoat tempt to meet the needs and wishes oftempttomeettheneedsanllwishestempttomeettheneedsanllwishesof mpttomeettheneedsanllwishesof of the largest number What the propro ofthelargestIlumberVhatthepro thelargestIlumberVhattheprothelargestIlumberVhatthepro gram is as a wuuie cannot be fur gramisasaWHUlecannotbefurgramisasaWHUlecannotbefur furnished because it is not in entireentire nishedbecauseitis110tinentirenishedbecauseitis110tinentire readiness April 15th delay beingbeing readinessApril1t11delaybeiIlreadinessApril1t11delaybeiIl by awaiting answers to recaused causedbyawaitinganswerstorecausedbyawaitinganswerstore re quests for addresses front a few whoquetforaddressesfromafewwhoquetforaddressesfromafewwho who

have havenotetreplieAnot yet repliedreplied havenotetreplie All preparations at the ChattanoogaAllthepreparationsatChattanooga at Chattanooga llthepreparationsatChattanooga AllthepreparationsatChattanooare going forward with beautifulgaaregoingforwardwithbeautiful aregoingforwardwithbeautifulparegoingforwardwithbeautiful beautiful promptness and energy The Church promptnessandenergyTheChurcpromptnessandenergyTheChurch ChurchromptnessandenergyTheChurch is selected PresbyterianPresbyterian the First hselectedistIleFirstPresbrterian selectedistIleFirstPresbrterianselectedistIleFirstPresbrterian Church corner Seventh street andChurchcomerSeventhstreetandGand ChurchcomerSeventhstreetand Georgia avenue only a half block re reGeorgiaavenueonlyal1alfblockreGeorgiaavenueonlyal1alfblockre eorgiaavenueonlyal1alfblockre moved from the Convention Church ChurchmovedfromtheConventionChurcmovedfromtheConventionChurch The sessions will be as usual on FriFri hThesessionswillbeasusualonFri ThesessionswillbeasusualonFriThesessionswillbeasusualonFri day Saturday and Monday mornings1aSaturdayandIond3Ymornings mornings 1aSaturdayandIond3Ymornifrom 0 A M to 12 M on Sunday at 230 P M Mrs John Eager of ItalyItaly ngs230Pflr8TohnEagerofItaly 230Pflr8TohnEagerofItalyi230Pflr8TohnEagerofItaly Miss MissSallie Bale of Mexico and Miss issalIieHaleofIexicoandIissBuissalIieHaleofIexicoandIiss ssalIieHaleofIexicoandIiss BalBuhlmaier German missionary in Bal BuhlmaierGermanmissionarinBaBuhlmaierGermanmissionarinBal hlmaierGermanmissionarinBal timore whose interesting call to theltimorewhoseinterestingcalltothe timorewhoseinterestingcalltothetimorewhoseinterestingcalltothe the work was given in the April JournalworkwasgivenintheAprilJournalworkwasgivenintheAprilJournal Journal will be present The recommendationswillbepresentThrecommendationwillbepresentThrecommendations recommendations Homeof the three BoardsForeign Home softhethreeBoardsForeignHome ofthethreeBoardsForeignHomeofthethreeBoardsForeignHome and Sunday Schoolwill constitute asas andSundaSchoolwiIlconstitute1andSundaSchoolwiIlconstitute1 usual the lines of work for adoptionadoption usualtIlelinesofworlforadoptiousualtIlelinesofworlforadoption by the Womans Missionary Union UnionbytheromansIissionaryUnioIlTnbytheromansIissionaryUnioIl bytheromansIissionaryUnioIl The recommendations of the W 1I UUherecommendationsoftbeV11U TherecommendationsoftbeV11U TherecommendationsoftbeV11Misunder a very pleasing device of Mis Uunderaverypleasingdeviceof1is underaverypleasingdeviceof1is sionary Vowels will embody methodsmethods sionarVowelswi1lclllbodJlllCthods of work The seven vowels will standstand ofworkThesevenvowelswillstandfofworkThesevenvowelswillstand uponforasmanymethodsdiscussionsupon for as many methods discussions upon orasmanymethodsdiscussionsupon these being started by seven invitedthesebeingstartedbJseveninvited invited speakers delegates spealerswhileallofthedelegatesbspealerswhileallofthedelegates while all of the delegateshaving bavingtheprintedproglumsinhand avingtheprintedproglumsinhand the printed programs in handhand set before attending the meeting can setbeforeattendingthemeetingcanset their ideas in order to further discussdiscuss theirideasinordertofurtherdiscuss these methods The secretaries of thethe thesemethods1hesecretariesofthe Boards will all be in attendance andand Boardswillallbeinattendanceand will confine themselves to speciallyspecially willconfinethemselvestospecially important dephases of their special de importantphasesoftheirspecialde partments of work A reception will be partmentsofwOlkAreceptionwillbe

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given by by the to-to the ladies ofof Chattanooga to givenbytheladiesofChattanoogatotlgivenbytheladiesofChattanoogato totheir visitorstl1eirvisitortl1eirvisitors visitors 1eirvisitors Preparations Preparations only only however necesPreparationsonl9howeverneces Preparationsonl9howevernecePreparationsonl9howeverneces neces necesneces sary and the more thorough the betssaryandthemorethoroughthebet saryandthemorethoroughthebetsaryandthemorethoroughthebet bet terpreparations only terpreparationsollIJWitllOutthterpreparationsollIJWitllOutthe thewithout the Spirit will be as Ezekiels vision of ofSiritwillbeasEzekielsvisionofdreSiritwillbeasEzekielsvisionof SiritwillbeasEzekielsvisionof dry bones The prayers of our 700000drybonesTheprayersofour700000drybonesTheprayersofour700000 ybonesTheprayersofour700000 700000 Baptist women for the seventy proba Baptistwomenfortheseventyproba probable delegates who may be privilegedbledelegateswhoIllabeprivilegebledelegateswhoIllabeprivileged privileged to go will bring down a divine intogowillbringdownadivineinspidtogowillbringdownadivinein togowillbringdownadivinein in upon our representatives at spiration spirationUPOllourrepresentativesat rationUPOllourrepresentativesat atin Chattanooga that none shall work workinChattanoogathatnoneshaworkinChattanoogathatnoneshall shallbe able to gainsay or resist Work cn llbeabletogainsaorresistYorken beabletogainsaorresistYorkenobeabletogainsaorresistYorken cnour knees at home will be manifest inourkneesathomewillbemanifestiourkneesathomewillbemanifestin in urkneesathomewillbemanifestin thought and speech at consecrated nconsecratedthoughtandspeechat atconsecratedthoughtandspeechconsecratedthoughtandspeechat Chattanooga Who will give her heratChattanoogtlVhowillgiveher ChattanoogtlVhowillgiveherpChattanoogtlVhowillgiveher

prayers rayers praye-


A A-

setter etter tliaii DifttMaii HLefeluruatioii i3rtter Dif Rests uatiociDif uatiociDiftrstterthanKtb2uatlouDIC tterthanKtb2uatlouDICtterthanKtb2uatlouDIC tuyionuyion tulontulon The times officerThe times when when aa faithful officerfaithful officer Thetimeswhenafaithfulofficersofficer Thetimeswhenafaithfulofficer should not resign may be summed up uphouldnotresignmaybesummedup shouldnotresignmaybesummedshouldnotresignmaybesummedup

as follows When the work is de upasfollowsVbentheworkisde deasfollowsVbentheworkisdecreasfollowsVbentheworkisde creasing when the work is increasing creasingwhentheworkisincreasing increasingcreasingwhentheworkisincreasiasingwhentheworkisincreasing when the work is overwhelmingngwhentIleworkisoverwhelming whentIleworkisoverwhelmingwhentIleworkisoverwhelming overwhelming When decreasing because it neverVhendecreasingbecauseitneverVhendecreasingbecauseitnever never needed her as then when increasingneededherasthenwhenincreasing increasing because her efforts are being blessedbecausebeleffortsarebeingblessebecausebeleffortsarebeingblessed blessed when overwhelming because if shedwhenoverwhelmingbecauseifshe whenoverwhelmingbecauseifshe she confessesherselfoyerbornenonewill confesses herself overborne none will confessesherselfoyerbornenonewwilldare take her place The days how illdaretakeherplaceThedayshow daretakeherplaceThedayshowedaretakeherplaceThedayshow however are only twentyfour hours longverareonlytwentfourhours101lg everareonlytwentfourhours101leverareonlytwentfourhours101lg long The work the faithful worker hasgTheworkthefaithfulworkerhas has TheworkthefaithfulworkerhasTheworkthefaithfulworkerhas created is overwhelming createdisoverwhelmingShehasrcreatedisoverwhelmingShehas She hashas raised a mountain and it threatens to toraisedamountainanditthreatenstraisedamountainanditthreatensto aisedamountainanditthreatensto crush her There seems no way butocrushherTl1ereseemsnowaybut crushherTl1ereseemsnowaybutcrushherTl1ereseemsnowaybut but to resign and let some one less abletoresignandletsomeonelessablettoresignandletsomeonelessable able take the threatened placeplace akethethreatenedplace takethethreatenedplactakethethreatenedplace isis another There It-ItThere way It another and and better better way It eThereisanotherandbetterwaJIt ThereisanotherandbetterwaJItisThereisanotherandbetterwaJIt to is divide the of intomountain into work istodividethemountainofworkintistodividethemountainofworkinto todividethemountainofworkinto two little heaps which may be siftedotWlittleheapswhichmaybesifted tWlittleheapswhichmaybesiftedtWlittleheapswhichmaybesifted sifted and assorted in ordinary time and by byandassortedinordinarytimeandby andassortedinordinarytimeandordinary talent many In short in manyordinarytalentInshortinmanybrabyordinarytalentInshortinmany ordinarytalentInshortinmany branches our womens work needs difbranchesourwomensworkneedsdif branchesourwomensworkneedsddif nchesourwomensworkneedsdif fusion The women of the churcheschurches iffusionThewomenofthechurches fusionThewomenofthechurchefusionThewomenofthechurches are of three classesthose who areare areofthreeclassesthosewhoareovsareofthreeclassesthosewhoare areofthreeclassesthosewhoare overworked those who long for workoverworkedthosewholongforwooverworkedthosewholongforwork erworkedthosewholongforwork work and those who will not work BringanthosewhowillnotworkBringthBring rkanthosewhowillnotworkBring anthosewhowillnotworkBring the first two classes together Instead thefirsttwoclassestogetherInsteadthefirsttwoclassestogetherInstead efirsttwoclassestogetherInstead


Mission Journal The ThejJfissiollJournaloThejJfissiollJournal Journal-

assignresigning work let work be assign of ofresigningworlletworkbeassign fresigningworlletworkbeassign resigninging Assigning is difficult resigning ingAssigningisditlicultresigniLingAssigningisditlicultresigniL easy but easy work is not honorahonora is iseasrbuteasyworkisnothonoraiseasrbuteasyworkisnothonora best ble work Christian work is the bestbleworkChristianworkisthebestableworkChristianworkisthebest givenndmosthonorablegiftGodhasgien andmosthonorablegiftGodhasgieandmosthonorablegiftGodhasgien and most honorable gift God has given higher ntobispeopleHeavenhasnobigber to his people Heaven has no highertobispeopleHeavenhasnobigbtobispeopleHeavenhasnobigber bewe this that emolument than eremolumentthanthisthatwebe be emolumentthanthisthatwebeYemolumentthanthisthatwebe workTo work yokefellows with Christ YOkefellowswithChristToworkYOkefellowswithChristTowork OkefellowswithChristTowork lead ourselfrequihesonetalenttoleadourselfrequihesonetalenttolead ourself requihes one talent to leadmore otherstoworlisahigherandmOlgotherstoworlisahigherandmOl others to work is a higher and moregenerous talentgeneroustllengeneroustllent talent eneroustllent needs the individual church Avork needsIf tIftheinividualchurchworkneeds Iftheinividualchurchworkneeds Committeediffusion the State Central Committee dilIusiontheStateCentralCommittee of worksuffersmoreinthepersonoworksuffersmoreinthepersonof work suffers more in the person ofwork its officers for want of it The workfitofficersforwantofitThework itofficersforwantofitTheworkinitofficersforwantofitThework enor some instances has grown to enorinsomeinstancesliasgrowntoenor in someinstancesliasgrowntoenor crush mous proportions It is literally crushmousproportionsItisliterallycruhmousproportionsItisliterallycruh ing it lngthosewhohaehelpedtomakeitlngthosewhohaehelpedtomakeit those who have helped to make ittow lat 1mtitisandtheirthoughtsturntor1mtitisandtheirthoughtsturnto it is and their thoughts turn to safety resignation as the only way of safetyesignationastheonlywaofsafety resignationastheonlywaofsafetresignationastheonlywaofsafety bestyAnofficerhasneerdonethebest officer has never done the best An AnofficerhasneerdonethebesttAnofficerhasneerdonethebest may be done for a work until sheshe tlmtmaybedoneforaworkuntilshe lmtmaybedoneforaworkuntilshe tlmtmaybedoneforaworkuntilsthat can has made it so strong that it canhebasmadeitsostrongthatitcan basmadeitsostrongthatitcandbasmadeitsostrongthatitcan bestand without her This can only be Let by the training of workers Letdone dnEbythetrainingofworkersLetnwdnEbythetrainingofworkersLet nEbythetrainingofworkersLet prac me nwtherefores1Jggestsomeverypranwtherefores1Jggestsomeveryprac therefore suggest some very practherefores1Jggestsomeveryprac becticawaysbywhichworkcrsmaybe ticawaysbywhichworkcrsmaybetrticawaysbywhichworkcrsmaybe tical ways by which workers may be officerstrained and the overburdened officers ainedandtheoverbunlenedotIicers trainedandtheoverbunlenedotIicers relievedof the Central Committees relieved oftheCentralCommitteesrelieedoftheCentralCommitteesrelieed younger Draw together a group of youngerDrawtogetheragroupof3oungerwDrawtogetheragroupof3ounger women womenUndersupervisionletthemwomenUndersupervisionletthem them omenUndersupervisionletthem Under supervision let themincreas atfirstbeivensimpleworkincreas at first be given simple work increasing their responsibility as their knowknow ingtheirresponsibilityastheirknow oneledge of the work increases Let one ledgeoftheworlincreasesLetonledgeoftheworlincreasesLetone receive all the literature from thethe ereceivealltheliteraturefromthe receivealltheliteraturefromtheCreceivealltheliteraturefromthe Union lt her own honice Send to herher Cnionat11erownhOllHStlHltohCnionat11erownhOllHStlHltoher nionat11erownhOllHStlHltoher to all orders for literature to be sent toerallordersforliteraturetoesentt allordersforliteraturetoesentttallordersforliteraturetoesentt quarterthe Societies If monthly or quarter heSocietiesIfmonthlyorquarter theSocietiesIfmonthlyorquarter ly letters or leaflets are sent out to alllylettersorleafletsaresentouttoall all ownSocieties find one who at her own SocietiesfindonewhoatherownSocietiesfindonewhoatherown will regularly fold direct andhome homewillregularlfolddirectandhomewillregularlfolddirectand and mail If a number of similar lettersletters mailIfanumberofsimilarlettersamailIfanumberofsimilarletters are to be copied by hand send twentytwenty aretobecopedbyhandsendtwentretobecopedbyhandsendtwent aretobecopedbyhandsendtwent five nedirectedenvelopeswithcopyofdirected envelopes with copy ofnedirectedenvelopeswithcopyof of to half a dozen young women womenIpttertohalfadozenyoungwomenIpttertohalfadozenyoungwomen letter who whowillgladlydotheworlByam1bwhowillgladlydotheworlByam1 will gladly do the work By andand by greater bywhensomehavedevelopedgreater when some have developed greaterywhensomehavedevelopedgreater aptitude and willingness than others aptitudeandwillingnessthanothers

totwo or three who will agree to seektwoorthreewhowillagreetoseektwoorthreewhowillagreeto seek lettersanswer two or three or four letters answertwoorthreeorfourlettersdanswertwoorthreeorfourletters in daily Indicate the desired answer indailyIndicatethedesiredanswerindailyIndicatethedesiredanswerin ailyIndicatethedesiredanswerin out a line and let each fill outalineandleteachtilloutalineandleteachtillout ensome one be found to take en Let LetSOllleonehefoundtotakentLetSOllleonehefoundtotaken State tirechargeothecolulllnsintheState irechargeothecolulllnsintheState tire charge of the columns in the Statesuggest paper paperTl1esedivisionswillsuggestopaperTl1esedivisionswillsuggest These divisions will suggestothersotherothers thers soDo not let individuality be feared so sDonotletindiYidualitJbefearedso DonotletindiYidualitJbefearedso individuality long as it is consecrated individualitylongasitisconsecratedindiiduallty the Officers stand at the head not in theOHcersstandattheheadnotinthOHcersstandattheheadnotinthe way lit Let the leaders give up a litwayLettheleadersgivcupalittleewayLettheleadersgivcupalit wayLettheleadersgivcupalit worktleifanotherismorewillingtoworl tleifanotherismorewillingtowoifanotherismorewillingtoworl tle if another is more willing to work owna right way not her own in inarightwanotherownArlinarightwanotherown inarightwanotherown ability All this requires executive abilityAllthisrequiresexecutiveability llthisrequiresexecutiveability Allthisrequiresexecutiveabilitun yHavewomenthistalentLargelun HavewomenthistalentLargelunHavewomenthistalentLargelun Have women this talent Largely unYetdeveloped It must be admitted Yet developeditmustbeadmittedYet should until it is exercised the worker shoulduntilitisexercisedtheworkershould best rpaUzethatshehasnotgientheberpaUzethatshehasnotgienthebest realize that she has not given the bestothers of herself to the work or to othersstofherselftotheworkortoothers ofherselftotheworkortoothersofherselftotheworkortoothers giveLetmerepeatitisgeneroustogiveaLet me repeat it is generous to give Letmerepeatitisgeneroustogive away Christian work wiselywisely awayChrstianworkwisel wayChrstianworkwisel awayChrstianworkwisE S HECKHECK FANNIE FANEESHECKRelFANEESHECK FANEESHECK C C-N C Raleigh RaleighXC RaleighXaleighXC

oAKOAi o He Iovecl tlie Children Ionjr AKO HeIoedtheChlldrclIlonJAoItisnoCHeIoedtheChlldrclIlonJAo HeIoedtheChlldrclIlonJAo giveIt is not much that we can give Itisnotmuchth3twecanJiveItisnotmuchth3twecanJive tmuchth3twecanJive sadlyWe know tis

We VeknowtisneededsadlyVeknowtisneededsadly needed sadly But daily blessings comes to us usButdailyblessingscomestouButdailyblessingscomestous we give it gladlyBecause gladly sBecausewegiveitJadl BecausewegiveitJadlBecausewegiveitJadl

criesSaviour hears our earnest cries The TheSaviourhearsourearnestcriesTheSaviourhearsourearnestcries sees each fond endeavorHe endeavor HeseeseachfondendeavorHeseeseachfondendeavor loved the children long agoHe ago HelovedthechildrenlongagHelovedthechildrenlongago He loves them now as everever oHelvesthemnowasever HelvesthemnowaseverHelvesthemnowasever Frank SatjerTSianjfer FrankHSialljJerFrankHSialljJer If Sianjfer-

Sweet Hour of Prayer Tune une PrayeTuneSweetHourofPrayerTuneSweetHourofPrayer for the altars glowing coal coal0forthealtarsglowingcoal00forthealtarsglowingcoal touch my lipsto fire my soul To soulTotouchmylipstofiremysoulTotouchmylipstofiremysoul purge the sordid dross awayTo away TopurgethesordidrossawayTopurgethesordidrossaway And pure as crstal make my clay clayAndpureascqstalmakemyclayAndpureascqstalmakemyclay askThen if a messenger Ile ask ThenifamessengerHeaskThenifamessengerHeask A laborer for the hardest task taskAlaborerforthehardesttaskAlaborerforthehardesttask Through all my weakness and my fear ThroughallmyweaknessandmyfcThroughallmyweaknessandmyfcar fearLove shall reply Thy servants here arLovehallreplyThyservantshere LovehallreplyThyservantshere hereLovehallreplyThyservantshrNow is the time to send fifty cents forNow for ereNowisthetimetosendtiftcentsfr Nowisthetimetosendtiftcentsfr2Nowisthetimetosendtiftcentsfr THE year one JOURNAL EOUR1ALoneyear 2EOUR1ALoneyear

JVonzans Womans Missionary rVOl1ZallSiJiissiollaryUnio1l LTnion Jissionar y Union LTnirVOl1ZallSiJiissiolla-

4545 4- 45

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Edited EditedbybyMiss MissF FE EHECK HecKRaleigh CJ-CCRaleighN NCJ




My Country Thee IIvtx My Country Tis Tis ofofTheeTheeThee Gospel EGospcllIymm1toGNo738 GospcllIymm1toGNo738lIlynins 1 to 6 No 73S GospcllIymm1toGNo738 73SThe Law ofof Love The Law Love Five Five boys boysand andaa- aaHYMN EIIvtx

leaderleadeleader eader

What isisthe lawLEADERWhat rLEADEulmtisthencwlaw LEADEulmtisthencwlawAlawthenew newlaw LEADEulmtisthencwlaw law A


giveANSWERA new new commandment AXSWEItAncwcOIllmandmentIgive AXSWEItAncwcOIllmandmentIgiXSWEItAncwcOIllmandmentIgive commandment I Igive givegive give you unto ye That vegc*ntoyouThatycloveoneanother gc*ntoyouThatycloveoneanotherlgc*ntoyouThatycloveoneanother love one anotheranother LEADER What isis the theL MnmtWhat the fulfilling fulfillingofofthe thethe ANSWER

aw law ANSWER All the oneANSWERAll lawisisfulfilled thelaw fulfilledininone LSWERAl1thelawisfulfillelinoneLSWERAl1thelawisfulfillelinone oneone word even this Thou shalt love thy thy-

neighbor as thyselfneighborasthyself neighborasthyselthyself LEADER What is the golden lawLEADERWhat is the goldenlaw LHA1EuYhatisthegoldenlawAfLHA1EuYhatisthegoldenlaw LHA1EuYhatisthegoldenlaw lawlaw ANSWER As ye should ANSW RAs ye would AXSWEItAsyewouldthatmenshould XSWEItAsyewouldthatmenshould AXSWEItAsyewouldthatmenshouwouldthat thatmen menshouldLshouldshould do unto you do ye even so to themLlddountoyoudoyeevensotothem dountoyoudoyeevensotothemdountoyoudoyeevensotothem them LEADER EADER lawLEADER EADER What What isisthe JADEItVhatistheroyallawAJADEItVhatistheroyallaw lawroyallaw theroyal law ANswERrIf ye fulfil the royal law ac ANS XSWERrIfyefulfiltheroyallawac AXSWERrIfyefulfiltheroyallawac vERIf ye fulfil the royal lawac-ac according to the Scriptures Thou shalt love cordintotheScripturesThoushaltloc lovethy neighbor as thyself ye do wellthyneighborasthyselfycdowe1lthyneighborasthyselfycdowe1l well LEADER

With words Rith wordsof ofhigh hopehighsustaining VthwordsofhighsustaininghopeVthwordsofhighsustaininghope sustaininghope hope Go then and comfort himGothenandcomforthimGothenandcomforthim him Thy no no Thyneighbor mourner neighbor Pass by by Pass ThyneighborPassnomournerby mourner Perhaps t hou canst redeemredeem PerhapsthoucanstredeemPerhaps Perhapsthoucanstredeem thou canst redeemredeem A breaking heart from misery Abreakingheartfrommisery GoGo share thythylotlot himwith himhimGosharethylotwithhim Gosharethylotwithhishare with him

Hymn Hymn Christ Sinful Christ Receiveth m11ymnChristlleceiyethSinful 11ymnChristlleceiyethSinful11ymnChristlleceiyethSinful Receiveth SinfulSinful Men Gospel Hymns No I to 6331lcnGospelHymnsNo1to6331AlnSSIOlcnGospelHymnsNo1to6331 6331 A MISSIONRECITATION BY LITTLE GIRL A GIRMISSIONRECITATION AlnSSIOXRECITATIOXBYLITTLEGInL BY LITTLE AlnSSIOXRECITATIOXBYLITTLEXRECITATIOXBYLITTLEGInL GIRL GIR-

I walked a forest sideside I walkedalong GInLIwalkedalongaforestside Iwalkedalongaforestsidealong Iwalkedalongaforestside a forest sideside LI


light and shadow chases Where YherelightandshadowchasesYherelightandshadowchases chasesAnd to to betidebetide Andflowers flowersmymyfootsteps footsteps betidebetide Sprang thick in truant places SprangthickintruantplaceSprangthickintruantplaces O tell me why your lovlinesslovliness tell me why your 00tenmewhyyourJO1ness 0tenmewhyyourJO1nessTs0tenmewhyyourJO1ness lowlinesslowliness These lonely byways gracesTheselonelybywaysgraceTheselonelybywaysgraces heselonelybywaysgraces graces They grow to blessbless Theynodded noddedback back WeWe TheynoddedbackYegrowtoblessAsTheynoddedbackYegrowtobless TheynoddedbackYegrowtobless grow to blessbless And fill up Andfinupemptyplacc8 Andfinupemptyplaccndfinupemptyplacc8 empty placesplaces

Throw The Life Line byRSoly by ThrowOut Out The Life LineSolt 8ThrowOutTheLifeLineSolyby ThrowOutTheLifeLineSolyby Who is my neighbor by LEADERV110 is my neighborAneighborALEADEHYhoislIlYncighboLEADEHYhoislIlYncighbor neighbor boy with chorus of boys Gospel Hymns bowithchorusofboysGospelHymns bowithchorusofboysGospelHymANSWER HymnsNSWER reading or recitation ParaPara ANSwEII NSwEII reading or recitationPara rAsWEItreadingorrecitationPara AsWEItreadingorrecitationParAsWEItreadingorrecitationPara 1 to recitationParaNos 441Ko1toGXo4URECI441 nsKo1toGXo4U Ko1toGXo4U ble of the Good Samaritan Luke 10 ableoftheGoodSm1ritanLuke10 bleoftheGoodSm1ritanLuke103bleoftheGoodSm1ritanLuke10 RECITATION ECITATION HURRAH FOR OUR COUNTRY COUNTR3037 first clauseclause 3037t1irftclausc 037t1irftclausc 3037t1irftclauRECITATION IIURRAII FOR OUR COUNTRY RECITATJOXHumuHFonourCOUXTRY TATJOXHumuHFonourCOUXTRY RECITATJOXHumuHFonourCOUCOUNTRAil together slowly thou andR- YHurrah Hurrah loud Ail long and together slowly Go Go thouand for scAiltogetherslowlyGothouand AiltogetherslowlyGothouanddoAiltogetherslowlyGothouand Unitedandthe United and YHurrah Hurrah loud long and for XTRYHurrahloudand1011fortheUnited Hurrahloudand1011fortheUnitedSHurrahloudand1011fortheUnited Unitedthe United StatesStates dolikewise7Jndo likewiseRlikewise dolikewise7J likewise7J StatesStateStates tates Our country the broadest and best bestRECITATION ECITATION IS THY NEIGHBOR On NEIGHBORr countrythe broadest and sOurcountrythebroadestandbest OurcountrythebroadestandbestOurcountrythebroadestandbest itWHO bestbest RECITATION ECITATION WIIO IS TII1 NEIGHBOR ECITTIOXWIlOISTHYXEIGIIBon7J nECITTIOXWIlOISTHYXEIGIIBon7J NEIGHBOnECITTIOXWIlOISTHYXEIGIIBoAVho is thy neighbor all the wide realm of the farreaching In earthHe whom thouthou farreachingearth RWho Who tliy neighbor n7JVhoisthyneighborlIewhomthou VhoisthyneighborlIewhomthouVhoisthyneighborlIewhomthou He whom thou thouearthearth Hastispower to aid or blessbless Mast power to aid or blessHastpowertoaidorblesHastpowertoaidorbless bless Our countrys of God the most blessedOurcountrysofGodthemostblessed blessed Whose aching heart or burning browsYhoeachingheartorburningbrow YhoeachingheartorburningbrowTYhoeachingheartorburningbrow brow Hurrah for our eagle With pinions outout Hurrah for our eagle With pinions HurrahforoureagleVithpinionsoutsHurrahforoureagleVithpinionsout Thy soothing hand may pressoutThysoothinghandmaypreThysoothinghandmaypres out hysoothinghandmaypres press spreaspreadspread pread Thy neighbor Tis the fainting poorpoor He shelters the ends of the earthearth Thy neighbor sThyneighborTisthefaintingpoor ThyneighborTisthefaintingpoorwThyneighborTisthefaintingpoor poorpoor He shelters the ends of the dHesheltersthecndsoftheearth HesheltersthecndsoftheearthHesheltersthecndsoftheearth eartheye with Tis whose dimis fainting wantthe earth dim whose eve dintwith is whoseeyewithwantisdimwhoseeyewithwantisdim want Here Freedom and Peace hold a beckonOhhoseeyewithwantisdim HercreedomanPeaceholdabeckonienter thou his humble dint doorHercreedomanPeaceholdabeckon beckon door Oh enter his humble door OhenterthouhishumbledoorOhenterthouhishumbledoor ill handinghandinghand hand nghand aidthou him-doorand peace With for him aid and peace for hiinWith lthaidandpeaceforhimlthaidandpeaceforhim hiin To welcome the men of all birth TowelcomethemenofallbirtTowelcomethemenofallbirth birthThy neighbor He who drinks the cup But thanks be to God for our motto ofof Thyneighbor He whodrinks the cup ThyneighborHewhodrinksthecupVcupThyneighborHewhodrinksthecup But thanks be to God for our motto ofButthanksbetoGodforourmottoofihhButthanksbetoGodforourmottoofi ButthanksbetoGodforourmottoofi of sorrow drowns When hensorrowdrownsthebrim Vhensorrowdrownsthebrim the brim ope hopehope

ThejJfissiollotlrllalInThejJfissiollotlrllal Mission Journal The Journal-


strongstrongGod be our trust firm and strong Godbeourtrustfirmandstrong InGodbeourtrustfirmandstrong In InGodbeourtrustfirmandstronourour Bible HisSabbathourretdayHisBibleourfHis gHisSabbathourretdayHisBibleour HisSabbathourretdayHisBibleour Sabbath our restday His

And Ilebrewsir lie saves the HebrewHebrew AndsirlIestnstheHebrewSAndsirlIestnstheHebrew raceSpoke one of Israels race SpokeoneofIsraelsraccSpokeoneofIsraelsracc pokeoneofIsraelsracc people peopleOurs Ours was the chosen peopleOurswasthechoscnpeoplOurswasthechoscnpeople grace Now bow I to IIis graceeXowbowItoJIisgrace XowbowItoJIisgraceXowbowItoJIisgrace

faithfaith aith SoilHisSonandgreatSaviorourSongHisSonandgreatSaviorourSong His Soil and great Savior our Soil Soughtof Girls SoughtHave You Sought Chorus ChornsofGirlsuIraveYouSougChornsofGirlsuIraveYouSought 536Gospel Hymns No 1 to 6No 536 GospelHymnsKo1to6Ko536IIUhtGospelHymnsKo1to6Ko536 GospelHymnsKo1to6Ko536 ALL THE WOULD IS COME TO US UUIIULTIllWOULDIScomTOUS IIULTIllWOULDIScomTOULTIllWOULDIScomTOUS SSix Six facts for six boys SSixfactsforsixboys Sixfactsforsixboys5Sixfactsforsixboys shoresshores500319 immigrants came to our shores GO319immigrantscametoomshores 5GO319immigrantscametoomsho5GO319immigrantscametoomshores in and 1891105000 more than in 1890 andresin1891105000morethanin1890and in1891105000morethanin1890anin1891105000morethanin1890and more except than any previous year exceptdmorethananypreviousyearexcept morethananypreviousyearexcept

18822 1SS 2Of

Of our 04000000 one in every seven sevensevenOfour1OOOOOOoneinecryseven Ofour1OOOOOOoneinecryseofis foreignborn one in every three is of venisforeignbornoneinerrthreeisof isforeignbornoneinerrthreeisof

sixforeign parentage and one in every six foreignparentageandoneineverysixisforeignparentageandoneineverysix is foreign speaking speakingisforeignspeakinisforeignspeaking foreignspeaking a hundredth part of our total Almost totaltotalglmostahundredthpartofourtotal lmostahundredthpartofourtotal population yearhas come to us within a year lOpulatioIlhascometouswithinayear lOpulatioIlhascometouswithinayeGermanys hard times sent 3000030000 30000arGermanyshardtimessent30000 Germanyshardtimessent30000mGermanyshardtimessent30000 189more here in 1892 moreherein1892moreherein1892 oreherein1892 Famine and banishment increased2Famine increased increasedFamineandbanishmentincreasedRFamineandbanishmentincreased 60000 to 100000100000 Russias RussiasGOoooto100000 ussiasGOoooto100000 RussiasGOoooto1000Italy sent more in spite of Interna00ItalysentmoreinspiteofInterna of Interna ItalysentmoreinspiteofInternaItalysentmoreinspiteofInterna InternaSo Sweeden and Nordifficulty tonal tonaldimcultySoSweedenandXorwNor tonaldimcultySoSweedenandXor way Bohemia and Hungary HungaryCwayBohemiaamllIungaryCIIwayBohemiaamllIungary ayBohemiaamllIungary TO CLIG BIBLCLING TO THE BIBLELING THE BIBLE CIIXGTOTHEDIBLE BIBLE CIIXGTOTHEDIBXGTOTHEDIBLE Gospel IIymns Nos 1 to 6392 LEGospelHytrnsNos1to632 GospelHytrnsNos1to632GospelHytrnsNos1to632 6392ERecite Recite verses All chorusReciteversesl111singchorusAchorusReciteversesl111singchorus ill sing chorus


an occurrence in On thein aa prayermeeting in theDOnanoccurrenceinaprayermeetinginthe in the Onanoccurrenceinaprayermeetinginthe the church of Rev A C Dixon Brooklyn N Y YchurchofRevACDixonBrooklynNY churchofRevACDixonBrooklynN-

Spoke out the preacher slowly slowlyslowlyYSpokeoutthepreacherslowly SpokeoutthepreacherslowlSpokeoutthepreacherslowly who testifyhere will testify testifyhoherwilltestifyTyhoherwilltestify hoherwilltestify To Gods great power and promiseoGodsgreatpowerandpromise ToGodsgreatpowerandpromisToGodsgreatpowerandpromise promise To men like like you and III-eTomenlikeyouandI TomenlikeyouandITomenlikeyouandI He paused One quickly answered HepausedOnequicklyansweredHepausedOnequicklyanswered answeredIn broken words I speakspeak speakInbrokenwordsIspeakInbrokenwordsIspeak God help me say it plainly plainlyGodhelpmesayitplainlyGodhelpmesayitplainly saves the faltering GreekChrist Greek ChristsavesthefalteringGrekChristsavesthefalteringGrek GreekGreek power this Scandinavian His ScandinavianHispowerthisScandinavianVHispowerthisScandinavian Would gladly testifytestify VouldgladlytestifyVouldgladlytestify ouldgladlytestify Said one whose slow voice haltedSaidonewhoseslowvoicehaltedSaidonewhoseslowvoicehalted halted tears While tears bedimmed his Vhiletearsbedimmedhiseye his eye eye j

IrishThen IrishThen quick spoke Spaniard Irish ThenquickspokeSpaniardIrishThenquickspokeSpaniardIrish A PolePoleA Dane and homeless Pole ADaneandhomcless101eADaneandhomcless101e hishilcsturdySweedeproclaimcdhishilcsturdySweedeproclaimcdhis sturdy Sweede proclaimed his While neeheedneed heed Of soulOf soul Christ to to save his souldOfChristtoswehissoul OfChristtoswehissoulOfChristtoswehissoul in IerhapsinqneereraccentPerhaps accent Ierhapsinqneereraccent lueerer accentPniise none Praise ere Pniise noneere was heard by by nonePraiseerewasheardbynonePraiseerewasheardbynone one word clear fell on each ear earYet YetonewordclearfelloncachcarYetonewordclearfelloncachcar Thank SonSon Than God for for His dear SonSon ThankGodforHisdearSonThankGodforHisdearSon

The The preachers voice rose tender rose tenderThepreachersvoiceroetenderThepreachersvoiceroetender tenderAbove listeners thenthe Above then thenAbocthelistenersthenAbocthelistenersthen God indeed dear heareis Thank heareisThankGodindeeddearhearersThankGodindeeddearhearers Christ men menlied for for sinful menChrist died Christdiedforsinfulmenmen Christdiedforsinfulmen speak eight mighty nationsHere HerespeakcightmightynationHerespeakcightmightynations nations know in But space But spaceButknowinourtownsspaceDour towns spacesButknowinourtownsspace Butknowinourtownsspace in our of PEOPLES Dwell FORTY PEOPLEDwellmcnofFOInPEOPLE wellmcnofFOInPEOPLE DwellmcnofFOInPEOPMen grace Haste SHaste Tell the gracenew of grace of graceHasteTellthenewsofgraceTIlLEHasteTellthenewsofgrace the news HasteTellthenewsofgrace THE 11031E BOARD BOARD AND AND OUR THE HOME OUR NEIGHBORNE1CzJ1BOPNEIGHBORS TIlEIIOlEllO1mADOUHEIGIInon TIlEIIOlEllO1mADOUHEIGIInoEIIOlEllO1mADOUHEIGIInon

TengirlTengirls girls

STen Ten girls 5Ten Ten nTengirls

Our Home Mission Board has 425425 has 425 1OurHomeIissionBoardhas25miss1OurHomeIissionBoardhas25 1OurHomeIissionBoardhas25 missionariesamongourneighbomissionariesamongourneighbors sionariesamongourneighbors missionaries among our neighbors 22 These missionaries baptized 5921 5921rs2Thesemisionariesbaptized5921 2Thesemisionariesbaptized5921p5921 2Thesemisionariesbaptized5921 persons last year personslastyearpersonslastyear ersonslastyear 333TheyofJanized178churches They organized 178 178 churches 3TheyofJanized178church444Theybuilt5churchbuildingsor They 52 built buildings or church 52 orbuilt es4Theybuilt5churchbuildingsor 4Theybuilt5churchbuildingsoroor one for evey week in the year oneforeveyweekintheyearneforeveyweekintheyear oneforeveyweekintheyear 55 They distributed more 7000 5Theydistributedmorethan7000Bmore than 70005Theydistributedmorethan7000 7000 than 7000Bibles and Testaments BiblesandTestamentBiblesandTestaments iblesandTestaments G6 In the last ten years they have In the last ten years they have added addeds6Inthelasttenyearstheyhayeadded 6Inthelasttenyearstheyhayeaddedt6Inthelasttenyearstheyhayeadded added to the churches 67167 members othechurches67167members tothechurches67167membertothechurches67167members 777Theyhavebuilt610churches They have have built 610 churches s7Theyhavebuilt610churches 7Theyhavebuilt610churchesbuilt 640 churches8S They have have organized 2117 Sunday8Theyhaveorganized2117Sundays2117 Sunday 8Theyhaveorganized2117Sunday schoolschools chools 9990Allthisworkhasbeendoneamong All All this work has this work has been amongbeen done among s90Allthisworkhasbeendoneamong done among 90Allthisworkhasbeendoneamoour neighborsthe thewhite people the ngourneighborsthewhitepeoplethe ourneighborsthewhitepeoplethe Indians the foreigners the colored peopeo Indianstheforeignersthecoloredpeo ple and in our neighbor island Cuba pleandinourneighborislandCubpleandinourneighborislandCuba 10 ofLet 10 ofus thank Let us God for of thank God for the the work 10LetusthankGodfortheworkofowork of a10LetusthankGodfortheworkof 10LetusthankGodfortheworkof Home Mission Boardour Board ourHomeIissionBoard urHomeIissionBoard ourHomeIissionBoa11

All together slowly All slowly Lord Lord hasten rdAlltogctherslowlyLordhasten AlltogctherslowlyLordhastenthastenAlltogctherslowlyLordhasten hasten the day when we shall no more teach thedaywhenweshallnomoreteach hedaywhenweshallnomoreteach

1Yonzans 1lfissiomarv U7lion TYolllallslIfissiollarylhZzOliTYolllallslIfissiollarylhZzOli Yonzans U7lionevery man his neighbor and every man mancerymanhisneighborandeverymancerymanhisneighborandeveryman his brother saying Know ye the Lord hisbrotherEayingKnowyetheLordhisbrotherEayingKnowyetheLord Lordfor all shall know Thee from the leastforallshallknowTheefromtheleasforallshallknowTheefromtheleast least to the greatest comeThy kingdom come ttothegreatestThykingdomcome tothegreatestThykingdomcomtothegreatestThykingdomcome Tlly will be done on earth as it is inThywillbedoneonearthasitisinheeThywillbedoneonearthasitisin Thywillbedoneonearthasitisin in henOelL ileavenileaven henOenOelL Congregation Congre6ratiollEtandingT0t11eYstanding lLCongre6ratiollEtandingT0t11e Congre6ratiollEtandingT0t11e T o t li eeYorkWorkWork York ork Benediction HowsThisWeThisHows This HowsThis We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any anyWe04ferOneHnndredDol1ar1RewardforaIrY 04ferOneHnndredDol1ar1RewardforaIrY case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking ClUeofCtarrhthatcannotbecucedbytakia2t CureCatarrh Cure Halls HllCatarrhCurHllCatarrhCure OFJCHEEYCOPropsToJedoOWeF eFJCHEEYCOPropsToJedoO FJCHEEYCOPropsToJedoO J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney WetheundersignedhaveknownFJCheney theundersignedhaveknownFJCheney years and believe him perfect for thlast15yearsandbelievehimperfectly perfectthe last is finaaboaorable in all business transactions and finaa boztorableinaUbusinesstransactionsandfinaD daily able to carry out any obligation made by dsDyabletocarryoutanyobligationmadeby firmtheirfirmfirm theirfirm their West Truax Wholesale Druggist Toledo 0 Wa1litTruaxWholesaleDruggistTokdoO Hannan MarvinWholesale Druggists Waldng DruggistsWaJdlnCKinnanMarnnWholesaleDrugistaWaJdlnCKinnanMarnnWholesaleDrugista OhioOhio ToJedoOhio Toledo ToJedoOhiCatarrh Cure is taken internally actin actin-ofHalls oHaUCatarrhCnreislkeninteraaUactin HaUCatarrhCnreislkeninteraaUactin Skeetly upon the blood and mucous surtaccs of directlyJlpoathebloodandmucoIUanrtacesol c sysZets Price 75 per bottle Sold by all allDruggistsTestinoniasfree Druggists Testimonials free

SzooooINGOLDISGIVENOfSGIVEN20000 IN GOICD IS GIVEN SzooooINGOLDISGIVEN Special Interest to Students and Teachers Of TeachersOfSecialIllteresttoStudentsandTeachers ecialIllteresttoStudentsandTeachers H R Woodward Company of Baltimore Md RHVoodwardCompanvofBaltimoreMd Mdmaking are liberal a most offer of zoooo to any anyaremakiuamostliberalotfrofzooootoam who will sell 200 copies of Gems of Religious one Religiousonewhowillsell200copiesofGemsofReligios a new book by Talmage This is one Thought oneThoughtanewbookbyTalmageThisisone

ediof the most popular books published Three edi ofthemostpopularbookspublishedThreeedi sold in 6o days Agents sell to to 15 copies copiestions tionssoldin60daysAgentssell10toIScopies a day An Estey organ retail price 27 ooo given givenadayAnEsteorlanrttailprice27000given selling iro copies in three months A ioo bifor forse11in110copiesinthrterocnthsA100bi bi cyle given for selling So copies in 2 months A Acylegivenforse1lin80cOjJiesin2monthsA gold watch for selling 6o copies in one month oldwatchforselling60copiesinonemonth monthThis premium in addition to commission ThispremiuminadditiontocommissionCom ComCom plete outfit ic Freight paid credit given givenpleteoutfit35CFreihtpaidcreditgiven Agents AgentswantedalsoforTallstoChildrenAbout Aboutwanted also for Talks to Children About Jesus150000copiessoldanditisnowselling 150 000 copies sold and it is now selling Jesus asthan ever Same terms and conditions as faster astertbaneverSametermsaDdconditionsas on Gems of Religious Thought popuonGemsofReligiousThoughtOtherpopu Other popu books and Bibles also They offer special aidlarbooksandBiblesalsoTheyofferpecialaTJd lar aid forliberal rates to students and teachers for most mostliberalratestostudentsandtachersfor vacation During last summer a lame summer lamesummervacationDuringlastSummeralarOe numberofstudentsandteacherscanvassedfur forof students and teachers canvassed for number books Among the list there were 23 whotheir theirbooksAmongthelisttherewere23who who premover 200 00 57 who won the zoooo prem made madeover2000057whowonthetzooooprem ium and 76 made over 15000 for their summer iumardj6madeover15000fortheirsummeiumardj6madeover15000fortheirsummer summrwkVritethemimmediately wkVritethemimmediately erwk Write them immediately










PointswithhonestpridetoitshistoryofsixtythreeyearsSinceI84 Points with honest pride to its history of sixtythree years Since 1349 oints

degreeswhen degrees hendegrees de werefirstbestoweduponraduates348studentshaveearnedoneormor of the dewere first bestowed upon graduates 34S students have earned one or more ofthede Lawof Law greesofMasterofArtsBachelorofArtsBadIelorofScienceorBachel grees of Master of Arts Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science or BachelorrofLaw andEurope and ThesegraduatesarescatteredthroughouttheAmericancontinentsa These graduates are scattered throughout the American continents anddEuropeand Among theareeverywherefillinghonorablepositionswithabilityanddistin the tionAmongthe everywhere filling honorable positions with ability and distinction are nineseveralthousandsndentswhoneoerobtainedadiplomaofanykindare nine oundnine several thousand stdents who never obtained a diploma of any kind are found lawyerslawyers collegepresidentsandprofessorsasmanyjudgesandscoresofedito college presidents and professors as many jud ges and scores of editorsslawyers becomingdoctorsteacherspreachersandotherinfluentialmenTheCollegeis doctors teachers preachers and other influential men The College is ecoming ssss success moreandmoreagatewaytothehighestprofessionalandbusinesssucc more and more a gateway to the highest professional and business successaboutVithallitssuperioradvantagestheexpensesatRichmondCollegear all its superior advantages the expenses at Richmond College are about With extraNooextrextra oextra 198forentrancefeestuitionboardroomrentfuellightsandlaundry i9S for entrance fees tuition board roomrent fuel lights and laundry de fees Next Sessions begins September 24th For catalogue or detailedinformationaddress tailed information address

feesXcxtSessioubeginsSeptcnlber24thForcatalogueorde afeesXcxtSessioubeginsSeptcnlber24thForcatalogueorde BOLTWRGWPresident 3F W BOLTWRGWF PresidentFBOATWRIGHT PresidentFBOATWRIG-



Bap States the Maryland BapViththelarestleafletol1ectionofMissionaryLeafletsinteUnite the largest leaflet collection of Missionary Leaflets in the United StatestoheMarylandBap With leafletsinteresting leaflets to pastors and missionary workers tistMissionRoomcanfurnIshatsmallcosttopastorsandmtSSlOnary orkersl1terestmleaflets tist Mission Rooms can furnish at small cost enclosing stamp2cent stamp uponanydesiredtopicSendforcatalogueenclosing2centstamp upon any desired topic Send for catalogue Forof Home and For InspecialaidotSBCMissionstheAnnualMissionCardaCalendaredLi special aid of S B C Missions the Annual Mission Carda Calendared ListtofHomeandFor In Annual subscription 3oc icAnnualsubscriptionJOe icAnnualsubscriptioeignfieldsispublishedwithamonthlyleafletandprogram01eachto 3oeign fieldsis published with a monthly leaflet and program on each topic cNo tern turs NonJOeoFeeLteJatUJ9 Fred oFeeLteJatUJ91-









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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.