'musical instruments. BOATS AND SUPPLIES. DOCS, PETS AND MISCELLANE- OUS LIVESTOCK. Iwliiuifd From Prnrdlnft J'au.) AA- A.MEHH,,A.N lAi l'iu i i.i.liu.i.l lil'LvMUl- Tilt's a purljul lut Of bolleis that bale on Dogs. WANTED Engine for rUluri, boat Old hp.
Willi reverse. Cubi. IH7 MuiiaduiK lllitg. WANTED-Suiiill Uuncli. Box ftTiT, 1 vamiuer.
"ARUOVO AJAX" IlinimTti-rriVr at atiKi. 0- 1. liS are itt'iiwii as ll.e rutmnrn hi rcwiilt reaehUa tlinucliout i hi. commercial world, yet i 1 1 i-v est no than other; piitu tang $2" In Siaiuurd tvpcwriter rented at low rate, (ill writs ic'eiihoii-t AMERK AN WRITING MACHIN'B De. Jlarkt fioiiia flip.
AA luv. nH- fniir and tc'si Id tvirwrucM, lUHtlN.SoN TYPBW KITING 412 nani ac ins present tune fur tiuiueuiaia amp-iiieut, to ptitw sile: 2iV'h. iipright tsiilent, lsuiol Beat type. Ufl Hx icnorc. 3 lli'-h.
p. Inieriuil luruai-a boilers, beating g'ssl for 7 Ilia W. P. 3 25o h. p.
Stoi'h manna type boileti, wet Uek Iwilers, 10 ft tiia, Irj 15 It long. 1-W Us, W. IS 150 li, horizontal return furfilar boiler. of the elephant typt, paaa lor 143 lb, working present 1 p. bcotcb marine type boiler, 100 lb.
1 123-11. p. Scotcli niarlna type boiler, 140 lbs. 1 42 In! dia. by 10 ft Ion horlzcntal return aiifia 4:2.
CoU.iE KEsNEM, lie.lw.wt City Cal. (TH. 3J5 oiler HhH male an i letpale uiiTii, grown diva and brood uieliea si (id; rec. slisji RKAITIfciL itisiusi Wissl iiTtcii; fi registered, 123; goiug away, 1 Iuj Oakland. BULLDoi! prize winner, alone leed.
otunp; 2 years; aJTcl lunate: Bastion dog, leaa. fiiarknl. Dr. Smith, 101 Post; 253 11th rental half rniric. We ma, I aiurumiu purchase be lore the raise In pnit, inn quernly our wirrnuini ai nnuplsicly illlrd ui more pianos arriving daily.
'J iii ictore. will rent you A undid new piano 11 A tli PRICE; other at fi mouth up; rent to l)ily purchase prie up to mi month. lib la yir guatest opportunity On f. PLAYER PIANOS uiu. torn toiUy, TIITsE PRICES FEW IAV8 ONLY.
BU.NE i IAXU 87 Stockton m. AAA DiiLAN WltKUKIN'i CO. AAA 2110 E. Hth Onklutl. Cl.
PHONK MhlhUlV 111. Eeorom is the ke succesa; aats balf; alrs.i'ute eathlsctlon futrami-ed; yoir In buiulin mitwiul irom our largs atock: LUMBER, rough and linibed. all and dimruiiona; arcond md framing- lumber, new flcrinr siding, ah.n'les anj lntriw limsn: MILL WORK, doors, win.hms, low and euuil to new, doors, 1 to 5 rvinel; rediaood or Ore- pine. Inmt and oflice doors- counters. WINDOWS, double uuug.
ftMcment, 1 to light aa.ii for pufcU, ufQwe, buthoua and Veranda PLUM RING FIXTURES Ca-lrtm enim-led bathtubs. lavatory. links, tiaii. Io tltmi cliina. low an hiah cpissr-llnnl and ai' enameled tink pue ami fittinga; gallon ijoUers.
Kai-goL boiler with tr bathbotiM or laundry 1 rt. hue and other marble taken fnm Syndicate Held f-n, in, isiultrr nettln; ail aud evcrtln LI ILD1.N1 material. Your iii'imry riten apeciil at ten Inns our salesroom and wsrehmtso aro lied Willi 'Hr'; tiling in building line; sl.nmtng ami hawdlm i. link and lo WE HAVE OH HAND WANTEIj Moiur bonis, 2 to .1 iwt long; alao mar, nct eng. to 20 h.
p. Box YACHT condition; "jl'xliT Wly 4hHam. GO-For cruiser it can betMfaa(r'rork biwt; hy Jury 60 eniine. sia-going: 73 (Usui cwpound cugire; also, 3cyl, 6 h. PEERLESS IRON VORKS, Hacramento, Cal laukeli; ok cabin 9 h.
p. miine; good Pin-lung oner; M'MiUE. Aii.I Boat Ciub, UrmMin wiialclsiat. SfiltTi'th: ork life iTCM-nept, 7r.
Ph. Market It( asTON teri pupa, erfect marked lieeutie; SOME 30 RBMA.VTFACTCHF.D M. i-ij, aim ate. BE A I', pekluese. lat prlig ahow.
Toy pupa Brk. (srj, 2.1 Vin ino. BOILBIM, POTt UnAXD NlV. LATEST MODEL OUVEtt 9. Fully guaTtn'fwl, it mdaKl keylmanl, nadly the aam niaciuna u-'l by lirknut dirwt Inini Imlory; 1'iiht prim fltki, lii-ioia getting a awnnd-linnd, rrliiiilt or inacbli.e iiiTcatigait latmt plan aava I M.ichinca hiiid on appnual lor fiamlniition and fit trial, lay nymnta If you wUli.
Tl4ion Mlt., 'Mi Market t. I xmifl it SlICKKNSIiKKFKII tviK-wrRir; clicap, 1'ITEu Jt (iAIl.NlKiU iluaion at. (IT A ANTKLU KAfTOHV-HEflL'ILT TYPE-WKllKHS, "all niakea," wild on raa monthW paymmla; all niakea rntl. Onr lll'inirattd la iMtrfFtiiig.
Writ for It. HULK-HALE TYi'KWMITEtl Market at. MACHINERY AND A Worlilaer eln tri urjaii; tin condition; cost ik11 lot MOM; term. 321 Uitruwlaro phone Park 4110. iccoiiiJio.v, Viiriiuutii' ooba, switches; Al condition; Wilis luliw cm JU25 Phone Valencia lill 10.60 EACIL AAA IKJLAN WRECKING AND CUNciTtPrmOS CO, IG3U MARKET ST.
LUMBER, DOORS. WINDOW PLUMBING MATERIALS. Corrugated lruu. Field Uog Wlr All requlrementa for all building construction, botii to now and dual to lit ui.UvuU, LUMBER, all dlrrwmiilon, rough and flni'lied. fiooiing, niitic, ceiling, lth and aliinulm; hardwood ll'smii? and lamela; interiTr IliiUh in pint URFlT1 PLANS LliTLD AND, iTU- DOORS On to Dt ptnet; new wlragw atock and aeind band, all aimi; glass (fd front durs, ft up; screan dfairs, new sci'ond-liana luiusn eiadowa, casjuwiit, awsli: two, four and six light porch audi; aur froutt and otTii aaali; all priced low.
PLUMBING STXH'K enmplete. Enameled poriwlain and rilreoua china tank toilet, elaborate rast iron manialed batliluK Uitflne, PMlain atall urinals, sinks, trays, eto. com-plets with all fittings; new ranire boilers, totlot ki, junk price fi lead. riPH A NlT FITTING. vrt and wnsight iron lii and arrew caa ing.
Ksj to 6.0i Icet Va-inclj Usck pips, 3c ft IVs-lnch blai-k pilie, Oo ft. 2 -inch Mack pipe, 14o ft. -inch black pi. 20c ft. 2 -Inch O.
I), casing, l'n ft 4 -inch O. I. caaing, 20c ft. All other sues in propurtiuo. CORRUGATED GALV.
IRON. 100,000 tq. ft at 6've it; ahm-ts ft to 10 ft si' in good condition. METAL TILE ROOFING, conductor pi, 2 to tt inches, chimney caring, aud tops, with or without terra cvtta. SPECf Ali7)N FrJNCIaNG.
Front lawn feme, field fencing and bog wire; poultry netting and barled wire, bend or ea-tiuule. Ten lent or ten milt. Ready Rnollnr: rolls of KM an. ft: new BOSTON tiTTier brssl lritch, perfect markinna, 700 Inviaidero St. jJi'SlON Utrd'je Jr lit'arrtit -li, 4.r'lLth tiakland COLLIE anted as watch.
be geotle ta IKMJ, Great Isjne, for sate: 10 montiis old: owoer leaving town; rwt-sonable jriie. JIM C1N-( INN ATI, Iteerilta, box 602. En GLIS1I bull puiKt, riigreed thoroughbred line of rhaiupiuus; cheap to good borne. CaU alter 4 p. 2521 Piue st.
LATEST rnortil Itrminlon, iiwfwt oril'-r; al A WOi SOME ENAMELED 6INK3 mOM 11.60 BA OH. A I'w old pianos wauled fur cash. I'Unos exchanged (of talking machines. WlrK est, IS'-O; 61Gery. A aesrly new I ISO piano, now stored: forced to xll; make nVr.
Rog Examiner. Al "pi.oo bvught'fur caah. Waller, 37 Stock- At, ttp to rial $20u talking machine with latest i 1 1 7 1 jri 1 7 7 5 tit 5 T- 1P L- ALMOST given awayNew iauoj used alorsgo pianos. $2P up. Whitehead's Moras, U'i Mkt winner, tred to llrat i.iruK.MA MACHINERY I25Bwlet vnw c'ting lathe and chuck.
aPinning lathe an.1 chuck. rLth, II. G. sliuper and rise. 2 Milwaukee rx drill pnsw.
power drill preaa. Atkina power baclusw. 14 -ft Ilillis Jones power boiler roll. Leneli drills, blacksmith's post drills, power hariuaws. emory bead, font, thh-s, anvils, baud punches and alicars, cuueka, drill, etc 18 h.
p. Falrbanki Morse gasoline hoiat; Tf 10 lyt'erwrMj D. 1. D. hoiat; ore aintrle and one double drum doub'e hoiats; 3, 4, 6, and 12 in'-h o-ntrifueal pumiis; 1, 2.
8, 6, 0. 8, 2l and h. p. gasuiine eniilnts; Uuks; fiSKI fL Vs-iucU cabin, 1.800 ft. l-iticb cable, eut 40 Inch IL It.
Sll.ifh hsnrlis- ENGLISH RILL prize winner; BARGAIN, Bo MH.MI, Examiner. oax atanu, uwi auu uinuv vj tT.nfiuia- itn at. rata. f'ndcrwiHrl bmiili, Rrrn-lugton. It.
M. Al.KXAM'Eit. 444 Market Sii'kt -f h(. CvU-rfciS No. 1 lloyai.
T. II. KTELTZ. i3S Hillm bldit.j2i! and Mirkct ata. Tvi'iAvHiTKu hViv Tale cheai'.
mis- HIO.V KT. rn mt ii T.I- n.c our rnncipal place of btisiues; before buying conault ua. it tlian pay vm: i are located on onr own block: side tracks with all railroad. conen eiit to city wlwf rtubllng us to ship immediate! to farm and town people with a guaranteed satin. toWrite'ui your warts and direct all In-ouliies to DOLAN WRECKING I KiLAN 2149 fc.
14tb Oakland. Cal, MA N'S tult material; ait rilk lined, new- m.nde by ft c.s will sell ie 4 tall. Abo one biu and white etmied suit of "PJ" ed English cloth; all silk lined: n.sde firm; cost $: at a sncrmce: atout bol. THJJ TAILOR. 23 tHh at, near MarkH.
Olte" Wiulay. ROUND; Vn gis'd running onler; must r- sold )inrrrtlitet; tirst-ctass scats 40 tteoplej will consider your oiler, liox 21713. FJ.amuwr.Oaklati(l.j MATtRFSSlW, gray airletl bair, $30 J'5 while they list; Bt fc'ranuui tick, roll Ware, 7S Mi.nm at. tnlaiiar tviler, paiued for 118 lb, woiking Kessure, 6 steam drums made of marina steel. 43 In.
ilia, by 1 ft. long, Vj-ln. tlm-k, butt atrapiwd. 1 air reiviier, IH-iii. du.
ly IS ft. 0 in. iuug: H-ill. stevl. passed fur 11 -i Kit.
won iiu priaw. 2 air tanks, 3 in dia. by 00 in. lutirf. -iu.
aus-1; (., I for llw. Ikriswurs. 1 fuel oil set complete With two puinlW and lienter and s'and. 3 H-b. p.
bortwuital return tulmlar Imllisrs. 00 tn. dia. by 10 ft. long, 10i) joiuiils W.
P. 2 7i-h. horizonial niurn tubular bollcra, 64 In, ('la. by 10 (t long, KM isuiniU. 1 niplcte pisnt, consisting of 72 in.
dia. by' tt. hug horlontal return tubular bolter, Frimt eng ue lieutiT and bullet fs-il pui.p. 1 wit ma eiiiiine with 10 b. p.
upright boiler, numMed ou wheels. 1 tid-ln. dia. by 10 ft long horizontal return e'ubulsr boiler, butt strapjaat. Paused fur 123 11m, working jiT-'saurc.
AU material list, si atove Is for Immediate sliip-menu auu have rngiiiea, pmups, tanks. and w- also niaiiulailure auythuij iu the plats teel line. i LAN hi roll IRON WORKS. C30 Slh it.S.J J'hoiieJIktjIiJa aud403. l'OR sale 1 Ledgcrwrwd calrfoway complete, engine 12 lik bore.
12-in. slr ke, link naitbsi; main overlieaul cable diameU'r bif t.T'.K ft long, traveler Uwks, tall and head tower complotj, extra; 1 Isxlixlil Blake Knowles (liking in, nip; 30 light rail tie plates. 0V. Column Seattle. Wash.
FOR sale Second-bind maihinary; 1 Rowley-Hermans 12" eUcker. 1 large self-feed rip saw 1 swing saw. I 80" sec. roll. Ijne planer.
All In good ccmdi tion. Box 11 073. Examiner, FOR SALE Relaying rail From 8 list. lts, pair new A. 8.
C. ataadard angle SOLID BATUTUBA, TYI'KWttlTlvIH tvMiehf. juld, rpairrd. ntbuiiU KTOVF TYI'KWItJTrVa UK Hnah at. OOflT ri25, KOIl 75 EAOJT.
WAXTEIi A tNixrTritr, rtillila; atate pnoc, mV rtin'litlfn. Ti-1. riciflB MOTION PICTURES nd SUPPLIES ENGLISH bulldog (lest slink) lur salo at stud. Also trt.M Stockton E.NtiLIsil Imll "vbauipion lis.k; he is a $10. HlH Oak Alameda.
ENGLISH setter, best uow dog. for sale. 1331 S. F. FOR sale Japannm siianiel (nU0 pupiif, 0 line old, imported sire aud d.un; also at stud.
Che Jap apmiteil: all prlze-wUmera 15A W'81 60S7. BULL terrier, fine wat.h duf HiHuPi call Sunday or evenings after 5 p. il.S Second ave Ft'R sale Faiuale Airedale; pedigrewl; best bred! I 'hi 'in MiMion tHX5. FOR pupi K'7tii aie.Sunt 2241. FOR sale English bill'taippive.
tluutigUbrrd. pt1igr-e. 270,1 B. st, Qikland. FOX p-rrier pupiaes, titorougliiirisl, for sale.
COLEMAN, 1401 Oth Sunis-L EEH US FOR IUXmNO PAPTL MoV'INU picture camera, eimiptne iuttit, rlixap, I1M; in draft. Ho rn L'l 7, 'O'fc'arll l.ane sectional roll plsner. 27x12 Uuie end es bed planer. 12-inch (Jorilesman jointir. Sticker, mortiww, tenoner, borln machine, aw tabloa, awing aawa, exhausters, etc.
rn save ynu considerable money on shafting, hangers, boxes, pulleys, belting, t. MUST be sold at once-4'heap; two-drawer, elec MftiTON l'ICn'ItE CAMltA and tilixxl (Gau- ItoUFl'ET 0 silrer pitted, erfect tone and intonation. STOREY, 1300 Golden ats '-O. Ai.iui A- II AltUMAN, A.M (TH A M. Tl KH ST.
IIKX.1. cCTifAZ HON, 12iriW. AT only; l'rk 7'C; no downtown tor )iniM (mm 175; tuning and Jp'ri n- iuiKiTlN ATiiMt new fsv "pltypr" pinno, it) plgyr roll; Icnm gum. Ho 1 4775. Kxam'r.
lUCAUTlKl'L 0. f'ivher pi'unn wl- riulMiku Jiilh Jit, OaklaJid llrW; Tictnjfa, $177 piionrriptt, Kiiilnr, ukulele.! ryl, reoords, 6c; to-dny; liiywir Klmp, ltnti. (live ioium, tt ioU; will H'-ll for no brokofv send tnquuo. lioz 1 IS 3, Kiaminit.
luilSON-Ooliinibii nuliot'uiy cali-iift. gnd am rw-oriis; at J'0; will tell uH Rt 6 Cth t.jHan lYinH.sco. Ex'iltA(iliNAKY ne (Unillfn7 WO; rU double. hUVA. 45 (iraryiit mont): I'hone Oaklnud 1W1.
OUR QSINQ OUT PRESENT STOCK FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. tric ational casn register; ran dat afleriKsn. 001 tieary at. MOT- iRS Usight, sld, rwitei and ELE). WORKS, 623 Mlshii at Tel.
DrsiglM MOOSE heaiCfine specimen; must eell; ascrilic. 7S2 Mission at. D01JBLU SANDED. GUARANTEED. Ml LTHJAP'H.
in order. S. C. PARKtlt, Pitt bull pupiiies. Mm.
Mortis, PAPCT, tVCLUDlNG KAILS AND imrs, rr. it. new aisiulam pi'w, Taylor, apt. J', i raul." DA FhANCIsi IRON AND MCTAL V.U, mr11 Ti' JL San FraiieW-o, Cd. I oit salt 011ng nisle birddogs, black.
Addrwg 1 1 1 111 1s I Examiner. NEWSPAPER MATRICES, for sale, any qns- II. TtOTIl KONS MEIM'HAXniSU JUltHKUd buidues i tity, Ic each. Inquire hxamiuer office. Tbiril street, corner Market Ab- HALK.
FOR SALE CEMENT. FOR sale toilie dog, 1 1-3 years old; for children, 'h. Kearny 3103. 600 fc'ilben. Miller a Fall power, back taw, good condition: $20.
WELLS-MfiRftlS MI'G. (V Second st. alratfe atoik, with nail and cemeut, l-piy $1. 2 ply 1.25 3-ply 1 60 Ne- aink tile, 8ifl. white, at 2Se arj.
barrel lots, 22c: aocond band tile, lie ft rit-rolue, Imticr tlian marble, 4c ft: giu-den hoes at 60c each; gard-n hisss, tie tr ft Nail and ail buildora' liardware near at coiA. An eNtimate of entire cost of material for buildings may be had lor the asking. Mad inquiries solicited. 1 LA WIIKCK1NQ CONSTRUO. Market at, opo.
Franklin at. DIAMOND earrinw, wortli pledged "for $15: Will sell Ksaaalnor. DIAMOND ring solitaire, jierfect; Cost ftXH); plwlged $2(a; sell ticket Pot 25HSQ, Kx. DIAMOND ring aolitiiiro, falue $150; pledged '1 tlckrt $26. Fam.
DIAMONDS. 3 dia. White cnt $75. sell fl.1. Valencia 403; Craws, chest containing 7S draws, suiubln for auto slioii or jeweler, at a barg.
Old McAllister. iTlA MONO, sparkling, b'ue pri party. kt .2816, Mr. Molir, 243 ipt.8. DESKS, ofiics tiiruituro wautea; will pay top WILT, BK LOCATED t.V TUKUl NEW ItL'iLUINii Entire Plant of J.
p. TV-nlen Mill Co. Including baudsaw, jointer, lathes, bind r4w, wlf-foed up saw. sash and rnaclnnerv. sti-kers.
all aizea; lumi-r. moulding, frames sash ativk, (o be sold Uumediaie-ly in lot to suit Apyly at plain. 6(U aud Bryant at MINIATURE male Pomeranian, year old; flu la-tligree. Call st 2003 Howard st 1M SQUMtB FEET. NEW laiby go-cart, rir tires, hood Puilman Trin; woitji dnailde tliia price, $7.
JOt SSEN BIH 1, 11 00 M.wi etat NEW bra'tnmmd cotp 4i; held for debt $1. CORSET bTOKEy 1UHS Market st NINETEENTH 2013. I'hone Suuict ZlW. mission HETAVEfcjN fltrtll SlXTIi ST9. TEU ROLL MiSsiUMICK'S KENNE1.
Dogs) boarded by day or month, called fur and rieliierei. Medicated llh given. Dogs bought and sold Visitors always welcome. KoH Ml Wwn-t tonH Cnlnmbig EtiiUr inrl caw; good an nw; clifap. 17.VI Hayf fwt.
Mr itjn-ight g.ilA f.iuno, lit onne. ISO Ittililand Toll S.VI.1J "btlwifmi" lianjoH. 13-ln. lirariii; Wnnr anrt long nk; $:. nml Wwt 4 1 '14.
GOOD piano, iS, mimil uiviglil, l'i; lWHi: Willi plgrWjJ 1 yiaHMti'ti. ai nw finall Knab grand, make offur. 542 Wjitfpntl atwt, kiklamL OooL) auo, Ki; no iimat, abmei vraud, 'iv'l MrAI'MtT ft. I MX morH; Mt piano at old addrena account no cost FOR SALE 1 7H-h. p.
motor, direct connected to 4-ln. cntifiigal "iHinip; new: baraain. WELLS MORRIS! Eli. Second st lr)R SAL1- 1 3 phase, 0. E.
motor, nearly new; bargain. WELLS-MORRIS MFO. If st ORIOLE for sale, just like new, will sU for $0. 723 Clinctit*t. cixt ale 1913.
ON OR ABOUT MAT 10. $1.10 PER ROLL $1.23 PER ROLL PEDIGREED French rsssllM; WiS acll; Uaulle. ONE billianl, 1 pA table, leg cheap. 4SO hlli FrankUu JSw. miivTrtia iTTrvnn'i si Krunk 1 11140.
prriven brood Matrons, a barvaTn, BosUm terrier, nuile. abort UEADOHAnTErtS FOIt MKItCITANDISB OK VEKY IH-XUltUTTON. For sale 25x3s Whitlock with complete ecuilment; linotype witn enmpieie eqiiu reasrnablo terms to responsible juirtjr. WUtU- FOR SALl-TWO loOOotV POUND CAPACITY FLAT-CAB TRUCKS; FIRST-CLASS CONDITION: LIGHT TRUCKS. LUX 1 4mj EX A MIXER.
l'oir sale lii-Tu. virit'r with nxuul head, as-scmbhug'sSrill press, 5 hp. Westinghoiise motor. rsn-w tan. very attractive, (iret Dane, male, brindle, great companion and watchdog, beauliful collie, toy ewker spaniels, fog trrlers.
Angora kittens, sll colors, reisunsbl. 4i2i Orote. Piidmcut 7002, Oakland. liOOOMA. 3'jt iay st- room; will wn tuofl); man.
ran, nearly nrwj cixl MO: prfect. KranV.lin fi)P ap. bctur p. Alom'tty; t'i rash. UllUCil CllA.SK"" 26 O'Pnmll at AAA E.
O'HAIR 837 M1SSIUN ST. 0 I'UIXTING 10x13 GoMoii. puce, j-none suwr joi. DOT, AN WRECKING n. TtOTM A MElU'irANPLSE JOIilllvlW NOW LOC TKI AT MISSION Kl, PAN FKANCLSOO, EDITION nf "Your Fonwi and H(tW to In motor, 23in.
C. and P. cutter, for flu cash; type in m'rgi s. Box 217, Examiner. TOY King Charles siainiej.
sacrificed for ouii-k Sile. Phone Berkeley 0'140-W SW)T MACHINES. 334 Market at. R. P.
PUXCHBOAHD8 AND ROYAL NOVELTY Tlunu" if PreiiUre Mulford. TeL Prospect 4112. Box 147:16, Examiner, EDISON (lictaling-uiacliine eutlit of 4 machines at two dulaphotiea at $'M) each. Mr. WILL SACRILITCE BULL TERRIER PRI15 INNER; ARs TRIMMED; BEAUT' I' I SPECIMEN.
DR. T. CREEL- .130 FOR sale Complete tinner's outflt and tools. n-cludiug S-l break. 212 Washington.
Oakland. PHOTOGRAPHIC lena, Zeiss protar No. 7. filieat maile: C. FISHER, MarKet aireer.
Maries at, 'POOL table. $00: good shai; standard make, 7o0 EASTMAN kolak rapid dry plate 5x7; a dozen W'c. COR.SET STORK, 110(1 Market at. Eddyor pJmneranklin42)(K POOL table for kalr -Brunswlck-Balke AAAAA make. LLK heail button, sot with threo diamonds: cost take 15.
Hoi 7ti, Examiner. 855 Miion at, bet. 4th and 6th. complete, n.M r. ru ht.
WORLD'S famous poiiee. army and im dogs, puppic and giown stock: sired bv and Eastern winners. 11. M. VERINi), lol Fiwthill roadOakM.
Phorpled. 3104-W. WANTF1 a Boston terrier pup or grown dug! i' Bn 150, Examiner. WRLD kiKiwn English eetterlut sale. iJaie, off Cortland ave WANTED Puppiealir young dogs, gjiy brent 2G3 10th ate.
SnnM KEMANUfcACTUREII WATER PIPE FOR SALEl in filing off a lew OR-nota plaret TMatKM. Btrirtly hiph-gnnl, which hat tTn im-d lor III last few oiontb for ilrmonstra-dona, for eaay monthly payuinita; litra 'it i chance to d'-t a praclicaliy new inatm-uient at a raving of t'MO or JiooO. Heveral ihxhtly uacd baby grand at rat rednctioiM; titins. 1 1 II.Kfl ft Cft O'Farwll w. LV1T rint rUa oo tlia Facillo coaW; 1 mo.
iip. JlJStocktiinat LAl'Y wants to buy a piano; must ha in nmdilion and rca. No dealem. 1'ark llllu. MCKT aell "Htuyvesant" jilayer "pbino, tnabTnm.
fic tviidi; f.Cit), 1100 Clay aUit, Oakland. 'MUSICIAN tvunia (fiaiid piano; "can pay" iib KBW' CHICK rTII I XII SOH.M ER At Tol'IAAO. I'lANOH tiH KAI.K ONLY AT HYltON MACZY, ".0 HtorMon 8. F. 675 Hth at.
Oaklarxl. Inqnim atmit our new flit and mh plan. Best quality; evwy aie; wroiiKin aiaw FOR SALE lo h. p. tubular boiler, submerged type: complete; ued 2 (lays; bargain.
WELLH-MPRH1S M1G. HO Second at FOR SALE 1 steain-jacketetl Cfiiijier kettle. 105 gil. 2 ateam-jacketed cust-lwn kettles (large size), WELLS-MORRIS Milt, Second stj- JXlR tent -Contractor's saw and gi' engine, nioimted on tnuk. Apply to AMERICAN WOODWORKING MACHINERY Room 004, Underwood 625 st.
laranieeu K'su nvn. FOR SALE. ard pipe and casing; guarant WE1SSHAI PIPE WORK UI7 11th at. AAA-l)UKoj hUlTa AND hUm.NKSij SI JiS M)LI Oil Kfc-XTfO. KhLIX RENTAL PAKLOn, 64 MASON ST.
r.aiioiu -r. A AA AA rf.v. ohoiioaranh. 80 records, gorsl as new; AND CONSTRUCTION 1 Hi3: Market rt. 80 American aander.
like new; cost price $500 1 sticker, perfect condition; cost our price f223 Self feed rip saw; former -price $475; no. $173 Combination np saw and cut off; old price f.jtO; now 4 Cue band saw $UsJ IVo Mower outfits with pipe complete; cost each 40 hone power motor; an absolute 'U $500 20 horiw wer motor. i.isi 1214 norse powet .1150 Electric hoist. storage tank ft by 24 ft $250 All sizes pipe and screw casing AH guaranteed In first-class conirHjon. I MILAN WRECKING CONSTRUCTION CO, Market Opp.
fc'ranklln. AAA JAR DINE MACTI1NFRY CO. AAA Oflice, Room 600. Sharon 65 New UouUcomerv st, San Francisco. 4 150-h.
W. Boiler. 1 15ih. p. Scotch marine Uicr.
1 OOilfl ft return tutailar Isiiler. 1 72x1 ft roUlM tubular tauler. 1 4-0-10-12-h. p. upright boilers.
1 12-ton ice plant 1 OO-h. rt. giscline engine. 2 1 JO-ru p. ench gasoline engire.
1 Each. 3-4-7-S-h. p. gasoline engines. Wheeler condensers and foil water heAters.
liOcoinotivoB, railroad equipment 2 814x10 hoisting ensnnes with swing gearg. Cats. On aifiimt of war conditions, xriny laiainef reaJtoiiable. Call Sunday aUruoon. Apt Seeonl-hanil and new pipefittingi anrt Taltea; tested and guaranteed.
Write for rnw-a. PACIFIC PU'fc; Main and Howard at a. 19 226 Taylor St. oiiieus rcpn.wnung r.aaiern ana ioreign concerns and transportation comrmnlea in thin city A White A or mge. all ngora kittens, aliids, wfiite! ver, blue, pwl.
034 Erzaoeth it RAMBLER, collap. baby buggy; used 3 reas. 12l BrodiTick. apt 2 Call before 1. Castro tars.
Foil SALE Steel tank. S-inch plate, 2 Si ft by 0 ft WELLS-MORliL. MFG. Second st. F(iR SALE 1 Cbaeler rulcanizer, P.
R. No. 41; lirstrcUiis condition. S. IL JORDAN, Angels Camp, Cal.
nave son tneir onice eipilinncnt to us, consisting of chaira tabf'S. tilinff SlCHMOND JR. range, water back and gas plate JKW grakuiola. new Columbia iworila aatriliced; Victor fin. MEHKI.
10 I'cwl at. attached; tile; good conu. io- ii-a qq ALL aizea of pijie and screw caaing, both nee and second-hand, dipped and undippej; guar- AgiixX oirjajftunlty for grouvyman or dflirateawn tins 4-door refrigerati feet: glao ahelving, f-ales, sliowcaacg nd coffee milla, At 7u8 Valencia at LARGEST STOCK ON fXUST. LI'MltKIt. I'LUMIIIXG.
Get your Ituilding Material wheie ynn can find anything vuu need at U) lowest nriiwa. Our atock la com- plete. You ace what Jim bur and g-t what ynu aelei't. Carluaila of latest design in Modern Plumbing, piirchajl liefora irtw-nt priws, which enables Ui to acll Knids htock at lii than the preaent average coat of iufti-ior gradea. New ranch accessories, Wire Kvno ini.n, Wire, Naila ram, NliiiiRlftK, KhaktH, etc.
Miet Paint, $l-u Bt Linoleum, lU'ic a Dra. Liimlier, all dirhenaiorift; alao yuintituw of awmnil-liaml nuterial. occupy a llotk. Call on ua and ei-mate. Otir priie tai-ad on legitimate atoca a reiireseuted and lucked bv a reliable guarantee.
We iriit roinifflrison of quantitiea ani ginden Facilitica for tuompt and murliMUa trvatinent, all of which reilta in our mutual beueflt for lajua aiiTinira and general aatMao-tion. Yards, tiakland and baa lYancisou 8Ytof i 1601 TO 1527 MARKET S. F. RANGE, good condition, 0 hole, high oten; cheap, OKGAXH, folding, fj; f.B; piano or-gan, with playw fUm. Mi-oo at.
FOR sale 30-in. baud saw. 12-in. buzz planer, single spindle slviis-r. combinition rip and cut-otf aaw.
21 WasUiiulou Oakland. 773 Tur, KAlf.S new and aeoond-uand large saaortment bevauai the offices are to lw closed until after the war. Most of this furniture ia nraetlc illy new, hiirlng been used but a rery aliort time It consist of solid mahogany and quartered mk in the rewert and latest sanitary dIgna. CaU early and make jour selection. Wa can sire you about 40.
We will tike jour old office furniture in exchange, as we need it for our rouulry tr.ide. For particulars call at 7S2 Mi-avon st, near 4th or phone Sutter 1614. 72 MISSION ST. FOR sale Hoisting engine. 8 141 12x3(1; double rETEIl BACIGALUI'I, Market rt.
I'uuio. ekvtric pianos, new and n.l; player pj.uio, and up; eaav terma; ivii-M! psst terois: aui "rricu inu rtr ANGfiRA Penrian male st stud; pediged; service kittens tea; black, white, organ and silver; cits Dvarded. 1 ave im LV.4 PETS lsanla1, good lnne; Blue per.ari stud; kittens for teie, 202 Grand Vievr ave. Mission 2221. 1 ANtiORA kittens, -any color you; 4 inaie at stud; aervice $5.
3830 Ui t. FOR SALE Cheap." while Angora" est. 1033 HUSBAND tnlirted; must aai-riflrw my cross Gornuut rollee cmary. 621 25th ave. psirel.
WALTZ SAFE LOCK 233 drum; almost new, liox net, rxsnnner. AA(enta' 2-plece blue gorge rult; alwi 2 gray mixed suits; Iengtho0, waiat 84. cheat 42; $3 California st. l'lione Kearny GAS engine, 4 h. "Standanl," In good condi- Sir.n, Inn Vn 1U nl.
AI. Fieva t.Altr.K.ST STOCK ON COAST: new 1- rntoaiui wiif. by i' high' $io o. b. S.
F. URIZARD ei awl seeamd haml: lowest prices: terms; safes luiiycr piano rous, ion earn; new aiorago piano, cash; Arionoli 12. greata'at barKiin in city; leaving; must fell to-day; beautiful tone; attudard mike; SKI5; furniture of my 4 rooma. mi Jonea, apt 1. ltJL.Mr.
li jenama street. oned and repaired. Dougiaa jitu. -n TlAt.Iy-MARVlN SAFE: CO. 214 California at.
IN stu Latest model Wslcott lathe. 14x8; tie; Hi WS Band, rip and cut-off. tNTETU'RISB moderate price. I'. It, UUUlsi.y, 07 1st at FJ.ECTRIO WORICS, 664 Musion at, 8, MINING machinery of all kinds for sale.
csmsi.t- 4 Tel. Sutter 4(770. uig of UoiaU. engines, boilers, sir corninesanr, AA Moufy srel on lumber and miilwork; ouun-try lisw d'iirered anvwhere; satisfaction l'lth and Mission sta, A -Gits se'ond-haJid and mi.t clothing, lulb Ureas and Tuxedo suita. trunks, sultcasea, bouglit and sold.
LSI 60 frl st.teL Kearny 831L P'OCGHT FOirCASH ALSO YOLlt PARTLY PAID BO. Nil. JRANDOLI'H. 711 Hearst 7th Hnor. AAA The JJeak Ilou buys and sella office furniture.
874 Mission t. tel. Sutter 3113. PnOXOnR.APH4RKCOIlD8. CENTURY MUHIO S7 Slodstoq gt.
PERSIAN kittens: Sunday or after 0 p. m. otiier days. 1I21 Golden Gate ave. RED ituds Male kitten! red, black; imported Bt' lro car, lll'l Persian kittens for sale cheap; tine pedi-grsi stis-k.
Itiono Valencia HXi7. entile, etc For information write 11. B. SMALL ptinting odttt for small price; includea srood 8x12 Gordon press; price $200. Box KATZ, ir0nia City, Nevada.
FOR sals or exchange for used auto truck or far A need peanut and popcorn machine com-jMned; Al condition; steam power, gasoline fuel, wire wheels, rubber tires; capacity 4 bushels popped com, 1 bushel roasted peanuta tier hour: list price at factory $315; will sell at half price or pay in trade $125 to $150 for light auto truck or touring car. Ford preferred, Addreaa 317 Belden. New Monterey. FOR sale White ducks; IS coats, gfze 37, braided: 12 pr. trousers, sire 32-32, suitable for yachting or hospital work; also 7 khaki coats, size o7, braided; 23c apiece for the lot fif.4 York at.
''14514, Examiner. M0T0RS, heveinl; call and iuspixt; will sacrifice, 7h2 Mission st 1 ana i cim stieu duckies. 3 OMnge i'l buckets, varicus sizes. 1 10-iu. centrifugal puiup.
1 PrxlO upright air compressor. 1 8y10 horizontal air compressor. 1 VVestliigho'Lse steam driven nlr eompregsor. Machinarv of all descriptions. FOR SALE, MACHINERY.
-1 75-hp. 4-cyl. Buffalo Marine engine; used but short time. 1 W)-hp. Western gas engine; stationery; new, never nncrated.
1 6-hi. statiimary gaa engine. SAFE, second-band, ilieproof; cheap. 233 Call- tornii it, Rabbits. SODA fountain.
taWea. chairs, complete to equip vA trnnlta TRUNK initi, Farrell. over Suniet Cafeteria. amiy outut i-j aim eu Call SAFE with 10 deposit boxes, Cary niake. at 782 Mission ft AM leaving city, offering mv stock of rstbiis at a bargain: on fine bock.
3 fine does. 34 jimuk rabbits. MR.S. A. M.
WELDEN. 710 High Ht, pear Sather statiun, Oakland. ANGORA Does, very cheap, iselirian and. IVnv lmli, Min np. 243 Banoe are, Italy City.
PIANO, J. C. Iier, nuihogany villi elegnit bench; must aril, AIM Victrola: baritulu: fur-niturg for 8 room. Call cmco. Culiforuia.
TpTaNO, elegant upright. ery fine iiistruinnr; treat liarga'n immediately; also fiumture, 2707 CALlFcIlMA ST. PLAYER pbuio, eleotric; will eell at acrilic. 72 Miwion at. 1'LAYKK, 8S-note, latest nuvld; almost new, $275; original coat $5(i).
giS Minnion at. l.rlUVATE rty will buy VUtroia and records; also ar arate rworda. Tel. I'ouglaa S221. HI NT niPood piano, 10c "a day.
OSCAR iL 611) llnyea it NEW REDWOOD TANKS Thirty-five years in Stockton making tanks, I sell direct to purchaser. Try my improved resa-shrinrable redwood tank. It is good for hot climates; no agents. Writs now for prices, Refeiences, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Stockton, Phone 2057. It V.
WILSON, Stockton. Cal. ONE styloliitUe, 1 heavy 3-aied trailor 1 3'i" drill prese. $100. PEERLESS IRON WORKS, Siicrnmcnto, Cal.
i exterminated by the 067 nd tiOOJlan bldg. A-ROOKS botight KING'S BOOKS'IOHE 17 IB Market alsive Grsigh. Tel Market 47R3. A ROUT one thous nid in prime con-Rlo. Box 21.xanilner, OaklantL Phone liaudolph ALL size guinea pigs for sale.
1279. FOR sale 2-plnt Thermos bottle, nickel-plated; dnmuner'a sample case, new sweater coat; beat offer takes them; call Sunday or Monday J. K. ELK IN, Keystone Hotel. For" sale 4 office cabinets, II law drawers, dimensions 3 ft.
wide, 2 ft. long, 6 inches deep; suitable for samples or architects. 133 Kearny room 30H. A ttie yiiop buys or sells sll kinds nfTic. furniture.
tel. Prospect 1631 nz Koiaen onte; 1 ernier pump. 1 power hack saw marvel, draw cut 14" or .18 blade 0" stroke. 1 traveling crane (Reading Crane electric Bfti 8-ton caiiacity, 2S.0 apart, all iteel; roller beaiings: g'sl as new. 1 lot large steel run pulleys.
Used; good as new. 1 6 tftn screw ladle. 1 2H" valveless rotary pump; new. Strauh stamp mills, new. 1 gold dmhre, rtume type.
ciibis ft. buckets, boat and all complete; fully equipped, Bbsolutelv new; bargain. STRAUH MFG. 417 3rd at, Oakland. AAA ROOFING PAPER, i and 3 ply, l)5o muare.
Krory anuarw guaranteed brand new, complete with nails and cement, llrand new gnlrncned corrugated Iron, sq. It A Hit WIRE. GalTanincd Imrb wim. biand new, $4 reel. W11IW CAULK.
WIRE CABLE. Second-hand wire 'cable. All sizes and lengths. All re-coiled or reeled. Write or tclctrraph for "SPECIAL PRICES.
Stock on hand ready for PROMPT SHIPMENT. Second-hand, but in Al condition. In sizes from up to 1H, indudinj H. n'l 1. Plumbing Hnpplie.
Rooiiua Paper. Ttarb Wire. 'ornicated Iron. Wira Cable. Pipe.
Nails. Writ') for Sliecial Prtcee. We carry a general merchandise stock. Mail Inquiries promptly answered. SIMON 1013 Ki HoWVARI) ST.
AAAA INDEPENDENT" WRECKING 1120 l'IKUCK COR. TURK ST. SPECIAL PriKT'S THIS WERri. ENAMEL IIATHTUIiS COMPUCl'E. tTOUHf) two autopianoa, onu oak, one mahoff- aiiyrtith bench: library and nnmie with piaio; will rent for month wltu niiri- FOR sale Entire atore aud office furniture and fixtures, including safes, typewriters, copying machine, filing cabinets, sewuig machines, etc.
77 O'Farrell 4th floor. and matchers, hand resaws, aanders and other woodworking mac-hiuery, new and hand; "prices quoted on application. AMERICAN WOODWORKING MACHINERY OBoomjWrt, Jilarket REyUlitE 2 fm-li. p. water "tube boilers; also 2 large boiler fei-d rainips and 2.5-4,(hx or boiler h.
I. feed wtter heater: also 2 air receivers alsive five feet hv sixteen to twenty feet. HERCULES POWDER 1010 ChxoniciS blilg. SAFE Fireproof; make off, 671 Mission st, near 3d, STERLING bam slicer, nearly new; sell cheap; no dealers! Phone Pacific 17 SECOND-HAND U. pert.
bargain: cash or terms. Box 104iO.Eir. SAFES Two used saea at racriiice prices for cash. CO Pine at THREE office tables, card, letter and lfal size filing cabinets, oak roll snd flat top desks, 8 oak office chairs, 22 sections oak sectional bookcases, high-grade rug, extra size, 2048Ellis. TENT.
7x7 ft. duck, khaki, folding pole, 4-ft wall; auitable for auto camping; also one 10x24 ft. 12-o duck. 4-ft wall: hare'lns, 1133 Market st. TO" close an estate Store, fixtures, furniture, ahowcaaes, safe, acalee, carpet and linoleum; must be aold; other bargaine.
3371 Mission st TANKT8-10 JiM, to hold about 1.20O gallons and about 72-in. and Otl-in. high. Box 15.W.J nilnerjl 484 Fillmore st TWOatnnils of bees for sale cheap. 1811 Webster st, Alameda, Alamcla 3372W.
AHobard electric coffee mill: iarre ice box; Day-ton nitk jlA pply 821 is-ioq it. AN archlUnral drafting outilt complete; im- ported inaLruenta Box 132, Jjjtaminer. -AN offlcer'a McClelland and bridle; No. -Ll2-JJL bTOta.nnier worn. Box liiQuQ Kun.
$l-50'. opVlau Pitit Ed ATI ER. 3-id KwjTvyjrt. nrlJine; open eves. A $2 edftlon of "Heart Songs" for 60 cent KINO 11 H2 Market st.
BEAUTIFCL atreet dwiaies, slightly used, $7, $12-good sizes; no dealers. 805 Fulton st near Fillmore. kve of ireJia8iug. Price $1(18 and Thena) instrunienta aro fully guaranteed, beautiful tona ami in exceHnit ou can get io touch with the owuar if desired, Mr. Swan, 7 Stockton at.
FOR sale Elect, fan, Westinghouse, 12-uich, alt. current, $15; Tiftanr wedilinig ring, heavy, size, 7, all new. 160 8th st, apt 6. Sunday. MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY SMALL pin er press double w-araer, for sale fcfELL fS5 Btyls mahoKany cabinet phoiiograph, plays all records Bot Kxaniiiier.
BEIGIANS ajid N. from ft up. 153 Dwight, otf San Bruno ave. Ph. ltandolh 2nVi.
CHECKERED Giants andNtnv slis k', of the lat HERMANS BUNNY FARM, Con-onl, Cal. FOR SALE Black Kai Gal and Himalayan thorouglibreds; breeding atwk; Maaonable. Address 00 Gundlach cut. Oundlach ani Visitacion take Geneva car to Six-Mile Hoi; phone Miss. 0520 Sunday only.
FOIt SALE-Gray fciejnisli Giants, from regls-tered suxk: Black Giants, White Angora MILS, GEOIUIIA 60U Fleming Oakland. Phone Elm 73 1 FINEST Belgian and N. bares, also large stot-k of ynung. 2011 Bnah. nd.
Plus. NAT. ASSOC. COMM. GIANT JIREEDETiS hold regular meeting Monday 8 May 13, Shakespeare hall, Riswclt 15th and Mission.
Come and Join tlie crowd and be one of 11s. Strongest Giant Club in the U. S. Pub- ric welcome. NEW ZEALAND, Flemish, Angora e-rvice bucks; selling out cheap.
1455 10 Ul Sunset 1 Hs'nct. OVEiafOCK of Uioroughbred raUnti, 2 to mos. old; prices reasonable. 422 21st avs. Phone Pacific 8702.
TWO yioluii for sale. CaU Mouday, 4U EUia strfft. cheap. (Hl-RO. machine oaKianq.
TIMERS' outfit, "square, shear, straight edge brakes and several other pieces; niuH be sold. 7b2 Mission st. UPRIGHT steel lioiler, for high or finv'prfwuro; grssi as uew; at your own jirice; good for a ainsll aiit. house. G.
A. MAUER, 871 Turk st. BUTCHER fixtures and refrigerator for sale; FOR aale A fly-shuttle raj carpet loom; a bar-galn. Address L. MEHAN, Ycringtim, Npt.
FOR sale Fine WTndsor aolo Blids trombone and genuina leather case; will sacrifice; make offer, 27tX) Pine st FOR SALE Classy horse hair riding bridle, colors interwoven: will go cheap. Bee Mlsa Graham's Hiding Academy, 021 Hohart at, Oakland. FOR sale One 5 horfce-power boilers reasonable. 230S California at, Ba-keley. complete; nearly new.
Call and inspect. 1000 WE HAVE FOR IMMEDI ATTS ELI VERY, 1 No, 6 Clialmers rock oiiialier complete, 1 12 ton Anstin gas roller. 1 Little Wonder concrete mixer with engine. 2 30 Kilowatt transfim tiers. 8-ton, 30 lh, steel rai's.
10 ore cars, all steel construction, bodies swivel and difmp. Alt kinds steam and gas engine, 2Vi to 1,000 h. condensers, pumi and water heaters. 7 tons galr. iron pipe, -Ti in.
to 6 in. 1 75 li. p. B. W.
boiler. Sereral p. and 2 400-h. p. Swtch boilers.
Boilers, all government iiMpectwL SEE US BEFORR YOU BUY. INTERNATIONAL WRECKING 1740 Folsotn st. a Phone Market 7503. rtuso St. I iSEU pianos bm.ght for cash; expert repairing an4 lulling.
24 Hill st tnUGHT ninno in' good" condition; Apt. 21. fi.Ml Bush t. VIOLIN, genuine 1753 Carlo Rcrgonri. trorth BILLING machine, Elliott Fisher; one addresso-graph machine; McCaskpy regisWr and asie' sacrifice.
7S2 Mission at. BASEBALL, tennis, gymnasium, fishing and balli-ing (SiUita; camera, phuuograph, ukulele and record a cheap, 6(H Bush st THEATRICAL stage gowu; also suit; wonrt. barg. after 12 Monday, room 411. Empire Hotel. or more: win sen or ucnang mr Vio- FOR aale 20 da. new inlaid linoleum, cheap. 102 lat st WE rent, sell, buy, ejictianne, insiiect, repair and install all kind 1 of moturs, generators aud eleu-trkal eqililimeiit ENTERPRISE ELECTRIC WORKSi TUB MOTOR HOUSE. 654 Mission st rbooes: Sutler 4R70, H. Cal.
Sutter 4I7L HIGH TOII.KT8.-- (MPI.f;T V.m LOW TOtl.vW. 12. no LAVATORIES, COMPLKPE 0.00 L. SAMSlJj. TAILOR'S irons, 10 electric; erfect; need $7.
CORSET STORE, llliO Market at rola or diamond of like value. I. Frnkiit Oakland. -CTROLA, ctait J2Ti0: with recti FOR sale Hobart coffee mill, electric; Toledo fan-shape scale. Box 411, Tracy, Cal.
n.s i 1 1 aud toilets, new. second-hand. cIumd. 111 A I'Minonnvf aunriv M'sston for 'Aluo my beautiful piano for $150 tTNITED WR TICKING PIPE attings 5,000 ft of 6" pipe, valves, alls and tees for sale. Information, 2765 Howard.
FOR aale Set of tinners' tools. Apply all week, 1055 Van Ness are, 1 u.KS, All. l3 O.O" MAR RLE WASH HOWLS .75 WIN HOW 3 noons oO-GALIXlN BOILER All kinds of plumbing and fixtures and all kinds of hardwood pine, red lumber Ht $12 up. WK PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR OLD F.UlLDIXGsl. TAILOR shop: uncnlled tor ladies' and gents' suits; sell for charges.
101T Howard next church. TWO fine counters, ehelving, showcase, scales, cash register, ice box, trucks 2248 Mission at TUXEDO drts suit; new, tailormade, cost $30; sell $20: size 35. Box 45, Examiner. BARBER chairs and complete barber shop outfit: t. BABY carriage, Pullman, like new; bassinet "on atand bargain.
Phone Market 705 isrannan at urn st. USED MACHINERY. BRICK. LUMBER. aim some eicKant piecea ot luruiiure, Call once.
0(12 Jones apt 1. VICTROLA with lot of records; will sell; bargain; also piano and 4 rooms furniture. iw-jnejiately. 2417, California. VIOLIN MAKEIt I.UTZ, EXPERT CONNoTJ SECR, ATPRAIfiLR, IJEPAIKliU, 45 GEARY FOR sale I'col good condition.
2330 23d cor. Vermont st terma BILLIARD and lool tabipe, all AUGUST JUNGBLUT CO." S.13 Fillri 1 173-h. p. Allis-Chalmers motor, 440 6S0 K. P.
JL 1 150-h. p. Allis-Chalmcrs motor, 440 670 WELL DRIUJOUS' CABLF-84 ft, atid OW ft of cal lc; also Oft temiwT screw and rope ahrare, 31." o. d. casing; all in fine con- dition; pricce less than half wholesale.
0. J. HCHACK. Stacy, w), tvAXTED 2 exhaust fans, 14-in. diaeharge, 23 h.
pi steam engine. 6o h. p. Isalcr, 2-iu. ceu-trifusral pump.
Write full details. Box 13048, Examiner. WE buy, sell, exclfange motors, generators, trsns-fomiers, pumps, gas engines, lathes, shop equip, f'on'isnments solicited; soring mfgs. BAKER RON. the Machinery Mission st USED Mazda lamps, 12 up; ad tested.
1133 Market street. more at WATER PIPE. WATER PIPE. AA FRENCH ranges, ete.un tables, restaurant outfits BUXTERKIST popcorn machine; also King Bee USED typewriter in first-class condition, $30. LANCASTER.
577 Market st. TOLIN and bowbaker. renairer; arains to violins and, 'cellos. SCHUBERT. 101 Post, 601.
imaiiiwi una new, st. B-FLAT cornet, in good condition, $9. Cair'to- Remanufactured Water 1'ipe-Eyry sii-e. Btanf'ard Imn Pipe, Screw Casings, Fittings, Valres, Any quantity wrought iron and itee.l water ami sereta enainum fur every uuroose: VICTROLA, in excellent condition, to eichanga VN BSI EH.N RANGE McAllister at FOR sale Billiard and pool table, card tables an(JL chairs, at 3173 -23d st. GROCKRY outfit counters, shelves, all glass front, combination cas'-s, biii, refrigerators, scales, meat slicers, 7S2 Mission st uaj.
riuB.orocguiuer. aou ureKa at for piano' of good make Box 144, r.xanuuor. 1: At. 1 14-h. p.
vertical gun engine, rebuilt, $250. 1 fl-h. hocia. gas fliiO. 1 Rni'red steam ahorol.
No. 20' Marion, good. 1 7-T, Austin gasoline md roller. Pulleys, bearings, shafting, rail, cars. Let us know your needs.
UN ITEI WRECKING 705 Brannsn, at t'th, San Francisco. BARGAINS Tent, cotr'slool, "grip; also Jaa WALLPAPER, 7Vio roll; mined Paint, $2 gatj nina cunos, etc. IQS Sutter, r. 14 bsint floor paint, rooi ismn; iuiou, $1. RAE ADAMS, 1447 Ellis st yalves, fittitiirg of every descriptioirmade to BOW UNO alleys and pool cendition; and rontractlirs for ClteaO.
Ollick Sal(. J. A. Pseline ll.oul WANTED One 125-h. p.
boiler, bentch marine tyie lfffferred state lowest figure. GARCIA it MAGGINI 02 Drumm Jit GARDEN hose, tools and sole leather; Ue yery VICTROLA and records, in perfect condition; owner leaying lty, Telephone Prospect 1403. WANTED Dealer wishes to buy used pianos and players for cash; will consider any make and finish; no Yuare pianos) wanted; when answering gire name of instrument finish, contlhion, price wanted, etc. Addrees box 43010, Examiner. I Mission st.
complete, pipeline installation; Merta on Iron BEFORE leave, some rifled" almost complete pipeline installation; pertt on iron BEFORE leave. someuiand rif leT almost and installing WANTED One pedestal hair dryer and pedestal hair tray. 40 Gnnd Oakland RABBITS TO SELL. CALL 41 OS 17TB ST. SI-XLING out Belgian, New riot.
Ijrve big. does, bucks, young stk. 410 Clement. SELLING out; Belgian does. 1415 Rankin ate.
Jet. WANTED Rabbit. Wliat have yon to offer! Cows and Goats. COW with good milk, young; must be sold. 261 Hh st.
Tel. Garfield 1401 FOR SALE 7 goats, with kirl. half ToggeuU-rg and Nuberg breei. 30u Harvard st, off Sil-ver ave. FOR sale cheap 10 fmgenberg goata.
freh and coming fresh, also kids; will deliver. 2233 Saa PO1I0 Berkeley. iRESlI Durham great milker, must be sold to-day. 3'-'9 Goettingvn. Take car 25.
FOR sale Durham buH 0. W. COi, Pres'on. Calif. FOR fresh milk goats and fur goats comibf fresh soon, l'lione Psrk 5006.
FOR sale 20 head 2-year-old pure bred Durhajw bulls at 125. Box 14538, Examiner. FOR sale jSix young cows, all milking. A. at 40 less.
7S2 Mission 1 pipe, rai'iug, making Weiss- plmne West 324fi OTillIish rf 1 GRASS tablts, 37. ne' Pawn's for qnnlity; remember the name. vVir i i ihT w. 4, atreet C. WE1SSBAI-M PIPE WORKS, Ll and al nnnnniVRThTZA fLlJ? deve'nid vt: reannai new, iress; WICKER baby carriage for mle.
Call bet bra. of 10 and 1KKI Pacific ave. satin gown, new; velvet head- Vr.TTV.I lul. will salt Hsrk-cm cost naM. iiil at AIaaa water" pipe "and" casing.
black Plush collar: good condition. Phoue WANTED Phonograph. Will ex. twible tfls- GARNIE AUCTION CO. buys and sells desks, after Sunday.
I'aeitic, etc. 770 st Tel. uartieia zuo. 7x10 friction D. D.
Flory hoist. 7x10 fri-Mim D. D. D. Ledgsrwood hoist 7x10 friction I.
D. 1). slewing goar hoist All complete with boilers and in Al condition. 3-inch S.imson. 4-inch Krogh, 5-inch Garrett, 8-inch Krogh and 12-inch Knight centrifugal pumps.
-1, i. 2. 3, 4, 6, 20 and 100 -p. gas engines. See us for SECOND-HAND MACHINERY of all kinds.
aUF0BNH MACHINERY 125 Beale st 50 rolls of 8-ft. galvanized poultry netting. 2-inch mesh; 150 running feet 10 uie mii; tj.p u. OOliDURiyv: riding pints, brand new, tailor made; size of waist 34; enap; $5. Also fine pair of black boots, sire 8-0; cost $30; will sell $10.
SOL'S. 20 6Ui at. near Market Open Sunday. CAH REGISTERS Largest aseortroeut on the lacinc (oast: easy terms; two years' guerantea Willi erery machine Our prices are the lowest, CASH MERCANTILE- Moved tn 32 Market at. 1 wnier aa pari payment, must oo oaxgaiu.
Box 17341, Examiner, 2517 Miydon. WTLt, pa" to $150 for good mahogany upright jiino: $25 down. $10 monthly, box 14111, Eypminer. ANTED Plionograph must be reaecwabie; AAA MACHINERY AAA 13 p. gasoline hoiat, single drum.
5 h. p. tariable speed, single drum, electric hoists with controller. 2 return tubular boilers; Hartford tespection report furnished. Lot Deistcr Willrey concentrators, Iot 20 and 25 lb.
jvlnyuig tee rail, Xtot IS" gauge mine ore cars 4 mine sinking pump and other type. 6x8 single drum steam hoist. Air compressors, all sizes. Assorted sizes in air receivers. 60.000 feet 1" plow steel cable.
F. Between 7th and 8th. I'hone Market 1703. brand new stoca. bijiw vard st Screw and Klvcted.
NEW AND SECOND HAND. ALL 'TESTED AND GUARANTEED. In Stock for Immediate ritupmeut ft standard to IS Inch. ft, screw casing, 2 to 10 inch. 100,00 ft riveted casing, 10 to 30 iruta.
300 ft 10-inch w.xxi pipe, 35c par foot, 4,500 ft 8-inch extra heavy 4,000 ft 4 inch extra heavy pilie. 2 1.000 gal oil tanks, $150 each. PACIFIC PIPE 201 Howard st 4-OVEN Eclipse baker, baker's scale, 10 baking alieeta, small steam tawe; tor a airy iuuuu private party, I'Ulton sr. GAS and electric fixtures, arc Uunp whole-sale prices. WELSBACH fei Mission st.
EOBART elnctrie coffee mill, SANITARY" meat-si icer, McOray 6-door mirror-and-glass front re-friegerator: counter showcases, 4, 6, 6 and 8 ft, 2 ft floor showcases, 8 small candy and gum showeasea, 3 coitntera, 1043 Ellis st HIGHEST "pnors for shotgune, riliea, pistols, snu-sii-al inatruments, diamonds, jewelry, binoculars, builders' levels, transit 433 Kearny at CORART double elertric -coffee mill Terr cheap, FRED H. GARNIE, 779 Mission st counter and butter merger, gsj iua st 40 h. p. boiler and engine, complete, for sale: state certificate: fine condition: very reasonable. Owner, box 14170 ETamiiier; 4 slielved tables suitable for carrying stock or sample display; also 4 sample cabinet, each of bi 'JTacy, uai.
WAN'TKD SET OF ORCHESTRA BELLS. PHON BMISSJjIMOjii. BEri 1 ANB 8 P. M. WANTED Piano or organ for cash or exchange for player or Victrola.
2638 Mission st WANTED For cash, old upripht, good unuare piano or orTan. Ih Mkt. 8458, 12S2 Market, CHEAP Large wicker baby buggy, small wicker folding baby buggy, wicker nursery chair and enamcledbatry bath tub. Phone Fillmore 1S0L CALIFORNIA MFCv 1459-63 Mission st Belt. Belt, Belting.
EXPERIENCE Oi AAA PROFIT BY THE nine lance drawers, im rveamj jitojiv j. 250 iron' coU at 40 less than wholesale price. 855 Mission st, net 4th and 5th sta. AAA One 8xl0 air compressor, one 8-in. Smith sticker, one pipe-threading machine, one barge 16-PLAIE statio and X-ray machine.
1543 Lin 60-H. P. dustproof steam gui practically new; also 40-h. p. 40 Kearny st, room 803.
36-INCH band saw, buzz planer, shafting, belting, HiHw. tire roller, tip-setter, 373 Valencia. iv'. 1 vris7ht n(i kft Iay BAKER'S, 080 Mueimt st. 2 D.
motors, land 2 cx coiid. 74 Clay st. coln ave. Phone Alameda 4201. pump, one saw iraroe, one wincn, several raii-ievs.
Call aud inspect RAPID WRECKING 115 Chiuch nr. Market and 140i. 11 UAH goats tit aale; 2 does, 1 buck, also jorTiig stock. J. NOSEK, S37 Blythedale road.
Mill Valley. Cel. 6NE carload of extra choire yonng fresh cows will arrive Tuesdays DON: FONGE, Colaxa. THIRTEEN heifers, some yearlings; offer wanted. 1323 St.
off Saq Bruno ave YOUNG fresh milk goat cbeapt 78 Hora st, off 1th and It. ae. 12" milking cows, A 1 beef. J. 6.
COSTiT 1302 street Hsyward, Col COMPLETE new ory-acetelene welding apparatus; p'rfect working condition; Cost $100; price 4u0. ft 101 Turk at, near 1st ave. 2,000 costumes fcFsaie or rait, theatrical or mas $375, latest model 8S-notfl mahogany player piano, brand new just rccctved, ea slightly damaged in shipment; half priCA with, bench, library and music; fully guaranteed. H. P.
37 Stockton st. Fhave a big assortment of ladies' aid get its' misfits and uncalled-for suits, coat and jvening dresses, which I buy or get cm consignment of rich js-ivate people and the Ssn Francisco private tailors, aud am in a position to give you better clothing at cheap price. Call at 301 6th rt, San Francisco. OTHKR.S who have saved ana are sun sanng considerable on their printing bills by placing their orders with the "honest value" iirintera. We print good bund letterheads at 13.60 per.
thousand, (the $4.75 kind); Al grade business cards at $2.50 per thousand (the $3,50 kind), and, in fact, ar.y kind of printing at lowest prices on the Pacific Coast Country orders carefully filled. PROGRESS PRINX-ING "iiouest Value Printers," 510 Mi ion 8. F. querade, tiso aiarsei st. the lot.
290 the 25 cords of wood free; must clean up Minna at. CaU Sunday aft or 30 AAA JtXar sals, a pargain: 1 cnion as engine; 1 45 Indianapolis steam traction engine; all in first-class condition. DA IRES evenings. 50 suits, slightly worn! left over for charges, will DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL AUTO REJPAIU Redwood City, Cal 4- beautiful Steinway npriuhts, wslnnt, mahogany, Smv; traded in on onr leaditi? pianos, ttie Francs Bacon and Haelton. These are about as good as new; sell for less balf original price; easy terra.
37 Stockton -at. be sacrificed. Apply Ji oto at. INDIAN 2-cylinder motorcycle, Bosch uugneto; Beech magneto, 443 Anderson or phone Valencia 5237. CONFEtrnnrNETJ'ft outfit massing of gaa oveus, scales, bowls, tools, thaap.
FRiJ H. 779 Mission st CARY safe; color maroon; dimensions, 5232x30; like new. L. O. Dixoo, 1512 7th Oakland.
COFFEE roadster (Royal), 75 lbs. capacity: complete with motor and piping, at a bargain. 01(1 McAllister St. 2-PRAWER cash regist; or $550 new; for aale AIR RECEIVERS All sizes carried in stock for Immediate delivery, P. H.
REARDON, 67 1st st Miscellaneous. at $175. Apply at iv 1 bnya mahogiwy upright piano and bench. A 1, tlli. fcW.
R. CREELY, dog. rat hospital: treat AFFIXTURES OF SUIT AND CLOAK MFG. 239 Geary at, tith floor; must be sold; removed Monday before 5 P. DISPOSAL AT ONCE AT GREAT SACRIFICE; must sell; putting and finishing tables, display tablea, rloOienrarks.
forms, safe. 60 chairs, electric fix 1 Sxl2 C. P. platen prese; Al couditlon; com- A 16-inch bv 8-ft. American quick chanire screw ICE creaw packers, all sizes, in good condition; cheap.
010 McAllister st ew'OTT ST. pleie. DKl Oil ine at. cutting lathe, shalting. Box 220S4, Ijaminer, $S5 cabinet phono soh.
ra? slightly riamaie.1: 60c each: ICE BOX (McCrayt, glass front; also gas range. BARGAINS in wood working machinery; closing ing, boarding: if -ge si'nnv rms antiseptic batti; E. 400 PILIXWS. 35c each: 4oO quit 1.200 table. 90r nt.
57fl MeAll 40O quilts, M. 1 A COBS. 215 Buss S. F. ister at.
tures, bugs mirror, flat and rod top sks, tJlie- FOR BALli Thoroughls-ed regiatered Hoistein bull; gentle, perfect condition; 3 years 4 mouths old; selling acoount interhreerling. or phone California School for Deaf and Blind, llerkeley. Cal I)R SALE 200 good breeding stock Guinea pirn and younr. G. W.
ADAMS, corner of Elm and Eureka sta. El Cerrito, Calif. out a complete plsning mill. BELCH Bit 1 sttention. 3130 gteramento.
Wst 4029. f3 rr month rwts r4ono in first-class ronditiou. HOT1NUNO RENT H'iUPK rfi McAllister st ii-'j wepsier nir souin ena a. rRFFT.Y DLDt coffee urn ana mines, cnesp. 010 aicAJiisier.
ICE cream parlor outfit complete; also nd water fountain very chcart. 7S2 Mission st. CASH REGISTERS Second-hand National cash registers and 'loHd chevk writers, half price. CASH REGISTER EXCiL, 101 Caiifutuia st DR. EDW.
DOG AND Wriler uesK. lau loiniav auj ue niu rrt, 239 Geary 6tli fltor. Webster st. drawbridge, Alameda. HOSPITAL.
st.vTe) Mkt 2070. A MISSION "Dog and Cat Hoapital 20 Valeri-cia- lnga and cats boanled. Tel. Market 1449. SEWING MACHINES, CASH regiatcnl 123 in stock, sell at 60c on the dollar; guaranteed for 1 year.
679 McAllister. AUX. sloop 27x10; 6 heavy $250. HARVEY. 747 10th Pac.
Your choice from 100 sizes and stvlos; all absolutely GUARANTEED; pay as you' please. We buy, exchange, rent ami re-T pair. ESTABLISHED) SINCB BAN FRANCISCO CASH Rl-XIISTER 334 Market st Tel. I'miglas CASH and counters, cadh or on time. MEISTER A ADOU.
1100 Market All makes, sold for storajie charitrs; some almost new; no reasonable filler refused: cath or credit; Poultry and Eggs. DOGS, PETS AND MISCELLANEOUS LIVESTOCK. ran rnri.v; minus sou rri'airiog our speCVl'TV. 2323 Mission st, near 10th; tel. Mission 7222.
INVALID chair for aale or hire. 783 Mission st KODAKS. teMee, bought, sold, exenangsd and rentel, supplies and developing; high-claaa kodak repairs. H-nry G. deltoos, t8 3d st KNIVES, mlver-pl'ted.
Reed Barton make; offer. 7S2 Mission st. KOLINSKY cape, 17 talis; sell cheap; paid fioy. sell $45, Box 82, Examiner. fiODAK camera outfits, lenses bought sold, 'ex- changtd.
bargains on hand. ALLEN'S, 240 Mkt 'kl'nd LT'i. JSU2ZEL ELECTRIC WORKS, iViit Sansome st. buy, sell, rent and repair electric motors; worfc. manship and services guaranteed.
BUTLER AVIATION COMPANY, expert pattern makers. 103 Eric, orf Mission, lt. 13t BARNES' lathe. Wood turning lathe Godell lathe, tapiing. check, etc.
uinore; pn. niimnre Qn eves. CASH register, National, 1c to $7. guaranteed. like new; at a bargain price.
610 McAllister st. CARD printing machine, almost new, for sale cheap. Apply room 410, ISO Sutter st COFFEE tables, "gas rauaes, refriger- atora. tinners' tools. T.
J. Topper, 1067 Mission. CANOE, eimoei new; osi wui .1 iur 3720 gtd st ENGINES, reverse gears, rrojicllersb clutches, coupling abaft. 1728 Bryant at. FOR SALE Lighters, towrjoats, fishing boats, speed boats, pleasure launches, and all kinds of floating equipment for bay and rivers.
O. Cubbnge, 1)17 Bldg. Sutter 6C2L FOR SALE 35x12 aux. sloop; one of the best xs-footirs as the bur: cheao for cash. Box Dogs.
ALL machines at npstaira prices; 11 down. $1 M.llnn .1 nnf.ln ri-V Pseille HOME KLHIWi AIACHINK "04 4th snd Market sta. -I Douglsa J30s). DRESSE3. $1.60 to suits jLBO io wai-ts, sizes 34 to 40; shoes, 6.
25c: other ARB you looking for bargains There is no I 173.j1, Examiner, 2511 Mission st AA Chicks every day; siilppnl anywhere; 32 varieties thoromhlTvd chickana and egm; Belgian hares for breeding; price list Igle.i liatrhery. 807 Mt Vernon Randolph 719. A No. 1 quackless laying Muscovy ducks and setting eggs; also Golden ptieamuit tap, 726 25tb ave. Pacific 07 W.
A ln oi young pulkts, Orpingtons and Cochina; 2 rixeurs; whole or in loU. 325 234 vt pr. Clement. BABY chick ait g'ssi, strong yuuugatr; hatcbea every wee; white and brown lavhocns, 1. Beds, Barred Bocks, Black Minon as, Ancorjaai also hatching egm.
Write for circular. I. IL STUBBE. Campbell poultry Banco. Ce-bell, Cal.
A Wheeler Wilson dropbead, Al shape; $14. 5S1 Castro, asn. 2, after any Urn Konday. ZLlj MAKES bought, sold, rented, repaired 1449 Building material, lumber sash, doors, paneling, plate mantels, counters, show cases, iron gates, Pipe, tittiiura, toilets, basins, trays, iutpers, boilers. Ruud heaters, corrugated iron, and roofing paper and hundreds riiier thinss too numerous to mention.
Call or phone Market 4133. RAPID WRECKING 115 Church nr. Hth and Market. AAA SEE US h- FOR LOW PRICES. A full line of water pipe and plumbing goods at prices that do quick sale.
CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY Ils'l to 1400 Mkt st, San Francisco. place wa aiy SALE Houseboat- the finest, on this to al tPBgx 14730, miner. $0 60 to $20. Ws offer these garments FOR SALE Pleasure launch; cheap, Box 14 Su, lirts than 50 cents on the dollar. Chil-.
Examiner. 1 Polk at Tel. Prospect 2271. W. NEEfK thuigs.
OOOA Buchanan Jt DIAMONDS, blue wh. and lady needs cash, will at sac, $S5 or same for Ml Lgj''g-rjllm- S423. DRAWING seta, second-hand, for sale or will buy "drawing school jet; any condition. 1180 Market st. DIAMOND ring, lady's H-karat, cost $110, sell ALLY'S, 2004 Mission st, nr.
23d Largest A large line of new and used woodworking machinery and large stock of dump wagons, trailers and dumn bodies, graders, scrapers. Jrsgs. hot, mixer and. asphalt rts and kottlte, slie sweepers Slid sirrinkiers, end a Fairbtnks-Morse 6-h. gas end ,7 14-h.
p. tvr C. C. It. alternating Wes-inffuouso mo tnr with starter.
Call at A. YOUNG MA-CHTN EnLL6. st. AA---Iriiih terrieis, perfect types, tlie best blood from Enrol and America, bird wire coats, long beids. all (ringer; the ling for home, camp and children.
Why buy mnts! I breed the best studs for cish and exhibit and win In bench shows; see also 1 fine male over 11 months, cheap. MOONDINE KENNELS, 1174 jPine st AT stud, Boston terriera, Prince Omar, Mephuto, Bunny Boy II. Humpty-Duuipty, 4 of the tiuetit pedigreed dngs on the coast; Bostons of all ages for aale. Tel. Valencia 3S13.
I'M 2 No at. sit snop on eann; an mases; lowe- prices; 42 years io bueineiMi; repairing, rent-- Tel. Mission 2u2 Oren evenimm. dren's coat, dreases, hats, very cheap: $2 to $5 oorseta at $1 to uncalled for men's suita and overcoat. $3 to $13; pants, $1.25 to $4.
1017 Howard st, at Oth, Next to Methodist church. lor sr. wttU-'M, own mu, cost. 40, sell fir $20. 530 Ashbury afu-r 2 p.
m. DIAMOND pin. handbag (new). 17-juwel adjusted IXMBSR-nW SPECULA 60c bunch: AAA SON. WRECKERS, IRIS Mission near 14th.
TWilem in 0 kinds of second-hand building LAUNCH for Bale, 40x10; imperial engine. 20 h. 4 crcle, 2 cyl, decked, seaworthy; ba gain. Phone Sntter 400 9 to 5. Iiu 141 iW.
Kt. LAUNCH 5 Frisco Stanlard engine; 22:8 xO. 2707 Harrison Alameda. MFG. MACHINES for cycle car.
piano or will sell cheap; 1 W. JR. buttonhole, 1 special binder. It reg. Sinjier heads, tabling transmitters, I tc.
Address Box 27458, S. F. Examiner, Han NEW launch hull 28sS; sell or traile for light suto. 8.7J Hesrst Wet ONE only at thee prices. Sit-slraipht White 00 Smger.
$22.50 rrp. Rntiry New Home, white cabinet, $24.73. IMris portable electric, new, $37.60. White Slnrer and other raale. $17.50 np.
liebuill box top funsters, $3 75 up. Tliese are all giiarantre'i or terms. sheeting. $18 railroad watch, set 4 razors in case tnew). Apt DRILLING- MACHINES.
OIL. GAS AND WATER WELLS Steam and g-wollne nor table entlits; and Sshmg tools: wire and nunila diilling lines; four factories. THE DRILLING MACHINE 625 Market San Francisco. Phone Butter 1213. ELECTRICAL machinery repainted, Iswight, aold, rental.
cxchangM. Western Elec-JricMotor A Beieir 229 Minna. ELEVATOH and motor; mako offer. Apply SERVICE OARAGE. 1.136 Grove st FOR sale 25 and 30 pound rail; 4-whel con-trsctors, frxl4; 4-wheel saddle tank lo-omotive, cars, passenger snd freight, and other locomotives, ell 30-inch gauge, 40-h.
40-h. p. and 53 h-P. Fairbanks Morse hoists, ail kinds mining machinery and iron tanks. EUREKA NEVADA RAILWAY.
Xerada. FOR sale 50-h. 3 -phase Westing-house motor, 20-h. 220-volts, vertical J. notor; 5-h.
110-22O volts inslc-n'iase motor' manv others. Western Electric Motor Repair 229 Minna at Kenrny material, lumber, doors, windows, W. E. basin, BABY chicks (White Leghorns! shipped rsx ap-. proval; no weik ones charravl for.
SCHEI TO LB ATCHFRY. pvi ellville P. Cat BLACK Minorca, aud Lawhorn living Iimis for sale. Wilson. 210 Trumbull.
Mi-ioo car. BUFF CoiCHIN and Lt Bnhma hatching em rt. -In lardin's stock 21st sve. Pactrtc 41)7. CHOICE 8.
C. Black Minorca oskereis, hairing eg, lfl2 (iirard st Car 25. dinieusion lumber, $19; rustic, $23; floo II. HARDY, INC. Channel, near 4th at, San Francisco.
IS04, 4i'4Jl 11s a p. m. DESKS 6 roll top, 4 flat top, 2 'bookkeeper. 4 and 0 ft illing cahinei swivel and ami chairs; aafe aid some partition. (110 McAllister st.
cement trays, siiimues, corrug.uea iron, everything, in bmljing line at lowest irrict's; 14t!) Polk at. W. XL Prospect 22,1. send list and get. estimate; country oraers SINGER" sold on easy )y plan, 6ic used lots a spcialty.
solicited rioad LARGE baby carriage almost new, good cost $30 sell $15. Call 272 Oth at maeliines $5 renurt5 ano repairini. Market at near flth Tel Mark.4 I AA DOLAN WRECKING 2149 14th at. DIAMOND ring solitary, about 3' kt. beautiful iierfect diamond; need money; will sacrifice for '430.
123 Carl st No. 6 car, AA Dogs hoardet, washed, clipped, bought sold. Tel. 2o74. AIREDALE purse for sale cheap; finest ble tireeling.
Ph. Uoyd MacomherfG 4 Fulton. AIREDALE puis for sale: pedigreed, registered. Umdoo 8. nr.
4wi Misnn. 3 pairs left LEVEL, K. A for sale. In use one week. Ownor drifted.
Box 13-503, Bxaminer FOR sale Buff Cochin bantams; 1MD Oth ate. uikiimt, al. Lumber, new ann seeond-nana; I windows, doors, plumbing, pii fittings toilers, baths, sinks, trays, basine, sgal laiiler with benter fur ttatlia or laundry: laigo marble slabs TYPEWRITERS. SALMON and crab boat for sale. 20x0 and 7x0; 6 horse heavy duty Hicks eririne; price $375.
Inquire Charles Zachariaa, 3273 Sacramento at Phone West TO EE "sold "within 0 days-Sciiooner, with engine, 44 ft. long, beam 14. PETERS BN, North end Chestnut st Ph. A'aiueiia 320S. HATCH I NO eg Golden and Mongolian pheaa ant; $2-ttingJ Cth ave, (Continued on b'ctt Page.) tiiimoiiil; cost pMired $110; cannot ro- LINOLEUM.
820 yards or any part; battleship; deem: acll ticket $35. Phone l'ark same as uacd P. 1. I. L.
19J Mission st PUTOl'HONES (2). st" $25 each; 2 steel cabinet LADDERS, stralht," step, "extmaiori treaties, Eiisons, $30 each. 626 Market, MB. KANE. falls; rent or sale.
Factory, 1447 Elite rt ATBEDALK d'g, full bred, 2 litfl'e 'training; ercelieut hunting dog. Box 14530Ex. this week f( tMrgiins. Be sure snd direct all Inquiries to our principal place of business. 3149 E.
14th; teL Merritt 111. iiR sale Underwood typewriter, In excellent oondltion. and a roil fop ofti-e denk and swivel ebiir. Call Berkeley 30O0-W..